747 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Kinetic Model for the Process of Liquid Drops Formation in the Form of Capsule

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    Capsulation as a technological principle can provoke an activation of innovative activity in food branch and become a cause of elaboration and introduction of new scientifically grounded technologies of raw material processing, creation of new commodity forms, comfortable in consumption, increase of production volumes and effectiveness of food production use, elaboration and application of the modern principally new technologies, technological processes, methods and equipment that in common can essentially influence the state and development of food technologies.The model of capsulation of liquids of different origin by extrusion method was elaborated taking into account the regularities of gravitation and using the methods of system analysis. Kinetics of capsule structure creation, regularities of getting round forms with different diameter were determined. The gotten regularities are the base of scientific-technological principles of getting oil-fat production, capsulated with thermo- and acid-stable properties. It was theoretically proved, that the main factor that limits the process of drop formation and separation is a stage of formation of embryo and drop itself. The time of embryo and drop formation is much more (in 20 times approximately) than the time of bridge rupture. The presence of coat of capsulated liquids essentially influences the sizes of bridge and drop and the time of processes of drop formation and separation. At that, the increase of relative coefficient of surface tension in 3 times increases a drop radius in 1,6 time and full time of drop formation and separation in 2,5 times. The received equations can be used for experimental verification of the offered model of liquid drop formation and separation

    What do teens make of personal informatics? Youth responses to self-tracking practices within a classroom setting

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    Personal informatics (PI) technologies allow users to collect data about aspects of their lifestyle like mood or step count. Though teens increasingly encounter and use such technologies, little is known about how they ascribe meaning to their own PI activities. We report a qualitative study of the PI experiences of eighteen teens (aged 14 – 17). Following a learning phase focused on interpreting PI data, participants chose a personal goal that interested them and a PI tool to track it for 4-8 weeks in everyday contexts. Participants proved to be competent, flexible users of PI tools, tracking a range of meaningful life factors, from ‘worries’ to ‘exercise’; they valued learning about ‘natural patterns’ in their lives and were motivated to manage their emotions and evaluate whether they were doing the right thing. Our findings contribute to understanding how young people can engage in appropriation and interpretation of PI data – suggesting opportunities for educational interventions and design

    dimer paramagnetic centers in lead germanate crystals doped with iron and halogen (Cl-, Br-, F-) ions

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    The dimer complexes Fe3+-Cl-, Fe3+-Br-, and Fe3+-O2- in ferroelectric lead germanate crystals doped with iron and annealed in chlorine-, bromine-, and fluorine-containing atmospheres have been studied using the electron paramagnetic resonance method. These complexes are formed by Fe3+ ions in the trigonal position of lead and their associated anions located in the interstitial channel of the structure. The positions of the charge-compensating anions in the channel have been discussed based on the analysis of the parameters of the spin Hamiltonian and their temperature dependence. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd3+ ions in Ca1-x-yYxGdyF2+x+y crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance of Ca1-x-yYxGdyF2+x+y single crystals has revealed spectra that are not typical of gadolinium-doped CaF2 crystals. These spectra have a nearly tetragonal symmetry and are most probably caused by Gd3+ ions localized in yttrium clusters. Weak spectra of tetragonal Gd3+ centers, whose parameters are close to those of a cubic gadolinium center caused by an isolated Gd3+ ion, have been also detected. These centers are attributed to isolated Gd3+ ions localized near octahedral rare-earth clusters or their associations. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Photosensitive bismuth ions in lead tungstate

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals of Bi2+ ions have been detected in the EPR spectrum of manganese-, bismuth-, and tin-doped PbWO4 single-crystals irradiated by xenon and mercury lamps at 100 K. The parameters of the Zeeman, hyperfine, and superhyperfine interactions and the localization of Bi2+ ions have been determined. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Paramagnetic defects in manganese-doped lead tungstate

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    In manganese-doped PbWO4 crystals, low-intensity signals of triclinic clusters Mn4+-VO and Fe3+-VPb have been revealed in addition to signals of Mn2+ tetragonal centers. The Mn4+-VO cluster is formed by a Mn4+ ion in the W6+ position, which is associated with a vacancy of the nearest neighbor O2-ion, and the Fe3+-VPb cluster consists of a Fe3+ ion substituting for Pb2+ with a local compensation of by a lead vacancy. It has been shown that, in PbWO4: Mn, there is also a small amount of Mn4+ tetragonal centers located in the Pb2+ position with a nonlocal compensation of an excess charge. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Pharmacological correction of intrarenal hemodynamic disorders in acute kidney injury (part 2)

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    Evaluate the possibilities of individual pharmacological correction and intensive care of patients with acute kidney injury of different origin. A prospective nonrandomized study. Inclusion criteria: patients with prerenal, renal and subrenal AKI module in stage of oligoanuria and restoration of diuresis. Exclusion criteria: AKI in patients after cardiosurgery and operations on large vessels. Individual pharmacological and non-pharmacological correction (renoprotection) was performed in 250 ICU patients with prerenal (130), renal (81) and subrenal (39) AK


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    The subject of this research is deep learning methods, in which automatic construction of feature transforms is taken place in tasks of pattern recognition. Multilayer autoencoders have been taken as the considered type of deep learning networks. Autoencoders perform nonlinear feature transform with logistic regression as an upper classification layer. In order to verify the hypothesis of possibility to improve recognition rate by global optimization of parameters for deep learning networks, which are traditionally trained layer-by-layer by gradient descent, a new method has been designed and implemented. The method applies simulated annealing for tuning connection weights of autoencoders while regression layer is simultaneously trained by stochastic gradient descent. Experiments held by means of standard MNIST handwritten digit database have shown the decrease of recognition error rate from 1.1 to 1.5 times in case of the modified method comparing to the traditional method, which is based on local optimization. Thus, overfitting effect doesn’t appear and the possibility to improve learning rate is confirmed in deep learning networks by global optimization methods (in terms of increasing recognition probability). Research results can be applied for improving the probability of pattern recognition in the fields, which require automatic construction of nonlinear feature transforms, in particular, in the image recognition. Keywords: pattern recognition, deep learning, autoencoder, logistic regression, simulated annealing

    Specific features of the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum in the vicinity of the convergence of the transitions of gadolinium centers in Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11

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    An anomalous electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the transitions -1/2 ↔ +1/2 of four Gd3+-Si dimer clusters in the Pb5(Ge1 - xSix)3O11 crystals doped with gadolinium has been found in the vicinity of the orientation of the magnetic field along the optic axis of the crystal. It has been assumed that this spectrum is caused by rapid transitions between the spin packets of the initial resonances due to the crossrelaxation. A computer simulation of the spectrum has been carried out. The results obtained adequately describe the experiment. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    A Clinical Case of Surgical Treatment of the Adjacent Segment of the Spine during Fusion

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    Every year, the number of operations on the lumbar spine with the use of various spinal fusion techniques increases, which leads to an increase in the number of cases in the long-term period of surgical treatment, the formation of pathology of the adjacent segment (ASP), which is part of the structure of the failed back surgery  syndrome (FBSS). It is known that the pathology of the adjacent segment is a general term and covers two concepts: the degeneration of the adjacent segment (ASDeg) and the disease of the adjacent segment (ASDis). ASDeg is represented by radiographic changes occurring in the adjacent spinal motion segments during spinal surgery with spinal fusion, and ASDis refers to the clinical symptoms that develop during radiographic changes in these segments. With the pathology of an adjacent segment, clinically significant degenerative changes in it are not always formed. If these X-ray changes are formed and correlate with clinical and neurological manifestations, then surgical treatment is indicated. This pathology can be treated with repeated surgical intervention, which this article demonstrate with the clinical example of surgical treatment of the adjacent segment of the spine during fusion