220 research outputs found

    Perubahan Politik Oleh Faktor Agama

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    The Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 was a unique process of political changes in all over the world. The autocratic state led by the Pahlavi dynasty was transformed into a state that made religious values as the basis of state administration. Thus, this writing will discuss about the chronology of Islamic revolution started since Reza Pahlavi era up to the establishment of an Islamic state. By using descriptive analysis, to deepen the political changes, the writer will use the component of political system in political changes context by Huntington, furthermore, the criteria of political developments by Almond and Powell --- The political system component in Iran did not support the continued maintenance of the Pahlavi dynasty regime. It can be clearly seen there was no such a thing like political developments but the collapse of the regime.Keywords: The revolution in Iran, political changes, religionRevolusi Islam di Iran pada 1979, merupakan sebuah proses Perubahan politik yang unik di dunia. Negara otokratik yang dipimpin oleh dinasti Pahlavi mengalami Perubahan menjadi negara yang menjadikan nilai agama sebagai dasar penyelenggaraan negara. Tulisan ini akan membahas revolusi Islam secara kronologis dimulai dari sejak berkuasanya Reza Pahlavi sampai dengan pembentukan negara Islam. Dengan menggunakan deskriptif analisis, sementara, untuk mendalami Perubahan politik akan digunakan komponen sistem politik dalam konteks Perubahan politik seperti yang diajukan Huntington, serta, kriteria perkembangan politik yang diajukan oleh Almond dan Powell --- lewat itu akan tampak dengan jelas, ternyata, komponen dalam sistem politik di Iran tidak tidak mendukung tetap terjaganya keberlangsungan rezim dinasti Pahlavi. Hal tersebut tampak dengan jelas, tidak terjadinya perkembangan politik menuju sistem yang lebih baik, telah mendorong kepada kejatuhan rezim

    Desain Dan Implementasi Augmented Reality Berbasis Web Pada Aplikasi Furniture Shopping Manager Sebagai Alat Bantu Belanja Online

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    Dalam penulisan jurnal ini akan dibahas mengenai pengembangan aplikasi Furniture Shopping Manager (FSM) sebagai suatu alat bantu yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh para pemilik situs atau toko furniture secara online dalam menjual produknya. FSM dirancang sebagai sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang terintegrasi ke dalam suatu situs belanja online dengan fitur-fitur yang diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman yang baru, unik dan menarik dalam kegiatan belanja furniture online. Aplikasi FSM dikembangkan dengan mengimplementasikan beberapa komponen teknologi utama yaitu Augmented Reality (AR), engine 3D ke dalam aplikasi. Keseluruhan komponen tersebut dirancang agar dapat menghadirkan suasana belanja yang menarik di hadapan user secara digital. Dengan demikian user dapat mencoba apakah furniture yang di beli cocok dengan ruangan. Dengan menggunakan FSM, user dapat mencoba model 3D furniture, memilih model furniture hingga mengambil foto ruangannya dengan hasil visualisasi model furniture 3D yang disukai untuk selanjutnya dapat disimpan

    Mitigation of Land Degradation at Juana Watershed, Central Java

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    Land degradation became more and more widespread, especially in areas with a dense population and dependence on agriculture is high enough. Land degradation can be approximated by the susceptibility of land to erosion. This study aims to identify existing land degradation in the Juana watershed, Central Java. The method used is the analysis of the typology of the watershed. This method is based on the interaction between landforms and land cover. The results showed that the degradation of land in the watershed very heavy scattered in the upstream areas in the territory of the Kudus and Pati regency. While severe land degradation are also scattered in Kudus, Pati, and Blora regency. Almost all of these degraded areas are used for dry land farming. By knowing the rate of spread of land degradation, the authority having jurisdiction in this district offices on issues related to land degradation can plan the actions necessary to resolve or mitigate land degradation in each region so that a major disaster will not happen or the impact can be minimized

    Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Prolapsus Uteri Di Rsup Dr. Kariadi Semarang

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    Background: Uterine prolapse is a form of pelvic organ prolapse and ranks the second most common after cystourethrocele. The prevalence of pelvic organ prolapse is 41-50% in women aged over 40 years old and will increase in line with life expectancy increase. Although uterine prolapse rarely cause mortality and severe morbidity, but it can affect women\u27s quality of life. Prolapse etiology has not known certainly, but there are several factors that are considered as the cause.Objective: To determine the incidence of uterine prolapse, uterine prolapse patient characteristics and factors related to the incidence of uterine prolapse in Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang.Methods: An analytic observational study with cross-sectional design used medical records of uterine prolapse patients in Dr. Kariadi Hospital, during the years 2013 to 2014. Sampling was done by consecutive sampling and 56 medical records of uterine prolapse patients who met the inclusion criteria were obtained. Descriptive analysis was shown in the form of frequency and percentage distribution table, while the analytic analysis used Chi-square test and logistic regression.Results: There were 56 cases of uterine prolapse during the years 2013 to 2014. Most uterine prolapse patients aged over 50 years old (80.4%), multiparous (82.1%), post-menopausal (83.9%) and BMI < 25 kg/m2 (51.8%). Based on Chi-square test, there was a significant association between parity, age and menopause with uterine prolapse incidence (p = 0.000) however there was no significant association between BMI with uterine prolapse incidence (p = 0.643). The final result using multivariate logistic regression analysis found that age was the most influential factor on the incidence of uterine prolapse (p = 0.000) and OR = 102.5 (10.3-1020.058, CI 95%).Conclusions: There was association between parity, age and menopause with uterine prolapse incidence and age was the factors most associated with uterine prolapse incidence

    Pengukuran Tinggi Permukaan Air Berbasis Gelombang Ultrasonik Menggunakan Kalman Filter

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    Dalam perambatannya pada suatu medium, gelombang ultrasonik merupakan gelombang yang mudah terkena gangguan, baik gangguan internal maupun eksternal. Pengaplikasian gelombang ultrasonik untuk mengukur tinggi permukaan air sudah banyak ditemukan, namun hasilnya akan berbeda sekali apabila diaplikasikan pada air yang tidak tenang. Dibutuhkan suatu pemfilteran yang mampu menghilangkan gangguan yang terdapat didalamnya. Kalman filter merupakan suatu metode yang menjelaskan cara perhitungan (pengulangan) yang efisien untuk mengestimasi keadaan suatu proses, yang dapat memperkecil squared error. Kata kunci : Tinggi permukaan air, gelombang ultrasonik, gangguan, kalman filte

    Penggunaan Resin Epoksi Untuk Pegangan Alat-alat Dapur

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    Application of epoxy resin to make the kitchen tolls holder was investigated. Optimum compound of kitchen tools holder was reached for compound which it consist of epoxy resin : 100 parts, hardener 100 parts, carbon black 50 parts. Applied test in hot water show that the kitchen tools holder from research is better than the kitchen tools holder from markets. INTISARI Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang penggunaan resin epoksi untuk pegangan alat-alat dapur. Formula kompon pegangan alat dapur yang optimum dicapai untuk kompon yang berisi resin epoksi 100 bagian, hardener 100 bagian, dan carbon black 50 bagian. Hasil uji pemakaian dalam air panas menunjukkan bahwa pegangan alat-alat dapur hasil penelitian lebih baik dibandingkan pegangan alat-alat dapur yang ada di pasaran

    Tipologi Daerah Aliran Sungai untuk Mitigasi Bencana Banjir di Daerah Aliran Sungai Musi

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    The cause of flood problems could be identified from problems that happened in the catchment area as flood water discharge and flooded or inundation area. The objective of this study is to identify the degree of flood vulnerability, both flood water discharge and flooded area, as a basis of flood mitigation at the Musi Watershed. Method applied on this study is the watershed typology formula developed by Watershed Management Technology Centre (WMTC) for identifying flood vulnerability based on land system, land cover, and maximum daily rainfall. Degree of flood vulnerability is differentiated into five categories. Musi Watershed was divided into 14 sub watersheds and each sub watershed is identified its degree of vulnerability on flood water discharge and area of flooded area. Based on these values the rank of sub watershed to its degree of degradation could be generated. The result showed that Komering and Deras Sub Watersheds were vulnerable to flood due to their nature. Ogan and Upper Musi Sub watersheds were the source of flood due to different caused by high rainfall, while Upper Musi was generated by high land vulnerable. The mitigation program in the flood prone area is complicated since Deras Sub Watershed was the accumulation of many downstream sub watersheds. Mitigation program in the discharge area could be done in Upper Musi Sub Watershed, since it has the highest vulnerability. Upper Musi is also the upstream of Deras Sub Watershed

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Preferensi Konsumen yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Sayuran Organik (Studi Kasus : Pelanggan Super Indo Semarang)

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    As lifestyle changes, increased knowledge and income as well as public awareness of safer organic foods resulting increased demand especially for vegetables. Currently, many Indonesia's modern retailers are marketing organic vegetables causing competition between organic vegetable companies becomes tighter. The company has an important role in attracting consumer preference to purchase organic vegetables by using consumer preference factors.The purpose of the research is to know what factors make up the consumer preference and its effect to the decision of purchasing organic vegetables.The research method is quantitative research with explanatory research type. Data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, exploratory factor analysis, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, multiple linear regression analysis, F test, and t test.The result of the research shows consumer preference factors that influence purchase decision are physical product quality factor, pricing, and promotion. While the store's safety and comfortable, the appropriateness of the price, the location of the store, the availability, and the price information has no effect on purchasing decisions of organic vegetables.This research suggests the companies to set organic vegetables marketing strategy based on consumer preferences, as well as a contribution of thought to enrich existing research in Indonesia

    Analisis Banjir Cimanuk Hulu 2016 (Upper Cimanuk Flood Analysis of 2016)

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    The causes of floods can vary, but they are rarely caused by only one factor. The purpose of this research is to find the cause of flood that hit Garut City on 20 September 2016. The method used is flood water supply analysis and flooded area analysis which is developed by WMTC Solo. The results showed that the water supply in the Upper Cimanuk watershed was very high due to high rainfall the day before (110 to 255 mm /day), high antecedent soil moisture (35 to 44 mm), very vurnerable (52%) land condition on Upper Cimanuk watershed due to land use that was not in accordance with its ability and forest area which only 17.9% of the watershed area. Based on the analysis of flooded areas, which was flat area around the river were identified as prone areas to flood such as Garut, South Tarogong and Cilawu. The flood potential in the Upper Cimanuk watershed can be reduced by changing the land use pattern on the very sloping land from vegetable farming to agroforestry, reforestation, and applying soil conservation practices. For flooded areas the reduction of flooding can be conducted by increasing the drainage channel, building infiltration wells and dykes along the river and managing the riparian