1,449 research outputs found

    Approximate Analytical Solution of Advection-Dispersion Equation By Means of OHAM.

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    This work deals with the analytical solution of advection dispersion equation arising in solute transport along unsteady groundwater flow in finite aquifer. A time dependent input source concentration is considered at the origin of the aquifer and it is assumed that the concentration gradient is zero at the other end of the aquifer. The optimal homotopy analysis method (OHAM) is used to obtain numerical and graphical representation

    Analytic Analysis for Oil Recovery During Cocurrent Imbibition in Inclined Homogeneous Porous Medium

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of cocurrent imbibition phenomenon which occurs during secondary oil recovery process.In cocurrent imbibition, a strongly wetting phase(water) displaces a non-wetting phase(oil) spontaneously under the influence of capillary forces such that the oil moves in the same direction to the water. We use an optimal homotopy analysis method to derive an approximate analytical expression for saturation of water when the viscosity of the non-wetting phase is non-negligible

    Biosynthesis of vitamins and enzymes in fermented foods by lactic acid bacteria and related genera - A promising approach

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are widely employed in food fermentation processes for the biosynthesis of certain important products or metabolites. Fermented food provides plenty of vital nutrients and bioactive components that affect a number of functions of human body in a positive way. Fermented milks can be made more functional by incorporating probiotic strains and furthermore, if they are capable of synthesizing essential biomolecules such as vitamins, enzymes, exopolysaccharides, bacteriocins or bioactive peptides serve into the functional and technological properties of the products. Current paper reviews recent advances associated with biosynthesis of vitamins and enzymes by virtue of LAB and related genera. The outcomes of several studies indicate promising applications at commercial level; however adequate selection of strain is vital to increase the concentration and bioavailability of such biomolecules in fermented foods

    A Review on Multi Approaches for Impurity Isolation and its Characterization

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    International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) has formulated different guideline regarding the control of impurities. In this review,  the impurity sources, classification, isolation, detection and characterization methods are described. The some impurities are unavoidable and will be present in trace amounts hence ICH guidelines frame the different policies and establish the specification limits, isolation and characterization is necessary for evaluation and control of impurities. The other regulatory bodies and drug development authorities look up to these guidelines for launching a quality drug into the market. Validation of analytical process for impurity identification is performed to establish the impurity profile of any drug substance. Hence the major focus of this review article is on isolation and characterization of impurities using various technics, sources and classifications, establishment of impurity profile and analytical approaches to establish its profile. We also could apply the QbD to providing statistical documentary evidences. Keywords: Impurity profile, Impurities isolation methods, chromatographic separation, Impurity Characterization, ICH, QbD

    Plant diversity assessment of selected forest sites of Gaya district of Bihar, India

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    Regular inventorization and monitoring of biodiversity is paramount for its conservation and sustainable utilization.  Gaya district of the Bihar is endowed with rich biodiversity. For proper understanding of plant diversity, quantitative status of the vegetation is essentially required. The aim of the study was to assess different forest sites of the Gaya district of Bihar in India for their plant diversity. Study was carried out in these randomly selected eleven forest sites (Site I to Site XI). A total of 174 species belonging to 150 genera and58 families(48 Dicotyledons, 7 monocotyledons and 3 pteridophytes) were reported from all eleven study sites.  Five largest families in the area were  Poaceae (22 spp.), Fabaceae (14 spp.), Asteraceae (11 spp.), Rubiaceae (9 spp.) and Acanthaceae (7 spp). Different diversity attributes such as Important Value Index (IVI ), Species richness, Shannon Wiener index, Concentration  of dominance and Evenness for tree, shrub and herb layers  were estimated. For different sites highest IVI values for tree, shrubby and herbaceous layers were reported.Shannon wiener Index values for tree, shrubby and herbaceous layer of Nagobar site were estimated3.376, 1.986 and 2.350 respectively. Tree diversity was highest at Nagobar site whereas shrub and herb diversity was also reasonably better than most of the sites. Hence, it was revealed from the study that Nagobar site was most diverse site in the Gaya district. Study will be immense use for officials of forest department, researcher, students etc. for carrying out conservation and management work. Similar kind of study should be carried out in different forest sites of the country to get capture the status of the plant diversity for conservation and sustainable utilization.

    An analytical study of abnormal uterine bleeding in women of child bearing age group

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    Background: AUB (abnormal uterine bleeding) is defined as any variation from the normal menstrual cycle including alteration in its frequency, regularity of menses, duration of flow and amount of blood loss. In India, the reported prevalence of AUB is 17.9%. It can occur any time between menarche to menopause. A good clinician tries to recognize and identify the causative factors responsible for the disease, reverse the abnormality and induce or restore the cyclic predictable menses which should have normal volume and duration.Methods: 200 cases of AUB fitting the selection criteria were taken from OPD and gynecology ward between September 2020 to June 2021.Results: AUB was more common in the age group 41-45 years, that is, perimenopausal age group, more in multiparous women and women with previous surgeries on uterus and adnexa. Heavy menstrual bleeding was the most common complaint. Endometrial hyperplasia was the most common finding on ultrasound examination. Medical therapy was beneficial in some patients, rest had to undergo surgical intervention later.Conclusions: Transvaginal sonography is very accurate in assessing the endometrium as well as uterus and adnexa and diagnosing their abnormalities. Medical therapy is the first line of management in most cases. Dilatation and curettage should be used along with hysteroscopy for better results. LNG-IUS gives very good result in suitable cases. Hysterectomy is the final measure if everything else fails. Vaginal hysterectomy is preferred wherever possible

    Bio-functional properties and storage study of ‘Chubitchi’- a fermented rice beverage of Garo Hills, Meghalaya

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    In this study, an ethnic fermented rice beverage- ‘Chubitchi’ from Garo Hills region of Meghalaya was closely monitored and was improvised with well characterised Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces strains to develop a product similar to it under laboratory conditions. A comparative analysis between the traditionally made and laboratory made rice beverage was made to assess their storage period and bio-functional properties till 40 days. During the organoleptic evaluation based on the scores of all sensory attributes, the laboratory made rice beverage were acceptable till day 30 and the traditionally made rice beverage was acceptable till day 20. A decrease in pH and increase in acidity (%) with increase in fermentation time was observed for both rice beverage types. An initial rise in ethanol percentage was also witnessed with increase in fermentation time till day 20 for both the rice beverage types. The ACE inhibitory activity of laboratory prepared Chubitchi increased from 22.64% at day 0 to 86.87% at day 20 followed by a reduction at day 30 (68.04%).  The antioxidative activity was maximum at day 0 (95.18%) followed by a decrease at day 10 (81.59%). The laboratory prepared Chubitchi showed rapid reduction in the polyphenol content and high antimicrobial activity against major test organisms during the storage study. The results show longer storage period and higher ACE-inhibition, antioxidative, total phenol reduction and antimicrobial activity of the laboratory prepared Chubitchi against the traditional made. This study could further provide the rural tribes of Garo Hills with well-defined novel starter cultures as well as optimized procedure for rice beverage development with numerous health benefits

    Bio-functional properties and storage study of ‘Chubitchi’- a fermented rice beverage of Garo Hills, Meghalaya

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    498-511In this study, an ethnic fermented rice beverage- ‘Chubitchi’ from Garo Hills region of Meghalaya was closely ¬¬¬-monitored and was improvised with well characterised Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces strains to develop a product similar to it under laboratory conditions. A comparative analysis between the traditionally made and laboratory-made rice beverage was made to assess their storage period and bio-functional properties up to 40 days. During the organoleptic evaluation based on the scores of all sensory attributes, the laboratory-made rice beverage was acceptable till day 30 and the traditionally made rice beverage was acceptable till day 20. A decrease in pH and increase in acidity (%) with increase in fermentation time was observed for both rice beverage types. An initial rise in ethanol percentage was also witnessed with increase in fermentation time till day 20 for both the rice beverage types. The ACE inhibitory property of laboratory-made Chubitchi enhanced from 22.64% at day 0 to 86.87% at day 20 followed by a reduction at day 30 (68.04%). The antioxidative activity was highest at day 0 (95.18%) followed by lowering down at day 10 (81.59%). The laboratory prepared Chubitchi showed rapid reduction in the polyphenol content and high antimicrobial activity against major test organisms during the storage study. The results show longer storage period and higher ACE-inhibition, antioxidative, total phenol reduction and antimicrobial activity of the laboratory prepared Chubitchi against the traditional made. This study could further provide the rural tribes of Garo Hills with well-defined novel starter cultures as well as optimized procedure for rice beverage development with numerous health benefits

    Microencapsulation of probiotic cultures for preparation of yoghurt

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    ABSTRACT Probiotics are live microorganisms which transit the gastrointestinal tract and in doing so benefit the health of the consumer. Therapeutic benefits have led to an increase in the incorporation of probiotic bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in dairy products, especially yoghurts. Microencapsulation enhanced the survival of probiotic cultures compared to free cells in yogurts stored for a longer periods. It also protects the bacteria from harsh conditions (low pH, antibiotics, bacteriocins, bile salt concentration etc). Microencapsulation of various bacterial cultures including probiotics has been a common practice for extending their storage life and converting them into a powder form for ease of their use