30 research outputs found

    Les relations entre chrétiens orthodoxes et musulmans en Europe du sud-est durant le XIVe et XVe siècle.

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    Le sujet de cette thèse est les relations interreligieuses entre les chrétiens orthodoxes et les musulmans en Europe du Sud-Est durant le XIVe et XVe siècle. La thèse réalise une réinterprétation de l’histoire prisonnière des interprétations idéologiques et religieuses grâce à une méthodologie faisant appel à la démythologisation et à la démythification. Les différents religieux entre le christianisme et l'islam ont servi comme une justification aux conflits politiques et nationaux dans cette région européenne et cela même jusqu’au XXIe siècle. En relisant les grands moments de cette histoire dans diverses régions des Balkans et la thèse s’attarde à des aspects positifs de leurs relations, leur coopération, leur coexistence et c'est qui est le plus important, le dialogue interreligieux avec les représentants de l'Église orthodoxe de Constantinople et de l'Empire byzantin avant et après la chute de Constantinople en 1453. La chute de la capitale byzantine, qui avait l'importance d'un centre ecclésiastique et spirituel de l'Église orthodoxe, est un fait historique qui est devenu le symbole de la conquête ottomane et musulmane en Europe dans les sources et les interprétations. La démythification de cette histoire laisse poindre d’autres lectures possibles des relations qui se sont construites à cette époque, ce qui a un impact sur la situation actuelle de cette région du monde

    Energy prices as significant supply-side shocks: The case of the Former SFRY and Višegrad group member countries

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    The influence of energy prices on macroeconomic stability is analyzed in this paper. Energy prices represent significant supply-side shocks, which have been leading cyclical fluctuation triggers through economic history. The analysis includes the countries that were the members of the former SFRY, as well as the countries the members of the Višegrad Group. The indicators under observation are presented for the EU27 for the purposes of comparison. In accordance with economic theory, the main conclusion of the paper is that supply-side shocks can be a significant source of cyclical fluctuations and an inflation trigger. Therefore, policymakers have a complex task to minimize the effects of these shocks. Nowadays, when energy prices are reaching historically high levels, the scientific contribution of supply-side shocks can be found in the deep analysis and well-grounded estimations of the role of those shocks in the preservation of macroeconomic stability and the economic policy measures necessary for the minimization of their negative effects


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    Environmental noise is an unavoidable phenomenon in urban environments. Even though efforts are continuously being made to reduce exposure to environmental noise, it still presents a problem, mostly due to rapid development of urbanization and transportation. Road, railway, and aircraft traffic are the main contributors to the overall environmental noise load. The ever-decreasing quiet zones in urban areas impact the health and well-being of urban population. Excessive exposure to noise can potentially cause a number of physical or psychological health effects, such as sleep disturbance, restricted communication, annoyance, cognitive impairment, and stress. The cardiovascular system can also be affected by prolonged exposure to traffic noise. Nevertheless, the precise impact of environmental noise has to be determined through risk assessment

    One modification of fuzzy TOPSIS method

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present one modification of the fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and to develop a corresponding computer program which could be used for the multicriteria decision making for problems in practice. Design/methodology/approach This method is based on the uncertainties and probabilities of input data for ratings of alternatives with respect to criteria and weights of criteria that are presented by triangular fuzzy numbers as probabilistic fuzzy values. These input data are transformed in the procedure into output data that are relevant for the ranking of alternatives and decision making. Findings The proposed method is based on the generalized mean and spread of fuzzy numbers that are calculated according to probability of fuzzy events due to Zadeh. Ranking of alternatives for relevant criteria performs according to relative expected closeness, coefficient of variation and relative standard deviation of distance of alternatives to the ideal solutions. The most acceptable rule is related to the minimal value of the expected relative distance to positive ideal solution, especially when the coefficient of variation of distance to this solution is small. The attached example, related to a real project, confirms these findings. Originality/value This paper proposes three novel contributions in this area. Unlike the methods proposed by other authors, the weighted fuzzy decision matrix is expressed by the matrix of generalized expected values and matrix of generalized variances. To compute elements of these two matrices, exact formulae are derived and then the modified fuzzy TOPSIS procedure is carried out

    Les relations entre chrétiens orthodoxes et musulmans en Europe du sud-est durant le XIVe et XVe siècle.

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    Le sujet de cette thèse est les relations interreligieuses entre les chrétiens orthodoxes et les musulmans en Europe du Sud-Est durant le XIVe et XVe siècle. La thèse réalise une réinterprétation de l’histoire prisonnière des interprétations idéologiques et religieuses grâce à une méthodologie faisant appel à la démythologisation et à la démythification. Les différents religieux entre le christianisme et l'islam ont servi comme une justification aux conflits politiques et nationaux dans cette région européenne et cela même jusqu’au XXIe siècle. En relisant les grands moments de cette histoire dans diverses régions des Balkans et la thèse s’attarde à des aspects positifs de leurs relations, leur coopération, leur coexistence et c'est qui est le plus important, le dialogue interreligieux avec les représentants de l'Église orthodoxe de Constantinople et de l'Empire byzantin avant et après la chute de Constantinople en 1453. La chute de la capitale byzantine, qui avait l'importance d'un centre ecclésiastique et spirituel de l'Église orthodoxe, est un fait historique qui est devenu le symbole de la conquête ottomane et musulmane en Europe dans les sources et les interprétations. La démythification de cette histoire laisse poindre d’autres lectures possibles des relations qui se sont construites à cette époque, ce qui a un impact sur la situation actuelle de cette région du monde

    Macroeconomic Movements, Political Factors and Importance of the Institutions

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    This paper examines the relation between macroeconomic conditions, policy making and political instability. Policymakers can stimulate aggregate demand prior to the elections in order to improve their chances to be reelected. Political instability induces macroeconomic instability, specially by policymakers′ „opportunistic“ and „partisan“ motivation in condacting economic policy. Politicians choose „opportunistic“ policies to remain in office. They are more informed about their own competence than the citizens are. As a result, politicians can manipulate by the economic policy. On the other hand, we can assume that different parties have different economic goals. Left-wing parties are more concerned about unemployment, and the right-wing parties are more concerned with inflation relative to growth and unemployment. In such conditions, institutions have important role in reducing political influence on the policy making. High level of independence of the central bank is the important element of the institutional climate needed for macroeconomic stability

    The Correlation between Harmonica Indices and Noise Indicators

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    Environmental Noise Directive requires the use of common noise indicators in member countries of the European Union as physical quantities that describe the environment noise created by different sources of noise. The END noise indicators are expressed in decibel unit which is logarithmic in nature, and usually complicated to explain and relatively far-removed from perception of people. Two French organizations suggested a new environmental noise index called Harmonica index based on measurement data obtained by noise monitoring and take into account both the overall environmental noise load and noise peaks from sudden noise events. In order to determine adequacy of Harmonica indices and relationship between the Harmonica indices and the END noise indicators, the correlation analysis was carried out and the correlation coefficient was determined for different combination of the Harmonica indices and the END noise indicators. The results of the correlation analysis on the sample of noise monitoring data in the city of Niš are presented in this paper after overview the END noise indicators and Harmonica index

    Sound intensity as a function of sound insulation partition

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    In the modern engineering practice, the sound insulation of the partitions is the synthesis of the theory and of the experience acquired in the procedure of the field and of the laboratory measurement. The science and research public treat the sound insulation in the context of the emission and propagation of the acoustic energy in the media with the different acoustics impedance. In this paper, starting from the essence of physical concept of the intensity as the energy vector, the authors get down to defining the sound insulation, influential parameter and real partition oscillations