172 research outputs found

    Formation of N-heterocyclic, donor-stabilized borenium ions

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Cationic and zwitterionic boryl bromide species and a borenium–boryl bromide cation have been synthesised which represent new N-donor stabilised cationic boron compounds with ÎČ-diketiminate ligands. The unexpected borenium–boryl bromide results from a head-to-tail dimerisation of the corresponding zwitterionic boryl bromide accompanied by proton migration. The electronic nature of these new species was studied by DFT calculations

    Atomically Precise Expansion of Unsaturated Silicon Clusters

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    Small- to medium-sized clusters occur in various areas of chemistry, for example, as active species of heterogeneous catalysis or as transient intermediates during chemical vapor deposition. The manipulation of stable representatives is mostly limited to the stabilizing ligand periphery, virtually excluding the systematic variation of the property-determining cluster scaffold. We now report the deliberate expansion of a stable unsaturated silicon cluster from six to seven and finally eight vertices. The consecutive application of lithium/naphthalene as the reducing agent and decamethylsilicocene as the electrophilic source of silicon results in the expansion of the core by precisely one atom with the potential of infinite repetition

    Halogen-Bonded Liquid Crystals

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    While the halogen bond has been recognised and studied for over a hundred years, it is only in more recent times that chemists have begun to apply it and see its possibilities as another supramolecular interaction that can be deployed in the preparation of materials. This review takes one of those areas, liquid crystals, and considers examples of motifs that have been deployed successfully to generate new mesogens. In particular, rather than attempting to be comprehensive, the article reviews critically data from well-characterised systems and seeks to first make some comparisons with analogous hydrogen-bonded materials, before considering how the lability and flexibility of the halogen bond expresses itself in liquid crystal behaviour

    1,2,4,5-Tetrachloro-3,6-diiodobenzene benzene monosolvate

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