18 research outputs found

    Epidemiological status of bovine brucellosis in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Realizou-se um estudo para caracterizar a situação epidemiológica da brucelose bovina no Estado de Minas Gerais. O Estado foi estratificado em sete circuitos produtores. Em cada circuito foram amostradas aleatoriamente cerca de 300 propriedades e, dentro dessas, foi escolhido, de forma aleatória, um número pré-estabelecido de animais, dos quais foi obtida uma amostra de sangue. No total, foram amostrados 20.643 animais, provenientes de 2.204 propriedades. Em cada propriedade visitada aplicou-se um questionário epidemiológico para verificar o tipo de exploração e as práticas zootécnicas e sanitárias que poderiam estar associadas ao risco de infecção pela doença. O protocolo de testes utilizado foi o da triagem com o teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e a confirmação dos positivos com o teste do 2-mercaptoetanol. O rebanho foi considerado positivo, se pelo menos um animal foi reagente às duas provas sorológicas. As prevalências de focos e de animais infectados do Estado foram de 6,0% [5,0-7,1%] e 1,1% [0,78-1,4%], respectivamente. Os resultados para os circuitos pecuários da prevalência de focos e de animais foram: circuito 1, 4,7% [2,7-7,7%] e 0,82% [0,06-1,6%]; circuito 2, 7,2% [4,6-10,6%] e 1,2% [0,53-1,8%]; circuito 3, 6,8% [4,3-10,0%] e 1,5% [0,47-2,4%]; circuito 4, 6,5% [4,1-9,8%] e 1,1% [0,39-1,7%]; circuito 5, 3,8% [2,0-6,5%] e 0,40% [0,11-0,69%]; circuito 6, 6,2% [3,8-9,6%] e 0,66% [0,29-1,0%]; circuito 7, 11,0% [7,7-15,0%] e 1,7% [0,92-2,6%], respectivamente. Os fatores de risco (odds ratio, OR) associados à condição de foco foram: compra de reprodutores (OR = 1,66 [1,13-2,44]), ocorrência de aborto nos últimos 12 meses (OR = 1,81 [1,26-2,60]) e presença de cervídeos na propriedade (OR = 1,56 [1,08-2,27]). A vacinação contra brucelose foi identificada como fator protetor (OR = 0,38 [0,19-0,79]). Concluiu-se que o programa obrigatório de vacinação de bezerras, iniciado na década de 1990, está sendo eficaz ao reduzir a prevalência em todo o Estado e em todos os sistemas de produção animal. As autoridades sanitárias devem priorizar o controle da compra de animais para reprodução, que não apresentem garantias sanitárias e incorporar essa medida às ações de educativas. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTA study to characterize the epidemiological status of brucellosis was carried out in the State of Minas Gerais. The State was divided in seven regions. Three hundred herds were randomly sampled in each region and a pre-established number of animals was sampled in each of these herds. A total of 20,643 serum samples from 2,204 herds were collected. In each herd, it was applied an epidemiological questionnaire focused on herd traits as well as husbandry and sanitary practices that could be associated with the risk of infection. The serum samples were screened for antibodies against Brucella spp. by the Rose-Bengal Test (RBT), and all positive sera were re-tested by the 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME). The herd was considered positive if at least one animal was positive on both RBT and 2-ME tests. The prevalence of infected herds and animals in the State were, respectively, 6.0% [5.0-7.1%] and 1.1% [0.78-1.4%]. In the productive regions, the prevalence of infected herds and animals were, respectively: regions 1, 4.7% [2.7-7.7%] and 0.82% [0.06-1.6%]; region 2, 7.2% [4.6-10.6%] and 1.2% [0.53-1.8%]; region 3, 6.8% [4.3-10.0%] and 1.5% [0.47-2.4%]; region 4, 6.5% [4.1-9.8%] and 1.1% [0.39-1.7%]; region 5, 3.8% [2.0-6.5%] and 0.40% [0.11-0.69%]; region 6, 6.2% [3.8-9.6%] and 0.66% [0.29-1.0%]; and region 7, 11.0% [7.7-15.0%] and 1.7% [0.92-2.6%]. The risk factors (odds ratio, OR) associated with positive herds were: purchase of breeding stock (OR = 1.66 [1.13-2.44]), occurrence of abortions over the last 12 months (OR = 1.81 [1.26-2.60]), and the presence of deer in the farm (OR = 1.56 [1.08-2.27]). Vaccination against brucellosis was a protective factor (OR = 0.38 [0.19-0.79]). It can be concluded that the compulsory vaccination of heifers, commenced in the 90's, was successful in reducing the prevalence of bovine brucellosis throughout the state and across livestock production systems. The animal health authorities should give priority to controlling the purchase of breeding stock without sanitary assurances and integrate this issue into the educational programmes

    Phytoplankton dynamics in a highly eutrophic estuary in tropical Brazil

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    The port of Recife in northeastern Brazil is an important ecological and social area but little is known about its environmental quality. Observations, sampling and measurements of phytoplankton were performed during spring and neap tides in the dry (January-February, 2005) and rainy (June, 2005) seasons to assess the environmental quality of the port of Recife. The area had chlorophyll-a concentrations ranging from 3.30 to 54.40 mg m-3, the highest values occurring at low tide during the dry season. A total of 129 species were identified: 53 of them in the dry season and 97 in the rainy season. Diatoms were the most diverse group and comprised 75.47% of the phytoplankton collected in the dry season and 60.82% of those collected in the rainy season. The dry season was characterized by Coscinodiscus sp. and Helicotheca tamesis; the rainy season by Oscillatoria sp. and Coscinodiscus centralis. Species diversity indices varied from 1.06 to 3.74 bits cel-1. Low indices were related to the dominance of Helicotheca tamesis, Coscinodiscus centralis, Coscinodiscus sp. and Aulacoseira granulata. Seasonal forcing, rather than the estuarine flux, determined the phytoplankton community structure. The area is exposed to seasonally varying negative impacts due to metropolitan degradation and the high level of eutrophication.Para avaliar a qualidade ambiental Porto do Recife (Nordeste do Brasil), uma área ecológica e socialmente importante mas pouco investigada, observações, medições e amostragem do fitoplâncton foram realizadas durante as marés de sizígia e quadratura no período de estiagem (janeiro-fevereiro / 2005) e chuvoso (junho/2005). A área apresentou concentração de clorofila a variando de 3,30 a 54,40 mg m-3, com maiores valores registrados durante a maré baixa no período de estiagem. Um total de 129 espécies foi identificada com 53 espécies durante o período de estiagem e 97 espécies no chuvoso. As diatomáceas formaram o grupo mais diverso, com 75,47% no período de estiagem e 60,82% no chuvoso. Coscinodiscus sp. e Helicotheca tamesis caracterizaram o período de estiagem e Oscillatoria sp. e Coscinodiscus centralis o período chuvoso. A diversidade de espécie variou de 1,06 a 3,74 bits cel-1 . Os baixos índices foram relacionados com a dominância de Helicotheca tamesis, Coscinodiscus centralis, Coscinodiscus sp. e Aulacoseira granulata. A sazonalidade determinou a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica, em vez do fluxo estuarino. A área é exposta sazonalmente a vários impactos negativos, devido à degradação metropolitana e ao elevado nível de eutrofização


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    Zooplankton studies carried out in the Tamandaré Bay (Brazil) were aimed at elucidating the role of bioindicators of anthropic impacts, mangrove on zooplankton production, and to see how nutrients, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and seasonal patterns affect the zooplankton community in the reef area. In general the total productivity was high during the rainy and dry season. Copepoda and copepods nauplii emerged as the most dominant groups forming up to 80% of total zooplankton at mangrove area, and about of 70% and 60% of total zooplankton at non- and urbanized area. Oithona hebes, Oithona nana, Oithona oswaldocruzi and Parvocalanus crassirostris were the dominant and most abundant taxa. Holoplankton groups dominated the samples making about of 90% of total zooplankton groups. Other important groups which occurred frequently were Foraminifera, Tintinnina, and also fish eggs and larvae, other Crustaceaa and Molluscan larvae. Taxonomic abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton are analysed in the two zones of the reef complex, as well as in the mangrove area; ecological subsystems are delimited and exchanges between them are explicited. Bioindicators of anthropic impacts (Rotifera and Nematoda) are very found at the urbanized area of Tamandaré coast, where the nutrients concentrations were also higher. This is an indication of organic pollution in the reef area, through the Maceió River. This river has high densities of Rotifera and Nematoda, and only Polychaeta larvae, Oithona hebes and copepods nauplii were also found in the sample from this river. It suggests that the reef in front of the Tamandaré urban area is a impacted sector of the Tamandaré reef complex. Moreover, the mangrove area is a important source of species and biomass, once the dominant and more abundant identified groups have mangrove origin. Zooplankton species diversity index revealed high diversity in mangrove and coral reef stations respectively

    Zooplankton als Bioindikator für Umwelt Qualität in der Tamandaré Riff System (Pernambuco - Brasilien): Anthropogene Einflüsse und Austausch mit Mangroven

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    Zooplankton studies carried out in the Tamandaré Bay (Brazil) were aimed at elucidating the role of bioindicators of anthropic impacts, mangrove on zooplankton production, and to see how nutrients, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and seasonal patterns affect the zooplankton community in the reef area. In general the total productivity was high during the rainy and dry season. Copepoda and copepods nauplii emerged as the most dominant groups forming up to 80% of total zooplankton at mangrove area, and about of 70% and 60% of total zooplankton at non- and urbanized area. Oithona hebes, Oithona nana, Oithona oswaldocruzi and Parvocalanus crassirostris were the dominant and most abundant taxa. Holoplankton groups dominated the samples making about of 90% of total zooplankton groups. Other important groups which occurred frequently were Foraminifera, Tintinnina, and also fish eggs and larvae, other Crustaceaa and Molluscan larvae. Taxonomic abundance and spatial distribution of zooplankton are analysed in the two zones of the reef complex, as well as in the mangrove area; ecological subsystems are delimited and exchanges between them are explicited. Bioindicators of anthropic impacts (Rotifera and Nematoda) are very found at the urbanized area of Tamandaré coast, where the nutrients concentrations were also higher. This is an indication of organic pollution in the reef area, through the Maceió River. This river has high densities of Rotifera and Nematoda, and only Polychaeta larvae, Oithona hebes and copepods nauplii were also found in the sample from this river. It suggests that the reef in front of the Tamandaré urban area is a "impacted sector" of the Tamandaré reef complex. Moreover, the mangrove area is a important source of species and biomass, once the dominant and more abundant identified groups have mangrove origin. Zooplankton species diversity index revealed high diversity in mangrove and coral reef stations respectively


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    Estudos sobre o macrozooplâncton foram realizados numa estação fixa localizada entre a desembocadura sul e a linha de recifes no canal de Santa Cruz – PE. O principal objetivo foi avaliar as variações nictemerais ao longo do ciclo de maré. As coletas foram realizadas durante preamares e baixa-mares em maré de sizígia nos dias 10 e 11 de março de 2001. Arrastos sub-superficiais foram realizados com rede de plâncton com 300 μm de abertura de malha. Dados de salinidade e temperatura foram obtidos para comparar com o zooplâncton. Foram identificados 48 taxa, 26 na baixa-mar com uma dominância do holoplâncton, e 40 na preamar, com dominância de zoeas de Brachyura. Copepoda esteve representado por 18 espécies, destacando-se Acartia lilljeborgi,Temora turbinata e Pseudodiaptomus acutus. Foi registrada diferença significativa entre as densidades médias nas duas marés (p=0,04), com maior densidade na baixa-mar e maior diversidade na preamar devido à influência marinha. Não houve diferença significativa entre as amostras diurnas e noturnas (p=0,88), evidenciando que a maré é o principal fator estruturador da comunidade do macrozooplâncton


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    Os itens alimentares de peixes consumidores primários foram estudados, visando contribuir para o conhecimento das relações tróficas da ictiofauna, em Itamaracá, Pernambuco, Brasil. Amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no Canal de Santa Cruz com uma rede tipo “mangote”, de 1995 a 1998, além de dados publicados desde 1979. Foi registrada uma diversidade de itens alimentares nos estômagos das espécies de peixes analisadas, sendo que em algumas delas existe uma sobreposição destes itens o que implica em competição se os recursos forem limitados. Dentre os consumidores primários foram incluídos os peixes que se alimentam do fitoplâncton e do zooplâncton, os filtradores e consumidores de detritos vegetais, os que se alimentam de microfitobentos e eventualmente de detritos inorgânicos. Os consumidores primários foram classificados em planctófagos: Opisthonema oglinum; herbívoros: Hyporhamphus unifasciatus, Hemirhamphus brasiliensis; detritívoros: Mugil curema, Mugil liza e Gobionellus oceanicus; e onívoros: Chaetodipterus faber, Eugerres brasilianus e Diapterus auratus. A grande abundância de plâncton e do meiobentos evidenciam a capacidade de suporte trófico do Canal de Santa Cruz permitindo o estabelecimento de peixes consumidores de primeira ordem. A função destes consumidores primários como elo na teia trófica, bem como sua migração para os ecossistemas circunvizinhos são um forte argumento para a conservação das áreas costeiras de Pernambuco

    Farelo de resíduo de manga para tilápia do Nilo - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i1.10247

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    To evaluate the potential of mango residues in the diets Nile tilapia on apparent digestibility, productive performance, body yield (with and without head), hepatosomatic index, somatic and visceral indexes, fat and organs weight in Nile tilapia. In the digestibility experiment were used 48 animals with average weight of 53.9 &plumn; (1.04 g) and for the performance experiment 300 juveniles were used with the average weight of 44.3 ± (2.7 g). The experimental design for both was randomized with four treatments and the performance experiment with five replicates, and digestibility with three replications. The treatments consisted of four isoproteic- and isoenergetic diets with different levels of inclusion of mango waste bran (0, 5, 10 and 15%). The digestibility coefficients were: dry matter (79.6, 76.9, 76.5 and 78.0%), crude protein (88.8, 87.4, 87.2 and 87.8%), crude energy (77.8, 75.9, 76.4 and 77.5%). Digestible energy (3304, 3320, 3395 and 3484 kcal kg-1) and digestible protein (29.3, 30.3, 29.8 and 29.8%). There are no visible treatment effects on the variables analyzed. It is recommended the inclusion of about to 15,0% of mango wastes on Nile tilapia feeding.Para avaliar o potencial do resíduo do farelo de manga nas dietas de tilápia do Nilo, sobre a digestibilidade aparente, desempenho produtivo, rendimento de carcaça, índice hepatossomático, índice de gordura víscero-somática e peso dos órgãos. No ensaio de digestibilidade utilizou-se 48 animais com peso médio de 53,9 g, e no de desempenho utilizou-se 300 juvenis, com peso médio de 44,3. O delineamento experimental utilizado em ambos os experimentos foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, sendo o de desempenho com cinco repetições e o de digestibilidade com três. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de quatro rações isoproteicas e isoenergéticas, com diferentes níveis de inclusão do farelo de resíduo de manga (0, 5, 10 e 15%). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente das rações foram respectivamente: matéria seca (79,6; 76,9; 76,5 e 78,0%), proteína bruta (88,8; 87,4; 87,2 e 87,8%), energia bruta (77,8; 75,9; 76,4 e 77,5%). A energia digestível das rações (3304, 3320, 3395 e 3484 kcal kg-1) e proteína digestível (29,3; 30,3; 29,8 e 29,8%). Não foram observados efeitos dos tratamentos sobre as variáveis analisadas no desempenho, o que possibilita a inclusão de até 15,0% do farelo de resíduo de manga nas rações de tilápia do Nilo

    Zooplankton from shrimp culture ponds in Northeastern Brazil.

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    Zooplankton was examined in 14 commercial shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei ponds in tropical Brazil to assess their composition, determine their density, and indicate environmental quality. In each farm, two ponds and the water intake point were monitored in 2003. Sampling was made with a standard plankton net 50 micrometers mesh size. The zooplankton presented 40 taxa and was essentially composed of typical marine euryhaline species and suspensionfeeding forms. In all farms the dominant group was Copepoda with a total of 45%, followed by Protozoa (18%). The most abundant meroplankton were Polychaeta larvae, Gastropoda larvae, nauplii of Cirripedia and zoeae of Brachyura with large distribution in the region, sometimes dominating the community. Zooplankton abundance varied from 972+209 ind m-3 to 4,235 + 2,877 ind m-3. In the studied marine shrimp culture ponds, copepods dominance were replaced by protozoan and rotifers as nutrient concentrations increased with the culture period, indicating that zooplankton trophic structure can be strongly affected by the occurrence of eutrophic conditions in shrimp ponds. The tendency of low species diversity is indicative of an unbalanced hypereuthrophic system decreasing the water quality and the cultured species. These results can be an important appointment to understand the effects of eutrophication in coastal plankton structure and its effects to marine aquatic food web