61 research outputs found


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    Education for labour market on the school level is neglected in Poland. Concentration on university degree and general education caused the decrease of interest of vocational education of qualified workers (needed on labor market). To the most important problems in management in the area of vocational education belong: 1. Increasing number of lower secondary schools graduates choosing general secondary schools and willing to continue education at universities. 2. Decreasing interest of vocational education. 3. Lack of information of labour market requirements and very inefficient cooperation between labour market and educational system. 4. Graduates knowledge, qualifications, skills and attitudes does meet labour market needs. To solve these problems the Author suggests to create the cluster initiative in educational system (as a part of research of the project “Creation the cluster initiatives in education systemâ€Â; caring out in Silesian University of Technology; financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education; no 0193/B/H03/2010/39). The paper presents good practices in vocational education to implement in the initiative and a map of categories of solution. Research also indicated barriers and abilities of the implementation those solutions (or elements of them). The proposal to adapt the education to labour market requirements is based on integrated research and monitoring on cluster initiative’s participants. They are: pupils, educational area (mainly: schools directors and teachers), employers and local governments. The paper also highlights the model of cluster initiative in education. Research helped to indicate areas of the best climate to create cluster initiative, barriers and difficulties, ways of communication, range of corporation in the initiative. Indicated operations, processes and role of participants in cluster initiative will help to create the expert system to support educational management in conjunction with labour market needs. The idea of expert system is to activate communication between potential participant in cluster initiative. Making decisions on the basis of scientific research will make them rational. A tool used by every participant will help to create cluster initiative in education (firstly very narrow) and to support functioning of the cluster initiative.

    Quality of Graduates’ Preparation for Labour Market – A ServQual Analysis

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    AbstractArticle presents results of ServQual analysis on quality of graduates’ preparation for labour market in Poland. Research were carried out among pupils of three types of vocational secondary schools: Basic Vocational Schools, Technical and Vocational Schools and Vocational Secondary Schools for pupils with disabilities. Education – a specific service – can be analysed by ServQual methodology. This approach compliments knowledge about effects of education and gives information of process and its elements. Comparative analysis in different types of schools provided information of strengths and weaknesses of process of graduates’ preparation for labour market, useful for schools to develop their activities

    Kształcenie w zawodzie pielęgniarki w Polsce

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    Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza piśmiennictwa dotycząca kształcenia w zawodzie pielęgniarki w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obecnego kształcenia oraz kształcenia w liceach medycznych i medycznych studiach zawodowych na poziomie średnim w zakresie podstawowym. Materiał i metody. Przegląd piśmiennictwa oraz analiza dokumentów (świadectw, indeksu nauczania) z zakresu kształcenia w zawodzie pielęgniarki w Polsce. Omówienie. Początkowo rolę pielęgniarek pełniły osoby duchowne lub świeckie w ramach wolontariatu, osoby niewykształcone i nieprzygotowane do pracy w zawodzie, zarówno teoretycznie jak i praktycznie, aż zaczęto kształcić w tej dziedzinie i zawodem tym zaczęły się zajmować osoby wykwalifikowane. Kształcenie w dziedzinie pielęgniarstwa zmieniało formę przez lata. Pierwsze ujednolicenie systemu kształcenia pielęgniarstwa nastąpiło w 1961 r., a kolejne wraz z wprowadzeniem Procesu Bolońskiego z 2000 roku. Podsumowanie. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na różnice w przebiegu kształcenia w zawodzie pielęgniarki i pielęgniarza w okresie od XVIII wieku do czasów współczesnych. Kształcenie w zawodzie pielęgniarza i pielęgniarki przez wiele lat zmieniało formę. Osoby aktualnie pracujące w tym zawodzie posiadają różne poziomy wykształcenia od średniego, aż po wyższe.Aim. The aim of the study was to analyse the literature concerning nursing education in Poland, with particular emphasis on current education and the Medical High School and Medical Vocational College at the secondary level in the basic range. Material and methods. Literature review and analysis of documents (certificates, teaching index) in the field of nursing education in Poland. Results. Initially, the role of nurses was played by the clergy or volunteers, by people who lacked both theoretical and practical knowledge to work in the profession, until the professional training began and qualified persons started to practice the profession. Nursing has been changing its form for many thousands of years. The first unification of the nursing education system took place in 1961, followed by the introduction of the Bologna Process in 2000. Conclusions. This thisis points to the differences between the courses of nursing education in a period from 18th century until today. Nursing education has changed its form for many years. Today, professional nurses have different levels of education, from secondary to higher education


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    Brandy is one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in Brazil, being produced with sweet vegetables, cereals, sugar cane and fruits that have fermentable sugars. This drink is confused with cachaça, from which it is distinguished by the alcoholic degree and typically Brazilian productivity. Banana stands out in Brazil and in the world as the second fruit in productivity, behind only orange, being an accessible raw material for the production of brandy. This processing is advantageous due to the rapid ripening of this fruit, which can often make it impossible to sell in natura to the consumer. This study aimed to carry out the fermentation through the inoculation of the yeast Sacchamomyces cerevisae separately for pulp and skins of Dwarf Cavendish banana to verify the alcohol content produced. The banana pulp brandy reached an alcohol content of 39,5° GL, within the stipulated by the current legislation, the peel, however, did not allow adequate alcohol levels (7,5° GL). It is concluded that the pulp of Dwarf Cavendish banana is viable for the production of brandy.A aguardente é uma das bebidas alcoólicas mais consumidas no Brasil, sendo produzida com vegetais doces, cereais, cana-de-açúcar e frutas que possuem açúcares fermentescíveis. Esta bebida é confundida com a cachaça, da qual é diferenciada pelo grau alcoólico e produtividade tipicamente brasileira. A banana possui destaque no Brasil e no mundo como a segunda fruta em produtividade, atrás apenas da laranja, sendo uma matéria-prima acessível para a produção de aguardente em razão do processo de amadurecimento rápido, o que acaba muitas vezes por inviabilizar a venda in natura para o consumidor. Este estudo objetivou realizar a fermentação através da inoculação da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae separadamente para mostos da polpa e cascas de bananas nanica para verificar o teor alcóolico produzido. A aguardente de polpa de banana atingiu teor alcoólico de 39,5° GL, dentro do estipulado pela legislação vigente, a casca, contudo, não permitiu níveis alcóolicos adequados (7,5° GL). Conclui-se que a polpa da banana nanica é viável para a produção de aguardent

    Effects of ectodermal dysplasia on children quality of life related to oral health

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    UESB - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da BahiaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)Background. Ectodermal Dysplasia (ED) is an inherited condition that affects structures derived from the ectoderm. The most common form is hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (DEH), in which cranial changes, hypohydrosis, hypotrichosis, oligodontia or anodontia, shape anomalies, delayed eruption of permanent teeth, deficiency in alveolar process development and enamel hypoplasias are observed. Case Report. Two children, both 6 years old, one male and other female diagnosed with DEH received oral rehabilitation through reanatomization with composite resin of the anterior teeth and removable partial dentures. The quality of life before and after oral rehabilitation was evaluated through Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS). Conclusion. ED is an alteration that may have an impact on oral health related to quality of life due to its oral manifestations. The rehabilitation treatment was satisfactory in both patients


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    This type of research in this study is quantitative descriptive approach. This type of research  in this study is quantitative descriptive approach. Sampling method   of determining the population of respondent’s number of 33 hightstudents. The method used in collecting data using interviews, observation method, test methods, methods of documentation and questionnaire. Test data techniques used Paired Sample t-test. Based on the analysis of data obtained: 1) In the paired samples t-test variable X obtained      t (23 271)> t table (1,697). 2) the variable Y obtained t (6.868)> t table (1.697) with    a significance of 0.000, so it can be concluded that the field trip learning activities effectively to the learning outcomes of higtstudents

    Fluxo Migratório Venezuelano: a atuação das autoridades brasileiras para o acolhimento de venezuelanos no Brasil

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar o curso de ação adotado pelo governo brasileiro com vistas a dar adequado acolhimento ao fluxo de imigrantes venezuelanos entre os anos de 2016 e 2020. Foi adotada uma abordagem de caráter histórico e bibliográfico, com o intuito de analisar os órgãos, as instituições e os documentos jurídicos nacional e internacionais relacionados ao tema. O método utilizado é o dedutivo, com ampla pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. A pesquisa realizada demonstra que a instabilidade política e socioeconômica na República Bolivariana da Venezuela causou uma das maiores crises humanitárias da história do Continente Americano. Essa situação provocou uma diáspora de parte significativa do povo venezuelano que partiu para outros países em busca de melhores condições de vida. O Brasil, signatário dos principais documentos internacionais sobre direitos humanos e portador de rica legislação sobre migração e refúgio, foi destino de parte significativa dos imigrantes venezuelanos. Apesar da negligência inicial, as autoridades brasileiras criaram uma operação de acolhimento e diversos dispositivos jurídicos para atender ao crescente contingente de imigrantes venezuelanos, que, em sua maioria, não se enquadravam nas condições de refugiados. Contudo, em um relatório especial emitido em 19 de junho de 2019, o CONARE afirmou que o povo venezuelano enfrentava uma situação de grave e generalizada violação de direitos humanos impetrada pelo governo da Venezuela, o que atribuiu, ainda que implicitamente, a condição de refugiado a todos os imigrantes venezuelanos. O pronunciamento, além de facilitar enormemente o processo de reconhecimento do status de refugiado a essas pessoas, representou uma mudança na política migratória brasileira, que, até então, mantinha um posicionamento conservador para o reconhecimento da condição de refugiado

    Avaliação das condições de precipitação do azul da Prússia sobre pó de grafite visando o desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono para a quantificação de nitrito

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    An amperometric FIA method for nitrite quantification based on nitrite electroreduction and employing a carbon paste electrode (CPE) chemically modified with iron hexacyanoferrate (HCF) as an amperometric detector was developed. The influence of experimental conditions on the preparation of the electrode materials was evaluated and the materials obtained in each study were used for the development of modified electrodes. The electrochemical sensors were prepared by a fast, simple, and inexpensive procedure, and the long-term performance of the electrodes were quite satisfactory as the stability was maintained over one year. HCF was an effective redox mediator for nitrite electroreduction in acidic media, allowing nitrite detection at +0.2 V vs. Ag/AgClsat, which is a potential free of possible interfering species that are normally present in food and water samples. The electrochemical cell used in the FIA system was similar to a batch injection analysis cell, enabling recirculation of the carrier solution. This is an attractive feature because it allows the use of a high flow rate (6 mL min-1) leading to high sensitivity and analysis speed, while keeping reagent consumption low. The proposed method had a detection limit of 9 μmol L-1 and was successfully employed for nitrite quantification in spiked water and sausage samples. The obtained results were in good agreement with those provided by the spectrophotometric official method. At a 95 % confidence level it was not observed statistical differences neither in nitrite content nor in the precision provided by both methods. The experimental conditions for the synthesis of HCF were optimized and the best electrode material was prepared by mixing FeCl3, K4[Fe(CN)6] and carbon powder subjected to an acid and thermal treatment (400 ºC), followed by ultrasonic agitation at 4 °C. This material was used to construct an electrode with improved analytical performance to reduce nitrite, which presented greater stability compared to HCF film electrodeposited on the EPC, showing that the preparation procedure of the electrode material is an effective strategy for the development of HCF modified electrodes.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorFundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas GeraisDissertação (Mestrado)Um método FIA com detecção amperométrica para a quantificação de nitrito baseado na redução eletroquímica deste ânion foi desenvolvido empregando um eletrodo de pasta de carbono (EPC) modificado com hexacianoferrato (HCF) de ferro como detector amperométrico. A influência das condições experimentais no preparo de materiais eletródicos foi avaliada, sendo os materiais obtidos em cada estudo, utilizados para o desenvolvimento de eletrodos modificados. Os sensores eletroquímicos foram preparados por um procedimento rápido, simples e de baixo custo e os eletrodos apresentaram bom desempenho por um longo período de tempo, mantendo sua estabilidade por mais de um ano. O HCF atuou como mediador redox eficiente para redução eletroquímica do nitrito em meio ácido, permitindo a detecção de nitrito em +0,2 V vs. Ag/AgClsat, sendo esse potencial livre de possíveis espécies interferentes que normalmente estão presentes em amostras alimentícias e de água. A célula eletroquímica usada no sistema FIA foi similar a uma célula para análises por injeção em batelada, permitindo a recirculação da solução carregadora. Isto é uma característica atrativa, pois permitiu o uso de uma elevada vazão (6 mL min-1), o que aumentou a sensibilidade e a velocidade de análise, mantendo um baixo consumo de reagentes. O método proposto apresentou um limite de detecção de 9,0 μmol L-1 e o mesmo foi empregado com êxito para a quantificação de nitrito em amostras de água enriquecidas e de salsicha e mortadela. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados aos obtidos pelo método espectrofotométrico oficial, não sendo verificadas diferenças estatísticas nos teores de nitrito nem na precisão dos métodos a um grau de confiança de 95 %. As condições experimentais de síntese do HCF foram otimizadas, sendo o melhor material eletródico obtido pela mistura de FeCl3, K4[Fe(CN)6] e pó de carbono submetido a tratamento ácido e térmico (400 ºC), seguido por agitação ultrassônica a 4 ºC. A partir desse material, foi construído um eletrodo com melhor desempenho analítico para a redução de nitrito, o qual apresentou maior estabilidade comparada ao filme de HCF eletrodepositado sobre o EPC, mostrando que o procedimento adotado para o preparo do material eletródico é eficiente para o desenvolvimento de eletrodos de pasta de carbono modificados com HCF

    Simultaneously performed intravascular treatment of critical, ostial stenosis of common carotid artery and stenosis of internal carotid artery

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    A 70-year-old patient with multi-level stenosis in the carotid arteries was admitted to the Department of General And Vascular Surgery and Angiology of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice. The patient had undergone several episodes of Transitient Iscemic Attack before admission to hospital and was duly qualified for endovascular treatment. A tension angioplasty and the placement of stents into the internal and common carotid arteries were performed simultaneously. The very important problem of restenosis after the endovascular placement of a stent into the carotid artery, and the following procedures required in such a case, are discussed in this paper.Do Kliniki Chirurgii Ogólnej, Naczyń i Angiologii ŚUM w Katowicach został przyjęty 70-letni chory z wielopoziomowymi zmianami miażdżycowymi w tętnicach szyjnych. U chorego przed przyjęciem występowały incydenty przemijającego niedokrwienia mózgu (TIA). Pacjent został zakwalifikowany do leczenia endowaskularnego. Jednocześnie wykonano angioplastykę z implantacją stentów do tętnicy szyjnej wspólnej i szyjnej wewnętrznej. W artykule poruszono istotny problem ryzyka restenozy po implantacji stentu do tętnicy szyjnej oraz omówiono sposób postępowania z takim chorym