89 research outputs found


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    Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan HIV /AIDS di Indonesia, salah satu program yang dilaksanakan adalah melaksanakan deteksi dini untuk mengetahui status seseorang sudah terinfeksi HIV atau belum melalui Konseling dan Tes HIV secara Sukarela (KTS). Klinik bergerak atau mobile VCT merupakan strategi peningkatan akses VCT dengan melaksanakan penjangkauan pada populasi kunci HIV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pelaksanaan program mobile VCT yang dilaksanakan oleh Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) Kota Semarang dan Lentera Asa Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian ini didapatkan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam pada informan yang merupakan pelaksana dan klien mobile VCT dari kedua LSM yang menjadi studi kasus penelitian ini. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kedua LSM melaksanaan mobile VCT dimulai dengan melakukan penjangkauan, penyuluhan, konseling pra testing, testing HIV, konseling pasca testing dan pelayanan dukungan berkelanjutan. PKBI Kota Semarang melaksanaan mobile VCT dengan melibatkan layanan kesehatan pemerintah dan klinik mandiri PKBI yaitu Klinik Griya Asa. Pada pelaksanan mobile VCT yang diselenggarakan oleh PKBI Kota Semarang, konseling tidak hanya dilaksanaan oleh konselor profesional tetapi juga dilaksanakan oleh konselor awam yang bertugas sebagai petugas lapangan. Pada mobile VCT yang dilaksanakan oleh Lentera Asa, seluruh pelayanan VCT dilaksanakan oleh layanan kesehatan pemerintah tetapi tidak tersedia petugas manajemen kasus yang sudah bersertifikat dari lembaga. PKBI Kota Semarang memiliki pendataan mobile VCT dalam bentuk laporan tiap pelaksanaan dan bulanan sedangkan Lentera Asa melakukan pendataan dalam bentuk pendataan kumulatif. Perlu peninjauan ulang terhadap kualifikasi pemberi layanan dan pendataan pelaksanaan mobile VCT Kata Kunci: HIV, mobile VCT, pelaksanaa

    Analisis Sistem Dan Prosedur Akuntansi Pemberian Kredit Modal Kerja Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pengendalian Intern (Studi Pada Bpr Permataartha Surya Surabaya)

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    Bank in the implementation of the granting of required working capital credit system and accounting procedures that can improve internal control. Internal control has a role to keep the company operational activities so that the wealth of the company will continue to run. The purpose of this study was to determine the system and working capital lending procedures applied by the Rural Bank Permata Surya Artha Surabaya, as well as to determine whether the systems and procedures have improved the internal control. The focus of this research is the system and procedure of working capital loan to the Rural Bank Permata Surya Artha Surabaya by analyzing the existing aspects of the internal control. The results of data analysis showed that there are some things that need to be improved in the division of tasks and responsibilities undertaken by the Accounts Officer, necessitating the addition of personnel as a separate Credit Analyst. In addition, the implementation of a healthy practice, has never been the holding of a sudden inspection by internal auditor. Although not yet have an internal auditor, the directors should also carry out duties as internal auditor

    Peran Komunikasi sebagai Pendukung Perubahan Organisasi

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    Every changing in organization potentially produces some conflicts because it make unpredictable situation for every elements and members of organization. The changing causes a problem if it is not communicated effectively to them. They accept the organizational changing only if they know and realize that changing is important for organizational development and surviving in its environment. They must be informed that they are not be worsen but advantaged because it. The communication must be done before, during, and after the changing of organization to make the changing move smoothly. This article describes the communication role in the changing of organization. it employs cases of two companies as examples of the communication role in smooth and effective change in organization that make them go to the better situation

    Peran Komunikasi sebagai Pendukung Perubahan Organisasi

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    Every changing in organization potentially produces some conflicts because it make unpredictable situation for every elements and members of organization. The changing causes a problem if it is not communicated effectively to them. They accept the organizational changing only if they know and realize that changing is important for organizational development and surviving in its environment. They must be informed that they are not be worsen but advantaged because it. The communication must be done before, during, and after the changing of organization to make the changing move smoothly. This article describes the communication role in the changing of organization. it employs cases of two companies as examples of the communication role in smooth and effective change in organization that make them go to the better situation

    Application of Green Marketing in the Use of Coffee Waste as A Business Creative Industry Based on Social Enterprise

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    Coffee pulp waste is one of the most significant industrial wastes today because, in the last three years, the coffee business has increased in Indonesia, especially in urban areas. Coffee pulp waste has economic value if it can use it. This study is conducted to (1) describe the interest of coffee shops in South Jakarta to provide coffee pulp waste as cosmetic raw materials, (2) to apply green marketing as a social business strategy to develop creative industries. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a case study approach. To discover coffee shop owners' interests to utilize coffee grounds waste, data collection through interviews with 30 coffee shop owners in South Jakarta, and observation. Determine the strategy of implementing green marketing in coffee shops through the utilization of coffee grounds waste produced. The results showed that coffee shops in South Jakarta produced 1-5 kg ​​of coffee waste per day. All owners have not utilized the coffee grounds waste. The interview results showed the coffee shop owner's desire to provide coffee pulp waste produced for use as raw material for making cosmetics. Utilizing this coffee pulp waste can lead to new businesses that can be developed as creative industries. The new company is a social business that impacts solving social problems, namely creating new jobs in environmentally friendly cosmetics made from coffee grounds waste
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