20 research outputs found

    Effect of Microwave Radiation on the Compressive Strength of Solid Ceramic Brick

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    Microwave radiation is widely utilized in construction practice, especially for drying building materials, remediating damp masonry, or sterilization of biotic pests that have infested building structures. The available scientific and technical literature reports that certain materials exposed to microwave radiation do not change their physical and mechanical properties, although this has not yet been adequately verified. This paper builds on many years of research in the area, adding to and refining existing information, providing new insights into the mechanical and physical properties of commonly available building materials that have been exposed to controlled microwave radiation, and comparing them with reference values. The experimental research on a set of clay brick samples is carried out using tests according to European standards, and it focuses on the effect of microwave radiation on compressive strength and water absorption. The experimental samples were compared to reference samples that had not been subjected to prolonged exposure to moisture and were subsequently treated with microwave radiation for dehumidification

    Calcium and fluorine signals in HS-LEIS for CaF2(111) and powder-Quantification of atomic surface concentrations using LiF(001), Ca, and Cu references

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    The powder of CaF2 has been proposed as a practical reference for the quantitation of Ca and F in low energy ion scattering (LEIS) analysis. It is chemically inert, easy to clean, and inexpensive. LEIS is extremely surface sensitive. Thus, in contrast to surface analytic techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectroscopy, the surface termination of a sample is clearly reflected in the LEIS results. It is, thus, unlikely that in LEIS, the F/Ca ratio for CaF2 is 2.0. This paper supports the reliability of the CaF2 powder reference by evaluating the calcium and fluorine atomic surface concentrations, roughness factor and shows that the surface termination of the powder is the same as that of CaF2(111). The CaF2 samples are treated by annealing at 725 K and measured at 625 K. The presented spectra are practically free of contamination. Ion scattering by LiF (001), an evaporated Ca layer, and a Cu foil are used as basic references for Ca and F. The atomic sensitivity factors and the relative sensitivity factors have been determined for F, Ca, and Cu (3 keV He+, 145 degrees). The F/Ca atomic ratio is found to be the same (2.3 +/- 0.1) for CaF2(111) and its powder. For the powder, the Ca and F signals are reduced by a factor of 0.77 +/- 0.03 in comparison with those for the single crystal

    Single-layer graphene on epitaxial FeRh thin films

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    Graphene is a 2D material that displays excellent electronic transport properties with prospective applications in many fields. Inducing and controlling magnetism in the graphene layer, for instance by proximity of magnetic materials, may enable its utilization in spintronic devices. This paper presents fabrication and detailed characterization of single-layer graphene formed on the surface of epitaxial FeRh thin films. The magnetic state of the FeRh surface can be controlled by temperature, magnetic field or strain due to interconnected order parameters. Characterization of graphene layers by X-ray Photoemission and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Low-Energy Ion Scattering, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, and Low-Energy Electron Microscopy shows that graphene is single-layer, polycrystalline and covers more than 97% of the substrate. Graphene displays several preferential orientations on the FeRh(0 0 1) surface with unit vectors of graphene rotated by 30 degrees, 15 degrees, 11 degrees, and 19 degrees with respect to FeRh substrate unit vectors. In addition, the graphene layer is capable to protect the films from oxidation when exposed to air for several months. Therefore, it can be also used as a protective layer during fabrication of magnetic elements or as an atomically thin spacer, which enables incorporation of switchable magnetic layers within stacks of 2D materials in advanced devices

    Connectivity / Democratic City_Radnice pro Staré Brno

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    The objective of this bachelor thesis is to design new town hall on Mendel square in Brno. To transform a degrading unused final station of trams to public space full of life. In the building will be new town hall, turistic center and the upper floors will be used for housing. With the new town hall we would like to design new officis but also space for social weak people or people runing away from war or space for anyone who is looking for the company

    Connectivity / Democratic City_Radnice pro Staré Brno

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    Cílem práce je návrh nové radnice na Mendlově náměstí v Brně. Transformovat degradující a nevyužívaný prostor tramvajové smyčky. na veřejný prostor plný života. V budově se bude nacházet nová radnice, turistické centruma a vrchní patra jsou určena pro sdílené bydlení. Novou radnicí nechceme jen vybudovat nové kancelářské prostory, ale i nabídnout nové příležitosti lidem ze sociálně slabších kruhu, lidem utíkajícím před válkou, nebo lidem vyhledávajícím nové vazby.The objective of this bachelor thesis is to design new town hall on Mendel square in Brno. To transform a degrading unused final station of trams to public space full of life. In the building will be new town hall, turistic center and the upper floors will be used for housing. With the new town hall we would like to design new officis but also space for social weak people or people runing away from war or space for anyone who is looking for the company.

    Possibilities of Using Microwave Radiation to Accelerate the Solidification of Mixtures Consisting of a Polymer Matrix Binder and a Waste Thermal Insulation Filler

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    The presented work deals with the possibility of using the action of microwave energy on fresh mixtures consisting of a filler from waste thermal insulation expanded polystyrene and a binder from a polymer mixture to accelerate the time required for the mixture to solidify. The influence of microwave exposure time on thermal engineering material properties of mixtures was experimentally tested