56 research outputs found

    Inductan: a simple, robust and fast numerical tool to evaluate self-inductance of arbitrarily shaped coil with few windings

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    We built a numerical tool allowing the evaluation of self-inductance of arbitrarily shaped coils with few windings. This tool named Inductan aims to be relevant, reliable and reasonably fast in order to be integrated in a more complex model. It is based on a formulation involving the vector potential and the Biot & Savart equation. The general equation giving the self-inductance coefficient is simplified according to the hypothesis of the envisaged geometry allowing to transform a 3d integral in a curvilinear integral operating on just one dimension of space. The numerical implementation is presented as exhaustively as possible, with its particular issues linked to the discrete representation of the coil. The tool is validated first on canonical geometry for which it exists an analytical formulation and second with direct experimental measurements obtained on laboratory coils with controlled and known, but not canonical, shapes

    Antennas for Small Mobile Terminals

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    Lowering Transport Costs and Prices by Competition: Regulatory and Institutional Reforms in Low Income Countries

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    High passenger and freight transport costs are a barrier to economic growth and social mobility, particularly in Low Income Countries (LICs). This paper considers the current state of knowledge regarding the barriers to achieving lower generalised transport costs. It considers both the road and railway modes across passenger and freight transport. These issues include a reform on the regulations for driver hours (preventing the road infrastructure from overloading), structuring rail concessions, increasing competition, and tackling corruption. Such reforms aim to deliver efficiency gains and service quality improvements at lower costs for users. This paper identifies the knowledge gap in previous research and concludes by setting out a research agenda that builds the evidence base for how the best practices from around the world can best be applied to the specific circumstances in Low Income Countries, with a particular focus on Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asi

    Freedom and the Weight of the Crown: Sartrean and Beauvoirian Existentialism in Peter Morgan's The Crown

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    In this article, I examine Peter Morgan's TV series The Crown (2016–present) through the lens of Sartrean and Beauvoirian existentialism. I argue that the character of Queen Elizabeth II holds a special place in the royal family, as the monarch who demonstrates the compatibility of duty and tradition with existential freedom and authenticity. I also demonstrate the series’ commitment to breaking the illusion of inhumanity that the royal family tries to maintain, by showing that the royals are not out-of-reach ideals, but humans who struggle to transcend their exceptionally binding facticity. As portrayed in The Crown, Queen Elizabeth's lucidity on her situation leads to honest introspection, which dispels any attempt at self-deception, and therefore prevents her from slipping into bad faith

    La déréglementation du secteur bancaire aux États-Unis : un long processus

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    This paper purports to show that the deregulation of the United States banking System is an absolute necessity. The US banking regulation has indeed had negative effects on the size, structures, risks, profitability and Prudential supervision of banks. Some progress was achieved in the 1970s and 1980s, largely due to external or specific factors such as banking innovation or the bankruptcies of Savings and Loans. However the preocess has remained uncompleted because the US Congress has been reluctant to alleviate regulations substantially. Therefore the US banking System still operates under a wide array of regulatory constraints

    The Instrumentalisation of the United Nations by the United States of America during the Iraq Crisis

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    Le 12 septembre 2002, George Bush profitait d'un discours devant l'Assemblée Générale de l'ONU pour saisir le Conseil de Sécurité et exposer à la communauté internationale ses griefs à l'encontre de Saddam Hussein et de ses armes de destruction massive. Dictée par des impératifs électoraux, cette saisine de l'ONU s'était imposée à la Maison Blanche en raison de l'échec de la propagande néo-conservatrice à convaincre l'opinion publique de la nécessité d'une guerre en Iraq. Celle-ci devant donner corps au concept de « guerre contre le terrorisme » de la future campagne présidentielle, la Maison Blanche avait décidé de s'appuyer sur la crédibilité et la légitimité de l'ONU, pour relancer la propagande et travestir une guerre illégale en un acte de légitime défense, en tenant secret la décision de la guerre.La communauté internationale ne fut ni dupe ni complice de cette supercherie, mais le poids de la relation transatlantique interdit au Royaume-Uni de se désolidariser de l'Amérique et à la France d'user de son droit de veto contre ses alliés. Ces contradictions expliqueront la crise du Conseil de Sécurité de 2003, où, en désaccord, les gouvernants du bloc occidental s’affrontèrent sur la nécessité d’une seconde résolution autorisant la guerre. Cette crise ne fut sans conséquence, ni pour l'administration Bush, ni pour la communauté internationale, et encore moins pour l'ONU, puisqu'une fois enlisés en Iraq, les États-Unis obtiendront du Conseil de Sécurité plusieurs résolutions, sans reconsidérer leur unilatéralisme. Mise en porte à faux, l'Organisation internationale sera prise pour cible et son quartier général en Iraq détruit. Le chaos succédant à la guerre, l'administration néo-conservatrice sera finalement contrainte, sous la pression électorale, d'abandonner son unilatéralisme et de céder à l'ONU la résolution politique du conflit.On September 12, 2002, George Bush during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly seized the opportunity to submit the Security Council and expose to the International Community his worries concerning Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. Dictated by election requirements, referring to the United Nations was imposed on the White House because of failing neo-conservative propaganda convincing the public opinion of need for war in Iraq. This was supposed to give body to the upcoming presidential campaign’s concept of “war against terrorism”, the White House had decided to lean on the United Nations credibility and legitimacy to re-launch propaganda and disguise an illegal war into an act of self defence, by keeping the decision of war secret.The International Community was not fooled by or accomplice of this trick, but the weight of the trans-Atlantic relationship forbade the United Kingdom to set itself apart from the United States and for France to use its right to veto against its allies. These contradictions explain the 2003 Security Council crisis, where, by disagreeing the western governments faced one another on the necessity of a second resolution authorizing war.This crisis was not without consequences, for Bush’s administration or for the International Community and even so for the United Nations, since being stuck in Iraq, the United States obtained several resolutions from the Security Council without questioning their unilateralism. Being in an awkward position, the International Organisation was targeted and its headquarters in Iraq destroyed. In the chaos in the aftermath of the war, the neo-conservative administration was obliged, under electoral pressure, to give up its unilateral attitude, and let the Unieted Nations politically resolve the conflict

    Kiri parun Stieglitz'ile

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    Pozzo di Borgo, Carlo-Andrea, 1764-1842, itaalia diplomaatStieglitz, Alexander von, 1814-1884, parun, pankur, kunstimetseenSaadab adressaadile 4 sertifikaat

    Inductan: a simple, robust and fast numerical tool to evaluate self-inductance of arbitrarily shaped coil with few windings

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    We built a numerical tool allowing the evaluation of self-inductance of arbitrarily shaped coils with few windings. This tool named Inductan aims to be relevant, reliable and reasonably fast in order to be integrated in a more complex model. It is based on a formulation involving the vector potential and the Biot & Savart equation. The general equation giving the self-inductance coefficient is simplified according to the hypothesis of the envisaged geometry allowing to transform a 3d integral in a curvilinear integral operating on just one dimension of space. The numerical implementation is presented as exhaustively as possible, with its particular issues linked to the discrete representation of the coil. The tool is validated first on canonical geometry for which it exists an analytical formulation and second with direct experimental measurements obtained on laboratory coils with controlled and known, but not canonical, shapes

    Etude de la gabapentine dans les douleurs neuropathiques

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    REIMS-BU Santé (514542104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les archives du ministère des Relations extérieures : structures et organisation

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    Das Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes ; Aufbau und Organisation. Die Direction des Archives et de la Documentation des Aussenministeriums untersteht nicht der Direction des Archives de France. Das Archiv übernimmt die Akten der Zentral-verwaltung des Ministeriums und von Zeit zu Zeit die Akten der Botschaften und Konsulate. Dabei folgt es in seiner Arbeit dem Ordnungssystem der Abteilungsregistraturen (bureaux d'ordre), um die Integrität der Dokumente innerhalb der Dossiers zu erhalten. Die Gesamtheit des Systems stellt ein einmaliges Beispiel dar für den nahtlosen Ubergang der Akten von ihrer Entstehung bis zur Einordnung als historische Quelle, die fur die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind.The Archives of the Ministry of External Relations ; their structure and organization. The Direction des Archives et de la Documentation of the Ministry of External Relations (formerly Ministry of Foreign Affairs) is autonomous ; it does not depend from the Direction des Archives de France. It receives the records of the central administration of the Ministry and, occasionally, those of French Embassies and Consulates in foreign countries. Current records are first treated by the bureaux d'ordre (registries) which, in each Section of the Ministry, have the task to register, number, retrieve, and arrange documents in files, whose preservation is their responsability. The whole system is a unique example of " integrated management " of records from their creation until their inclusion among historical sources accessible to the public.Los Archivos del Ministero de Relaciones Exteriores ; su estructura y su organizaciôn. La Direction des Archives et de la Documentation del Ministero de Relaciones Exteriores (antiguamente Ministero de Asuntos Exteriores) es autônoma. Non depende de la Direction des Archives de France. Recibe los archivos de la administraciôn central del Ministero y, a veces, los de las Embajadas y de los Consulados franceses al extranjero. Los archivos corrientes son primeramente tratados por los bureaux d'ordre que, en cada secciôn del Ministero, son encargados de la registracidn, numeracidn, indaga ciôn y clasificaciôn de los documentas en expedientes, cuya preservaciôn es su responsabilidad. Todo ese sistema es un ejemplo unico de «administracion integrada » de los archivos desde su creaciôn hasta su integraciôn entre las fuentes histdricas accesibles al publico.Courcelles D. de, Pozzo di Borgo C. Les archives du ministère des Relations extérieures : structures et organisation. In: La Gazette des archives, n°119, 1982. pp. 249-261