5,358 research outputs found

    Leucopogon collinus (Epacridaceae) and associated taxa in Tasmania

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    Study of Tasmanian herbarium specimens currently under the name L. collinus (Labill.) R. Br. indicate that two other taxa are included within it. namely L. pilifer Wakefield, known previously from Victoria, and L. oreophilus Powell sp. nov. A key to the three species is given and each is described. The history of the names, problems associated with early collections and the distinction of early varieties are discussed

    Spin-glass behavior in KxRu4-yNiyO8 hollandite materials

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    We report the synthesis and comprehensive ac and dc susceptibility measurements of KxRu4−yNiyO8 hollandite. The value of the relative frequency shift, δTf , has been determined as 0.025 which is within the range expected for spin-glass systems (0.005–0.06). Additionally, the characteristic flipping time of a single spin flip, τ0, and the dynamical critical exponent, −zv, were determined to have values of 5.82×10−8 s and 6.1(3), respectively from the power law. While the value of τ0 is comparatively very large, −zv is consistent with what is expected for spin-glass systems. Field-cooled hysteresis behavior demonstrates a small increase in the remnant magnetization (at 2 K) on increasing the strength of the cooling field, suggesting that the degree of short-range correlations increases consistent with the formation of larger spin clusters. Thermoremnant magnetization data indicate an exponential-like decay of the magnetization as a function of time with the remnant magnetization remaining nonzero. However, it is clear from these data that multiple components contribute to the decay behavior. Collectively, these data confirm spin-glass character for K0.73(3)Ni1.9(5)Ru2.1(5)O8 and clearly demonstrate that the magnetic behavior of this material is far from simplistic

    An Overview Of Factors Affecting Distribution Of The Atlantic Surfclam (Spisula solidissima), A Continental Shelf Biomass Dominant, During A Period Of Climate Change

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    The Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissitna) is a dominant member of the biological community of the Middle Atlantic Bight continental shelf and a commercially harvested species. Climate warming is affecting the biology and distribution of this species, which provides an opportunity to investigate the processes and conditions that are restructuring this fishery and the implications for ecological and socioeconomic systems. A Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) developed for the surfclam fishery provides a mechanistic description of the surfclam\u27s response to climate change and understanding of the cascade of effects initiated by changes in oceanographic conditions that ultimately appear as social and economic effects. This understanding in turn informs development of management policies for the resource. This overview considers the components of the surfclam MSE, relevant results, and implications for management and policy. The lessons learned from the surfclam MSE provide a basis for applying similar approaches to other ecologically important species that are also commercially exploitable resources

    Blood-brain barrier water exchange measurements using FEXI: Impact of modeling paradigm and relaxation time effects

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate potential modeling paradigms and the impact of relaxation time effects on human blood-brain barrier (BBB) water exchange measurements using FEXI (BBB-FEXI), and to quantify the accuracy, precision, and repeatability of BBB-FEXI exchange rate estimates at 3 T. METHODS: Three modeling paradigms were evaluated: (i) the apparent exchange rate (AXR) model; (ii) a two-compartment model (2CM) explicitly representing intra- and extravascular signal components, and (iii) a two-compartment model additionally accounting for finite compartmental T1 and T2 relaxation times (2CMr). Each model had three free parameters. Simulations quantified biases introduced by the assumption of infinite relaxation times in the AXR and 2CM models, as well as the accuracy and precision of all three models. The scan–rescan repeatability of all paradigms was quantified for the first time in vivo in 10 healthy volunteers (age range 23–52 years; five female) RESULTS: The assumption of infinite relaxation times yielded exchange rate errors in simulations up to 42%/14% in the AXR/2CM models, respectively. Accuracy was highest in the compartmental models; precision was best in the AXR model. Scan–rescan repeatability in vivo was good for all models, with negligible bias and repeatability coefficients in grey matter of RCAXR = 0.43 s −1, RC2CM = 0.51 s −1, and RC2CMr = 0.61 s −1. CONCLUSION: Compartmental modelling of BBB-FEXI signals can provide accurate and repeatable measurements of BBB water exchange; however, relaxation time and partial volume effects may cause model-dependent biases

    Estimating Sustainable Harvests Of Eastern Oysters, Crassostrea Virginica

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    Sustainability of a fishery is traditionally and typically considered achieved if the exploited population does not decline in numbers or biomass over time as a result of fishing relative to biological reference point goals. Oysters, however, exhibit atypical population dynamics compared with many other commercial species. The population dynamics often display extreme natural interannual variation in numbers and biomass, and oysters create their own habitat-the reef itself. With the worldwide decline of oyster reef habitat and the oyster fisheries dependent thereon, the maintenance of shell has received renewed attention as essential to population sustainability. We apply a shell budget model to estimate the sustainable catch of oysters on public oyster grounds in Louisiana using no net shell loss as a sustainability reference point. Oyster density and size are obtained from an annual stock assessment. The model simulates oyster growth and mortality, and natural shell loss. Shell mass is increased when oysters die in place, and is diminished when oysters are removed by fishing. The shell budget model has practical applications, such as identifying areas for closure, determining total allowable catch, managing shell planting and reef restoration, and achieving product certification for sustainability. The determination of sustainable yield by shell budget modeling should be broadly applicable to the eastern oyster across its entire range

    Role for the thromboxane A 2 receptor β-isoform in the pathogenesis of intrauterine growth restriction

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    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a pathology of pregnancy that results in failure of the fetus to reach its genetically determined growth potential. In developed nations the most common cause of IUGR is impaired placentation resulting from poor trophoblast function, which reduces blood flow to the fetoplacental unit, promotes hypoxia and enhances production of bioactive lipids (TXA 2 and isoprostanes) which act through the thromboxane receptor (TP). TP activation has been implicated as a pathogenic factor in pregnancy complications, including IUGR; however, the role of TP isoforms during pregnancy is poorly defined. We have determined that expression of the human-specific isoform of TP (TPβ) is increased in placentae from IUGR pregnancies, compared to healthy pregnancies. Overexpression of TPα enhanced trophoblast proliferation and syncytialisation. Conversely, TPβ attenuated these functions and inhibited migration. Expression of the TPβ transgene in mice resulted in growth restricted pups and placentae with poor syncytialisation and diminished growth characteristics. Together our data indicate that expression of TPα mediates normal placentation; however, TPβ impairs placentation, and promotes the development of IUGR, and represents an underappreciated pathogenic factor in humans

    Process evaluation of the Bristol girls dance project

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    Background: The Bristol Girls Dance Project was a cluster randomised controlled trial that aimed to increase objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) levels of Year 7 (age 11–12) girls through a dance-based after-school intervention. The intervention was delivered in nine schools and consisted of up to forty after-school dance sessions. This paper reports on the main findings from the detailed process evaluation that was conducted. / Methods: Quantitative and qualitative data were collected from intervention schools. Dose and fidelity were reported by dance instructors at every session. Intervention dose was defined as attending two thirds of sessions and was measured by attendance registers. Fidelity to the intervention manual was reported by dance instructors. On four randomly-selected occasions, participants reported their perceived level of exertion and enjoyment. Reasons for non-attendance were self-reported at the end of the intervention. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with all dance instructors who delivered the intervention (n = 10) and school contacts (n = 9) in intervention schools. A focus group was conducted with girls who participated in each intervention school (n = 9). / Results: The study did not affect girls’ MVPA. An average of 31.7 girls participated in each school, with 9.1 per school receiving the intervention dose. Mean attendance and instructors’ fidelity to the intervention manual decreased over time. The decline in attendance was largely attributed to extraneous factors common to after-school activities. Qualitative data suggest that the training and intervention manual were helpful to most instructors. Participant ratings of session enjoyment were high but perceived exertion was low, however, girls found parts of the intervention challenging. / Conclusions: The intervention was enjoyed by participants. Attendance at the intervention sessions was low but typical of after-school activities. Participants reported that the intervention brought about numerous health and social benefits and improved their dance-based knowledge and skills. The intervention could be improved by reducing the number of girls allowed to participate in each school and providing longer and more in-depth training to those delivering the intervention. / Trial registration: ISRCTN52882523 Registered 25th April 2013

    Hierarchical structures of cactus spines that aid in the directional movement of dew droplets

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    Three species of cactus whose spines act as dew harvesters were chosen for this study: Copiapoa cinerea var. haseltoniana, Mammillaria columbiana subsp. yucatanensis and Parodia mammulosa and compared with Ferocactus wislizenii whose spines do not perform as dew harvesters. Time-lapse snapshots of C. cinerea showed movement of dew droplets from spine tips to their base, even against gravity. Spines emanating from one of the areoles of C. cinerea were submerged in water laced with fluorescent nanoparticles and this particular areole with its spines and a small area of stem was removed and imaged. These images clearly showed that fluorescent water had moved into the stem of the plant. Lines of vascular bundles radiating inwards from the surface areoles (from where the spines emanate) to the core of the stem were detected using magnetic resonance imaging, with the exception of F. wislizenii that does not harvest dew on its spines. Spine microstructures were examined using SEM images and surface roughness measurements (Ra and Rz) taken of the spines of C. cinerea. It was found that a roughness gradient created by tapered microgrooves existed that could potentially direct surface water from a spine tip to its base

    Using self-determination theory to promote adolescent girls' physical activity: Exploring the theoretical fidelity of the Bristol Girls Dance Project

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    OBJECTIVES: To report the theory-based process evaluation of the Bristol Girls' Dance Project, a cluster-randomised controlled trial to increase adolescent girls' physical activity. DESIGN: A mixed-method process evaluation of the intervention's self-determination theory components comprising lesson observations, post-intervention interviews and focus groups. METHOD: Four intervention dance lessons per dance instructor were observed, audio recorded and rated to estimate the use of need-supportive teaching strategies. Intervention participants (n = 281) reported their dance instructors' provision of autonomy-support. Semi-structured interviews with the dance instructors (n = 10) explored fidelity to the theory and focus groups were conducted with participants (n = 59) in each school to explore their receipt of the intervention and views on the dance instructors' motivating style. RESULTS: Although instructors accepted the theory-based approach, intervention fidelity was variable. Relatedness support was the most commonly observed need-supportive teaching behaviour, provision of structure was moderate and autonomy-support was comparatively low. The qualitative findings identified how instructors supported competence and developed trusting relationships with participants. Fidelity was challenged where autonomy provision was limited to option choices rather than input into the pace or direction of lessons and where controlling teaching styles were adopted, often to manage disruptive behaviour. CONCLUSION: The successes and challenges to achieving theoretical fidelity in the Bristol Girls' Dance Project may help explain the intervention effects and can more broadly inform the design of theory-based complex interventions aimed at increasing young people's physical activity in after-school settings

    Bristol Girls Dance Project: a cluster randomised controlled trial of an after-school dance programme to increase physical activity among 11- to 12-year-old girls

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    BACKGROUND: Many children do not meet UK physical activity (PA) guidelines. Girls are less active than boys, and the age-related decline in activity is steeper for girls. Dance is the favourite form of PA among adolescent girls in the UK. Participation in after-school dance classes could significantly contribute to girls’ PA. Therefore, after-school dance may be effective for increasing PA levels. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a dance-based intervention to increase the objectively assessed mean weekday minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) of Year 7 girls (11- and 12-year olds) 1 year after baseline measurement. DESIGN:Two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation. Year 7 girls in participant schools received a ‘taster’ session and were invited to participate. Up to 33 girls per school were able to participate. Schools were randomly assigned (equal numbers) to intervention or control arms. SETTING:A total of 18 mainstream secondary schools across greater Bristol. PARTICIPANTS: Year 7 girls in participating schools who could participate in physical education. INTERVENTION: Nine intervention schools received an after-school dance intervention (40 × 75-minute sessions) underpinned by self-determination theory, which attempts to improve intrinsic motivation for being active, and delivered by external dance instructors. Control schools continued as normal. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The main outcome was accelerometer-assessed mean minutes of MVPA at T2. Measures were assessed at baseline (T0), the end of the intervention (T1) and at T0 + 52 weeks (T2). RESULTS:Baseline MVPA levels were high. A total of 508 girls were included in the primary analysis, which found no difference in weekday MVPA between trial arms. There was no effect on secondary accelerometer outcomes. Data were subjected to a per-protocol analysis and no effect was found. However, at T1, girls who attended dance classes had 4.61 minutes more of MVPA and 14.27 minutes more of light-intensity activity between 15.00 and 17.00 on the days on which they attended intervention sessions. The intervention was inexpensive at £73 per participant (£63 when excluding dance instructor travel) but was not cost-effective owing to the ineffectiveness of the intervention. The European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions Youth survey data were unresponsive to changes in the sample. The process evaluation reported that girls in attendance enjoyed the sessions, that exertion levels were low during sessions and that attendance was low and declined. Fidelity to the session-plan manual was low but theoretical fidelity (to self-determination theory) was good. Qualitative information provides information for improving future interventions. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was enjoyed by participants. However, there was no difference in the MVPA levels (which were high at baseline) of girls allocated to receive dance compared with girls receiving the control. High baseline MVPA levels indicate that the study appealed to an already active cohort and, therefore, may not have targeted those most in need of an intervention. Dance is an enjoyable activity for adolescent girls and could be further trialled as a means by which to increase PA. Research might consider the impact of dividing the intervention period into smaller blocks. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN52882523. FUNDING: The National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research programme. The work was also undertaken with the support of the Centre for the Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for Public Health Improvement (DECIPHer), a UK Clinical Research Collaboration (UKCRC) PHR Centre of Excellence. Joint funding (MR/KO232331/1) from the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, the Welsh Government and the Wellcome Trust, under the auspices of the UKCRC, is gratefully acknowledged. This study was designed and delivered in collaboration with the Bristol Randomised Trials Collaboration, a UKCRC Registered Clinical Trials Unit in receipt of NIHR Clinical Trials Unit support funding. All intervention costs were funded by the respective councils to which the participant schools were affiliated, namely North Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, and Bath and North East Somerset Council
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