103 research outputs found

    Transposable Element Populations Shed Light on the Evolutionary History of Wheat and the Complex Co-Evolution of Autonomous and Non-Autonomous Retrotransposons

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    Wheat has one of the largest and most repetitive genomes among major crop plants, containing over 85% transposable elements (TEs). TEs populate genomes much in the way that individuals populate ecosystems, diversifying into different lineages, sub-families and sub-populations. The recent availability of high-quality, chromosome-scale genome sequences from ten wheat lines enables a detailed analysis how TEs evolved in allohexaploid wheat, its diploids progenitors, and in various chromosomal haplotype segments. LTR retrotransposon families evolved into distinct sub-populations and sub-families that were active in waves lasting several hundred thousand years. Furthermore, It is shown that different retrotransposon sub-families were active in the three wheat sub-genomes, making them useful markers to study and date polyploidization events and chromosomal rearrangements. Additionally, haplotype-specific TE sub-families are used to characterize chromosomal introgressions in different wheat lines. Additionally, populations of non-autonomous TEs co-evolved over millions of years with their autonomous partners, leading to complex systems with multiple types of autonomous, semi-autonomous and non-autonomous elements. Phylogenetic and TE population analyses revealed the relationships between non-autonomous elements and their mobilizing autonomous partners. TE population analysis provided insights into genome evolution of allohexaploid wheat and genetic diversity of species, and may have implication for future crop breeding

    A Systematic Review of Durum Wheat: Enhancing Production Systems by Exploring Genotype, Environment, and Management (G Ă— E Ă— M) Synergies

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    According to the UN-FAO, agricultural production must increase by 50% by 2050 to meet global demand for food. This goal can be accomplished, in part, by the development of improved cultivars coupled with modern best management practices. Overall, wheat production on farms will have to increase significantly to meet future demand, and in the face of a changing climate that poses risk to even current rates of production. Durum wheat [Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum (Desf.)] is used largely for pasta, couscous and bulgur production. Durum producers face a range of factors spanning abiotic (frost damage, drought, and sprouting) and biotic (weed, disease, and insect pests) stresses that impact yields and quality specifications desired by export market end-users. Serious biotic threats include Fusarium head blight (FHB) and weed pest pressures, which have increased as a result of herbicide resistance. While genetic progress for yield and quality is on pace with common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), development of resistant durum cultivars to FHB is still lagging. Thus, successful biotic and abiotic threat mitigation are ideal case studies in Genotype (G) Ă— Environment (E) Ă— Management (M) interactions where superior cultivars (G) are grown in at-risk regions (E) and require unique approaches to management (M) for sustainable durum production. Transformational approaches to research are needed in order for agronomists, breeders and durum producers to overcome production constraints. Designing robust agronomic systems for durum demands scientific creativity and foresight based on a deep understanding of constitutive components and their innumerable interactions with each other and the environment. This encompasses development of durum production systems that suit specific agro- ecozones and close the yield gap between genetic potential and on-farm achieved yield. Advances in individual technologies (e.g., genetic improvements, new pesticides, seeding technologies) are of little benefit until they are melded into resilient G Ă— E Ă— M systems that will flourish in the field under unpredictable conditions of prairie farmlands. We explore how recent genetic progress and selected management innovations can lead to a resilient and transformative durum production system

    Identification of Disease Resistance Parents and Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Resistance in Spring Wheat

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    The likelihood of success in developing modern cultivars depend on multiple factors, including the identification of suitable parents to initiate new crosses, and characterizations of genomic regions associated with target traits. The objectives of the present study were to (a) determine the best economic weights of four major wheat diseases (leaf spot, common bunt, leaf rust, and stripe rust) and grain yield for multi-trait restrictive linear phenotypic selection index (RLPSI), (b) select the top 10% cultivars and lines (hereafter referred as genotypes) with better resistance to combinations of the four diseases and acceptable grain yield as potential parents, and (c) map genomic regions associated with resistance to each disease using genome-wide association study (GWAS). A diversity panel of 196 spring wheat genotypes was evaluated for their reaction to stripe rust at eight environments, leaf rust at four environments, leaf spot at three environments, common bunt at two environments, and grain yield at five environments. The panel was genotyped with the Wheat 90K SNP array and a few KASP SNPs of which we used 23,342 markers for statistical analyses. The RLPSI analysis performed by restricting the expected genetic gain for yield displayed significant (p \u3c 0.05) differences among the 3125 economic weights. Using the best four economic weights, a subset of 22 of the 196 genotypes were selected as potential parents with resistance to the four diseases and acceptable grain yield. GWAS identified 37 genomic regions, which included 12 for common bunt, 13 for leaf rust, 5 for stripe rust, and 7 for leaf spot. Each genomic region explained from 6.6 to 16.9% and together accounted for 39.4% of the stripe rust, 49.1% of the leaf spot, 94.0% of the leaf rust, and 97.9% of the common bunt phenotypic variance combined across all environments. Results from this study provide valuable information for wheat breeders selecting parental combinations for new crosses to develop improved germplasm with enhanced resistance to the four diseases as well as the physical positions of genomic regions that confer resistance, which facilitates direct comparisons for independent mapping studies in the future

    TRITEX : chromosome-scale sequence assembly of Triticeae genomes with open-source tools

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    Chromosome-scale genome sequence assemblies underpin pan-genomic studies. Recent genome assembly efforts in the large-genome Triticeae crops wheat and barley have relied on the commercial closed-source assembly algorithm DeNovoMagic. We present TRITEX, an open-source computational workflow that combines paired-end, mate-pair, 10X Genomics linked-read with chromosome conformation capture sequencing data to construct sequence scaffolds with megabase-scale contiguity ordered into chromosomal pseudomolecules. We evaluate the performance of TRITEX on publicly available sequence data of tetraploid wild emmer and hexaploid bread wheat, and construct an improved annotated reference genome sequence assembly of the barley cultivar Morex as a community resource.Peer reviewe

    Genetic mapping of leaf rust (Puccinia triticina Eriks) resistance genes in six Canadian spring wheat cultivars

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    The Canada Western Red Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars AAC Concord, AAC Prevail, CDC Hughes, Lillian, Glenlea, and elite line BW961 express a spectrum of resistance to leaf rust caused by Puccinia triticina Eriks. This study aimed to identify and map the leaf rust resistance of the cultivars using three doubled haploid populations, AAC Prevail/BW961 (PB), CDC Hughes/AAC Concord (HC), and Lillian/Glenlea (LG). The populations were evaluated for seedling resistance in the greenhouse and adult plant disease response in the field at Morden, MB for 3 years and genotyped with the 90K wheat Infinium iSelect SNP array. Genetic maps were constructed to perform QTL analysis on the seedling and field leaf rust data. A total of three field leaf rust resistance QTL segregated in the PB population, five in the HC, and six in the LG population. In the PB population, BW961 contributed two QTL on chromosomes 2DS and 7DS, and AAC Prevail contributed a QTL on 4AL consistent across trials. Of the five QTL in HC, AAC Concord contributed two QTL on 4AL and 7AL consistent across trials and a QTL on 3DL.1 that provided seedling resistance only. CDC Hughes contributed two QTL on 1DS and 3DL.2. Lillian contributed four QTL significant in at least two of the three trials on 2BS, 4AL, 5AL, and 7AL, and Glenlea two QTL on 4BL and 7BL. The 1DS QTL from CDC Hughes, the 2DS from BW961, the 4AL from the AAC Prevail, AAC Concord, and Lillian, and the 7AL from AAC Concord and Lillian conferred seedling leaf rust resistance. The QTL on 4AL corresponded with Lr30 and was the same across cultivars AAC Prevail, AAC Concord, and Lillian, whereas the 7AL corresponding with LrCen was coincident between AAC Concord and Lillian. The 7DS and 2DS QTL in BW961 corresponded with Lr34 and Lr2a, respectively, and the 1DS QTL in CDC Hughes with Lr21. The QTL identified on 5AL could represent a novel gene. The results of this study will widen our knowledge of leaf rust resistance genes in Canadian wheat and their utilization in resistance breeding

    Multi-locus genome-wide association studies reveal the genetic architecture of Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat

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    Durum wheat is more susceptible to Fusarium head blight (FHB) than other types or classes of wheat. The disease is one of the most devastating in wheat; it reduces yield and end-use quality and contaminates the grain with fungal mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON). A panel of 265 Canadian and European durum wheat cultivars, as well as breeding and experimental lines, were tested in artificially inoculated field environments (2019–2022, inclusive) and two greenhouse trials (2019 and 2020). The trials were assessed for FHB severity and incidence, visual rating index, Fusarium-damaged kernels, DON accumulation, anthesis or heading date, maturity date, and plant height. In addition, yellow pigment and protein content were analyzed for the 2020 field season. To capture loci underlying FHB resistance and related traits, GWAS was performed using single-locus and several multi-locus models, employing 13,504 SNPs. Thirty-one QTL significantly associated with one or more FHB-related traits were identified, of which nine were consistent across environments and associated with multiple FHB-related traits. Although many of the QTL were identified in regions previously reported to affect FHB, the QTL QFhb-3B.2, associated with FHB severity, incidence, and DON accumulation, appears to be novel. We developed KASP markers for six FHB-associated QTL that were consistently detected across multiple environments and validated them on the Global Durum Panel (GDP). Analysis of allelic diversity and the frequencies of these revealed that the lines in the GDP harbor between zero and six resistance alleles. This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the genetic basis of FHB resistance and DON accumulation in durum wheat. Accessions with multiple favorable alleles were identified and will be useful genetic resources to improve FHB resistance in durum breeding programs through marker-assisted recurrent selection and gene stacking

    The Global Durum Wheat Panel (GDP): An International Platform to Identify and Exchange Beneficial Alleles

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    Representative, broad and diverse collections are a primary resource to dissect genetic diversity and meet pre-breeding and breeding goals through the identification of beneficial alleles for target traits. From 2,500 tetraploid wheat accessions obtained through an international collaborative effort, a Global Durum wheat Panel (GDP) of 1,011 genotypes was assembled that captured 94-97% of the original diversity. The GDP consists of a wide representation of Triticum turgidum ssp. durum modern germplasm and landraces, along with a selection of emmer and primitive tetraploid wheats to maximize diversity. GDP accessions were genotyped using the wheat iSelect 90K SNP array. Among modern durum accessions, breeding programs from Italy, France and Central Asia provided the highest level of genetic diversity, with only a moderate decrease in genetic diversity observed across nearly 50 years of breeding (1970-2018). Further, the breeding programs from Europe had the largest sets of unique alleles. LD was lower in the landraces (0.4 Mbp) than in modern germplasm (1.8 Mbp) at r 2 = 0.5. ADMIXTURE analysis of modern germplasm defined a minimum of 13 distinct genetic clusters (k), which could be traced to the breeding program of origin. Chromosome regions putatively subjected to strong selection pressure were identified from fixation index (F st ) and diversity reduction index (DRI) metrics in pairwise comparisons among decades of release and breeding programs. Clusters of putative selection sweeps (PSW) were identified as co-localized with major loci controlling phenology (Ppd and Vrn), plant height (Rht) and quality (gliadins and glutenins), underlining the role of the corresponding genes as driving elements in modern breeding. Public seed availability and deep genetic characterization of the GDP make this collection a unique and ideal resource to identify and map useful genetic diversity at loci of interest to any breeding program
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