153 research outputs found

    Comentario sobre la Matemática Aplicada en España

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    En el número de Septiembre de 2004 del Boletín del SEMA, los autores publicamos un artículo de opinión sobre la situación de la Matemática Aplicada en España. El objetivo principal del artículo fue mover a la reflexión sobre algunas deficiencias no corregidas y, en algún caso, aumentadas durante los últimos años. Tales deficiencias pueden hipotecar el futuro de la Matemática Aplicada española, e impedir que contribuya de modo eficaz al desarrollo científico y tecnológico del país

    La Matemtica Aplicada: entre lo divino y lo humano

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    España es la décima potencia mundial si consideramos el número de artículos de Matemáticas publicados en un año con un autor español por lo menos .Cuando estos artículos se ponderan con su índice de impacto y se toma la media mundial como cero, el índice español en Matemáticas es 13 . Esta situación es particularmente grave en el área de Matemática Aplicada. Según el informe Andradas-Zuazua (que expurgó los artículos matemáticos aparecidos en revistas relevantes de Física, Mecánica de Medios Continuos, Mecánica de Fluidos, etc. e incluso en la revista SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics), la revista en que más publican los "matemáticos aplicados" españoles es Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, una revista que se encuentra año tras año en el último cuarto de la lista de Matemática Aplicada del índice de impacto JCR. Anecdóticamente, la ANECA reconoce esta situación usando baremos más bajos para Matemáticas que para las otras disciplinas científicas

    Análisis de una experiencia sobre el desarrollo de la memoria visual de los niños

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    Doppler effect of a sound source with simple harmonic motion

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    Se presenta una experiencia demostrativa que permite que cuantificar el corrimiento Doppler de la frecuencia emitida por una fuente que oscila armónicamente en relación con un observador en reposo.A demonstrative experience is presented that allows quantifying the Doppler shift of the frequency emitted by a source that oscillates harmonically in relation to an observer at rest

    Overweight or Obesity: Serum Lipids in a University Population of Barranquilla Colombia

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    Introduction: According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity occur due to an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat that is harmful to health. During childhood and adolescence, risk factors such as dyslipidemia or obesity are detected, the maintenance of which in the adult stage has been verified, indicating that detection should be started as early as possible. It is necessary to carry out an anthropometric <- nutritional evaluation to detect a deficit or excess weight in time. A study on the topic of chronic non-communicable diseases in Colombia indicated that in 2014 more than 100,000 people died with ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases (CVDs), cancer, DM and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), by being able to carry out early detections that will allow adequate prevention of secondary complications. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out with a population - sample of 36 university students of both sexes. After informed consent, those who met the inclusion criteria demanded by Bioimpedance included: weight, height, visceral fat, body fat, In addition to abdominal or waist circumference, hip and lipid profile: total cholesterol (CT), triglycerides (TG), HDLc, VLDLc. LDLc. Results: Overweight and obesity in the results of (BMI, Gf and FV)), found in young male and female sex with prevalence in the male sex group, and hyperlipidemias mainly in the female sex studied. Conclusion: High prevalence of CVD risk factors such as overweight, obesity, and hyperlipidemia in the female sex group

    Clinical Study of Memory Disorders in Aging Patients with Associated Cardiovascular, Neurological, Neurobehavioral and Metabolic Diseases”. A Review

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    We have observed semantic memory and episodic memory disorders (100%) in patients ranging from 40 to 92 years-old, associated to cardiovascular diseases and blood hypertension (82%), sleep disorders (50%), neurobehavioral disorders (44%), such as depression, anxiety, aggression, and vascular demencia, disorders of language (36%), neurosensory disorders (28%), as diminution of visual and hearing acuity, dizziness (26%), Parkinson disease (34%), Alzheimer disease (21%), gait disturbances (10%), vertigo (10%), cervicalgia and cervicogenic headache (10%) trigeminal neuralgia (2%,), We observed as comorbidities the following non-nervous diseases: metabolic diseases as diabetes (21%) and hypothyroidism (5%), gastrointestinal pathology (21%), such as constipation, loss of sphincter control, and gastritis, arthritis (13%), prostatic hypertrophy (1%) and loss of weight (1%). We consider that according to their high frequency the most risk factors associated to memory disorders are cardiovascular diseases and blood hypertension (82%), sleep disorders (50%), neurobehavioral disorders (44%), such as depression, anxiety, aggression, and vascular demencia, disorders of language (36%), neurosensory disorders (28%), as diminution of visual and hearing acuity, dizziness (26%), and Parkinson disease (34%)

    Reposicionamiento de premaxila protruida y conservación vascular en pacientes con LPH bilateral

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    Objetivo: Presentar una técnica quirúrgica para el reposicionamiento de la premaxila protruida con conservación vascular en labio y paladar hendido bilateral. Métodos: Osteotomía de premaxila con técnica de conservación vascular y fijación con clavo de Kirschner y aparatología oral. En este estudio retrospectivo se utilizó la historia clínica, el examen físico, radiografías, valoraciones seriadas, estudios cefalométricos y manejo odontológico para la elección del plan quirúrgico de cada paciente. Se realizó seguimiento posoperatorio de 1 a 3 años. Resultados: El reposicionamiento de la premaxila fue exitoso en los 7 casos presentados. No hubo pérdida del segmento óseo de la premaxila en ningún caso con cicatrización adecuada. Hubo mejoría estética y funcional significativa con alineamiento del arco dentario, reposición de premaxila, disminución en las dimensiones de la fisura alveolar bilateralmente, cierre de la fístula oronasal, mejoría en la relación dentaria superior e inferior y mejoría estética del prolabio. Conclusión: La osteotomía de premaxila con técnica de preservación vascular permite un reposicionamiento seguro con resultados funcionales y estéticos satisfactorios, sin riesgo de pérdida del segmento por necrosis o secuestro óseo, con el consecuente cierre de fisuras alveolares y fístulas oronasales.Objective: To introduce a surgical technique for repositioning of protruded premaxilla with vascular preservation in bilateral clef lift and palate. Design: Retrospective study using patients’ medical records, physical and radiographic examination, cephalometric studies and odonthological management to choose the surgical plan of every patient. Setting: Private practice patients and public hospital patients in tertiary care were included. Patients: During the period between January 2008 and December 2010, 7 patients with protruding premaxilla underwent surgical repositioning of the premaxilla. Interventions: premaxillary osteotomy with vascular preservation and Kirschner wire fixation and oral apparatology. Alveolar bone graft in a second procedure. Main Outcome Measures: the presence of total o partial necrosis of the premaxilla, alignment respect to lateral maxillary segments in three dimensions, premaxillary mobility and alveolar bone graft integration were assessed in the post-operatory recovery. Results: repositioning of the premaxilla was successful in the 7 cases presented. There was adequate alignment of dental arch without loss of premaxillary bone segment whatsoever. Adequate consolidation without residual movement or pseudoarthrosis, alveolar bone graft integration and resolution of oronasal and alveolar fistulas was evident in 100% cases. Conclusions: premaxillary osteotomy with vascular preservation technique allows a safe repositioning with satisfactory functional and esthetic results, with no risk of loss of segment because of necrosis or bone sequestration with a subsequent closure of alveolar fissures and oronasal fistulas

    Geometrical limits for UV-C inactivation of pathogens

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    The inactivation of pathogens through the irradiation of ultraviolet light depends on how light propagates within the medium where the microorganism is immersed. A simple geometrical optics analysis, and a fluence evaluation reveal some reservoirs where the pathogen may hide and be weakly exposed to the incoming radiation. This geometrical hide-outs also generate a tail in the plot of the total inactivation plot vs. the incoming fluence. We have analyzed these facts using geometrical optics principles and illumination engineering computational packages. The results obtained from previous biomedical measurements involving SARS-CoV-2 have been used to evaluate the inactivation degree for an spherical geometry applicable to airborne pathogens, and for an spherical cap geometry similar to that used in biomedical experiments. The case presented here can be seen as the worst-case scenario applicable under collimated illumination

    Trends in hip fracture in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the Spanish National Inpatient Registry over a 17-year period (1999–2015). TREND-AR study

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    Purpose T o analyse trends in hip fracture (HF) rates in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over an extended time period (17 years). Methods T his observational retrospective survey was performed by reviewing data from the National Surveillance System for Hospital Data, which includes more than 98% of Spanish hospitals. All hospitalisations of patients with RA and HF that were reported from 1999 to 2015 were analysed. Codes were selected using the Ninth International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification: ICD-9-CM: RA 714.0 to 714.9 and HF 820.0 to 820.3. The crude and age-adjusted incidence rate of HF was calculated by age and sex strata over the last 17 years. General lineal models were used to analyse trends. Results Between 1999 and 2015, 6656 HFs occurred in patients with RA of all ages (84.25% women, mean age 77.5 and 15.75% men, mean age 76.37). The ageadjusted osteoporotic HF rate was 221.85/100 000 RA persons/ year (women 227.97; men 179.06). The HF incidence rate increased yearly by 3.1% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.0) during the 1999–2015 period (p<0.001) and was more pronounced in men (3.5% (95% CI 2.1 to 4.9)) than in women (3.1% (95% CI 2.3 to 4.1)). The female to male ratio decreased from 1.54 in 1999 to 1.14 in 2015. The average length of hospital stays (ALHS) decreased (p<0.001) from 16.76 days (SD 15.3) in 1999 to 10.78 days (SD 7.72) in 2015. Age at the time of hospitalisation increased (p<0.001) from 75.3 years (SD 9.33) in 1999 to 79.92 years (SD 9.47) in 2015. There was a total of 326 (4.9%) deaths during admission, 247 (4.4%) in women and 79 (7.5%) in men (p<0.001). Conclusion I n Spain, despite the advances that have taken place in controlling disease activity and in treating osteoporosis, the incidence rate of HF increased in both male and female patients with RA.This work has a help for the research provided by the Society of Rheumatology of the Community of Madrid (SORCOM)