8 research outputs found

    Estudio del rendimiento diagnóstico de la PET/RM [68Ga]GA-DOTA-TOC en pacientes con feocromocitoma y paraganglioma en el marco de la teragnosis, y su implicación en la estrategia terapéutica con radiofármacos (177[Lu]LU-DOTA-TATE y [131I]-MIBG)

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    Los paragangliomas y feocromocitomas son tumores derivados de las células neuroendocrinas procedentes de la cresta neural, que se pueden localizar desde el cráneo hasta el sacro, con especial predilección por los glomus de cabeza y cuello, a lo largo del nervio vago, en mediastino, médula adrenal y regiones paraórticas abdominopélvicas. Son tumores raros con una incidencia anual entre 0.1-0.6 por 100.000 habitantes, con la mayor susceptibilidad oncológica al síndrome de cáncer hereditario con al menos 22 genes identificados. Entre un 30-40% asocian una mutación germinal identificable y un 46% muestran mutaciones somáticas. No se han descrito características histológicas que permitan predecir su comportamiento, pero todos tienen potencial de metastatizar. La sintomatología que producen se deriva principalmente de su capacidad para producir un exceso de catecolaminas y de la compresión de estructuras vecinas. En la enfermedad metastásica la supervivencia a los 5 años es del 60-70%. El diagnóstico de este tipo de tumor es clínico, genético, bioquímico y por imagen. Dentro de la imagen clínica se suman las imágenes anatómicas a los estudios de imagen funcional, que presentaran diferentes rendimientos en función de la localización, multifocalidad y estatus genético del paciente. La primera opción terapéutica en la enfermedad localizada o oligometastásica es la cirugía, pero por constituir una enfermedad rara, en la enfermedad metastásica se dispone de pocas terapias sistémicas y entre ellas las terapias con radioligandos son opciones prometedoras en la enfermedad lenta o moderadamente progresiva. Las terapias con radiofármacos se encuadran en el concepto de medicina personalizada y de precisión de la teragnosis, que se describe como la posibilidad de utilizar moléculas con afinidad específica por determinados tumores, tanto para su diagnóstico, como para su tratamiento. Los feocromocitomas y paragangliomas son el exponente más complejo de aplicación de la teragnosis en Medicina Nuclear por disponer de dos pares teragnósticos focalizados en dos dianas; los receptores de somatostatina y transportadores de norepinefrina, para el tratamiento con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE y [131I]MIBG respectivamente. No obstante, no hay un claro consenso clínico, sobre qué radiofármaco seleccionar o su secuenciación, en especial en los pacientes que son potenciales candidatos a ambos, y las publicaciones al respecto son series heterogéneas que no abordan todas las variables de la enfermedad. Es necesario optimizar los estudios diagnósticos, conocer su capacidad para delimitar las dianas terapéuticas y conocer el perfil adecuado del paciente para cada tratamiento, sus tasas de respuesta y comorbilidades, todo ello englobado dentro de un mismo concepto: la teragnosis. Esta tesis resulta de un compendio de tres artículos. El objetivo general de estos trabajos fue evaluar el rendimiento diagnóstico de la exploración diagnóstica emergente PET/RM [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC, su implicación en la teragnosis y analizar el impacto de la terapia con radiofármacos ([177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE y [131I]MIBG) en términos de respuesta a tratamiento en pacientes con paragangliomas y feocromocitomas con el fin de optimizar qué pacientes son candidatos a estas terapias y en qué línea del esquema terapéutico deben administrarse. Para ello se realizaron tres estudios: 1. Un estudio observacional retrospectivo en 17 pacientes con feocromocitoma o paraganglioma irresecable y/o metastásico. Se estudió la respuesta a tratamiento, con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE y [131I]MIBG, en términos de supervivencia libre de progresión y tasa de control de enfermedad. Además, se evaluaron las imágenes fenotípicas utilizadas en el diagnóstico y planificación de la terapia con estos fármacos y la posibilidad de que los pacientes fueran candidatos a ambos tratamientos. 2. Una revisión sistemática comparativa de 27 artículos con un total de 636 pacientes, evaluando el perfil del paciente, el procedimiento de tratamiento, el seguimiento, y diferencias en la respuesta global y en función de la localización entre [131I]MIBG y [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE en términos de supervivencia libre de progresión de enfermedad. 3. Estudio prospectivo en 25 pacientes con paragangliomas y feocromocitomas metastásicos o irresecables, con la adquisición consecutiva de PET/TC y PET/RM [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC con el objetivo de validar la utilidad y rendimiento diagnóstico de la PET/RM en comparación con el estándar diagnóstico actual PET/TC. Se estudió el grado de concordancia entre ambas pruebas, para determinar en qué entornos clínicos la PET/RM puede tener una mayor rentabilidad diagnóstica, y finalmente seleccionar qué pacientes podrían beneficiarse de ella. El primer trabajo objetivó en el grupo de tratamiento con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE una supervivencia libre de progresión general de 29 meses, que fue de 25,6 meses en paragangliomas y de 35,6 meses en feocromocitomas, con una tasa de control enfermedad inicial del 88,8%. Los efectos secundarios más frecuentes fueron la toxicidad hematológica grado 1 y los síntomas gastrointestinales (33,3% y 22,2%, respectivamente). En el grupo [131I]MIBG la supervivencia libre de progresión de enfermedad general fue de 18,5 meses, por subgrupos alcanzó los 27,6 meses en paragangliomas, y los 13 meses en feocromocitomas, con una tasa de control de enfermedad del 66,6%. Se observó un efecto secundario gastrointestinal y un evento adverso de toxicidad hematológica de grado 2 y dos pacientes presentaron elevación de la tensión arterial. En ambos tratamientos se observó una asociación entre el número de líneas de tratamientos previos administrados y la disminución de la supervivencia libre de progresión de enfermedad. Al evaluar las imágenes fenotípicas utilizadas en el diagnóstico y selección de tratamiento se observó que en el 50% de los pacientes hubo adecuada captación para administrar ambos tratamientos, y en otro 25% ambas dianas terapéuticas se expresaban de forma heterogénea, abriendo la puerta a una posible terapia secuencial. Dos de los pacientes se trataron de forma secuencial con ambos radiofármacos con un adecuado margen de seguridad. En la revisión sistemática de la literatura existente se objetivó que la [131I]MIBG se administró preferentemente como primera línea sistémica, mientras que la [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE se administró en líneas más posteriores. Los estudios fueron muy heterogéneos y no especificaron los síndromes genéticos de los pacientes. La mayoría de los pacientes se trataron con [131I]MIBG (76,6%). En el grupo [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE, la mayoría fueron paragangliomas (83,3%), mientras que en el grupo [131I]MIBG, las localizaciones primarias fueron similares (46,9 vs. 53%) pero casi la totalidad de los feocromocitomas se trataron con [131I]MIBG (92.4%). La supervivencia libre de progresión no ponderada fue de 25,43 meses para [131I]MIBG y 29,55 para [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE. Si esta variable se ponderaba al tamaño muestral la supervivencia libre de progresión de enfermedad fue 10 meses superior con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE. Ponderando la supervivencia a la proporción de feocromocitomas en las muestras, el tiempo hasta la progresión del grupo de [131I]MIBG disminuyó en 1,9 meses por cada 10% de aumento en la proporción de feocromocitomas en las series. Los resultados de los dos trabajos previos mostraron mejores resultados del tratamiento con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE, incluso en la localización adrenal, y además indicaron que parte considerable de los pacientes eran susceptibles a ambos tratamientos. En este contexto evaluamos y validamos la exploración emergente para la detección de receptores de somatostatina que es la PET/RM [68Ga]Ga DOTA TOC. Esta exploración no sólo se mostró válida, sino que incrementó la precisión diagnóstica en un 14,6% con respecto a la técnica estándar PET/TC, detectando lesiones de pocos milímetros y mostrando mayor potencia diagnóstica en el hígado y el hueso. Más allá de la detección de nuevas lesiones, observamos que la PET/RM cuantificó mejor la densidad de receptores de somatostatina en las lesiones, convirtiéndolas en candidatas a terapia con [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE. En los pacientes con enfermedad milimétrica metastásica cerca de un 25% de las lesiones por paciente, incrementaron su captación pasando a valores susceptibles de terapia con radioligandos demostrándose que estaban infradiagnosticadas por la PET/TC, aunque en la práctica clínica habitual modificaron la actitud en un 12% de los pacientes. Estos hallazgos nos permitieron esbozar el perfil de paciente más adecuado para la realización de PET/RM [68Ga]Ga‑DOTA‑TOC frente a la PET/TC.Paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas are tumors derived from neuroendocrine cells from the neural crest. They can be located from the skull to the sacrum, especially in the glomus of the head and neck, along the vagus nerve, in the mediastinum, spinal cord, adrenal and abdominopelvic para aortic regions. These are rare tumors with an annual incidence between 0.1-0.6 per 100,000, with the highest oncological susceptibility to hereditary cancer syndrome with at least 22 identified genes. Around 30-40% associate an identifiable germinal mutation and 46% display somatic mutations. No histological characteristics have been described to predict their behaviour, but all of them have the potential to metastasize. The symptoms are mainly caused from their ability to produce an excess of catecholamines and the compression of neighbouring structures. In metastatic disease, the 5-year survival rate is 60-70%. The diagnosis of paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas is clinical, genetic, biochemical and by medical imaging. Within the clinical image, both anatomical and functional images are available, which will present different performances depending on the location, multifocality and genetic patient status. The first therapeutic option in localized or oligometastatic disease is surgery, but because it is a rare disease, few systemic therapies are available in metastatic involvement, and radionuclide therapies are promising options in slow or moderately progressive disease. Therapeutics with radiopharmaceuticals fit into the concept of personalized and precision medicine of theragnosis, which is described as the possibility of using molecules with a specific affinity for certain tumors, both for their diagnosis and for their treatment. Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas are the most complex example of the application of theragnosis in Nuclear Medicine by the fact of having two theragnostic pairs focused on two targets: somatostatin receptors and norepinephrine transporters, to be treated with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE and [131I]MIBG respectively. However, there is no clear clinical consensus on which radiopharmaceutical to select or the correct sequence, especially in patients who are candidates for both therapies, because the published reports are heterogeneous series that do not globally evaluate patient characteristics. It is necessary to optimize the diagnostic studies, to know their ability to delimit the therapeutic targets and to explore the appropriate profile of the patient for each treatment, their response rates and comorbidities. All of this encompassed within the same concept: theragnosis. This thesis results from a compendium of three articles. The general objective of these studies was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the emergent diagnostic exploration [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC PET/MRI and its implication in theragnosis. The secondary objective was to analyze the impact of therapy with radiopharmaceuticals ([177Lu]Lu-DOTA- TATE and [131I]MIBG) in terms of response to treatment in patients with paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas. All this with a view to optimize which patients are candidates for these therapies and in which line of the therapeutic diagram they should be administered. To this end, three studies were carried out: 1. A retrospective observational study in 17 patients with unresectable and/or metastatic pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma. Response to treatment, with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE and/or [131I]MIBG, was studied in terms of progression-free survival and disease control rate. In addition, the phenotypic images used in the diagnosis and therapy planning, and the eligibility of the patients for both therapies were assessed. 2. A comparative systematic review of 27 articles with a total of 636 patients, evaluating patient profile, treatment procedure, follow-up, and differences in overall and location-based response between [131I]MIBG and [177Lu ]Lu-DOTA-TATE in terms of progression-free survival. 3. Prospective study in 25 patients with metastatic or unresectable paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas, with consecutive acquisition of PET/CT and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC PET/MRI with the aim of validating the usefulness and diagnostic performance of PET/MRI compared to the current diagnostic standard, PET/CT. The degree of concordance between the two tests was studied to determine in which clinical settings PET/MRI may have greater diagnostic yield, and ultimately to determine which patients could benefit from it. The first study reported an overall progression-free survival of 29 months in the treatment group with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE, which was 25,6 months in paragangliomas and 35,6 months in pheochromocytomas, with a rate of initial disease control of 88,8%. The most frequent side effects were Grade 1 haematological toxicity and gastrointestinal symptoms (33,3% and 22,2%, respectively). In the [131I]MIBG group, the overall disease progression-free survival was 18,5 months; by subgroups, the PFS reached 27,6 months in paragangliomas, and 13 months in pheochromocytomas, with a disease control rate of 66,6%. One gastrointestinal side effect and one Grade 2 haematological toxicity adverse event were observed, and two patients experienced elevated blood pressure. In both treatments, an association was observed between the delay in administration in the therapeutic scheme and the decrease in progression-free survival. When evaluating the phenotypic images used in the diagnosis and selection of treatment, it was observed that in 50% of the patients there was adequate uptake to administer both treatments, and in another 25% both therapeutic targets were expressed heterogeneously, opening the door to a possible sequential therapy. Two of the patients were treated sequentially with both radiopharmaceuticals with an adequate safety margin. In the systematic review of literature, it was observed that [131I]MIBG was administered preferentially as the first systemic line, while [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE was administered in later lines. The studies were highly heterogeneous and did not specify the genetic syndromes of the patients. Most of the patients were treated with [131I]MIBG (76,6%). In the [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE group, the majority were paragangliomas (83,3%), whereas in the [131I]MIBG group, the primary locations were similar (46,9 vs. 53%) but almost all pheochromocytomas were treated with [131I]MIBG (92,4%). Unweighted progression-free survival was 25,43 months for [131I]MIBG and 29,55 for [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE. If this variable was weighted to the sample size, progression-free survival was 10 months higher with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE. Weighting survival to the proportion of pheochromocytomas in the samples, the time to progression in the [131I]MIBG group decreased by 1,9 months for each 10% increase in the proportion of pheochromocytomas in the series. The results of the two previous studies displayed better results with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE, even in the adrenal location, and also indicated that a considerable part of the patients were susceptible to both treatments. In this context, we evaluated and validated the emerging scan in the somatostatin receptors detection, which is [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC PET/MRI. This exploration not only proved to be valid, but also increased diagnostic accuracy by 14,6% compared to the standard PET/CT, detecting lesions of a few millimeters and showing higher diagnostic performance in the liver and bone. Beyond the detection of new lesions, we observed that PET/MRI better quantified somatostatin receptor density in lesions, making them candidates for [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE therapy. In patients with millimetric metastatic disease, about 25% of the lesions per patient increased their uptake, changing to values amenable to therapy with radioligands. This fact proved that small lesions were underdiagnosed by PET/CT, although in usual clinical practice they changed the management in 12% of patients. These findings allowed us to outline the most appropriate patient profile for [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC PET/MRI vs PET/CT

    Somatostatin and Somatostatin Receptors: From Signaling to Clinical Applications in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms

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    Neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) are heterogeneous neoplasms which arise from neuroendocrine cells that are distributed widely throughout the body. Although heterogenous, many of them share their ability to overexpress somatostatin receptors (SSTR) on their cell surface. Due to this, SSTR and somatostatin have been a large subject of interest in the discovery of potential biomarkers and treatment options for the disease. The aim of this review is to describe the molecular characteristics of somatostatin and somatostatin receptors and its application in diagnosis and therapy on patients with NENs as well as the use in the near future of somatostatin antagonists

    Relación entre la pureza radioquímica del 123i-ioflupano y la captación extracraneal (tiroidea y parotídea)

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to see the effect of radiochemical purity (PR) of 123I- Ioflupane used for cerebral dopamine transporter SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) on the images and evaluate the possible influence of extravasation during the administration in patient with Parkinson syndrome. Material and methods. A Prospective study was performed in 39 patients. The PR of 123I-Ioflupane was determined by radiochromatography. The regions of interest (ROI) were defined in general area of the brain, parotid and cervical region, obtaining the average counts in each region and activity ratios thyroid / brain (RTC) and parotid / brain (RPC). It was proposed a model of multiple linear regression with quantitative and categorical predictors Results. The model showed that correlation between the PR and the RTC was modified by the presence of extravasation, it was statistically significant (p < 0.001) and predicted the 42.31 % of the variability of the RTC. The correlation between PR and PRC was not modified by any of the variables proposed. The model was statistically significant (p < 0.0176) and 12.3% predicted variability RPC. Conclusions. The predictive variability of the model of RTC is acceptable and explains the negative impact of extravasation. However, the ability to explain the variability of the PRC is low and should not be attributed to variables studied. A low PR and extravasation during the administration of the radiopharmaceutical involves worse quality of image and increased thyroid irradiation.Objetivo. Estudiar el efecto de la pureza radioquímica (PR) del 123I-Ioflupano, utilizado para realizar SPECT cerebral de transportadores de dopamina, sobre las imágenes obtenidas y evaluar la posible influencia de la extravasación durante su administración y del grado de afectación del paciente por el síndrome parkinsoniano sobre los resultados. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 39 pacientes. La PR del 123I-Ioflupano se determinó mediante cromatografía en capa fina. Se delimitaron las regiones de interés (ROI) en zona aproximada de cerebro, parótidas y región cervical, obteniéndose la media de cuentas en cada región y las ratios de actividad tiroides/cerebro (RTC) y parótidas/cerebro (RPC). Se propuso un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con predictores cuantitativos y categóricos. Resultados. El modelo mostró correlación entre la PR y la RTC modificada por la presencia de extravasación, fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,001) y predijo el 42,31% de la variabilidad de la RTC. La correlación entre PR y RPC no se modificó por ninguna de las variables propuestas. El modelo fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,0176) y predijo el 12,3% de la variabilidad del RPC. Conclusiones. La capacidad predictiva del modelo para explicar la variabilidad de la RTC es aceptable y explica la repercusión negativa de la extravasación. Sin embargo, la capacidad para explicar la variabilidad de la RPC es baja y debe ser atribuida a variables no estudiadas. Una PR baja y la extravasación durante la administración del radiofármaco se traduce en mayor actividad extracraneal e implica peor calidad de imagen y mayor irradiación tiroidea

    Relationship between radiochemical purity of 123i-ioflupane and extracranial image captation (parotid and thyroid)

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    Objetivo. Estudiar el efecto de la pureza radioquímica (PR) del 123I-Ioflupano, utilizado para realizar SPECT cerebral de transportadores de dopamina, sobre las imágenes obtenidas y evaluar la posible influencia de la extravasación durante su administración y del grado de afectación del paciente por el síndrome parkinsoniano sobre los resultados. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en 39 pacientes. La PR del 123I-Ioflupano se determinó mediante cromatografía en capa fina. Se delimitaron las regiones de interés (ROI) en zona aproximada de cerebro, parótidas y región cervical, obteniéndose la media de cuentas en cada región y las ratios de actividad tiroides/cerebro (RTC) y parótidas/cerebro (RPC). Se propuso un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple con predictores cuantitativos y categóricos. Resultados. El modelo mostró correlación entre la PR y la RTC modificada por la presencia de extra­vasación, fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,001) y predijo el 42,31% de la variabilidad de la RTC. La correlación entre PR y RPC no se modificó por ninguna de las variables propuestas. El modelo fue estadísticamente significativo (p<0,0176) y predijo el 12,3% de la variabilidad del RPC. Conclusiones. La capacidad predictiva del modelo para explicar la variabilidad de la RTC es aceptable y explica la repercusión negativa de la extravasación. Sin embargo, la capacidad para explicar la varia­bilidad de la RPC es baja y debe ser atribuida a variables no estudiadas. Una PR baja y la extravasación durante la administración del radiofármaco se traduce en mayor actividad extracraneal e implica peor calidad de imagen y mayor irradiación tiroidea.Aim. The aim of this study is to see the effect of radiochemical purity (PR) of 123I- Ioflupane used for cerebral dopamine transporter SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) on the images and evaluate the possible influence of extravasation during the administration in patient with Parkinson syndrome. Material and methods. A Prospective study was performed in 39 patients. The PR of 123I-Ioflupane was determined by radiochromatography. The regions of interest (ROI) were defined in general area of the brain, parotid and cervical region, ob­taining the average counts in each region and activity ratios thyroid / brain (RTC) and parotid / brain (RPC). It was proposed a model of multiple linear regression with quantitative and categorical predictors Results. The model showed that correlation between the PR and the RTC was modified by the presence of extravasation, it was statistically significant (p < 0.001) and predicted the 42.31 % of the variability of the RTC. The correlation between PR and PRC was not modified by any of the variables proposed. The model was statistically significant (p < 0.0176) and 12.3% predicted variability RPC. Conclusions. The predictive variability of the model of RTC is acceptable and explains the negative impact of extravasation. However, the ability to explain the variability of the PRC is low and should not be attributed to variables studied. A low PR and ex­travasation during the administration of the radiopharmaceutical involves worse quality of image and increased thyroid irradiation

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy with [177Lu]Lu-DOTA-TATE in Patients with Advanced GEP NENS: Present and Future Directions

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    This review article summarizes findings published in the last years on peptide receptor radionuclide therapy in GEP NENs, as well as potential future developments and directions. Unanswered questions remain, such as the following: Which is the correct dose and individual dosimetry? Which is the place for salvage PRRT-Lu? Whicht is the role of PRRT-Lu in the pediatric population? Which is the optimal sequencing of PRRT-Lu in advanced GEP NETs? Which is the place of PRRT-Lu in G3 NENs? These, and future developments such as inclusion new radiopharmaceuticals and combination therapy with different agents, such as radiosensitizers, will be discussed

    Same-day comparative protocol PET/CT-PET/MRI [68 Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC in paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas: an approach to personalized medicine

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    Abstract Background PET/MRI is an emerging imaging modality which enables the evaluation and quantification of biochemical processes in tissues, complemented with accurate anatomical information and low radiation exposure. In the framework of theragnosis, PET/MRI is of special interest due to its ability to delineate small lesions, adequately quantify them, and therefore to plan targeted therapies. The aim of this study was to validate the diagnostic performance of [68 Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC PET/MRI compared to PET/CT in advanced disease paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas (PGGLs) to assess in which clinical settings, PET/MRI may have a greater diagnostic yield. Methods We performed a same-day protocol with consecutive acquisition of a PET/CT and a PET/MRI after a single [68 Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC injection in 25 patients. Intermodality agreement, Krenning Score (KS), SUVmax (Standard Uptake Value), target-to-liver-ratio (TLR), clinical setting, location, and size were assessed. Results The diagnostic accuracy with PET/MRI increased by 14.6% compared to PET/CT especially in bone and liver locations (mean size of new lesions was 3.73 mm). PET/MRI revealed a higher overall lesion uptake than PET/CT (TLR 4.12 vs 2.44) and implied an upward elevation of the KS in up to 60% of patients. The KS changed in 30.4% of the evaluated lesions (mean size 11.89 mm), in 18.4% of the lesions it increased from KS 2 on PET/CT to a KS ≥ 3 on PET/MRI and 24.96% of the lesions per patient with multifocal disease displayed a KS ≥ 3 on PET/MR, that were not detected or showed lower KS on PET/CT. In 12% of patients, PET/MRI modified clinical management. Conclusions PET/MRI showed minor advantages over conventional PET/CT in the detection of new lesions but increased the intensity of SSRs expression in a significant number of them, opening the door to select which patients and clinical settings can benefit from performing PET/MRI

    Mitochondrial physiology: Gnaiger Erich et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group

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