7 research outputs found

    Gagasan Membangun Lembaga Keuangan Partisipasif Pada Ekonomi Kerakyatan Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) Dalam Menghadapi Kapitalisme

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    Di bawah dominasi kapitalisme, kerusakan ekonomi terjadi di mana-mana. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, perekonomian dunia tengah memasuki suatu fase yang sangat tidak stabil dan masa depan yang sama sekali tidak menentu.Alur sederhana kapitalisme yang dianut oleh Indonesia dapat dilihat ketika perusahaan melakukan ekspansi dan eksploitasi, maka di balik layar selalu ada dukungan investasi dari lembaga-lembaga keuanganDiperlukan lembaga keuangan alternatif untuk memutus kapitalistik semacam ini, karena yang juga terkena dampak dari adanya sistem ekonomi kapital adalah masyarakat ekonomi menengah ke bawah, sedangkan cita-cita kemakmuran perekonomian dalam konstitusi adalah untuk seluruh lapisan masyarakat.Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) disebut juga dengan Balai-usaha Mandiri Terpadu. Dalam suatu lembaga BMT terdapat dua manajemen keuangan di dalamnya, yakni baitul maal dan baitul tamwil.Perkembangan BMT di Indonesia cukup pesat dari tahun ke tahun.  Lembaga keuangan mikro mempunyai peran signifikan dalam pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat melalui berbagai pembiayaan mikronya.Kata Kunci: Kapitalisme, Baitul Maal, Lembaga Keuanga

    Philosophy to Strengthen Baitul Maal wat Tamwil Law in Indonesia

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    Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) is a non bank financial institution that operates based on sharia principles. As an alternative financial institution, BMT can support the acceleration of national economic growth, but BMT was established and developed with a gradual process of legal legality. BMT status is determined by the number of assets owned, the BMT has a different legal status according to the stages of the number of assets, and is subject to various and partial laws in accordance with the stage of legal status. The purpose of writing is to explain the philosophical basis of the need for legal entities and the formulation of legal norms of BMT as a legal strengthening of populist economic institutions in Indonesia. This type of legal research is normative legal research on legal principles and legal systematics. Based on the discussion it was concluded that the philosophical basis of the need for legal entities and the formulation of legal norms regarding BMT in Indonesia as a legal strengthening is for legal certainty so that can provide recognition, protection, and facilities for the development and benefits of BMTs for micro and small entrepreneurs who do not receive financing services from bank financial institution

    Konsep Badan Hukum Perhimpunan Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) Sebagai Penguatan Hukum Ekonomi Kerakyatan

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    Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) was established and developed with a gradual process of legal legality, namely BMT in which its legal entity was not yet known, BMT that had not had a legal entity, and BMT that had a diverse legal entity. This writing aimed at analyzing the concept of legal strengthening of BMT in Indonesia. This type of legal research was normative legal research on legal principles and legal systematics. Based on the discussion, it was concluded that BMT could be a legal entity because it had fulfilled the requirements requested by legislation, namely the general rule of Article 1653 of the Civil Code which stated that in addition to genuine civil fellowship, the law also recognized assembly of people as legal entity, both held or recognized by the government, or the assembly was accepted as permitted, or had been established for a specific purpose that was not contrary to law or good morality. Juridical considerations for BMT institutions were legal legality for every sharia economic activity and the variety and partial legal norms of BMT

    Legal Awareness and Community Legal Compliance

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    Legal awareness is related to lawful compliance, the thing that recognizes it is that in lawful compliance there's a fear of sanctions. Legitimate mindfulness that there are no sanctions, could be a definition from the lawful community with respect to the appraisal, which has been carried out deductively, the values contained in humans around the existing law or around the law that's anticipated to exist. The inquire about goes up against individuals based on instrumental and standardizing points of view. This investigate strategy is standardizing lawful inquire about, specifically lawful investigate conducted by investigating library materials. Based on the examination that has been done, it can be concluded that open legitimate mindfulness influences legitimate compliance either straightforwardly or by implication. In created social orders, the calculate of legitimate mindfulness contains a coordinate impact on community legitimate compliance. In conventional social orders, open lawful mindfulness has an circuitous impact on lawful compliance. They comply the law not since of their coordinate conviction that the law is sweet, but since they are inquired, indeed implemented by their pioneers, or since of devout orders or convictions

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Pengetahuan Tradisional Di Indonesia

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    Traditional knowledge is part of society that is passed down from generation to generation and needs to be protected by law. There is potential for economic benefits resulting from the use of traditional knowledge by developed countries through biopiracy or misappropriation. This article aims to examine the legal protection for people who possess traditional knowledge from acts of biopiracy or misappropriation under the Patent Law (UU Patent). The research method in writing is normative research with a statutory approach. The results of the study reveal that the legal protection of traditional knowledge is regulated in Article 26 of Law no. 13 of 2016 concerning Patents, namely if the invention relates to and/or originates from genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge, it must clearly and correctly state the origin of the genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge in the description. This is done so that genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge are not recognized by other countries and in order to support Access Benefit Sharing (ABS). The distribution of results and/or access to the use of genetic resources and/or traditional knowledge is carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations and international agreements in the field of genetic resources and traditional knowledge.Keywords: Benefit Sharing; Patent; Traditional Knowledg