857 research outputs found

    Experience of managing the process of transprofessional in the educational environment of the University

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    The article examines the role of practice-based learning in the development of the individual student, as a future transprofessional. It seems the experience of designing a new practice-oriented learning model in specific regional UniversityАнализируется роль практико-ориентированного обучения в развитии личности студента как будущего транспрофессионала. Рассматривается опыт проектирования новой практико-ориентированной модели обучения в конкретном региональном вуз

    Giant oscillations of energy levels in mesoscopic superconductors

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    The interplay of geometrical and Andreev quantization in mesoscopic superconductors leads to giant mesoscopic oscillations of energy levels as functions of the Fermi momentum and/or sample size. Quantization rules are formulated for closed quasiparticle trajectories in the presence of normal scattering at the sample boundaries. Two generic examples of mesoscopic systems are studied: (i) one dimensional Andreev states in a quantum box, (ii) a single vortex in a mesoscopic cylinder.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Social Responsibility of the Private Sector in the system of Russian Healthcare

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    This article reviews the issues of social obligations of the private sector as the responsibility of the company for its activities towards the society and the state. The corporate social responsibility is clearly structured and carried out at multiple levels such as compliance with laws, maintenance activities which are attractive for investors and consumers, implementation of measures aimed at removing social tensions. It is shown that the changes in the public sector of the healthcare toward increase in the share of for-profit health care centers improves social climate by increasing accessibility and quality of the medical care. This article demonstrates the place, role and forms of the participation of the non-state multifaceted medical centers in the implementation of socially oriented projects. The authors offer to use the concept of social responsibility of the private sector as an instrument for achieving and securing the sustainable growth of both the business and the society as a whole

    X-ray powder diffraction study of chromium-vanadium oxide compounds prepared by "soft chemistry" methods

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    A novel aqueous method was used to synthesise mixed chromium-vanadium oxide hydrates with various chromium content, via the reaction of peroxo-polyacids of chromium and vanadium. The resulting materials are gelatinous. The dehydration of the gels result in a brown coloured amorphous powder. Depending on the chromium content, the compounds have a different characteristic crystallisation temperature upon the further heating. The crystalline compounds, except for the low chromium ones, go on a phase transition and decompose with increasing temperature. By refining the XRPD measurement data of the compounds, the type and parameters of the unit cells were determined. The experimental data were in concordance with the calculated values, using the PWC code. The lattice parameters and the crystalline structure were changed with the variation of chromium content. (C) Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. All rights reserved

    Discursive Experiment as a Method of Onym Discourse Actualization

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    The article presents the description of the methodology of carrying out a discursive experiment as a consecutive study necessary for the expanding of a proper name discourse. Proceeding from the assumption that the proper name actualizes the onym discourse, the author put forward the following model of a discursive experiment: stage 1 – an associative experiment; stage 2 – dialogical text modelling; stage 3 – monological text modelling. The names of urban commercial objects (ergonyms) were selected as the material for the study. This group of onyms was chosen as one of the most frequently used in urban spatial discourse and functioning both in everyday and in institutional discourse. The associative experiment resulted in receiving the reactions, which represent the initial stage of onym discourse expanding. The derivational, paradigmatic and syntagmatic mechanisms were used at this stage. At the second stage, dialogical reactions were received. The communicative models of dialogue composition were conditionally divided into the models of opposition, comparison and dissemination. As a result of the third stage of the experiment, texts were received, mainly of a fantasy nature. The experiment proved that the proper name is not only an abridged text, but a compression of a variety of texts, which has the potential of unfolding in dynamics and creates a kind of discursive field of the onym


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    The purpose of the work is to analyze the intonation-lexical layer of a piece not in terms of its unique essence, but as a complex symbolic space, characterized by semantic layering. The research methodology consists in application of the intonation-semantic analysis, in the context of which connotative structures are discovered, that allows to understand its semantic layers. Scientific novelty lies in the identification of the underlying semantic structures of musical text, which enable to understand its value measurements, to analyze a dynamic process of its definition and to move from understanding of individual elements of the musical language to the semantic concepts of a musical text. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the concert piece "Caprice" for solo violin by a contemporary Ukrainian composer Miroslav Skorik the research has found the openness of the structural elements of musical speech, which are able to accumulate new meanings and acquire the value of the elements of other art system.Цель работы – проанализировать интонационно-лексический слой музыкального произведения не с по- зиций его уникальной сущности, а как сложного знаково-символического пространства, которое характеризируется семантической многослойностью. Методология исследования заключается в применении метода интонационно- семантического анализа, в контексте которого выявлены коннотативные структуры, которые позволят понять его смысл. Научная новизна заключается в выявлении глубинных семантических структур музыкального текста, которые дают возможность понять его ценностные измерения, проанализировать динамический процесс его означивания, перейти от понимания отдельных элементов музыкального языка к смысловым концептам музыкального текста. Выводы. На основе анализа концертной пьесы "Каприс" для скрипки соло современного украинского композитора Мирослава Скорика было выявлено открытость структурных элементов музыкальной речи, способных накапливать новые смыслы и принимать значения элементов другой художественной системы.Мета роботи – проаналізувати інтонаційно-лексичний шар музичного твору не з позицій його унікальної сутності, а як складного знаково-символічного простору, що характеризується семантичною багатошаровістю. Методологія дослідження полягає у застосуванні методу інтонаційно-семантичного аналізу, в контексті якого виявлені конотативні структури, що дають змогу осягнути його смислові шари. Наукова новизна полягає у виявленні глибинних семантичних структур музичного тексту, що дають змогу осягнути його ціннісні виміри, проаналі- зувати динамічний процес його означення, перейти від розуміння окремих елементів музичної мови до смислових концептів музичного тексту. Висновки. На основі аналізу концертної п’єси "Каприс" для скрипки соло сучасного українського композитора Мирослава Скорика було виявлено відкритість структурних елементів музичного мовлення, що здатні накопичувати нові смисли та набувати значення елементів іншої художньої системи

    Coptic Christian Symbolism in Art as a Problem of Cultural Studies

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    In dialogue Coptic and Russian religious culture reveals value of the symbol letter Iota, the tenth letter of the Coptic alphabet, which begins the name of Jesus Christ. Symbols of letter writing is compared with pronouncing the name of Jesus and reading the prayer of Jesu