716 research outputs found

    Study of Calculus Pancreatitis

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    INTRODUCTION: Chronic calcific pancreatitis is a relentlessly progressive fibroin flammatory process, resulting in various amounts of destruction of endocrine and exocrine elements, which may eventually lead to pancreatic insufficiency. Abdominal pain which is excruciating and recurrent is dominant feature of chronic pancreatitis that initially brings most of the patients to physician’s attention. The pathogensis of pancreatic pain is often multifactorial and explains why not all patients respond to same mode of therapy. In contrast to the quantitatively huge interest stands. The fact that basic problem concerning the disease, the initial steps, the propagation, the mechanisms are still unsolved. This obvious defect in knowledge and understanding of what really going on, when individual get a chronic pancreatitis bears a profound influence on therapeutic approach to the disease. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. To study the incidence of the chronic calculus pancreatitis at GRH, Madurai 2. To study the epidemiological patterns in relation to age, sex and place. 3. To study the different etiological factors and pattern of clinical presentations. 4. To know the outcome and response of the medical and surgical procedure. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study of calculus pancreatitis was conducted in 77 patients admitted in GRH, Madurai, General Surgery and Surgical Gastroentereology department from 2008 to 2010. Informed consent was obtained from all patient who were included in the study. Inclusion Criteria: Study group include both male and females between the age group of 13 to 60 yrs with signs symptoms and radiological evidence of chronic calculus pancreatitis. Exclusion criteria: Patient with chronic pancreatitis associated malignancy were excluded from the study. Study Design: Each patient in the study was subjected to detailed clinical examination correlating with a detail history. Investigations in the form of routine hemogram, Liver Function Test, Pancreatic Function Test, and imaging studies like X rays, USG, CT abdomen and other investigations relevant to the suspected disease system involved were done. From the above clinical data and imaging studies chronic pancreatitis was diagnosed. Patients who requires surgical intervention were prepared and taken up for surgical procedure after satisfying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results were tabulated and analysed. CONCLUSION: In this prospective study which was conducted in 77 patients with chronic calculus pancreatitis at Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai between 2008-2011 the following conclusions were derived out. 1. Panacreatic calculi occur much more commonly than is generally appreciated. 2. Most of patients presented in their 4th decade of life. 3. Males are affected more than females in the ratio of 4:1 4. In this study 31% of the patients are alcoholic the etiological factor in the remaining group of patients are undertermined, that may be attributed to nutritional, idiopathic, hereditary etc. 5. Surgical relief can be obtained, and this is the procedure of choice in severe cases. 6. Decompression surgery done in cases with ductal dillation more than 7mm

    Empirical analysis of ensemble methods for the classification of robocalls in telecommunications

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    With the advent of technology, there has been an excessive use of cellular phones. Cellular phones have made life convenient in our society. However, individuals and groups have subverted the telecommunication devices to deceive unwary victims. Robocalls are quite prevalent these days and they can either be legal or used by scammers to trick one out of their money. The proposed methodology in the paper is to experiment two ensemble models on the dataset acquired from the Federal Trade Commission(DNC Dataset). It is imperative to analyze the call records and based on the patterns the calls can classify as a robocall or not a robocall. Two algorithms Random Forest and XgBoost are combined in two ways and compared in the paper in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and the time taken

    Detecting the magnitude of depression in Twitter users using sentiment analysis

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    Today the different social networking sites have enabled everyone to easily express and share their feelings with people around the world. A lot of people use text for communicating, which can be done through different social media messaging platforms available today such as Twitter, Facebook etc, as they find it easier to express their feelings through text instead of speaking them out. Many people who also suffer from stress find it easier to express their feelings on online platform, as over there they can express themselves very easily. So if they are alerted beforehand, there are ways to overcome the mental problems and stress they are suffering from. Depression stands out to be one of the most well known mental health disorders and a major issue for medical and mental health practitioners. Legitimate checking can help in its discovery, which could be useful to anticipate and prevent depression all-together.Hence there is a need for a system, which can cater to such issues and help the user. The purpose of this paper is to propose an efficient method that can detect the level of depression in Twitter users. Sentiment scores calculated can be combined with different emotions to provide a better method to calculate depression scores. This process will help underscore various aspects of depression that have not been understood previously. The main aim is to provide a sense of understanding regarding depression levels in different users and how the scores can be correlated to the main data

    Perancangan Birth Center dengan Pendekatan Cognitive Behavioral Therapy di Bandung

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    Kehamilan adalah proses regenerasi yang normal dialami oleh sebagian besar wanita, tetapi hingga saat ini belum ada fasilitas yang dapat memfasilitasi ibu hamil secara komprehensif dan berkesinambungan agar dapat mengurangi resiko bagi ibu hamil. Dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa lingkungan merupakan faktor yang paling besar dalam proses penyembuhan di dalam fasilitas medis yaitu sebesar 40%. Namun sayangnya lingkungan yang dibentuk oleh rumah bersalin yang sudah ada sekarang justru memberikan rasa takut, kecemasan, kebosanan, dan stress pada ibu hamil. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya studi lebih lanjut tentang fasilitas ibu hamil agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal bagi ibu hamil untuk menurunkan tingkat stress pada ibu hamil.// /


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    Objective: The objective of the present study is to determine the possible phytoconstituents identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of an ethanolic leaves extract of Elettaria cardamomum L. Maton.Methods: The extraction of E. cardamomum was done by cold solvent extraction system at room temperature. GC-MS analysis of lyophilized ethanolic leaves extract of plant samples was carried out by GC-MS-GC Clarus 500 Perkin Elmer. Results: In E. cardamomum, 21 phytochemicals were identified among which retinal, 9-cis-showed the highest area (44.86%) and benzeneethanamine, α-methyl- showed the lowest area (0.12%). The major compounds identified were retinal, 9-cis-, 1-heptatriacotanol, phytol, n-hexadecanoic acid, naphthalene,decahydro-1,1,4atrimethyl-6-methylene-5-(3-methyl-2-4-pentadienyl)-[4aS-(4aα,5α,8aα)]-, β-pinene, 2H-pytan-3-ol,6- ethenyltetrahydro-2,2,6-trimethyl-and cyclopropane, trimethanol, (2-methyl-1-propanylidene).Conclusion: GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of hydrocarbon alkane, ester, terpenes, phenolic compounds, steroids, and fatty acids in E. cardamomum. These active phytoconstituents contribute to the medicinal efficacy of the plant, and the plant can be used for the sourcing of these compounds

    Citespong House Of Drug Rehabilitation Center

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    Narkoba seringkali disalahgunakan oleh banyak kalangan masyarakat. Ketergantungan pengguna narkoba ini sulit untuk disembuhkan, tidak hanya karena zat nikotin yang terkandung didalamnya tetapi juga lingkungan yang tidak sehat dan keinginan pengguna narkoba itu sendiri. Rehabilitasi narkoba menjadi sebuah wadah untuk memberikan pertolongan agar pengguna narkoba dapat sembuh. Namun, banyak rehabilitasi narkoba di Indonesia yang belum memperhatikan lingkungan sebagai faktor penting dalam proses penyembuhan. Therapeutic Environment adalah USAha penyembuhan pasien dengan menggunakan berbagai pengobatan melalui metode-metode medis, sosial, moral hingga lingkungan fisik. Pengaplikasian metode Therapeutic Environment diharapkan mampu mempengaruhi perilaku dan psikologi pengguna narkoba melalui perancangan ruang berbasis lingkungan

    Perancangan Fasilitas Rehabilitasi Mental untuk Penderita Depresi

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    Depresi merupakan gangguan emosi yang ditandai oleh perasaan sedih dan berubahnya pola hidup yang berujung dengan pemikiran untuk menyakitidiri sendiri atau mengakhiri hidup. Beberapa riset menyatakan bahwa penderita depresi bertambah pesat setiap tahunnya yang kemudian berbandingterbaik dengan ketersediaan fasilitas yang ada. Tempat rehabilitasi di Indonesia masih berpusat di Rumah Sakit jiwa dimana lingkungan yang disediakan lebih memenuhi aspek fungsional. Dilihat dari sisi psikologis, faktor lingkungan berperan penting dalam proses penyembuhan. Hal ini yangseringkali diabaikan sehingga proses terapi menjadi tidak maksimal. Dalam studi perancangan ini bertujuan menciptakan lingkungan yang ideal yangmendukung proses rehabilitasi dengan penggunaan unsur-unsur interior. Dalam proses studi perancangan penulis menemukan beberapa kesulitanyaitu bagaimana menerjemahkan konsep lingkungan ideal yang berbentuk abstrak menjadi elemen interior. Sehingga penulis melakukan survey untukmengetahui metode pengaplikasian warna dan pencahayaan, serta elemen - elemen interior lainnya

    Data Placement in Object Storage Based Multiple Containers in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is an Internet based processing where virtual shared servers give programming and different resources. Cloud storage is only capacity of information on outsider cloud servers. The benefits are boundless capacity, backup and recovery. The bad marks are specialized issues, cost and absence of backing in security. In This paper, we made to build an application for cloud security in IBM bluemix cloud to partition the data and storing them into multiple containers of object storage. Object storage is a resource which is used in IBM bluemix cloud to store a data. Hence the data is retrieve when needed by merging it. An proposed efficient data placement algorithm is used. This will consider how to place the files efficiently to the containers in object storage. Beside, the files will merge when client needs it back. So some additional algorithms is also used for partitioning and merging of files. Our goal is to achieve good security for cloud storage system, through proposed algorithm by using multiple containers of object storage in cloud

    Marine microlalgal culture

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    Marine microlalgal cultur

    Energy Crisis and Recent Technological Development in India

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    Now-a-days demand of the electricity is increasing. India has struggled to resolve its energy shortage problems for decades. As the country is now facing an exotic energy crisis, the drive to find effective long-term energy solutions is stronger now than ever before. Renewable energy resources such as wind and solar energy are abundant in India. It is environmental friendly and also low cost. Renewable energy is only the root causes of this demand. The present situation of the electricity production and its consumption in the country were discussed. The solar energy generation potential of India in different sectors to produce energy is viewed. Energy crisis of solar energy has been reporting in MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy). In our nation, we are using some types of solar scheme. Under that scheme solar park and solar rooftop are popularly in practice to produce solar energy. The importance of utilization of solar energy resources for the production of electric power. The production rate is high in Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan, but low in Meghalaya and Puducherry. These renewable energy resources can play an effective and also considerable role in contributing toward energy security of the country. Developments of solar technology in before and after independent were presented and the future developments were discussed. Some prediction is made on the basis of preliminary observations. The flow chart of an estimated forecast of demand and supply of electricity for the next ten years is also projected in this paper. Keywords: Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Power Production, total installation, Renewable energy sources (RES), Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), solar technolog