28 research outputs found

    Horyzont kresu. Glosy do Drugiego przyjścia Williama Butlera Yeatsa

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    The outline presents a comprehensive interpretation of the poem The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats

    Jan Lechoń: wiatr nocy, rysunek rdzy (na marginesie wiersza Stara Warszawa)

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    The present sketch proposes an aspectual analysis and interpretation of the poem Stara Warszawa by Jan Lechoń. The author of the sketch is interested in architectonics of the world revealed and rendered in the poem, in a complex and intricate network of relations in which the poem establishes, maintains, develops and interacts with other cultural texts, as well as its existentialist dimension. The basic frame of reference for the last mentioned issue is the friendship shared by Lechoń and Stanisław Baliński

    Miłosna dokładność: czytając wiersze Marcina Świetlickiego (zapis eseju mówionego)

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    The author presents a comprehensive interpretation of Marcin Świetlicki’s poetry, emphasizing the modeling role of the gesture of opening the poet’s creative path and highlighting the key threads and figures of imagination that organize his work. At the same time, he presents a strategy of reading that – performatively, thanks to interpretive passages – resonates with Świetlicki›s poetic practice and allows the modalities of his poems to resound, which are founded on the existentially rooted forms of “presence” and related presentations of the “voice” with them. The form of the spoken essay used by Próchniak also serves to capture these registers of the poetry of the author of Schizma.Autor przedstawia całościowe odczytanie poezji Marcina Świetlickiego – kładąc akcent na modelującej roli gestu otwarcia twórczej drogi poety oraz wydobywając kluczowe wątki i figury wyobraźni organizujące jego dzieło. Jednocześnie prezentuje taką strategię lektury, która – performatywnie, za sprawą interpretacyjnych pasaży – wchodzi w rezonans z praktyką poetycką Świetlickiego i pozwala wybrzmieć zwłaszcza tym modalnościom jego wierszy, które ufundowane zostały na egzystencjalnie zakorzenionych formach „obecności” i na związanych z nimi uobecnieniach „głosu”. Uchwyceniu tych rejestrów poezji autora Schizmy służy również wykorzystana przez Próchniaka forma eseju mówionego

    Dar krytyki (pięć notatek o pisarstwie krytycznoliterackim Mariana Stali)

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    THE GIFT OF LITERARY CRITICISM (FIVE NOTES ON MARIAN STALA’S CRITICAL WRITINGS) This essay presents a profi le of Marian Stala as a literary critic. The author’s reading of the notable literary historian’s critical output is at the same time an attempt to uncover the state of contemporary criticism that still recognizes the role of literature as important

    The gift of literary criticism (five notes on Marian Stala’s critical writings)

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    This essay presents a profi le of Marian Stala as a literary critic. The author’s reading of the notable literary historian’s critical output is at the same time an attempt to uncover the state of contemporary criticism that still recognizes the role of literature as important


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    In this paper we examined efficiency of one of the method for numerical inversion of the Laplace transform: the Gaver-Stehfest method to find solution an one-dimensional gas flow model with axial dispersion. Algorithm was used to determine values of the axial dispersion coefficients DL and Pèclet numbers Pe on the basis of the pulse tracer technique. Obtained results of Pèclet numbers indicate that the gas flow is neither plug flow nor perfect mixing under operation condition. Numerical results are provided to confirm the efficiency of the presented method. Calculations were performed with the use of the CAS program type (Maple®)

    The Gift of “in the Blink of an Eye”. Notes about Krzysztof Czyżewski’s “Żegaryszki”

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    Pisane przez Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego żegaryszki to zapisy opatrzone datami dziennymi, bez wskazania roku, z którego pochodzą. Tworzą tryptyk. Jego trzecie ogniwo jest zarazem zwornikiem, łączącym oba wcześniej wydane cykle. W tej osiowej księdze „wierszy najmniejszych” powracają niektóre zapisy i fotografie ze zbiorów poprzednich, zostają jednak raz jeszcze wpisane w krągły rok – w tok kalendarzowych dni (i nocy) biegnących ścieżką powrotnych miesięcy, ścieżką pór roku, która prowadzi od wiosennego przesilenia do schyłku zimy. I wciąż na nowo odnajduje samą siebie. Artykuł omawia te kwesstie i jest próbą wstępnej interpretacji żegaryszek napisanych przez Czyżewskiego. A presentation of an interpretative insight into three supplementing cycles of Żegaryszki by Krzysztof Czyżewski. The text concerns both the cycles’ triptych structure and the key motifs linking particular cycles into a thematic and problem entity whose warp consists of meditative reflection on existence and illumination experiences written out in particular poems and photographs accompanying the latter. The author of the text embarks upon a motif, of importance for Żegaryszki, of poetic and photographic epiphanies of concrete places and the inclusion of those artistic forms into the real space of Krasnogruda. More, he signalizes the anthropological potential of Czyżewski’s records, particularly their spiritual dimension

    Sometimes I AM (On reading the poem “McDonald’s”)

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    The present sketch proposes an interpretation of one of the most important poems of the early poetry written by Marcin Świetlicki. At the same time, the reading of the poem is paired with a simultaneous analytical interpretation providing the standard analytical scheme usually applied to any poetical work (this scheme is based on a sequence of recognitions that refer to: 1. writing, 2. euphony, 3. semantics of spaces concentrated with meaning, 4. the structure of the presented world. A presentation of the four fundamental steps in the analysis is accompanied with a reflection on the paradox of interpretation, the corresponding model of which is in the poem the outlined mirror image of identity between the “opaque” depth and “overt” surface