87 research outputs found

    Dictadura : el poder en el estado de excepciĂłn

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    En una época caracterizada por la tendencia a la creciente hibridación entre democracias y regímenes autoritarios (con la acuñación del neologismo “democradura”), y en la que, debido a la difusión de la cultura de la emergencia, ha vuelto a revivir el concepto de “democracia constitucional” (objeto de algunos estudios de la primera mitad del siglo XX), es necesario abrir dentro de la teoría política el debate sobre la dictadura. Partiendo de la distinción entre “dictadura comisarial” y “dictadura soberana” (tema de un clásico libro de Carl Schmitt), el artículo se centra en algunos pasajes destacados de la dictadura en la antigua Roma, en el proceso de formación del Estado moderno y en el pensamiento político de la tradición republicana, para concluir sobre los aspectos problemáticos del actual renacimiento del concepto.In an age characterized by the tendency to the growing hybridization between democracies and authoritarian regimes (with the coining of the neologism “democratura”), and in which, due to the spread of a culture of emergency, we have also returned to revivethe concept of “constitutional democracy”(object of some studies in the first half of the twentieth century), it is necessary to open up the debate about dictatorship within political theory. Starting from the distinction between “commission dictatorship” and “sovereign dictatorship”(the subject of a classic book by Carl Schmitt), the article is focused on some salient passages of dictatorship in ancient Rome, in the process of formation of the modern State, and in the political thought of the republican tradition, to conclude on the problematic aspects of the current revival of the concept.Fil: Portinaro, Pier Paolo. Università degli Studi di Torino; Itali

    Italian Style. La cifra del realismo politico

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    It is surely true that what is currently called “Italian Theory” is rooted in a tradition of thought that has always paid attention to the intertwinement between the political and the theoretical dimension of philosophy. Nevertheless, it is also true that the so called “Italian Theory” – and the emphasis put abroad on it, in a sort of mimicry of the “French Theory” – overshadows important authors and strands of thought which represent much better what can be considered as unique and peculiar as regards the way the reflection on the political dimension took place within the Italian philosophical tradition. The article offers an overview of a specific strand within the Italian political theory that, moving from Gaetano Mosca’s and Vilfredo Pareto’s élite theory, encompasses authors like Salvemini, Gramsci, Bobbio, Sartori and goes as far as to include Pizzorno’s critical reflection on democratic representation.It is surely true that what is currently called “Italian Theory” is rooted in a tradition of thought that has always paid attention to the intertwinement between the political and the theoretical dimension of philosophy. Nevertheless, it is also true that the so called “Italian Theory” – and the emphasis put abroad on it, in a sort of mimicry of the “French Theory” – overshadows important authors and strands of thought which represent much better what can be considered as unique and peculiar as regards the way the reflection on the political dimension took place within the Italian philosophical tradition. The article offers an overview of a specific strand within the Italian political theory that, moving from Gaetano Mosca’s and Vilfredo Pareto’s élite theory, encompasses authors like Salvemini, Gramsci, Bobbio, Sartori and goes as far as to include Pizzorno’s critical reflection on democratic representation

    Dissonanze sul potere. Ricostruzione o dissoluzione di un concetto?

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    Literature on power, violence, and authority increased incessantly during the Twentieth Century; but, one cannot say that there has been an agreement regarding the connotations of these concepts. On the contrary, power has become more enigmatic than ever. This article reconstructs the terms of the ever growing distance between transitive and intransitive theories of power, between instrumental and expressive or symbolic theories, between power-violence and power-authority, and depicts how these fractures have reflected eventually on the theory of «constituent power» an the self-understanding of the representatives in «constituted powers»

    Dittatura. Il potere nello stato d’eccezione

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    In an age characterized by the tendency to the growing hybridization between democracies and authoritarian regimes (with the coining of the neologism «democratura»), and in which, due to the spread of a culture of emergency, we have also returned to revive the concept of «constitutional democracy» (object of some studies in the first half of the twentieth century), it is necessary to open up the debate about dictatorship within political theory. Starting from the distinction between «commission dictatorship» and «sovereign dictatorship» (the subject of a classic book by Carl Schmitt), the article is focused on some salient passages of dictatorship in ancient Rome, in the process of formation of the modern State, and in the political thought of the republican tradition, to conclude on the problematic aspects of the current revival of the concept

    Autocracy of the judgment, liberalism in rights, democracy of guaranteeing: the normative programme of Luigi Ferrajoli

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    El trabajo analiza las contradicciones de la propuesta normativa de FERRAJOLI de una democracia garantista, que podrían sintetizarse en el intento de hacer compatible una sociedad idealmente liberal con con una visión del orden público que podría definirse como solidarismo republicano.The work analyzes the contradictions in FERRAJOLI’s normative proposal for a guaranteeing democracy, which could be synthesized in an attempt to make an ideally liberal society compatible with a vision of public order which could be defined as republican solidarity
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