1,462 research outputs found

    Approximate Analytical Solution of Advection-Dispersion Equation By Means of OHAM.

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    This work deals with the analytical solution of advection dispersion equation arising in solute transport along unsteady groundwater flow in finite aquifer. A time dependent input source concentration is considered at the origin of the aquifer and it is assumed that the concentration gradient is zero at the other end of the aquifer. The optimal homotopy analysis method (OHAM) is used to obtain numerical and graphical representation

    Long-term Modulation of Cosmic Ray Intensity in Statistical Relation with Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flare Index Parameters

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    We have studied statistically correlative analysis of long-term modulation of cosmic ray intensity (CRI) with coronal mass ejections and solar flare index for the period of 1997 to 2010 (23rd and 24th solar cycle). Inverse correlation has been found between solar activity parameters cosmic ray intensity (CRI), coronal mass ejections, solar flare index. Negative correlation with correlation coefficient -0.83 has been found between cosmic ray intensity and coronal mass ejections. Negative correlation with correlation coefficient -0.70 has been found between cosmic ray intensity and solar flare index number. Keywords: Cosmic Ray Intensity, Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Flare Index

    Calculation of Thermal Conductivities of Two Binary Gas Mixtures

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    Unexpected deviation from diene behaviour of uracil amidine: Towards synthesis of some pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives

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    Condensation products obtained from the treatment of uracil amidine with preformed or in situ generated suitably substituted olefins unexpectedly undergo intramolecular cyclisation during silica gel chromatography to generate pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidines. Various reaction conditions arestudiedandthealterednatureoftheuracilamidinemoleculeisfurtherexploredbyreactingitwithdifferentsuitably substituted alkene


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    Spatio-temporal crop phenological information helps in understanding trends in food supply, planning of seed/fertilizer inputs, etc. in a region. Rice is one of the major food sources for many regions of the world especially in monsoon Asia and accounts for more than 11 % of the global cropland. Accurate, on-time and early information on spatial distribution of rice would be useful for stakeholders (cultivators, fertilizer/pesticide manufacturers and agriculture extension agencies) to effectively plan supply of inputs, market activities. Also, government agencies can plan and formulate policies regarding food security. Conventional methods involves manual surveying for developing spatio-temporal crop datasets while remote sensing satellite observations provide cost effective alternatives with better spatial extent and temporal frequency. Remote sensing is one of the effective technologies to map the areal extent of the crops using optical as well as microwave/Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) sensors. Cloud cover is the major problem faced in using the optical datasets during monsoon (June to Sept. locally called Kharif season). Hence, Sentinel-1 C-band (center frequency: 5.405 GHz) RADAR sensor launched by European Space Agency (ESA) which has an Interferometric Wide-swath mode (IW) with dual polarization (VV and VH) has been used for rice area mapping. Limited studies have attempted to establish operational early season rice area mapping to facilitate local governance, agri-input management and crop growers. The key contribution of this work is towards operational near real time and early season rice area mapping using multi-temporal SAR data on GEE platform. The study has been carried out in four districts viz., Guntur, Krishna, East Godavari andWest Godavari from Andhra Pradesh (AP), India during the period of Kharif 2017. The study region is also called as coastal AP where rice transplanting during the Kharif season is carried out during mid Jun. till Aug. and harvesting during Oct. to mid Dec. months. The training data for various classes viz, Rice, NonRice-Agriculture, Waterbodies, Settlements, Forest and Aquaculture have been obtained from GEE, Global Land Cover (GLC) layers developed by ESA and field observations. We have evaluated the performance of Random Forest (RF) classifier by varying the number of trees and incrementally adding the SAR images for model training. Initially the model has been trained considering two images available from mid June 2017. Further, various models have been trained by adding one consecutive image till end of August 2017 and classification performance has been evaluated on validation dataset. The classified output has been further masked with agriculture non-agriculture layer derived from global land-cover layer obtained from ESA. Analysis shows that incremental addition of temporal observations improves the performance of the classifier. The overall classification accuracy ranges between 78.11 to 87.00 %. We have found that RF classifier with 30 trees trained on six images available from mid June till end August performed better with classification accuracy of 87.00 %. However, accuracy assessment performed using independent stratified random sampling approach showed the classification accuracy of 84.45 %. An attempt is being made to follow the proposed approach for current (i.e. 2018) season and provide incremental rice area estimates in near real-time

    Termoreverzibilni mukoadhezivni in situ hidrogel za oftalmičku primjenu: dizajniranje i optimizacija koristeći kombinaciju polimera

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    The purpose of the study was to develop an optimized thermoreversible in situ gelling ophthalmic drug delivery system based on Pluronic F 127, containing moxifloxacin hydrochloride as a model drug. A 32 full factorial design was employed with two polymers Pluronic F 68 and Gelrite as independent variables used in combination with Pluronic F 127. Gelation temperature, gel strength, bioadhesion force, viscosity and in vitro drug release after 1 and 10 h were selected as dependent variables. Pluronic F 68 loading with Pluronic F 127 was found to have a significant effect on gelation temperature of the formulation and to be of importance for gel formation at temperatures 3336 ºC. Gelrite loading showed a positive effect on bioadhesion force and gel strength and was also found helpful in controling the release rate of the drug. The quadratic mathematical model developed is applicable to predicting formulations with desired gelation temperature, gel strength, bioadhesion force and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je razvoj i optimizacija termoreverzibilnog sustava za isporuku lijekova koji gelira in situ. Sustav je napravljen na bazi Pluronic F 127, a sadrži moksifloksacin hidroklorid kao modelni lijek. U radu je primjenjeno 32 potpuno faktorijsko dizajniranje s dva polimera, Pluronic F 68 i Gelrite kao nezavisnim varijablama koji su kombinirani s Pluronic F 127. Kao zavisne varijable odabrane su temperatura geliranja, čvrstoća gela, jačina bioadhezije, viskoznost i in vitro oslobađanje lijeka nakon 1 i 10 h. Pronađeno je da Pluronic F 68 u kombinaciji s Pluronic F 127 ima značajan učinak na temperaturu geliranja u rasponu od 33 do 36 C. S druge strane, Gelrite ima povoljan učinak na jačinu bioadhezije, čvrstoću gela i oslobađanje lijeka. Razvijen je kvadratni matematički model pomoću kojeg se može predvidjeti temperatura geliranja, čvrstoća gela, jačina bioadhezije i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    Molybdate toxicity in Chinese cabbage is not the direct consequence of changes in sulphur metabolism

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    In polluted areas, plants may be exposed to supra-optimal levels of the micronutrient molybdenum. The physiological basis of molybdenum phytotoxicity is poorly understood. Plants take up molybdenum as molybdate, which is a structural analogue of sulphate. Therefore, it is presumed that elevated molybdate concentrations may hamper the uptake and subsequent metabolism of sulphate, which may induce sulphur deficiency. In the current research, Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis) seedlings were exposed to 50, 100, 150 and 200 lM Na2MoO4 for 9 days. Leaf chlorosis and a decreased plant growth occurred at concentrations ≥100 lM. Root growth was more affected than shoot growth. At ≥100 lM Na2MoO4, the sulphate uptake rate and capacity were increased, although only when expressed on a root fresh weight basis. When expressed on a whole plant fresh weight basis, which corrects for the impact of molybdate on the shoot-to-root ratio, the sulphate uptake rate and capacity remained unaffected. Molybdate concentrations ≥100 lM altered the mineral nutrient composition of plant tissues, although the levels of sulphur metabolites (sulphate, water-soluble non-protein thiols and total sulphur) were not altered. Moreover, the levels of nitrogen metabolites (nitrate, amino acids, proteins and total nitrogen), which are generally strongly affected by sulphate deprivation, were not affected. The root water-soluble non-protein thiol content was increased, and the tissue nitrate levels decreased, only at 200 lM Na2MoO4. Evidently, molybdenum toxicity in Chinese cabbage was not due to the direct interference of molybdate with the uptake and subsequent metabolism of sulphate