24 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai produktivitas proses produksi guna meningkatkan dan mempertahan PT XYZ, yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan yangbergerak pada bidang produksi dan perdangan aneka produk penyerap kelembaban udara seperti gel silika dan desikan (penyerap kelembaban dalam storage box atau container), dalam persaingan industri. Hal ini perlu dilakukan sebab adanya kekurangan jumlah produksi dibandingkan dengan target produksi yang sudah direncanakan. Hal ini apabila tidak diperbaiki akan memberikan dampak negatif bagi perusahaan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada proses produksi desikan. Untuk dapat mengetaahui nilai produktivitas, dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode OMAX serta fishbone diagram untuk analisis penyebab yang memperngaruhi produktivitas proses produksi desikan. Metode OMAX atau Objective Matrix merupakan merupakan salah satu metode pengukuran produktivitas yang mampu menggabungkan beberapa nilai performansi dari berbagai indikator kinerja atau kriteria menjadi satu nilai performansi tunggal. Dengan kriteria tenaga kerja, bahan baku, target produksi, jam kerja dan absensi tenaga kerja. Didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai produktivitas PT XYZ masih rendah dengan nilai skor 0 sampai 5 berjumlah 43 kriteria dan skor 6 sampai 10 berjumlah 17 kriteria. Dengan kriteria skor terendah yaitu bahan baku dengan jumlah 31. Berdasarkan analisis fishbone diagram, diketahui bahwa PT XYZ belum memiliki standar kualitas serta standar penyimpanan yang baik. Sehingga dapat disarankan untuk dapat melakukan pembuatan standarisasi penanggan dan penyimpanan bahan baku. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan proses produktivitas proses produksi desikan pada PT XYZ


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    Manufacturing companies engaged in the system of making orders are now starting to develop with increasingly diverse needs, and the business of making agricultural and food processing machinery is no exception. UD. rekayasa Wangdi W produced the machine processing manufacturing companies engaged in the make to order system are now starting to develop rapidly along with increasingly diverse needs, and the business of making agricultural and food product processing machines is no exception. UD. Wangdi W Engineering is a Make To Order (MTO) manufacturer of processing machines which currently does not consider resource capacity and order due to date as a reference for receiving orders. Even though accepting all orders does not necessarily provide maximum benefits. To help solve these problems, a decision support system design for planning the acceptance of customer orders is carried out. The system is designed using a mathematical model that was developed and modified in linear programming. The model developed has an objective function of maximizing profits from orders received and applied in the system built. The system is designed and the Mathematical Model is processed using the branch and bound method. Based on experimentation with historical data, the results obtained are only 4 slicer and 10 spinner units with a maximum profit of Rp53,115,530.00 and order completion that does not exceed the due date. Order acceptance information is displayed in tabular form and machine scheduling information is displayed in Gantt chart formatManufacturing companies engaged in the system of making orders are now starting to develop with increasingly diverse needs, and the business of making agricultural and food processing machinery is no exception. UD. rekayasa Wangdi W produced the machine processing manufacturing companies engaged in the make to order system are now starting to develop rapidly along with increasingly diverse needs, and the business of making agricultural and food product processing machines is no exception. UD. Wangdi W Engineering is a Make To Order (MTO) manufacturer of processing machines which currently does not consider resource capacity and order due to date as a reference for receiving orders. Even though accepting all orders does not necessarily provide maximum benefits. To help solve these problems, a decision support system design for planning the acceptance of customer orders is carried out. The system is designed using a mathematical model that was developed and modified in linear programming. The model developed has an objective function of maximizing profits from orders received and applied in the system built. The system is designed and the Mathematical Model is processed using the branch and bound method. Based on experimentation with historical data, the results obtained are only 4 slicer and 10 spinner units with a maximum profit of Rp53,115,530.00 and order completion that does not exceed the due date. Order acceptance information is displayed in tabular form and machine scheduling information is displayed in Gantt chart forma

    Analisis dan Peningkatan Kinerja Mesin Bubut Menggunakan Failure Mode Effects Criticality Analysis di Bengkel XYZ

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    Bengkel XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memperbaiki produk komponen. Bengkel XYZ sering menghadapi masalah downtime sehingga aktivitas produksi menjadi terhambat dan menyebabkan tertundanya pengiriman pesanan konsumen. Perhitungan Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) menunjukan terdapat mesin bubut  yang memiliki nilai OEE dibawah 85%, yang berarti kinerjanya belum baik berdasarkan standard yang ditetapkan oleh Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM), yaitu pada mesin bubut IK, mesin bubut IIS, dan mesin bubut IIIS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penyebab dan dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh mesin bubut yang memiliki kinerja belum baik menggunakan failure mode effect and criticality analysis (FMECA). Hasil analisis identifikasi FMECA menunjukkan: (1) pada mesin bubut IK potential failure modes terdapat 1 kategori tolerable dan 8 kategori unacceptable memiliki critical priority tertinggi, yaitu ketidak-presisian pada chuck dengan nilai RPN sebesar 900, (2) pada mesin bubut IIS potential failure modes terdapat 1 kategori tolerable dan 7 kategori unacceptable memiliki critical priority tertinggi yaitu kerusakan pada main bearing dan kerusakan pada gearbox dengan nilai RPN a sebesar 900, (3) pada mesin bubut IIIS potential failure modes terdapat 2 kategori tolerable dan 9 kategori unacceptable dengan critical priority tertinggi, yaitu kerusakan pada internal dinamo motor memiliki nilai RPN 900. Perbaikan yang dilakukan Bengkel XYZ adalah dengan membuat perencanaan perawatan mesin bubut, standar kebersihan mesin, tanggung jawab bagi operator, dan pelatihan bagi operator serta untuk mempertahankan kondisi mesin agar tetap terkontrol dapat melakukan daily checklist untuk memeriksa keadaan mesi

    Struktur Rumah Sederhana Ramah Gempa Untuk Meminimalisir Kerusakan dan Korban Jiwa

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    Residential buildings built are mostly non-structural buildings that add the greatest amount of damage. Problems that occur namely, reduced public awareness in terms of earthquake disaster management which is included in the construction of residential buildings in accordance with waterproof standards for educational education activities or providing assistance to the community about how to process and how to make houses that have earthquake resistant structures. The expected outcome is that the Brani village community is increasingly aware of the dangers posed by the earthquake and is understood to make earthquake resistant structures at home, Making knowledge for Brani villagers as material for repairs and overhauling the structure of residential buildings in order to avoid the dangers posed by earthquake. There are two methods used, namely community education and surveys. Community education through material, and discussion about science and technology materials. Lectures are used to provide knowledge about earthquake hazards and how to create earthquake-friendly residential structures. Evaluation and validation are done by questions and answers and discussion of respondents' answers. The number of respondents who participated in this activity amounted to 32 people from various backgrounds, Brani villagers have a high awareness of the quality of residential buildings, as evidenced by the results of a positive response to the construction of housing in accordance with the regulations. Although the cost of building earthquake-friendly houses is 30% greater than ordinary houses, the community is enthusiastic and accepts the adoption of earthquake-friendly simple residential technology


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    Pemasaran produk di era teknologi yang berkembang pesat ini menjadikan hilangnya batas ruang dan waktu antara penjual dan pembeli untuk saling bertransaksi. Peluang mendapatkan pangsa pasar yang besar menjadi sama antara orang yang tinggal di kota besar dengan yang tinggal di desa terpencil sekalipun. Ini merupakan kesempatan besar dalam mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat desa dengan memberdayakan semua potensi sumber daya dari setiap daerahnya masing-masing. Kabupaten Purbalingga merupakan kabupaten ke-empat dengan tingkat kemiskinan terendah di Jawa Tengah di mana Jawa Tengah sendiri merupakan provinsi dengan tingkat kemiskinan terendah ke-dua di pulau Jawa. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pemberdayaan secara terstruktur dalam memanfaatkan peluang dari pesatnya perkembangan teknologi yang bisa dilakukan oleh masyarakat perdesaan. Sebagai langkah awal dalam menangkap peluang tersebut, tim pengabdi melaksanakan kegiatan kemasyarakatan berupa pelatihan dan pendampingan bagi pelaku UMKM di lingkungan RT 8/4 Desa Sidakangen Kecamatan Kalimanah Kabupaten Purbalingga untuk mengenalkan metode penjualan barang dan jasa melalui e-commerce sebagai upaya menggali potensi usaha dengan menggunakan 2 platform e-commerce yaitu shopee untuk penjualan barang dan fiverr untuk penjualan jasa. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah  peserta pelatihan baik pelaku UMKM maupun masyarakat umum bertambah wawasannya mengenai penjualan barang dan jasa di marketplace, dapat melakukan riset terhadap demand sebuah barang/jasa, dan mendaftarkan diri sebagai penjual di e-commerce

    Implementasi Pengendalian Kualitas pada Proses Pengeringan Teh Hitam (Orthodox) Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma (DMAIC) (Studi Kasus : PT. XY)

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    Proses pengeringan merupakan salah satu Critical Control Point (CCP) yang terdapat dalam rangkaian proses produksi teh hitam (Orthodox). Kurang maksimalnya proses pengeringan teh hitam dapat menyebabkan kualitas bubuk kering yang tidak sesuai dengan standar. Permasalahan yang ditemukan pada proses pengeringan PT. XY adalah ditemukannya bubuk teh yang mengalami penyimpangan yang harus di rework karena kadar air yang terkandung tidak memenuhi standar perusahaan (3 - 4%). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai sigma yang terdapat pada proses pengeringan dan faktor penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan pada bubuk teh hasil pengeringan serta menentukan alternatif solusi yang diprioritaskan untuk mengatasi penyebab penyimpangan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja pada proses pengeringan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Six Sigma (DMAIC), sedangkan metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis prioritas perbaikan adalah Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pengeringan teh hitam memiliki level sigma sebesar 4,29 sigma dengan kemungkinan kerusakan sebanyak 2.608 sampel dalam satu juta produksi. Penyebab terjadinya penyimpangan pada proses pengeringan terletak pada faktor manusia, material dan mesin. Prioritas rekomendasi perbaikan dilakukan secara berurutan dimulai dari failure mode dengan nilai RPN tertinggi (336) hingga failure mode dengan nilai RPN terendah (80) sehingga kinerja pada proses pengeringan dapat meningkat


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    PT. XYZ is a company engaged in wood processing. The product produced is plywood according to customer demand. After observing the production floor, several problems were found, namely that there was unused equipment in the work area. This equipment is equipment that is damaged or is not used. Besides, the cleanliness of the production floor is also poorly maintained where there is still dirt and dust. This study aims to identify problems related to waste on the production floor and design and propose the 5S method to create an effective work environment. The method used in this study uses the 5S concept approach (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). 5S assessment is carried out using the audit checklist and evaluation checklist. The audit checklist and evaluation checklist are filled out by an auditor who knows clearly how the actual conditions on the production floor are. Data were collected in five work areas, namely rotary, press dryer, repair, assembling, and packing. The results of this study can be concluded that 1) problems on the production floor of PT XYZ include: there is no written procedure for elimination, there is no label on the work area, there is no regular cleaning, employees do not understand 5s, there are no procedures and 5s standards, there is no audit regarding 5s, there is no visual management system and standard procedures regarding 5s, lots of garbage scattered, dirty work surfaces and difficult to clean, everyone is not involved in 5s activities; 2) The results of the 5S assessment before improvement were 37.78% in the bad category. After planning the implementation of the improvement, the score rose to 80% in the good categoryPT. XYZ is a company engaged in wood processing. The product produced is plywood according to customer demand. After observing the production floor, several problems were found, namely that there was unused equipment in the work area. This equipment is equipment that is damaged or is not used. Besides, the cleanliness of the production floor is also poorly maintained where there is still dirt and dust. This study aims to identify problems related to waste on the production floor and design and propose the 5S method to create an effective work environment. The method used in this study uses the 5S concept approach (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke). 5S assessment is carried out using the audit checklist and evaluation checklist. The audit checklist and evaluation checklist are filled out by an auditor who knows clearly how the actual conditions on the production floor are. Data were collected in five work areas, namely rotary, press dryer, repair, assembling, and packing. The results of this study can be concluded that 1) problems on the production floor of PT XYZ include: there is no written procedure for elimination, there is no label on the work area, there is no regular cleaning, employees do not understand 5s, there are no procedures and 5s standards, there is no audit regarding 5s, there is no visual management system and standard procedures regarding 5s, lots of garbage scattered, dirty work surfaces and difficult to clean, everyone is not involved in 5s activities; 2) The results of the 5S assessment before improvement were 37.78% in the bad category. After planning the implementation of the improvement, the score rose to 80% in the good categor

    PENERAPAN METODE KLASIFIKASI ABC DAN 5S PADA GUDANG TOOLS PT. MESIN ISUZU INDONESIA: Penerapan Metode Klasifikasi ABC dan 5S Pada Gudang Tools PT. Mesin Isuzu Indonesia

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    PT.Mesin Isuzu Indonesia manufacturing industry engaged in the automotive sector which produces machinery for Isuzu products as well as several other car parts. The warehouse is a very vital place for every company, the optimal warehouse layout will support the company's production process in meeting production targets because makes it easy to get things. The potential for tool changes can not be avoided and can occur at any time, the search process for the old tool will increase maintenance time so that it is feared that the target wil not be met. This means that the layout of the tool shed must be made optimal so that when engine maintenance occurs the search process for the tool does not take much time. ABC Classification is a method for grouping based on 3 types: fast, medium, and slow. The results of this research are the layout of tools on a shelf based on ABC classification and 5S principlesPT.Mesin Isuzu Indonesia manufacturing industry engaged in the automotive sector which produces machinery for Isuzu products as well as several other car parts. The warehouse is a very vital place for every company, the optimal warehouse layout will support the company's production process in meeting production targets because makes it easy to get things. The potential for tool changes can not be avoided and can occur at any time, the search process for the old tool will increase maintenance time so that it is feared that the target wil not be met. This means that the layout of the tool shed must be made optimal so that when engine maintenance occurs the search process for the tool does not take much time. ABC Classification is a method for grouping based on 3 types: fast, medium, and slow. The results of this research are the layout of tools on a shelf based on ABC classification and 5S principle


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    The gallon water pump used to meet household needs, in general, is a manual pump, with an affordable price, this pump is excellent. However, the use of manual pumps is considered ineffective for water intake in gallons, so development innovation is needed for a more effective design. The purpose of this research is to design a centrifugal electric pump that is designed to facilitate the collection of water in gallons on a scale of household needs. The researcher used the Kano method to design the pump, this method was chosen so that user satisfaction is guaranteed. To get the level of product satisfaction, by distributing questionnaires to 44 respondents with 10 attributes. Analysis to determine the level of satisfaction of centrifugal electric pump products using the End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method. The level of satisfaction of centrifugal electric pump products designed with the Kano method states that most of the attributes are in an Attractive condition, meaning that the customer wants the centrifugal electric pump product to be produced immediately. With the proposed design based on human anthropometry, it is expected to be able to increase customer satisfaction.The gallon water pump used to meet household needs, in general, is a manual pump, with an affordable price, this pump is excellent. However, the use of manual pumps is considered ineffective for water intake in gallons, so development innovation is needed for a more effective design. The purpose of this research is to design a centrifugal electric pump that is designed to facilitate the collection of water in gallons on a scale of household needs. The researcher used the Kano method to design the pump, this method was chosen so that user satisfaction is guaranteed. To get the level of product satisfaction, by distributing questionnaires to 44 respondents with 10 attributes. Analysis to determine the level of satisfaction of centrifugal electric pump products using the End-User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) method. The level of satisfaction of centrifugal electric pump products designed with the Kano method states that most of the attributes are in an Attractive condition, meaning that the customer wants the centrifugal electric pump product to be produced immediately. With the proposed design based on human anthropometry, it is expected to be able to increase customer satisfaction