272 research outputs found

    Dynamic pain-emotion relations in chronic pain: a theoretical review of moderation studies

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    Current developments in chronic pain research are changing the focus in the study of pain-emotion relations from the identification of general patterns to the study of dynamic and context-related interactions manifesting both within and between individuals. This shift towards understanding variation at both intra- and interpersonal levels has significant clinical implications for psychological adjustment to chronic pain conditions, and thus represents an important topic for both clinical and health psychology. This article reviews the existing theoretical explanations of these dynamics and their emerging empirical support, and suggests further areas of investigation. A literature search identified research on moderators of pain-emotion relations in chronic pain; existing theories were also examined from this perspective. A theoretical analysis revealed several important contributions, including the concepts of affect differentiation, generalised discrimination ability, resilience, vulnerability, coping, emotion regulation and desynchrony, which are described here together with the relevant empirical research and clinical implications. Important areas for development are the clarification of the common elements and opposing predictions and the empirical examination of mediating mechanisms. Several methodological issues are discussed. This review identifies a rich theoretical basis for research into pain-emotion moderation, and suggests that further examinations of such relationships might hold important clinical consequences

    Monitoring Soil Quality to Assess the Sustainability of Harvesting Corn Stover

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    Harvesting feedstock for biofuel production must not degrade soil, water, or air resources. Our objective is to provide an overview of field research being conducted to quantify effects of harvesting corn (Zea mays L.) stover as a bioenergy feedstock. Coordinated field studies are being conducted near Ames, IA; St. Paul and Morris, MN; Mead, NE; University Park, PA; Florence, SC; and Brookings, SD., as part of the USDA-ARS Renewable Energy Assessment Project (REAP). A baseline soil quality assessment was made using the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). Corn grain and residue yield for two different stover harvest rates (∼50% and ∼90%) are being measured. Available soil data remains quite limited but sufficient for an initial SMAF analysis that confirms total organic carbon (TOC) is a soil quality indicator that needs to be closely monitored closely to quantify crop residue removal effects. Overall, grain yields averaged 9.7 and 11.7 Mg ha−1 (155 and 186 bu acre−1) in 2008 and 2009, values that are consistent with national averages for both years. The average amount of stover collected for the 50% treatment was 2.6 and 4.2 Mg ha−1 for 2008 and 2009, while the 90% treatment resulted in an average removal of 5.4 and 7.4 Mg ha−1, respectively. Based on a recent literature review, both stover harvest scenarios could result in a gradual decline in TOC. However, the literature value has a large standard error, so continuation of this long-term multi-location study for several years is warranted

    The Compiler Forest

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    Abstract. We address the problem of writing compilers targeting complex execution environments, such as computer clusters composed of machines with multi-core CPUs. To that end we introduce partial compilers. These compilers can pass sub-programs to several child (partial) compilers, combining the code generated by their children to generate the final target code. We define a set of high-level polymorphic operations manipulating both compilers and partial compilers as first-class values. These mechanisms provide a software architecture for modular compiler construction. This allows the building of a forest of compilers, providing a structured treatment of multistage compilers.

    Impacto da adubação orgânica sobre a incidência de tripes em cebola.

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    Analisou-se a relação entre adubação orgânica e a incidência de Thrips tabaci Lind. em cebola (Allium cepa L), na EE de Ituporanga,entre agosto e dezembro de 1998. Os tratamentos foram determinados de acordo com a necessidade de N para a cultura pela análise de solo. Empregou-se como fonte orgânica diversos adubos fornecendo 75 Kg/ha de N (esterco suíno; adubo Barriga Verde proveniente de esterco de aves; composto orgânico; esterco de peru; húmus); 37,5 Kg/ha de N (metade da dose normal com esterco de suíno); as testemunhas foram adubação mineral fornecendo 30-120-60 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O e o dobro da dose (60-240-120 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O); e testemunha sem adubação. Nenhum tratamento apresentou incidência de T. tabaci superior à testemunha sem adubo. A adubação mineral em relação à orgânica não favoreceu significativamente a incidência de T. tabaci . O processo de conversão do manejo do solo da área experimental de convencional para orgânico pode ter favorecido a infestação similar do inseto entre tratamentos. No período de maior incidência de T. tabaci, a relação com nutrientes foi descrita por um modelo envolvendo K/Zn, B e N de maneira positiva. A correlação entre nutrientes e T. tabaci não foi linear na maioria das avaliações. A adubação orgânica pode substituir a adubação mineral na cultura da cebola, pois foi possível atingir níveis de produtividade similares para ambos tratamentos