222 research outputs found

    Stuck Between ‘the Rock’ and a Hard Place: Re-imagining Rural Newfoundland Feminine Subjectivities Beyond the Global Imaginary and Rural Crisis

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    There has been a growing body of research exploring the mobility experiences of rural youth as they migrate in search of work, education and leisure. In this paper we contribute to this body of knowledge by examining the mobility experiences of young women (16-24 years) living on the southwest coast of Newfoundland, Canada. In contrast to dominant constructions of rural crisis that position out of the way places as in decline, dying or dead, we argue that the young women in our study articulated complex, affective relations to place. In so doing they negotiated localized histories, prevailing social relations, broader discursive constructions and embodied affective connections in forging their emplaced feminine subjectivities. We argue that foregrounding the complex and at times contradictory relationships that the young women articulated with their rural homes is an important step in prying open dominant albeit constraining constructions of the rural, thereby allowing for alternative and more inhabitable imaginings of out of the way places

    Die Rolle von FGF21 in der hepatisch-zerebralen Kommunikation

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    Adipositas geht mit verschiedenen KomorbiditĂ€ten einher wie einer erhöhten PrĂ€valenz fĂŒr das metabolische Syndrom, der nichtalkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung und zentralnervösen Erkrankungen. Ein prominenter Kandidat in der hepatisch-neuronalen Kommunikation ist der Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21), der den Stoffwechsel bei gesunden und adipösen Individuen moduliert. Mit der vorgelegten Arbeit ist es gelungen, neurodegenerative und Adipositas-induzierte (neuro-)inflammatorische Prozesse durch verschiedene „Lifestyle“-Faktoren zu modulieren und mit FGF21 zu assoziieren

    Ein schönes gedenckwĂŒrdiges Lied von Tilen Eulenspiegeln der vor hundert und mehr Jahren in einem Dorff Knedtling genandt am Elm ein viertel einer Meilen von Scheppenstedt belegen geborn zu Ampleben getaufft und ... zu Mölln bey LĂŒbeck begraben worden [et]c. Wie derselbe in Braunschweig die ... BĂŒrger anfenglich gefeiet ... ; Im Thon Ich reit einmahl zu Braunschweig auß [et]c.

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    Advocacy for the protection of animal welfare and women’s right to reproductive choice have little, if anything, in common. It is productive, then, to question the recurring association of these unrelated ethical issues. If one feels compassion for the plight of the nonhuman animal, the argument goes, then it is morally inconsistent to neglect the fetus. An understanding of the incongruous political contexts at play between abortion and animal welfare effectively repudiates this argument, but a more important question must be answered: why is this strange argument so pervasive? In brief, it is the uniform legal marginalization of women and animals that animates this false comparison, which is instructively analyzed through the theoretical lens of ecofeminism. The leading Canadian judgments of R v Morgentaler and R v MĂ©nard exemplify the socio-legal contours of ‘otherness’ outside the locus of patriarchal dominance. This renders a broadly transferable framework of oppression at the hands of the law; examining jurisprudential examples of displacement of agency, fragmentation of the self, and instrumental objectification, in both contexts, provides a useful starting point in a consideration of the broad intersections between the legal treatment of women and animals

    So very really variable: Social patterning of intensifier use by Newfoundlanders online

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    Previous studies have shown that one of the linguistic tools that individuals use to identify themselves is adjectival intensification (e.g., so cool, very cool, really cool). We assembled and analyzed a corpus of over 3000 intensifiable adjectives (i.e., environments where intensification could occur) extracted from Newfoundland-oriented public internet forums. Statistical analysis of the correlations between intensifier choice social patterning among our speakers led to findings similar to previous studies. So is the most common variant, especially among urban females, while the older variants really and very are favoured in rural areas, especially among males. Conditioning of the less frequent variant fuckin( g) seems to show the persistence of gender distinctions outside urban areas

    Re-Inscribing Gender Relations through Employment-Related Geographical Mobility: The Case of Newfoundland Youth in Resource Extraction

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    Despite the popular representation of the masculine hero migrant (Ni Laoire, 2001), rural youth scholars have found that young men are more likely to stay on in their communities, while young women tend to be more mobile, leaving for education and better employment opportunities elsewhere (Corbett, 2007b; Lowe, 2015). Taking a spatialized approach (Farrugia, Smyth & Harrison, 2014), we contribute to and extend the rural youth studies scholarship on gender, mobilities and place by considering the case of young Newfoundlanders’ geographical mobilities in relation to male-dominated resource extraction industries. We draw on findings from two SSHRC-funded research projects, the Rural Youth and Recovery project, a subcomponent of the Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance (CURRA) and the Youth, Apprenticeship and Mobility project, a subcomponent of the On the Move Partnershi We argue that the spatial coding of gender relations in rural Newfoundland makes certain kinds of mobilities more intelligible and possible for young men, while constraining women’s. In other words, gender relations of rural places are “stretched out” (Farrugia et al., 2014) across space through the mobility practices of young men and women in relation to work in skilled trades and resource extraction industries. These “stretched out” gender relations are reproduced by the organisation of a sector that relies on a mobile workforce free from care and domestic work and familiar with manual work

    Dense bottom gravity currents and their impact on pelagic methanotrophy at oxic/anoxic transition zones

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    We show that inflows of oxygenated waters into sulfidic layers have a strong impact on biogeochemical transformation at oxic/anoxic transition zones. Taking the pelagic methane dynamics in the Gotland Basin as an example, we performed our studies when one of the largest inflows ever recorded entered the Baltic Sea in March 2015. An inflowing gravity current transported oxic waters into the sulfidic deep layers and freshly generated a near-bottom secondary redox interface. At the upper slope, where the inflowing water masses were vigorously turbulent and the main and secondary redox interfaces in close contact to each other, methane oxidation rates inside the transition zone were found to be higher compared to the weakly turbulent basin interior. At the main redox interface in the basin center, lateral intrusions of oxygenated waters into intermediate water depth may have stimulated the growth of the methanotrophic community and their activity
