571 research outputs found

    History in the Digital Domain

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    Relativism, Coherence, and the Problems of Philosophy *

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    The eventual topic of this paper is the perhaps grandiose question of whether we have any reason to think that philosophical problems can be solved. Philosophy has been around for quite some time, and its record is cause for pessimism: it is not, exactly, that there are no established results, but that what results there are, are negative (such-and-such is false, or won't work), or conditional (as Ernest Nagel used to say, "If we had ham, and if we had eggs, then we'd have ham and eggs"). 1 I hope in what follows first of all to explain the record. My explanation will naturally suggest a way of turning over a new leaf, and I will wrap up the paper by laying out that proposal and critically assessing its prospects. However, the approach to my topic will have to be roundabout. Along the way, I will detour to consider how the problems of philosophy can be * I'm grateful t

    Mark Poster documents related to the publication of "Foucault, Marxism, and History : Mode of Production versus Mode of Information"

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    This sub-directory includes draft chapters, notes, and letters. The sub-directory was originally located within the /BOOKS directory. This sub-directory has been appraised and packaged for access as a .zip file by the UCI Libraries. Researchers may search the contents of the .zip file after downloading and unzipping it. The .zip file is accompanied by a .csv file that lists the contents of the .zip file. Only the .csv file is searchable within UCISpace. This .csv file may be opened using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.Files created/last modified between 1984-1995Original digital files were selected and transferred by Mark Poster to UCI Libraries via a portable hard drive then converted to PDF/A format by UCI Libraries' staff for access and preservation. Original file extensions are retained in the PDF file names

    Mark Poster documents related to the publication of "Deleuze and New Technology"

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    This sub-directory includes front matter and complete contents of the book. The sub-directory was originally located within the /BOOKS directory. This sub-directory has been appraised and packaged for access as a .zip file by the UCI Libraries. Researchers may search the contents of the .zip file after downloading and unzipping it. The .zip file is accompanied by a .csv file that lists the contents of the .zip file. Only the .csv file is searchable within UCISpace. This .csv file may be opened using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.Original digital files were selected and transferred by Mark Poster to UCI Libraries via a portable hard drive then converted to PDF/A format by UCI Libraries' staff for access and preservation. Original file extensions are retained in the PDF file names

    Mark Poster "Notes" files, 1992-2004

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    This subdirectory includes books and journal articles by other authors, selected texts and citations of research interest to Mark Poster, as well as a curriculum vitae and email correspondence. This sub-directory has been appraised and packaged for access as a .zip file by the UCI Libraries. Researchers may search the contents of the .zip file after downloading and unzipping it. The .zip file is accompanied by a .csv file that lists the contents of the .zip file. Only the .csv file is searchable within UCISpace. This .csv file may be opened using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.Original digital files were selected and transferred by Mark Poster to UCI Libraries via a portable hard drive then converted to PDF/A format by UCI Libraries' staff for access and preservation. Original file extensions are retained in the PDF file names