26 research outputs found

    A randomized controlled trial of an online, compassion-based intervention for maternal psychological well-being in the first year postpartum

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    Objectives New self-help interventions have been called for to promote psychological well-being amongst mothers in the first year postpartum, with compassion-based interventions having potential in this regard. The present study developed and evaluated a low-intensity, online, compassion-based intervention for this population called Kindness for Mums Online (KFMO). Methods UK mothers of infants under one year (N = 206) participated in a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, comparing KFMO with a waitlist control. Results The effect of the intervention on well-being (the primary outcome) was small and was sensitive to the way missing data were treated. However, KFMO robustly increased self-compassion relative to control, from baseline (week 0) to post-intervention (week 6), and from baseline to follow-up (week 12). No effects were observed on other secondary outcomes. Conclusions The findings suggest that self-compassion can be increased in postpartum mothers via an accessible, low-intensity, web-based, self-help program. However, this did not translate into robust improvements in well-being. Study limitations include relatively high attrition rates and limited generalizability to more diverse samples

    Development of premature children: caregivers' understanding according to the Bioecological Theory

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE Understanding the conceptions of premature children caregivers on child development and associated factors. METHOD An exploratory-descriptive qualitative study of 12 families with children under three years of age. Interviews were submitted to thematic content analysis, systematized into the categories of Bioecological Theory of Human Development: Process, Person, Context and Time, and in the Functional Development category. RESULTS There are concerns about impairment in the current and future development of a Person/child defined as fragile as a result of premature birth (Time dimension), minimized by the scope of observable competencies such as motor skills. The Context, especially family and health services, and Proximal Processes, described as one-way caregiver interactions, are considered determinants of development. Functional Development is considered a natural consequence and result of education. The support network is crucial, supporting or limiting care. CONCLUSION Concerns about the development mobilize caregivers to stimulate the premature child/person and requests family and healthcare assistance

    A functional approach to cerebral visual impairments in very preterm/very-low-birth-weight children

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    Background:Cerebral visual impairment (CVI) is a major cause of visual impairment, with very preterm birth/very low birth weight (VP/VLBW) being a major risk factor. There is no generally accepted definition of CVI. This study aims to investigate the usefulness of an empirically-based functional definition of CVI.Methods:One-hundred-five VP/VLBW children and 67 controls participated. CVI was defined after comprehensive oculomotor, visual sensory and perceptive assessment, and validated against vision problems in daily life and in terms of intellectual, behavioral, emotional and social functioning, as well as use of therapeutic services.Results:Twenty-four per cent of the VP/VLBW children met criteria for CVI, compared to 7% of controls (P = 0.006, OR: 3.86, 95% CI: 1.40-10.70). VP/VLBW children with CVI had lower performance IQ, but not verbal IQ, than those without CVI. Visual problems in daily life were confirmed in VP/VLBW children classified with CVI. Additionally, difficulties in behavioral and social functioning were most prominent among VP/VLBW children with CVI.Conclusion:In VP/VLBW children, CVI defined in terms of visual function deficits is accompanied by intellectual, behavioral, and social impairments, validating our operational definition of CVI. CVI might act as a marker for developmental problems in VP/VLBW children