42 research outputs found

    Algoritma Pathfinding A* Pada Game RPG Tanaman Higienis

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    Penggunaan pestisida kimia pada produkpertanian berakibat buruk terhadap kesehatan manusiadan menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satusolusinya adalah dengan cara membuat media sosialisasipengenalan pertanian higienis kepada masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuahproduk game tiga dimensi sebagai upaya untukmenyampaikan informasi mengenai konsep pertanianhigienis. Dalam game RPG diperlukan suatu penerapansuatu algoritma pathfinding sebagai implementasipenghalang pada game tanaman higienis.Model perancangan yang digunakan adalah modelprosedural, merupakan model penelitian yang bersifatdeskriptif, yang menggariskan langkah-langkah yangharus di ikuti untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi literaturmengenai algoritma pathfinding A* dan game komputer,serta identifikasi target audiens dan produk kompetitor.Tahap ujicoba pada penerapan algoritma A* inidilakukan dengan 2 pola yaitu uji coba internal dan ujicoba eksternal.Berdasarkan hasil ujicoba yang telah dilakukanterhadap algoritma A* dalam game higienis dapatdisimpulkan algoritma A* dapat diimplementasikandengan perancangan game tanaman organis terutamapada pergerakan penghalang.Kata Kunci: perancangan, algoritma A*, gam

    Pemodelan 3 Dimensi Notasi Laban dengan Direct Kinematic dan Matrik Transformasi

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    In the field of dance specially education of dance art, so far, the use of Laban notation as a writing media of work is still not many. This because there are variety of kinds and forms of Laban notation. This research aims  to create a system  that  is capable  to represent Laban notation  in  3  dimension  model  based  on  human  being  ergonomics  movement  angle. Although  the documentation of dance work  is available, but during  reimplementation,  the result  obtained  is  not  the  same  as  the  actual    dance. This  because,  the writing  of  dance work  is    still  in manual,  so  it  is   unknown whether  the notation  that had been made  is  in conformity with  the actual dance work.   Based on  the mentioned above,  in  the  end many choreography  either  in  Indonesia  or  in  the  world  are  not  documented  by  using  Laban notation, but with video media or picture. This Research is done by, in the  input system, is in the form of data conversion of Laban notation. The next process  is the process of  code  transfer  transformation. This process  is done by  joining  each part of    conversion data based on  key  frame animation parameter. After  that,  is  the  movement  data  transfer  process,    this  is  done  by  transferring  transformation  code  to  get movement  data  that  is  contain of  rotation  or movement  data. The next is  matrix movement process based on 3 dimension dot matrix movement data with direct  kinematics  and  key  frame  animation  parameter  with  reference  to  the    amount  of  formed frame based on knocking time that is transferred to become the amount of frame at the forming model of dance animation movement for 3 dimension model

    Design of Short Film “Si Tintin” and Effectiveness in Delivering Messages Regarding the COVID-19 Health Protocol

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    Like in every part of the world, COVID-19 was the main issue in Indonesia during 2020. The main problem in the community is that they consider the COVID-19 pandemic to be an ordinary situation, resulting in a lack of awareness. This study aimed to produce a short film about COVID-19 and find out its effectiveness in delivering messages regarding the implementation of the COVID-19 health protocol. The research protocol consists of two stages. The first is the pre-research stage, which discusses the use of title themes, and the second is the research stage, which discusses content for design objects. The study produced two short films that discuss two things that are part of the preventive measures, such as the usage of masks and hand sanitizers. Both films represent a group of people who often experience disinformation due to low literacy rate. Keywords: Coronavirus, COVID-19, short movie, “Si Tintin

    Personal Learning Services and Immersive Learning in Art Design to Enhance Indonesian Education

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    Indonesia was one of the countries that successfully survived the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has provided good lessons, especially in the education sector, and ithas provided new ways of overcoming problems in education, especially in art and design. In this paper, I will share experiences related to Personal Learning Services based on gamification and the implementation of immersive learning based on Augmented Reality, which was developed at the Department of Art and Design at theState University of Malang in Indonesia. This research was developed for primary education students in Indonesia, especially in Malang City, East Java. The contribution forthis article was as follows: 1) developed some research to solve the learning problem impact of COVID-19; 2) with the software, media, and game specialization group in the art design department conducted several studies in the form of Personal Learning Services and immersive learning. In the discussion of Personal Learning Services based on gamification, the study aims to improve the quality of children’s characters by displaying background designs in several main locations in Malang. This research includes several minigames that attempt to increase children’s discipline, routine, and consistency. Related to implementing immersive learning based on Augmented Reality, is research to introduce characters in wayang panji to children. This study develops Augmented Reality technology without markers to make it easier for users to learn without fear of losing the marker, which has been a problem in AR. This research, acccording to the survey with the statistical tests result shows that it is a feasible solution to apply to the learning process. Keywords: learning media, personal learning services, gamification, immersive learning, augmented realit

    Ideology Behind Malay Gravestone Artifacts

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    This research considers gravestone artifacts in the environment of Malay cultural communities. The use of gravestones as cemetery markers is proof that the user communities have been subject to acculturation. The use of gravestones by Malays is a legacy of Middle East culture. Gravestones are often used in a certain way to indicate the religion of the deceased. Moslems’ gravestones are usually inscribed with Arabic calligraphy. Malay gravestone artifacts are decorated with flora carvings, geometric ornaments, and Arabic calligraphy. Most of them are now stored at National Museum of North Sumatera Province, Malaysian National Museum, and library archive at Indonesian National Library. This article uses qualitative descriptions that involve collecting data concerning artifacts through interview, observation and literature studies. Data analysis is conducted using John Fiske’s Semiotic Theory, which explains visual artifacts through social codes at the levels of reality, representation and ideology. After reviewing gravestone artifacts in the Malay community environments, this study identified a relationship between social aspects and spirituality. If the deceased is a poor person, the gravestone will be simple. When the deceased is a member of the nobility, a successful trader, or a government official, the gravestone can be ornate. Therefore, gravestones have various manifestations when considered with regards to their origins, shapes, and cultural ideologies. Keywords: gravestone, cemetery, Malay culture, ideolog

    Pengenalan Karakter Plat Kendaraan Bermotor Berbasis Citra dengan Menggunakan Metode Canny dan Algoritma Backpropagation

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    Transportation is important needs in daily life. However, there are so many problems in transportation system in our country. The one is public transportation. To overcome it, the government implement KIR. But this KIR has several weakness. One of them is manual data. As cosequnces, human error in listing can came out as the process goes on. Pattern recognition can be used to implement automatic number plate identification in this system. One of the method is canny filter. Canny filter is uses to obtain a good image in the character image acquisition. Characters based with 12X7 pixels are be converted into binary as input for Multi Layer Perceptron with 3 layers node number of each node 84, 50, 36. Artificial neural network is trained with back propagation algorithm with a learning rate parameter 0.3 and momentum 0.9. The training process will be terminated when the iteration reaches a maximum value of 10,000 or MSE (Mean Square Error) 0.0001. Recognition rate for numeral character is 100%, however recognition rate for letter character is little bit worser, 86,87%. So overall performance is 94,29% for the whole characters

    The Design of Bali Island Tourism Animation As a Media for Promotion of Tourism

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    The tourist animation created for Bali Island is one of the promotional media used by the tourism sector. This animation presents information on various tourist attractions in Bali. In this case, it was supported by previous research by Niko Kurniawan with the theme of 3D Ergonomic patterns, and supported by Andy Pramono’s article themed 3D Animation using keyframe parameters. This animation visualization process is based on the source of the video that was made before, namely Bali Island Infographics by Afif CR. The process of making this tourist animation includes 3 stages, namely pre-production, production and post-production. While the design model used is a descriptive procedural model, which outlines the steps that must be taken to produce the product. This design produces 2 characters and 8 3-dimensional properties along with a combination of 2-dimensional animation that is harmonized into an animated video unit with a duration of 3 minutes 20 seconds. Keywords: animation, 3-dimension, touris

    Augmented Reality Character Topeng Malang Dewi as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Student Learning Media

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    The preservation of the cultural and artistic heritage of our ancestors is important for us to persevere as a species. The purpose of this research was to introduce Indonesian culture, especially Topeng Malang, to the Indonesian society, particularly the teenagers, using 3D character media, implemented through augmented reality. The study followed the development research method of Borg WR and Gall MD. 3D characters were designed using the low poly subdivision surface technique, with a minimum number of poly but maintaining the detail of the character. Based on the results of the data analysis, the following essential points were obtained: (1) The character design of the Topeng Malang adopted the figures of Dewi Sekartaji and Dewi Walangwati. (2) The character design of the Topeng Malang character represented the posture, nature, and characteristics of the style. The result of this design was the implementation of 3-dimensional masks and character transformation in augmented reality media. Based on the results and the questionnaires used by the author to gather users’ knowledge of the character shape of the augmented reality media of the mask, 49.3% of the responses were found to be very good and 46.4% good. These results certainly add to the positive values of utilizing the 3D character media as a medium to introduce Wayang Topeng Malangan. Keywords: Topeng Malang, 3D character mode

    Developing Digital Storytelling of Wayang Topeng Malang As Platform for Cultural Literacy for Students

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    Digital storytelling has been a popular part of education used as a medium for telling stories. A digital storytelling platform can facilitate the development of collaborative stories. If the storytelling process is facilitated properly, it will lead to the creation of stories that enhance the relationship between the players. Wayang Topeng is one of the traditional performing arts in Indonesia that needs to be told digitally so that students become more interested in and understand the stories about Wayang Topeng Malang. This is an R&D research that has used the modified Borg and Gall concept. Data were collected through observation, interviews and documents. The result of this study was the development of a digital introduction of the characters of Wayang Topeng Malang in the form of 2D animation. The digital storytelling application was uploaded on YouTube, making the content accessible to everyone. Keywords: digital storytelling, Wayang Topen

    Curriculum Management and Graduate Outcomes in the Animation Game Study Program

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    The Animation Study Program is part of the Art and Design degree from the Faculty of Letters State University of Malan. It is designed to offer guidance to professional beginners in the animation world and applied media, allowing graduates to apply for roles such as a 2D/3D Animator,Character Designer, beginner Developer in Animation Industry, Game Designer/Multimedia, beginner Developer of Game Industry, Game Asset Designer. The graduates from Animation program study gain particular expertise in 3D animation games and using Indonesian local culture. The course also emphasizes education-based animation games in global context and insteal entrepreneurship for the graduates. The goal of this study is to analyze the curriculum and graduate achievement in the animation game study program. This research used a qualitative study case with a descriptive approach. Documentation and interviews were used to collect data. The analysis of data used a descriptive approach. Results of the study show that the curriculum used in Animation Game program is designed based on the graduates in diploma D1, D2, D3, and D4. They are in D1 (Asset Game Operator), D2 (Young Asset Game Designer), D3 (Young Game Designer), and D4 (Senior Game Designer). Meanwhile, the animation field is divided into D1 (Asset Animation Operator), D2 (2D/3D Young Animator), D3 (2D/3D Senior Animator), and D4 (2D/3D Lead Animator). Keywords: Curriculum, Graduates Outcome, Animation Gam