10 research outputs found

    Quantifying carbon for agricultural soil management: from the current status toward a global soil information system

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    The importance of building/maintaining soil carbon, for soil health and CO2 mitigation, is of increasing interest to a wide audience, including policymakers, NGOs and land managers. Integral to any approaches to promote carbon sequestering practices in managed soils are reliable, accurate and cost-effective means to quantify soil C stock changes and forecast soil C responses to different management, climate and edaphic conditions. While technology to accurately measure soil C concentrations and stocks has been in use for decades, many challenges to routine, cost-effective soil C quantification remain, including large spatial variability, low signal-to-noise and often high cost and standardization issues for direct measurement with destructive sampling. Models, empirical and process-based, may provide a cost-effective and practical means for soil C quantification to support C sequestration policies. Examples are described of how soil science and soil C quantification methods are being used to support domestic climate change policies to promote soil C sequestration on agricultural lands (cropland and grazing land) at national and provincial levels in Australia and Canada. Finally, a quantification system is outlined – consisting of well-integrated data-model frameworks, supported by expanded measurement and monitoring networks, remote sensing and crowd-sourcing of management activity data – that could comprise the core of a new global soil information system

    enyusunan Norma Tes Inteligensi Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun norma tes inteligensi Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) skala 3 bentuk A dan bentuk B untuk usia 17 tahun ke atas. Subjek yang digunakan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 2015 orang yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa biro layanan psikologi, yaitu Pusat Layanan Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi UNM, Biro Konsultasi Psikologi Dwipayana, LPPT Widya Prasthya, dan Lembaga Psikologi Intelektualita sejak bulan Januari 2014 sampai bulan Januari 2015. Norma disusun dengan cara mentransformasikan skor mentah menjadi skor IQ berdasarkan mean dan standar deviasi. Sebagai patokan dalam melakukan transformasi skor, peneliti menggunakan mean IQ CFIT sebesar 100 dan standar deviasi 16 dari Raymond B. Cattel. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa norma baru untuk menginterpretasi Culture Fair Intelligence Test (CFIT) skala 3 bentuk A dan bentuk B untuk subjek berusia 17 tahun ke atas. Kata Kunci: CFIT, Norm

    Energetic fitness data

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    Data on body condition, body size, age, sex, reproductive performance, diving depth, and field metabolic rate (as proxied by mean VeDBA) from 115 Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Cape Crozier, Ross Sea, Antarctica, 2010-2013

    Evidence of age-related improvement in the foraging efficiency of Adélie penguins

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    Abstract Age variation in reproductive performance is well-documented but the mechanisms underlying this variation remain unclear. Foraging efficiency is likely to be a key source of demographic variation as it determines the amount of energy that can be invested in fitness-related activities. Evidence of age-related changes in the foraging efficiency of adult seabirds is scarce and inconsistent. We investigated the effects of age on the foraging efficiency of breeding Adélie penguins, a relatively short-lived seabird species, in order to gain a broader perspective on the processes driving variation in ageing rates. We found support for a positive effect of age, either linear or levelling off at old ages, on both our proxies for daily catch rate and catch per unit effort. Across all age classes, males were more performant foragers than females. We found no strong evidence for differing ageing patterns between sexes or individual quality levels, and no evidence for senescence. We infer that continuous individual improvement could be responsible for a larger amount of the variation in foraging efficiency with age at our study site, compared with selective disappearance of underperforming phenotypes. The different results reported by other studies highlight the need to conduct longitudinal studies across a range of species in different environments