3,094 research outputs found

    Entrenamiento de la fuerza explosiva en voleibolistas universitarios

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    The objective of the study is to verify the effect of 8 weeks of training on the lower train using the plyometric method and the combined method with overload and its relation with jumping ability. The sample is of 16 university volleyball players, divided into two groups, the plyometric and the overload. The power of the lower train is evaluated with counter movement and Abalakov. The Shapiro-Wilk significance test and the T-student test were used for independent samples. The plyometric method was more effective than the overload method.El estudio tiene como objetivo comprobar el efecto de 8 semanas de entrenamiento sobre el tren inferior utilizando el método pliométrico y el método combinado con sobrecarga y su relación con la capacidad de salto. La muestra es de 16 jugadores de voleibol universitarios, distribuidos en dos grupos, el pliométrico y el de sobrecargas. La potencia del tren inferior es evaluada con contra movimiento y Abalakov. Se utilizó la prueba de significancia de Shapiro-Wilk y la prueba de T-student para muestras independientes. El método pliométrico fue más eficaz que el método con sobrecargas

    Clinical variant interpretation and biologically relevant reference transcripts.

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    Clinical variant interpretation is highly dependent on the choice of reference transcript. Although the longest transcript has traditionally been chosen as the reference, APPRIS principal and MANE Select transcripts, biologically supported reference sequences, are now available. In this study, we show that MANE Select and APPRIS principal transcripts are the best reference transcripts for clinical variation. APPRIS principal and MANE Select transcripts capture almost all ClinVar pathogenic variants, and they are particularly powerful over the 94% of coding genes in which they agree. We find that a vanishingly small number of ClinVar pathogenic variants affect alternative protein products. Alternative isoforms that are likely to be clinically relevant can be predicted using TRIFID scores, the highest scoring alternative transcripts are almost 700 times more likely to house pathogenic variants. We believe that APPRIS, MANE and TRIFID are essential tools for clinical variant interpretation.Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U24HG007234. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Research was also supported by the following grants: PGC2018-097019-B-I00/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities; IPT17/0019/Carlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria; HR17-00247/'la Caixa' Foundation. We would like to thank the referees for their constructive suggestions. We believe they have improved the paper considerably.S

    Propuesta de mejora del proceso productivo del vino borgoña semiseco aplicando Lean Manufacturing, para aumentar la productividad en la empresa Bodegas El Zarco

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general proponer mejoras del proceso productivo del vino borgoña semiseco para incrementar la productividad de la Empresa Bodegas El Zarco. Se evaluaron todos los factores que afectan la eficiencia de máquina y el rendimiento del proceso además se reconoció el impacto que ocasionan, entre los factores detectados tenemos la calidad de la materia prima, las paradas por falla de maquinaria, la velocidad de la línea de producción, las pérdidas en el proceso y envasado del producto. Lo cual se concluyó en implementar programas de BPM, HACCP y 5S de calidad, para mejorar su línea de producción a nivel de la producción del vino borgoña semiseco. Para determinar las mejoras propuestas se utilizó herramientas lean como: toma de tiempos, métricas Lean, BPM, HACCP y 5S de calidad. Lo cual nos permitió obtener un ahorro anual de 470 936.18 soles realizando los ajustes de producción y actividades de reordenamiento de los recursos (humano, materia prima, insumos, equipos, etc.) Los resultados que se lograron son: - Aumento de la productividad total de la elaboración de vino borgoña semiseco a 3.115. - Aumento en la productividad de mano de obra o recurso humano a 12.919. - Aumento de la productividad de la materia prima a 4.579. - Disminución de pedidas en el proceso y envasado, a 0.5% y 1% respectivamente. - Aumento del rendimiento de la uva sobre litros de vino borgoña semiseco elaborados a 77%. - Mejora en el indicador del OEE (eficiencia global de equipos) a 95%. El impacto de las mejoras en el proceso de elaboración del vino borgoña semiseco, es considerable económicamente viable obteniendo un costo beneficio de 1.38, además partiendo por el incremento en la producción se proyectó ganancias de más de 1, 713, 072.87 soles con aumento en sus ventas del 170% considerando el año anterior.ABSTRACT The present work had as general objective to propose improvements in the production process of semi burgundy wine to increase the productivity of the company Bodegas El Zarco. All factors that affect the efficiency of the machine and the process performance impact caused also between the detected factors include the quality of the raw material, the machine stops fault was recognized were evaluated, the speed of the production line the losses in the processing and packaging of the product. Which was concluded in implementing BPM programs, HACCP and quality 5S to improve its product line-level output of semi burgundy wine. To determine the improvements proposed tools used read as: decision time, TAK, BPM, HACCP and 5S quality parameters. This allowed us to obtain an annual saving of 470 936.18 soles making adjustments and production activities rearrangement of resources (human, raw materials, supplies, equipment, etc.) The results achieved are: - Increase the overall productivity of the development of 3,115 semi burgundy wine. - Increased productivity of labor or human resource to 12,919. - Increased productivity of raw materials to 4,579. - Decreased requested in processing and packaging, 0.5% and 1% respectively. - Increased performance on liters of wine grapes produced at 77%. - Improved display of OEE (overall equipment efficiency) to 95%. The impact of improvements in the process of making wine burgundy semi is economically feasible to obtain a significant cost benefit of 1.38, also starting with the increase in production gains of more than 1, 713, 072.87 soles are designed to increase their sales of 170% on a year earlier

    Flexural properties and failure mechanism assessment for additive manufactured lom bars on different building orientations

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    Plastic Laminated Object Manufacturing has not been assessed from the flexural properties point of view. The deflection range in parts manufactured by this technique is wider than in parts fabricated by other additive manufacturing methods like SLS or FDM. This fact has increased the interest on the final application of these parts rather than restricted to Rapid Prototyping applications. In this study it will be compared the impact of building orientation and geometric features of parts over the flexural properties. Through optical observation it will be studied the failure mechanism.Postprint (published version

    Implementación de un modelo estratégico y su influencia en la gestión de ventas de la Licorería Tabaco y Ron E. I. R. L. - Trujillo

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad determinar la influencia de la implementación del Modelo Estratégico en la Gestión de Ventas de la Licorería Tabaco y Ron E.I.R.L. en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2018. Se encuesto a las 3 sucursales de la empresa, siendo la muestra aleatoria simple equivalente a un total de 109 clientes y 5 colaboradores del área de ventas. Asimismo, se realizó una entrevista al gerente general donde se obtuvo datos relevantes de la situación actual de la empresa y se aplicó una ficha de observación, la cual refleja como operaba cada área de la empresa. Los resultados más relevantes fueron el aumento de efectividad de los colaboradores del área de ventas, que se refleja en los indicadores de eficacia y eficiencia, los cuales aumentaron en 15.48% respectivamente. Además, el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes creció al 41.97% y el nivel de satisfacción del personal de ventas ascendió al 300% debido a las estrategias aplicadas, siendo una de ellas la capacitación realizada por el equipo de investigadoras. Es así que se logró determinar la influencia de la implementación del Modelo Estratégico en la Gestión de Ventas de la Licorería Tabaco y Ron E.I.R.L. en la ciudad de Trujillo en el año 2018.The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of the implementation of the Strategic Model in the Sales Management of the Tobacco Liquor Store and Ron E.I.R.L. in the city of Trujillo in the year 2018. The 3 branches were surveyed, the simple random sample being equivalent to a total of 109 customers of the liquor store, and 5 employees of the sales area. Likewise, an interview was conducted with the general manager where relevant data of the current situation of the company was obtained and an observation form was applied, which reflects how each area of the company operated. The most relevant results were the increase in the effectiveness of the employees that is reflected in the effectiveness and efficiency indicators, which increased by 15.48% respectively. In addition, the level of customer satisfaction grew to 41.97% and the level of satisfaction of the employees increased to 300% due to the strategies applied, one of them being the training carried out by the team of researchers. The influence of the implementation of the Strategic Model in the Sales Management of the Tobacco Liquor Store and Ron E.I.R.L. in the city of Trujillo in the year 2018

    Towards student wellness in the new teaching/learning process of Power Electronics

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    Nowadays, university education has undergone a significant change to new models that encourage the active role of students in the learning process. Moreover, the European Higher Education Area means an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to involve more efficiently to the students and encourage their independent study and active participation. This new framework includes the increase in the development and use of new Information and Communication Technology in education and the analysis of the academic performance of students and their sensation of engagement and burnout. In the particular case of Power Electronics, a new teaching methodology, based on a set of new software multimedia interactive tools, is designed and developed to use for the teaching and learning of this subject. The evaluation process consists of several questionnaires: for both students and lecturers, in order to evaluate the quality of these multimedia interactive tools; and only for students, so as to check their stress levels. This subjective information will be complemented with a detailed analysis of the obtained marks of the students and with the sensation of engagement and burnout, measured in terms of academic stress. Finally, a comparison between theses students and the previous ones that could not use these new educational tools will determine the achievement of the foreseen objectives.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Spectral variability studies in Active Galactic Nuclei: Exploring continuum and emission line regions in the age of LSST and JWST

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    The investigation of emission line regions within active galaxies (AGNs) has a rich and extensive history, now extending to the use of AGNs and quasars as "standardizable" cosmological indicators, shedding light on the evolution of our universe. As we enter the era of advanced observatories, such as the successful launch of JWST and the forthcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the landscape of AGN exploration across cosmic epochs is poised for exciting advancements. In this work, we delve into recent developments in AGN variability research, anticipating the substantial influx of data facilitated by LSST. The article highlights recent strides made by the AGN Polish Consortium in their contributions to LSST. The piece emphasizes the role of quasars in cosmology, dissecting the intricacies of their calibration as standard candles. The primary focus centers on the relationship between the broad-line region size and luminosity, showcasing recent breakthroughs that enhance our comprehension of this correlation. These breakthroughs encompass a range of perspectives, including spectroscopic analyses, photoionization modeling, and collaborative investigations with other cosmological tools. The study further touches on select studies, underlining how the synergy of theoretical insights and advancements in observational capabilities has yielded deeper insights into these captivating cosmic entities.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication as a review in MDPI/Univers

    The importance of the student wellness in the new teaching/learning process

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    Nowadays, the European Higher Education Area means an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to involve more efficiently to the students. Moreover, university education has undergone a significant change to new models that encourage the active role of students in the teaching/learning process. This new framework includes the increase in the development and use of new Information and Communication Technology in education and the analysis of the academic performance of students and their sensation of engagement and burnout. In the case study in this paper, a new teaching methodology is implemented and it is based on a kit of new software interactive tools for Power Electronics. The main objective of this experience consists of the design, development and implementation of a new multimedia resources in order to use them in the teaching/learning process of the subject. To evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of this new methodology and the compliance with the objectives, several surveys have been designed, for both students and lecturers. These results are complemented with the study of the student stress levels, information that will be complemented with an in-depth analysis of the got marks of the students and with the sensation of engagement and burnout, measured in terms of academic stress.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec
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