12 research outputs found
High-rate Electrochemical Performance of Nanosized LiNi0,5Mn1,5O4
Structural and electrochemical characteristics of nanosized LiNi0,5Mn1,5O4 synthesized by means of a
citric acid aided route are presented. It is found that materials treated at 800 °C consist of the maximal
amount of the disordered face-centered cubic phase. Galvanostatic discharge curves registered at various
discharge currents (147-5800 mA·g – 1 or 1-40 C) prove the excellent high-rate performance of the samples
studied. Specifically, the sample treated at 800 °С endures a load of 40 C delivering the reversible specific
capacity of 34 mAh·g – 1. Such results have never been attained with LiNi0,5Mn1,5O4 electrodes prepared
using standard techniques and overwhelms all existing data published to date. This remarkable result
makes evident excellent prospects of non-solid-state routes for obtaining electrode materials for heavy-duty
lithium-ion batteries of new generation.
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ALK-positive histiocytosis: a new clinicopathologic spectrum highlighting neurologic involvement and responses to ALK inhibition
ALK-positive histiocytosis is a rare subtype of histiocytic neoplasm first described in 2008 in three infants with multisystemic disease involving the liver and hematopoietic system. This entity has subsequently been documented in case reports and series to occupy a wider clinicopathologic spectrum with recurrent KIF5B-ALK fusions. The full clinicopathologic and molecular spectra of ALK-positive histiocytosis remain, however, poorly characterized. Here, we describe the largest study of ALK-positive histiocytosis to date, with detailed clinicopathologic data of 39 cases, including 37 cases with confirmed ALKrearrangements. The clinical spectrum comprised distinct clinical phenotypic groups: infants with multisystemic disease with liver and hematopoietic involvement, as originally described (Group 1A: 6/39), other patients with multisystemic disease (Group 1B: 10/39), and patients with single-system disease (Group 2: 23/39). Nineteen patients of the entire cohort (49%) had neurologic involvement (seven and twelve from Groups 1B and 2, respectively). Histology included classic xanthogranuloma features in almost one third of cases, whereas the majority displayed a more densely cellular, monomorphic appearance without lipidized histiocytes but sometimes more spindled or epithelioid morphology. Neoplastic histiocytes were positive for macrophage markers and often conferred strong expression of phosphorylated-ERK, confirming MAPK pathway activation. KIF5B-ALK fusions were detected in 27 patients, while CLTC-ALK, TPM3-ALK, TFG-ALK, EML4-ALK and DCTN1-ALK fusions were identified in single cases. Robust and durable responses were observed in 11/11 patients treated with ALK inhibition, ten with neurologic involvement. This study presents the existing clinicopathologic and molecular landscape of ALK-positive histiocytosis, and provides guidance for the clinical management of this emerging histiocytic entity.Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour genetic
Microstructure and mechanical properties of V–Me(Cr,W)–Zr alloys as a function of their chemical–thermal treatment modes
Formation of regularities of the nanometric oxide precipitates and defect microstructure in vanadium-based low activation alloys V–Cr–Zr–(C,N,O) and V–Cr–W–Zr–(C,N,O) as a function of the regimes of their thermochemical treatment was investigated. Several methods of internal oxidation which provide formation of the nanosized ZrO2 particles of controllable dispersion, ensure the nanometric size of the heterophase structure to be maintained up to the temperatures as high as 1300–1400 °С, and allow the recrystallization temperature to be increased up to ≥1400 °С were proposed. Formation of such microstructure contributes to dispersion- and substructural hardening and results in more than twofold increase in the yield stress of these alloys both at room and elevated (800 °С) temperatures, compared to the conventional thermo-mechanical treatment
Benchmarking of evaluated nuclear data for vanadium by a 14 MeV spherical shell neutron transmission experiment
Measurements of neutron leakage spectra from two shells of pure vanadium having wall thicknesses of 3.5 cm and 10.5 cm with a 14 MeV neutron source at the center are reported. The neutron leakage spectra were measured by the time-of-flight method from 15 MeV down to 50 keV. Descriptions of the experimental arrangement, the time-of-flight spectrometer, the measurements and data reduction procedures are given. Corrections connected with neutron scattering in the neutron source, deviations from spherical symmetry and others were estimated by the Monte-Carlo technique. Also, the response function of the spectrometer was determined and folded with the calculated spectra to allow meaningful calculation-experiment comparisons even near the 14 MeV peak. Three-dimensional Monte-Carlo calculations were made with the MCNP code, using the EFF-3, FENDL-1 and JENDL-FF nuclear data libraries. The total leakage fluence is correctly predicted or slightly overestimated by all these evaluated data. However, its breakdown into energy bins shows considerable overestimations near 0.1 MeV for FENDL-1 and JENDL-FF and near 10 MeV for JENDL-FF, while EFF-3 on the whole reproduces the leakage spectra best. An analysis of existing differential experimental V(n, xn) data at 14 MeV incident energy agrees with these findings. (orig.)Es wird ueber Messungen der Neutronen-Leckagespektren zweier Kugelschalen der Wandstaerken 3.5 und 10.5 cm aus reinem Vanadium berichtet, in deren Zentrum sich jeweils eine 14-MeV-Neutronenquelle befand. Die Spektren wurden nach der Flugzeitmethode im Energiebereich von 15 MeV bis herab zu 50 keV gemessen. Die experimentelle Anordnung, das Flugzeitspektrometer, die Messungen und die Datenreduktion werden beschrieben. Korrekturen fuer Neutronenstreuung in der Neutronenquelle, Abweichungen von der Kugelsymmetrie und anderes wurden mittels Monte-Carlo-Rechnungen abgeschaetzt. Die Ansprechfunktion des Spektrometers wurde bestimmt und mit den berechneten Spektren gefaltet, um aussagefaehige Vergleiche zwischen Rechnung und Experiment auch in der Naehe des 14-MeV-Peaks zu ermoeglichen. Dreidimensionale Monte-Carlo-Rechnungen mit dem Programm MCNP wurden auf der Basis der Kerndatenbibliotheken EFF-3, FENDL-1 und JENDL-FF durchgefuehrt. Die totale Leckagefluenz wird durch alle diese Kerndaten richtig vorhergesagt oder leicht ueberschaetzt. Ihre Zerlegung in Energiefenster zeigt jedoch betraechtliche Ueberschaetzungen bei etwa 0.1 MeV fuer FENDL-1 und JENDL-FF und bei etwa 10 MeV fuer JENDL-FF, waehrend EFF-3 die Spektren insgesamt am besten wiedergibt. Eine Analyse existierender differentieller V(n, xn)-Messdaten fuer einfallende 14-MeV-Neutronen bestaetigt diese Befunde. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: ZA 5141(6096) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman