70 research outputs found

    Bone mineral density, spinal micro-architecture (TBS data) and body composition in the older Ukrainian women with vertebral fragility fractures

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    Osteoporosis and sarcopenia are the most frequent musculoskeletal disorders affecting older people. Fracture incidence as well as the number of fractures increase due to the population’s ageing. Recent studies show that a low skeletal muscle mass is associated with the poor structural bone parameters and impaired balance in the elderly people. The aim of this study is to evaluate the bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular bone score (TBS) and body composition in women taking into account the presence of vertebral fragility fractures (VFF). We’ve examined 171 women aged 65–89 years (mean age — 73.12 ± 0.39 years). The patients were divided into the groups depen­ding on VFF presence: A — no VFF (n = 105), B — detected VFF (n = 66). Total body, lumbar spine, femoral neck, forearm BMD, lateral vertebral assessment, lean and fat mass measurement were performed on densitometer (Prodigy, GE). Appendicular lean mass (ALM) was measured at all the four limbs with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We’ve also calculated the appendicular lean mass index (ALMI) according to the equation: ALMI = ALM, kg / height, m2 (kg/m2). TBS (L1-L4) was assessed by TBS iNsight® software package installed on our DXA machine (Med-Imaps, Pessac, France). Statistiсa© 6.0 StatSoft, Inc. was used for data processing purposes. Significance was set at p < 0.05. We have found the following parameters to be significantly lower in women with VFF compared to women having no VFF: BMD of total body, spine, femoral neck, 33% forearm, TBS, whole-body fat mass, whole-body lean mass, ASM and ASMI (p < 0.05). The frequency of presarcopenia was significantly higher in women with osteoporosis (21.2 %) and osteopenia (21.5 %) compared to women who had normal BMD (6.7 %). The frequency of presarcopenia was 2 % in women with no VFF and 14 % — in women with VFF. Thus, women with VFF have significantly lower BMD, TBS, lean and fat masses data as compared to women with no VFF


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    The purpose of the study was to determine the frequency of osteoporosis and low bone mineral density (BMD) in Ukrainian women. The study involved 1009 persons. The mean age of them was 63.2±9.0 years; the mean weight was 70.9±12,3kg. All women were in postmenopausal period. Patients were compared into two groups. Соntrol group included women without obesity (755 people), another group involved patients with metabolic syndrome (254 people). BMD of lumbar spine, femoral neck, ulna radius, total body was measured by dual-energy X-ray absortiometry, (Prodigy, 2005 yr.). Women were considered to have normal or decreased BMD according to criteria of the Official Positions of the ISCD, 2007 year (updated in 2015 year). Data were analyzed using Statistical Package 6.0 BMD, frequency of normal and decreased BMD, osteoporosis were examined in both groups of the patients. Our study estimated that frequency of osteoporosis and low BMD is much rare in patients with metabolic syndrome compared to women without obesity. С целью определения частоты остеопороза (ОП) и низкой минеральной плотности костной ткани (МПКТ) в украинских женщин нами было обследовано 1009 человек, средний возраст которых составил (63,2 ± 9,0) лет, а средняя масса тела - (70, 9 ± 12,3) кг. Все обследованные находились в постменопаузальном периоде. Пациентки были разделены на две группы. В контрольную группу вошли 755 женщин без ожирения (индекс массы тела ≤ 29,9 кг/м2). Группы были сопоставимы по возрасту и продолжительности менопаузального периода.Оценку МПКТ проводили на уровне поясничного отдела позвоночника, шейки бедренной кости, предплечья, всего скелета на двоенергетичном рентгеновском денситометре (Prodigy, 2005.). Диагностику остеопороза и низкой МПКТ проводили согласно критериям официальной позиции ISCD, 2007 года (пересмотрены в 2015 году). Статистический анализ проводили с помощью программы Statistica 6,0.Нами было проведено сравнение МПКТ, частоты нормальной, низкой МПКТ и остеопороза у больных контрольной группы и пациенток с МС.Выявлено, что у больных с метаболическим синдромом частота остеопороза и низкой МПКТ является достоверно ниже по сравнению с показателями группы лиц без ожирения.З метою визначення частоти остеопорозу (ОП) та низької мінеральної щільності кісткової тканини (МЩКТ) в українських жінок нами було обстежено 1009 осіб, середній вік яких склав (63,2±9,0) роки років, а середня маса тіла – (70,9±12,3) кг. Усі обстежені перебували у постменопаузальному періоді. Пацієнтки були поділені на дві групи. До контрольної групи увійшли 755 жінок без ожиріння (індекс маси тіла ≤ 29,9 кг/м2). Іншу групу склали 254 пацієнтки з метаболічним синдромом (МС). Групи були зіставними за віком та тривалістю менопаузального періоду. Оцінку МЩКТ на рівні поперекового відділу хребта, шийки стегнової кістки, передпліччя, всього скелета проводили на двоенергетичному рентгенівському денситометрі (Prodigy, 2005 р.). Діагностику остеопорозу та низької МЩКТ проводили згідно з критеріями офіційної позиції ISCD, 2007 року (переглянуті у 2015 році). Статистичний аналіз проводили за допомогою програми Statistica 6,0. Нами було проведене порівняння МЩКТ, частоти нормальної, низької МЩКТ та остеопорозу у хворих контрольної групи та пацієнток з МС. Виявлено, що у хворих з метаболічним синдромом частота остеопорозу та низької МЩКТ є вірогідно нижчою, порівняно з показниками групи осіб без ожиріння


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    З метою визначення мінеральної щільності кісткової тканини (МЩКТ) в українських жінок ми обстежили 1605 осіб,середній вік яких склав (62,31±9,52) року, а середня маса тіла –(76,48±14,65) кг. Усі обстежені були у періоді постменопаузи. Пацієнток поділили на три групи. До першої групи (800 осіб) увійшли жінки без ожиріння, до другої (572 особи) – пацієнтки з ожирінням, третю групу (233 особи) склали хворі з метаболічним синдромом (МС). Групи зіставили за віком та тривалістю менопаузи. ОцінкуМЩКТ на рівні поперекового відділу хребта, шийки стегнової кістки, передпліччя, скелета в цілому проводили на двохенергетичному рентгенівському денситометрі (Prodigy, 2005). Статистичний аналіз виконували за допомогою програми Statistica 6,0. Стан показників МЩКТ у жінок другої та третьої групи порівнювали з особами першої групи. Ми не виявили вірогідних відмінностей у показниках МЩКТ між хворими другої і третьої груп, на відміну від першої групи. Проведене нами дослідження показало, що у хворих з ожирінням і МС показники МЩКТ є вірогідно кращими порівняно з показниками групи жінок без ожиріння

    Associations between Metabolic Syndrome and Bone Mineral Density, Trabecular Bone Score in Postmenopausal Women with Non-Vertebral Fractures

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    Background. Medical, social and economic relevance of osteoporosis is caused by reducing quality of life, increasing disability and mortality of the patients as a result of fractures due to the low-energy trauma. This study is aimed to examine the associations of metabolic syndrome components, bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS) in menopausal women with non-vertebral fractures. Materials and methods. 1161 menopausal women aged 50–79 years were examined and divided into three groups: group A included 419 women with increased body weight (body mass index (BMI) — 25.0–29.9 kg/m2), group B — 442 females with obesity (BMI > 29.9 kg/m2) and group C — 300 women with metabolic syndrome (diagnosis according to International Diabetes Federation criteria, 2005). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (Prodigy, GE Medical systems, Lunar, Madison, WI, USA, 2005) was used for measuring lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, total body and forearm BMD and bone quality indexes (last using Medimaps software). Data were analyzed using Statistica 6.0 package. Results. A significant increase of lumbar spine (L1-L4), femoral neck, total body and ultradistal radius BMD was found in women with obesity and metabolic syndrome compared to the pre-obese ones (p < 0.001). TBS was significantly higher in women with increased body weight compared to obese and metabolic syndrome patients. Analysis showed a significant positive correlation between waist circumference, triglycerides level and BMD of lumbar spine and femur. Significant negative association was found between serum high-density lipoproteins (HDL) level and BMD of investigated sites. Conclusions. The TBS (L1-L4) indexes positively correlated with HDL level. Despite the fact that BMD indexes were better in women with metabolic syndrome, the frequency of non-vertebral fractures was significantly higher in this group of patients

    The Formation of English-Language Lexical Competence of Future Specialists of Information Technologies

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    The article investigates the principle of information technology specialists' competence formation in the conditions of globalization and integration economic processes. In the course of the study, the factors determining the necessity of IT specialists' fluency in foreign languages, in particular in English of professional communication, are identified. Such processes are analyzed on the basis of the theoretical grounding of the researchers on this topic. The relevance of the article is due to the needs of today's globalized society in the context of the development of informatization and digitalization. The study clarifies the essence of English-language lexical competence of future specialists in information technology, identifies the pedagogical conditions, the theoretical rationale, practical development and experimental testing of the methodology for forming English-language lexical competence in future specialists in information technologies within the framework of masters’ degree programmes. The stages of formation of such competence in future IT specialists were determined, a system of tasks for forming English-language lexically competence (ELC) in professionally oriented written communication (POWS) was substantiated and concluded, a linguodidactic model was designed, an algorithm of collective preparation of a written product was proposed. Importantly, the article interprets the results of the experiment in order to verify the effectiveness of the developed method of forming their ELC. The method of analysis, synthesis, research and comparative generalizing method, problem solving method and information and communication method were used for research, a methodical experiment was conducted. On the basis of the obtained data the hypothesis about the effectiveness of the methodology of ELC formation in the POWS of future IT-specialists is confirmed

    Vitamin D Status in Central Europe

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    Little published information is available regarding epidemiological data on vitamin D status in the large geographical region of Central Europe (CE). We searched the journal literature with regard to 25(OH)D concentrations among community-dwelling or healthy people living in CE. 25(OH)D concentrations varied by age, season, study sample size, and methodological approach [i.e., 25(OH)D assay used]. Concentrations of 25(OH)D in CE appeared lower than 30 ng/mL, and the magnitude of hypovitaminosis D was similar to that reported in Western Europe. While most of the studies reviewed were cross-sectional studies, a longitudinal study was also included to obtain information on seasonal variability. The longitudinal study reported wintertime 25(OH)D values close to 21-23 ng/mL for all studied age groups, with a significant increase of 25(OH)D in August reaching 42 ng/mL for those aged 0-9 years, but only 21 ng/mL for the elderly aged 80-89 years. The decrease in 25(OH)D with respect to age was attributed to decreased time spent in the sun and decreased vitamin D production efficiency. Based on the literature review on vitamin D status in the CE populations, it can be concluded that 25(OH)vitamin D levels are on average below the 30 ng/mL level


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    Results of XPS and AES investigation of por−Si/SnOxnanocomposite samples after different modes of heat treatment have been presented. We show that thermaltreatment increases the penetration depth of tin and the stoichiometric coefficient x of the SnOx compound. However, annealing at 600 °C leads to a strong oxidation of the porous matrix and eventual blockage of the tin diffusion channels. Optimization of the heat treatment modes allows one to obtain nanocomposite layers with a sufficient thickness of the por−Si/SnOx nanocomposite for use in gas microsensors.Приведены результаты исследования методами рентгеновской фотоэлектронной спектроскопии и электронной Оже−спектроскопии образцов нанокомпозита por−Si/SnOx с различными режимами термической обработки. Показано, что температурные обработки обуславливают увеличение глубины проникновения олова, а также повышение коэффициента стехиометрии х в соединении SnOx. Отжиг при температуре 600°С приводит к сильному прокислению пористой матрицы и, как следствие, к закупорке каналов для диффузии олова. Применение оптимальных режимов термообработок позволяет получать слои нанокомпозитов por−Si/SnOх с достаточной толщиной для их применения в газовых микросенсорах

    FRAX-based intervention thresholds for osteoporosis treatment in Ukraine

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    Objectives. Osteoporosis, in addition to its consequent fracture burden, is a common and costly condition. FRAX® is a well-established, validated, web-based tool which calculates the 10-year probability of fragility fractures. A FRAX model for Ukraine has been available since 2016 but its output has not yet been translated into intervention thresholds for the treatment of osteoporosis in Ukraine; we aimed to address this unmet need in this analysis. Methods. In a referral population sample of 3790 Ukrainian women, 10-year probabilities of major osteoporotic fracture (MOF) and hip fracture separately were calculated using the Ukrainian FRAX model, with and without femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD). We used a similar approach to that first proposed by the UK National Osteoporosis Guideline Group, whereby treatment is indicated if the probability equals or exceeds that of a woman of the same age with a prior fracture. Results. The MOF intervention threshold in females (the age-specific 10-year fracture probability) increased with age from 5.5% at the age of 40 years to 11% at the age of 75 years where it plateaued and then decreased slightly at age 90 (10%). Lower and upper thresholds were also defined to determine the need for BMD, if not already measured; the approach targets BMD measurements to those at or near the intervention threshold. The proportion of the referral populations eligible for treatment, based on prior fracture or similar or greater probability, ranged from 44% to 69% depending on age. The prevalence of the previous fracture rose with age, as did the proportion eligible for treatment. In contrast, the requirement for BMD testing decreased with age. Conclusions. The present study describes the development and application of FRAX-based assessment guidelines in Ukraine. The thresholds can be used in the presence or absence of access to BMD and optimize the use of BMD where access is restricted