9 research outputs found

    Epigrafi Indonesia: Peran, Kedudukan, Dan Pengembangannya

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    Sekali lagi saya menegaskan bahwa epigrafi merupakan ilmu bantu bagi arkeologi dan ilmu sejarah. Dengan mengetahui posisi epigrafi dalam konstelasi bidang kajian yang lain, kita akan tahu dimana kita berpijak untuk kemudian dapat mengembangkan bidang kajian epigrafi ini. Pengembangan kajian epigrafi itu sendiri ternyata cukup cerah. Masih banyak yang dapat kita lakukan untuk meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas penelitian epigrafi.Once again I emphasize that epigraphy is an auxiliary science for archaeology and history. By knowing the position of epigraphy in the constellation of other fields of study, we will know where we stand to then be able to develop this field of epigraphy. The development of the epigraphic study itself turned out to be quite bright. There is still much we can do to increase the quantity and quality of epigraphy research

    Pendekatan Partisipatoris Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Arkeologis Dan Kemungkinan Penerapannya Di Kawasan Arkeologis Gunung Kidul

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    Makalah ini pada dasamya berisi pemaparan alternatif pendekatan baru dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya arkeologis, yaitu pendekatan partisipatoris. Pendekatan ini di masa mendatang diyakini akan lebih sesuai diaplikasikan dan banyak diminati oleh para pengelola sumberdaya arkeologis. Hambatan dan tantangan tentunya akan selalu menghadang, tetapi penulis percaya bahwa rintangan yang ada jauh lebih kecil artinya dibandingkan dengan hasil akhir yang akan didapat, yaitu pelestarian sumberdaya arkeologis sekaligus pemberdayaan masyarakat baik secara kultural, sosial dan ekonomis.Basically, this paper contains an alternative presentation of a new approach in archaeological resource management, namely a participatory approach. In the future, it is believed that this approach will be more suitable to be applied and is in great demand by managers of archaeological resources. Obstacles and challenges will of course always come in your way, but the authors believe that the existing obstacles are much smaller than the final results to be obtained, namely preservation of archaeological resources as well as community empowerment both culturally, socially and economically

    Dari piagam menjadi relik: pergeseran pemaknaan Prasasti yang tersimpan di dalam Pura-pura di kawasan Danau Batur, Bali

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    Villages around Lake Batur, Bangli District, Bali Province have many inscriptions kept in their puras. The inscriptions have been experiencing a transformation of significance which is very different from the original meaning and function of an inscription. This article is meant to reveal the process of transformation of the inscriptions kept in the temples in the vicinity of Lake Batur. Based on the results of field observations and literature studies have been known that there are ancient inscriptions kept in at least five temples in the villages around Lake Batur. The inscriptions contain a very significant historical and socio-cultural data about local history. However, historians and archaeologist are very difficult to access the data. There has been a change of how the community sees the significance of an inscription, shifting from a charter to a very sacred relic. Such changes must be addressed wisely by the researchers and the community as the owner and "keeper" of such inscriptions. The shift of meaning is indeed as a naturally cultural process. It is, however, I expect that the historical data contained in the inscription can still be accessed and used academically to reconstruct the history and community identity in the region


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    The diversity of cultural heritage remains in Pangkalpinang City contains various important information related to identity of the community. These cultural heritages intersect with each other and have historical values that can be a source of local history learning for the people in Pangkalpinang City. The approach to this research use historical education for the community. These local history learning resources can be provided formally through education in schools or non-formally through outreach to the community by utilizing existing Cultural Heritage or the Indonesian Tin Museum

    Jawa tengah sebuah potret warian budaya

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    Buku be rjudul jawa Tc11gail: Selma/1 Potrct W111 isa11 Budaya yang diluncurkan pada saat U lang Tahun Sebelas Windu Purbakala ini dimaksudkan untuk mewadahi keingi nan para pelajar, mahasiswa, pendidik, wisatawan atau masyarukat umum yang telah sering menyampaikan permintaan tersebut daIam berbagai kesempatan

    Perubahan Budaya pada Masa Protosejarah di Pulau Jawa

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    Relief rumah pada candi di Jawa sebuah gambaran rumah Jawa pada abad ix - xvi masehi

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    Nepotisme dalam Pemerintahan Kerajaan Majapahit

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    Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta has the main task to preserve the values of the struggling history of the Indonesian nation. When the world is hiting by the wave of globalization, so the understanding of the values of the struggling history particularly in nationalism is important. Therefore, based on the purpose of the museum establishment by ICOM related with the national education goals, this study is conducted to determine the role of the Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism education and strategy of its development. This research is a descriptive analytic that attempts to describe or interpret the ongoing situation. Data collection is conducted through observation (collection, the exhibition layout, and activities program), distribution of questionnaires to the 100 respondents, interviews and literature study. Furthermore, the data is processed and analyzed based on form, function and meaning. The results of research are: first, Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta has a role as a means of nationalism education, it is proved by the increase of visitor understanding of the values of nationalism through the exhibition in Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta. It means that the existence of Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of education to communicate the values of the struggling history particularly in nationalism can be realized. Second, the development strategy of the role of Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism education are: collecting of collections contained theme of nationalism, adding diorama contained theme of nationalism, increasing the appeal of museum through the activities contained theme of nationalism, nationalism training for the guide, the procurement of books contained theme of nationalism, playing the movie of struggling history, presenting exhibition layout that puts the principles of nationalism and labeling. Thus, the importance of understanding and practice of the nationalism values, especially for the younger generation, the museum should always enhance the role Benteng Vredeburg Museum of Yogyakarta as a means of nationalism education for the survival of Republic Indonesia. It can be done by making a variation of the activity program to attract people to come to the museum, so they will indirectly learn about the values of nationalism. For planning and implementation of activities can be done in cooperation with relevant parties having a similar vision of nationalism education