6 research outputs found

    Design of Decision Support System in Selecting Cement Vehicles Based on Driver Performance, Expeditor Performance, and Waiting Time

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    Current logistics developments affect a process in any company using third party logistics. Third party logistics is a distribution service, warehousing carried out by third parties (outsourcing). Third party logistics in its business practices has been owned by many parties. PT Z is one of the companies engaged in the cement industry which has a lot of cooperation with third party logistics. PT Z has assessed the expeditor partners. The problem that occurs is the problem of each driver and expeditor in the field agreeing to the same. There are some expeditors who have good performance and vice versa. In the midst of tight business third-party logistics resulted in each expeditor competing with each other and providing the best service to his clients. This research makes a decision support system by examining aspects that make the consideration of the selection of drivers and expeditors to be used for the transport of cement in PT Z. The method used in this study is the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) according experts’ opinion in cement industry. Research uses decision support systems based on web information systems as an application method. This research can determine the choice of the driver and expeditor who has the best performance to carry out the cement transportation process at PT Z by considering the driver's waiting time. Drivers who have better results will get greater opportunities (priority) chosen to transport cemen

    Analisa Keandalan Sistem Distribusi Tenaga Listrik 20 kV Dangan Indeks Saifi dan Saidi pada PLN ULP Manahan

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    Electrical energy is needed for all people In this very modern era,. Then it needs to be considered in the electricity distribution service, so that consumers can feel the continuity in the distribution of electricity. An electric power distribution system can be said to be reliable if disturbances and outages occur within a certain period of time below the specified reliability index number. Determine the reliability of the distribution system, it is necessary to calculate the SAIFI index (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) which can be seen from how often (frequency) there is a one-year outage and the SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) which can be seen from how long blackouts for a year. This research takes data at PLN Surakarta UP3 and his research at PLN ULP Manahan using data in 2018. These data according to IEEE standards 1366 - 2003, GDO.2 feeders are categorized as less reliable because the SAIFI value exceeds the standard limit of 1.57 times / customer / year. According to the standards of WCS (World Class Service) & WCC (World Class Company), namely PT. PLN (Persero) the value of SAIDI for GDO.2 feeders is categorized as less reliable because it exceeds the maximum limit with a value of 1.75 hours / time / customer


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    Laporan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Reguler ini merupakan tugas akhir dari pelaksanaan KKN. Laporan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil pengamatan dan pengalaman di Padukuhan Panggul Kulon, Kalurahan Candirejo, Kapanewon Semanu, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan terhitung dari tanggal 30 Januari sampai 1 Maret 2023. Kuliah Kerja Nyata merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan di Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


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    Tourism Industry is one of the biggest industry in the world, especially in Indonesia, tourism has contributed one of the highest earners for the country, but in the third quarter of 2019 the world was faced with a global health threat which results in the lost of tourism income throughout the world due to the regulation and health protocol that were used in order to maintain the worlds stability of health danger, due to the current situation, tourism were highly impacted and hotel industry are one of the most part that were hit hard, that why the purpose of this study is to investigate the mitigation plan readiness of the hospitality industry in Jakarta, focusing on top hotel chains, the readiness. Secondary data collection are used in this research, using desk research from hotel chains latest updated websites in the field of risk management and mitigation plan available. From the research it is found that the Hospitality Industry especially hotels in Indonesia are exposed to crisis, it is becoming increasingly important of having its own mitigation plan and communicating it well to the stakeholders due to the recent pandemic that leads to a lot of loses in the industry, thus not all the hotel chains in Indonesia have communicated their mitigation well to their guest through one of the important communication platform of the hotel which is their official website. In its current iteration, the time was a major limitation and also there is not much research regarding the situation in Indonesia. The study was conducted using secondary data with desk-research method through online data available, which are limited towards the public. Practitioners, researchers and internal stakeholders in the hospitality industry will find the implications of this study useful in the context of the present complex hospitality environment which is fraught with risks. This study is a part of a larger project where the research team is investigating readiness of mitigation plan in the hospitality industry in Indonesia focusing on hotel chainsIndustri Pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri terbesar di dunia, khususnya di Indonesia, pariwisata telah menjadi salah satu penyumbang pendapatan tertinggi bagi negara, namun pada triwulan III-2019, dunia dihadapkan pada ancaman kesehatan global yang mengakibatkan hilangnya pendapatan pariwisata di seluruh dunia karena regulasi dan protokol kesehatan yang digunakan untuk menjaga stabilitas dunia dari bahaya pandemi, karena situasi saat ini, pariwisata sangat terpengaruh dan industri perhotelan adalah salah satu bagian yang paling terpukul, Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesiapan rencana mitigasi industri perhotelan di Jakarta dengan fokus pada grup jaringan hotel teratas tentang kesiapannya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode sekunder dalam penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan desk research dari situs web jaringan hotel terbaru di bagian manajemen risiko dan rencana mitigasi yang tersedia. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Industri Perhotelan khususnya hotel di Indonesia yang terkena krisis, maka dari itu memiliki rencana mitigasi menjadi semakin penting dan mengkomunikasikannya dengan baik kepada para pemangku kepentingan karena pandemi baru-baru ini yang mengakibatkan banyak kerugian di Indonesia. Pada faktanya tidak semua jaringan hotel di Indonesia telah mengkomunikasikan mitigasinya dengan baik kepada tamunya melalui salah satu platform komunikasi penting dari hotel yaitu situs web resmi mereka. Dalam iterasi kali ini, waktu menjadi batasan utama dan juga belum banyak penelitian mengenai situasi di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data sekunder dengan metode desk-research melalui data online yang tersedia terbatas untuk umum. Praktisi, peneliti, dan pemangku kepentingan internal dalam industri perhotelan akan menemukan implikasi dari studi ini berguna dalam konteks lingkungan perhotelan kompleks saat ini yang penuh dengan risiko. Studi ini adalah bagian dari proyek yang lebih besar di mana tim peneliti sedang menyelidiki kesiapan rencana mitigasi dalam industri perhotelan di Indonesia yang berfokus pada rantai hotel