208 research outputs found

    Exactly-solvable problems for two-dimensional excitons

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    Several problems in mathematical physics relating to excitons in two dimensions are considered. First, a fascinating numerical result from a theoretical treatment of screened excitons stimulates a re-evaluation of the familiar two-dimensional hydrogen atom. Formulating the latter problem in momentum space leads to a new integral relation in terms of special functions, and fresh insights into the dynamical symmetry of the system are also obtained. A discussion of an alternative potential to model screened excitons is given, and the variable phase method is used to compare bound-state energies and scattering phase shifts for this potential with those obtained using the two-dimensional analogue of the Yukawa potential. The second problem relates to excitons in a quantising magnetic field in the fractional quantum Hall regime. An exciton against the background of an incompressible quantum liquid is modelled as a few-particle neutral composite consisting of a positively-charged hole and several quasielectrons with fractional negative charge. A complete set of exciton basis functions is derived, and these functions are classified using a result from the theory of partitions. Some exact results are obtained for this complex few-particle problem.Comment: 66 pages, 9 figure

    Zero-energy states in graphene quantum dots and rings

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    We present exact analytical zero-energy solutions for a class of smooth decaying potentials, showing that the full confinement of charge carriers in electrostatic potentials in graphene quantum dots and rings is indeed possible without recourse to magnetic fields. These exact solutions allow us to draw conclusions on the general requirements for the potential to support fully confined states, including a critical value of the potential strength and spatial extent.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, references added, typos corrected, discussion section expande

    The two-dimensional hydrogen atom revisited

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    The bound state energy eigenvalues for the two-dimensional Kepler problem are found to be degenerate. This "accidental" degeneracy is due to the existence of a two-dimensional analogue of the quantum-mechanical Runge-Lenz vector. Reformulating the problem in momentum space leads to an integral form of the Schroedinger equation. This equation is solved by projecting the two-dimensional momentum space onto the surface of a three-dimensional sphere. The eigenfunctions are then expanded in terms of spherical harmonics, and this leads to an integral relation in terms of special functions which has not previously been tabulated. The dynamical symmetry of the problem is also considered, and it is shown that the two components of the Runge-Lenz vector in real space correspond to the generators of infinitesimal rotations about the respective coordinate axes in momentum space.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, RevTex

    Excitons in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes

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    We calculate the exciton binding energy in single-walled carbon nanotubes with narrow band gaps, accounting for the quasi-relativistic dispersion of electrons and holes. Exact analytical solutions of the quantum relativistic two-body problem are obtain for several limiting cases. We show that the binding energy scales with the band gap, and conclude on the basis of the data available for semiconductor nanotubes that there is no transition to an excitonic insulator in quasi-metallic nanotubes and that their THz applications are feasible.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Several references and an additional appendix adde

    Superlattice properties of carbon nanotubes in a transverse electric field

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    Electron motion in a (n,1) carbon nanotube is shown to correspond to a de Broglie wave propagating along a helical line on the nanotube wall. This helical motion leads to periodicity of the electron potential energy in the presence of an electric field normal to the nanotube axis. The period of this potential is proportional to the nanotube radius and is greater than the interatomic distance in the nanotube. As a result, the behavior of an electron in a (n,1) nanotube subject to a transverse electric field is similar to that in a semiconductor superlattice. In particular, Bragg scattering of electrons from the long-range periodic potential results in the opening of gaps in the energy spectrum of the nanotube. Modification of the bandstructure is shown to be significant for experimentally attainable electric fields, which raises the possibility of applying this effect to novel nanoelectronic devices.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Ionization degree of the electron-hole plasma in semiconductor quantum wells

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    The degree of ionization of a nondegenerate two-dimensional electron-hole plasma is calculated using the modified law of mass action, which takes into account all bound and unbound states in a screened Coulomb potential. Application of the variable phase method to this potential allows us to treat scattering and bound states on the same footing. Inclusion of the scattering states leads to a strong deviation from the standard law of mass action. A qualitative difference between mid- and wide-gap semiconductors is demonstrated. For wide-gap semiconductors at room temperature, when the bare exciton binding energy is of the order of T, the equilibrium consists of an almost equal mixture of correlated electron-hole pairs and uncorrelated free carriers.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Quasi-exact solution to the Dirac equation for the hyperbolic-secant potential

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    Copyright © 2014 American Physical SocietyWe analyze bound modes of two-dimensional massless Dirac fermions confined within a hyperbolic secant potential, which provides a good fit for potential profiles of existing top-gated graphene structures. We show that bound states of both positive and negative energies exist in the energy spectrum and that there is a threshold value of the characteristic potential strength for which the first mode appears. Analytical solutions are presented in several limited cases and supercriticality is discussed.URCOEU FP7 ITN NOTEDEVFP7 IRSES project SPINMETFP7 IRSES project QOCaNFP7 IRSES project InterNo

    Widely tunable gain-switched operation of external cavity grating-coupled surface emitting laser

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    Widely tunable gain switching of a grating-coupled surface-emitting laser (GCSEL) has been demonstrated in a simple external cavity configuration for the first time. Pulse duration in range of 40-100ps and wavelength tuning over 100nm have been achieved. High power, tail-free optical pulses have been observed at 980nm
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