12 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTAcne vulgaris is a disease associated with sebaceous follicle. It starts appearing after the onset of puberty and can extend up to 40-50 years of age. Asfar as the pathogenesis of acne is concerned, it is not fully understood up till now. Treatment of acne is very frustrating and involves an understandingof etiopathological factors. This review focuses on various factors accountable, pathogenesis, and therapy of acne.Keywords: Acne, Skin diseases, Acne therapy, Propionibacterium acnes, Acne vulgaris


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    AbstractAcne is the most common disorder of skin. Approximately 85 % of all adolescents suffer from acne and 30% of them used pharmaceutical however remaining population rely on traditional medicine for cure of acne. In present study an attempt has been taken to investigate the in vitro anti‑acne activity of acetone extract of root of Plumbago indica. The antiacne activity was investigated against two acne causing bacteria, i.e., Propionibacterium acne and Staphylococcus epidermidis and yeast Malassezia furfur by well diffusion method.  The result showed that drugs was active against all microorganism. The Minimum inhibitory concentration of the P. indica root extract against test P. Acne, S. Epidermidis and M.furfur was found to be 600µg/ml, 200 µg/ml and 300µg/ml respectively. However the extract acts in dose dependent manner against causative microorganism.Result suggests that P.indica has potential activity against acne causing microorganism and hence this can be used in topical anti‑acne preparations.Key words: Plumbago indica, Acne, Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Malassezia furfur, Skin disorder


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    AbstractThe use of medicament without concerning registered medical practitioner (RMP) is increasing day by day. Unawareness about safe and rational use of medicine may lead to serious consequences which is difficult to overcome. The adverse consequences of such practices should always be emphasized to the community and steps to curb it. Rampant irrational use of antibiotics without medical guidance may result in greater probability of inappropriate, incorrect, or undue therapy, missed diagnosis, delays in appropriate treatment, pathogen resistance and increased morbidity.  The present review deals the reason, hazards, and prevention of potential risk associated with self medication.Keywords:  Self-medication, Antibiotic resistance, Self car


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    ObjectiveDevelopment of quality standards of Guazuma tomentosa leafMethodsPharmacognostic and physicochemical evaluation of leaf of Guazuma tomentosa is carried out to establish its macroscopic and microscopic characters and its quantitative physicochemical standards. Total ash, water soluble ash, acid insoluble ash, swelling index, extractive value (ethyl acetate, dichloromethne, alcohol and water soluble extractive value both hot and cold) were determined for physicochemical evaluations. Preliminary phytochemical screening was done to detect the presence and absence of phytoconstituents. Thin layer chromatography was carried out which play important role in assuring quality of crude drug. Catechin content of leaf was determined using HPLC.  ResultsThe drug can be identified on the basis of morphology and microscopic characters. Phytochemical screening revealed that leaf extract contain alkaloids, carbohydrate, phytosterol, resin, flavanoids, tannins, diterpenes and protein. TLC chromatogram and different phsicochemical standard has been deleloped.ConclusionThe present study on pharmacognostic standardisation, physicochemical evaluation of Guazuma tomentosa leaf might be useful to supplement information in regard to its identification parameters assumed significantly in the way of acceptibility of herbal drugs in present scenario.Key wordsGuazuma tomentosa, Standardisation, Microscopy, TLC, Pundraaksh


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    ObjectiveTo evaluate the anti  obesity effect of extract of Convolvulus pluricaulis in mice feed withcafeteria diet   MethodsObesity was induced in mice by feeding them a  daily for fourty one days in addition to normaldiet. Body weight and food intake was measured initially and then every week thereafter.On day fourty onefourty one serum biochemical parameter were measured and animal were sacrificedusing overdose of ether. The liver kidney fourty one heart and spleen were removed and weighedimmediately.Results may leads to obesity in mice however standard Sibutramine. Treatment with extractsof Convolvulus pluricaulis caused changes in the blood parameter including decease levelsof total cholesterol  TC fourty one low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL C and TG but increasedhigh density lipoprotein cholesterolConclusionMethanolic extract of Convolvulus pluricaulis is a potential source of anti  obesityphytomedicine.Keywords  Antiobesityfourty one Convolvulus pluricaulisfourty one Shankhpushpifourty one Obesityfourty one Phytomedicine.   Â


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    Objective: In this study, an attempt was made to generate information based on, physicochemical parameter preliminary phytochemical screening and HPTLC data needed for proper identification and authentication of Balamula Churna. Methods: The physicochemical parameters such as water-soluble extractive, alcohol soluble extractive and loss on drying at 105 °C, total ash and acid insoluble ash were determined according to standard methods. HPTLC studies were conducted and Rf values were documented. Results: Physicochemical parameter value were documented as pH (6.81%), LOD (7.5%), water-soluble extractive value (6.32%), alcohol soluble extractive value (5.92%) total Ash (9.00%) and Acid Insoluble Ash (1.60%). Preliminary phytochemical screening reveals the presence of glycoside, alkaloid, carbohydrate, phenol, flavonoid and saponin. HPTLC screening showed the presence of significant phytoconstituents with Rf value 0.02, 0.27, 0.34 and 0.96. Conclusion: All the results obtained from this study can be helpful in evaluation quality, detection of adulteration and substitution and emphasizing the importance of standardization

    Development and standardisation of Laghu Sudarshan Churna – An Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation

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    106-112Laghu Sudarshan Churna, LSC is an Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation employed for different types of jvaras (fevers). The present study was undertaken to prepare its standardised formulation and to standardise the finished product using quality control procedures mentioned in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API). For this, four batches of the finished products were prepared on a laboratory scale and performed the pharmacognostical parameters (macroscopic, microscopic and powder drug analysis); thin layer chromatography; quantitative physicochemical evaluation including loss on drying, total ash, acid-insoluble ash, alcohol & water soluble extractive values, and pH; & measuring the level of aflatoxins, microbial load, heavy metals and pesticide residues of the finished product. This study is the foremost effort to develop the standardised formulation along with the evaluation parameters for LSC. Thus, obtained results would be beneficial and will act as the reference for the standardisation of LSC

    The Recent Advancements in Field of Medicinal Plant Research With special reference to Acne Therapy

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    Acne is an exclusive disease associated with skin occurs when sebaceous glands attain special conditions at face, chest and back in the pre pubertal child. This disease occurs in both male and female, there is no preference among them but the course is more severe in males. Though, there are several treatment methods to treat acne, no particular medication claims a satisfactory and complete remedy. A wide range of synthetic therapeutic agents have also been reported to treat acne but have severe adverse effect. Medicinal plants by virtue of their safe nature and easy availability may lend themselves as potential anti-acne therapy. The present review deals with the proven medicinal plants to treat acne

    Pharmacognostic and Preliminary Phytochemical Evaluation of Leaf of Syzygium Cumini (L.) Skeels

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    Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels (Family: Myricaceae) commonly known as Jamun is a widely used medicinal plant in Ayurveda. In spite of its numerous medicinal attributes, no published work is available on pharmacognostic characterization, physicochemical analysis of its leaves. The measures taken for pharmacognostic characterization were macroscopy, microscopy, powder microscopy, physicochemical evaluation, fluorescence analysis, and preliminary phytochemical screening. The microscopic evaluation showed useful characters for the recognition of leaf of Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels . Transverse section, showed presence of single layer of wavy epidermal cells with striated cuticle single layer Palisade beneath upper epidermis in lamina region (contains compact elongated cells), Spheraphide in lamina region, collenchyma below the upper epidermis and above the lower epidermis in midrib region, Xylem and phloem in center, Sclerenchyma in between vascular bundle and collenchyma in midrib region. Wavy epidermal cell in the upper epidermis, anisocytic stomata in the lower epidermis, Bordered pitted reticulate vessels, Calcium oxalate crystal sheath in the lamina, fragment of fibers and Spiral vessels were observed in powder microscopy. Physicochemical studies showed total ash (3.1%), acid insoluble ash (0.7%), alcohol soluble extractive values (10.96 %), and water-soluble extractive values (12.32 %). Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of sugar, lipid, Glycoside, saponins, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, tri-terpenoids and steroids. The study forms the first report on pharmacognostic characters and a physicochemical parameter which could be useful for identification and authentication of the plant

    Development of quality control parameters for classical ayurvedic formulation: Vyoshadi Churna

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    Introduction: Ayurvedic formulations have a long history of use and have increased amazingly to follow the global interest in natural products. However, for many classical ayurvedic formulations, no quality parameters of standardization are available. Vyoshadi Churna, a classical Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation that cures indigestion and diarrhea, is being used since ancient times. However, there is no standard method available for its formulation and evaluation. Hence, the current study aims to develop the quality standards for Vyoshadi churna. Methods: The standard procedures for preparation and standardization of Churna described in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) were used in the present study. Standardization includes pharmacognostical, chromatographic, and physico-chemical studies. The other essential studies were also done in accordance to API and World Health Organization guidelines to find the limits of microbial load, aflatoxin, heavy metals, and pesticide residue using modern analytical techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (MS) and inductively coupled plasma-MS/MS. Results: Vyoshadi Churna is of brown color and bitter in taste. Pharmacognostical studies have shown the characteristic features of almost each contributory crude drug. A unique chemical profile was also developed using toluene: ethyl acetate: methanol: formic acid (4:4:1:0.5) as the mobile phase to resolve maximum components. Furthermore, the standardized limits for the physicochemical studies, microbial load, heavy metals, aflatoxins, and pesticide residues were established and found in limits. Conclusion: This is for the first time when the standard operating procedure of Vyoshadi Churna was developed. Hence, the current technical work would be practically helpful for the future preparation and standardization study of Vyoshadi Churna