127 research outputs found

    Influence of telomerase activity and initial distribution on human follicular aging: Moving from a discrete to a continuum model

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    Producción CientíficaA discrete model is proposed for the temporal evolution of a population of cells sorted according to their telomeric length. This model assumes that, during cell division, the distribution of the genetic material to daughter cells is asymmetric, i.e. chromosomes of one daughter cell have the same telomere length as the mother, while in the other daughter cell telomeres are shorter. Telomerase activity and cell death are also taken into account. The continuous model is derived from the discrete model by introducing the generational age as a continuous variable in , being the Hayflick limit, i.e. the number of times that a cell can divide before reaching the senescent state. A partial differential equation with boundary conditions is obtained. The solution to this equation depends on the initial telomere length distribution. The initial and boundary value problem is solved exactly when the initial distribution is of exponential type. For other types of initial distributions, a numerical solution is proposed. The model is applied to the human follicular growth from preantral to preovulatory follicle as a case study and the aging rate is studied as a function of telomerase activity, the initial distribution and the Hayflick limit. Young, middle and old cell-aged initial normal distributions are considered. In all cases, when telomerase activity decreases, the population ages and the smaller the value, the higher the aging rate becomes. However, the influence of these two parameters is different depending on the initial distribution. In conclusion, the worst-case scenario corresponds to an aged initial telomere distribution.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PGC2018-101443-B-I00)CDTI and FEDER (IDI-20190160 and IDI-20181240)Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spanish Government) (PI20/00252)FINOX through FORWARD 2018-6 to E.V. and J.A.G.V. and by IVIRMA (2004-FIVI-041-MV; 1711-FIVI-111-MV; 1707-FIVI-084-MV; 1711-FIVI-112-MV; 2207-MAD-093-MV)

    Algoritmo de modulación vectorial para convertidores multinivel de cuatro ramas utilizando coordenadas naturales

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    SEMINARIO ANUAL DE AUTOMÁTICA, ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL E INSTRUMENTACIÓN. SAAEI 2005 (.2005.SANTANDER, ESPAÑA)En este trabajo se presenta el primer algoritmo de modulación vectorial tridimensional para convertidores multinivel de cuatro ramas. Este convertidor se puede aplicar en el campo de los filtros activos o a los compensadores de corriente por el neutro para compensación de armónicos y corriente homopolar usando coordenadas naturales. Esta técnica simplifica en gran medida la selección del espacio tridimensional donde se encuentra un vector de tensión dado. El algoritmo reduce drásticamente la complejidad computacional y los cálculos para determinar los vectores activos con sus correspondientes tiempos que generan el vector de referencia de tensión. Además, la baja carga computacional del algoritmo propuesto es siempre la misma y es independiente del número de niveles del convertidor

    Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection with bullous skin lesions in a patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma

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    Vibrio spp. is a pathogen rarely isolated in cancer patients, and in most cases it is associated with haematological diseases. Cutaneous manifestations of this organism are even rarer. We report a case of Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection presenting bullous skin lesions in a young type II diabetic patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma having a seawater exposure history

    La interacción de procesos hidrológicos, químicos y microbiológicos en la formación de películas flotantes ricas en hierro en ambientes acuáticos de pH circumneutro

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    17 páginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 4 tablas.-- 53 referencias.-- Postprint (Versión editorial)[EN]: The direct contribution of microbial activity to the formation of iron-oxide minerals is difficult to prove in wetlands due to the high reactivity of solid iron phases with different compounds and the variety of redox processes that may occur at each oxic-anoxic boundary. Here, we propose an explanation for the formation of iron-oxide films in wetlands and groundwater seepage areas fed by sandy aquifers based on the interaction of hydrological, chemical and microbiological processes under circumneutral conditions. The presence of a floating iron-oxide film was found to create a boundary at the air-water interface that maintains a suboxic and slightly acidic environment below the film compared with the environments obtained in other free-film wetland areas. The water trapped below this film had an average pH of 6.1, was particularly poor in O2, HCO–3, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Tot-S, and has high concentrations of Tot-P, Tot-Fe, NH+4 and Zn. The formation of a floating iron-oxide film was reproduced under anaerobic conditions after progressive enrichment through the incubation of natural sediment samples in the laboratory. Heterotrophic bacteria belonging to the genus Enterobacter were the dominant bacteria in the enrichments that resulted in the formation of a floating iron-oxide film. The X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the presence of two-line ferrihydrite was common to the iron-oxide films collected in both the natural environment and the laboratory cultures, whereas other iron-oxides (goethite and low-crystalline lepidocrocite) were observed only in the natural environment. This study highlights the role of ubiquitous bacteria, which are generally considered unimportant participants in iron-transformation processes in the environment, and the contribution of both biological and non-biological processes to iron oxidation in natural systems under circumneutral conditions.[ES]: En los humedales, es difícil probar que la actividad microbiana sea la responsable de la formación de óxido de hierro mineral debido, tanto a la gran reactividad del hierro en fase sólida con diferentes sustancias, como a la variedad de procesos redox que pueden ocurrir en cada interfase óxica-anóxica. El presente trabajo propone una explicación, basada en la interacción de procesos hidrológicos, químicos y microbiológicos en condiciones circumneutras, para explicar la formación de un film de óxido de hierro en humedales y manaderos donde aflora agua subterránea proveniente de acuíferos de arenas silíceas. Además, la presencia de un film de óxido de hierro que flota sobre la interfase agua-aire genera condiciones subóxicas y ligeramente ácidas en el agua que queda atrapada debajo, y que son muy distintas a otras zonas libres de film en el mismo humedal. Este agua atrapada bajo el film se caracterizó por presentar un pH medio de 6.1, una menor concentración de O2, HCO–3, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, y S total, pero una mayor riqueza en P total, Fe total, NH+4 y Zn. La formación de un film flotante de óxido de hierro se reprodujo en el laboratorio, en condiciones anaeróbicas, tras el enriquecimiento progresivo de las muestras del sedimento natural que habían sido incubadas. En dichos enriquecimientos, donde se produjeron films flotantes de óxido de hierro, la bacteria dominante perteneció al género Enterobacter. Mediante difracción por rayos X, se encontró ferrihidrita con estructura en doble cadena, tanto en el film de muestras naturales como de cultivos de laboratorio. Además se encontraron otros tipos de óxidos minerales (goetita y lepidocrocita de pobre cristalización) sólo en las muestras naturales de film. El presente estudio muestra la relevancia de bacterias ubicuas, hasta ahora consideradas sin importancia en procesos naturales de transformación del hierro, y la participación tanto de procesos bióticos como abióticos en la oxidación del hierro en sistemas naturales sometidos a condiciones circumneutras.We are grateful to Han Golterman for his support and suggestions. We thank Lotte Fleskens and Christien van der Zwart for collaborating with the sediment collection and P-fractionation at the laboratory. This study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2004-03927-C02-01/BOS)Peer reviewe

    Factors structuring microbial communities in highly impacted coastal marine sediments (Mar Menor lagoon, SE Spain)

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    Coastal marine lagoons are environments highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as agriculture nutrient loading or runoff from metalliferous mining. Sediment microorganisms, which are key components in the biogeochemical cycles, can help attenuate these impacts by accumulating nutrients and pollutants. The Mar Menor, located in the southeast of Spain, is an example of a coastal lagoon strongly altered by anthropic pressures, but the microbial community inhabiting its sediments remains unknown. Here, we describe the sediment prokaryotic communities along a wide range of environmental conditions in the lagoon, revealing that microbial communities were highly heterogeneous among stations, although a core microbiome was detected. The microbiota was dominated by Delta- and Gammaproteobacteria and members of the Bacteroidia class. Additionally, several uncultured groups such as Asgardarchaeota were detected in relatively high proportions. Sediment texture, the presence of Caulerpa or Cymodocea, depth, and geographic location were among the most important factors structuring microbial assemblages. Furthermore, microbial communities in the stations with the highest concentrations of potentially toxic elements (Fe, Pb, As, Zn, and Cd) were less stable than those in the non-contaminated stations. This finding suggests that bacteria colonizing heavily contaminated stations are specialists sensitive to change

    Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection with bullous skin lesions in a patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma

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    Vibrio spp. is a pathogen rarely isolated in cancer patients, and in most cases it is associated with haematological diseases. Cutaneous manifestations of this organism are even rarer. We report a case of Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae inguinal skin and soft tissue infection presenting bullous skin lesions in a young type II diabetic patient with a penis squamous cell carcinoma having a seawater exposure history