75 research outputs found

    Electrocardiographic parameters of ventricular repolarization : modifiers and the prognostic value

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    Electric activity of the heart consists of repeated cardiomyocyte depolarizations and repolarizations. Abnormalities in repolarization predispose to ventricular arrhythmias. In body surface electrocardiogram, ventricular repolarization generates the T wave. Several electrocardiographic measures have been developed both for clinical and research purposes to detect repolarization abnormalities. The study aim was to investigate modifiers of ventricular repolarization with the focus on the relationship of the left ventricular mass, antihypertensive drugs, and common gene variants, to electrocardiographic repolarization parameters. The prognostic value of repolarization parameters was also assessed. The study subjects originated from a population of more than 200 middle-aged hypertensive men attending the GENRES hypertension study, and from an epidemiological survey, the Health 2000 Study, including more than 6000 participants. Ventricular repolarization was analysed from digital standard 12-lead resting electrocardiograms with two QT-interval based repolarization parameters (QT interval, T-wave peak to T-wave end interval) and with a set of four T-wave morphology parameters. The results showed that in hypertensive men, a linear change in repolarization parameters is present even in the normal range of left ventricular mass, and that even mild left ventricular hypertrophy is associated with potentially adverse electrocardiographic repolarization changes. In addition, treatments with losartan, bisoprolol, amlodipine, and hydrochlorothiazide have divergent short-term effects on repolarization parameters in hypertensive men. Analyses of the general population sample showed that single nucleotide polymorphisms in KCNH2, KCNE1, and NOS1AP genes are associated with changes in QT-interval based repolarization parameters but not consistently with T-wave morphology parameters. T-wave morphology parameters, but not QT interval or T-wave peak to T-wave end interval, provided independent prognostic information on mortality. The prognostic value was specifically related to cardiovascular mortality. The results indicate that, in hypertension, altered ventricular repolarization is already present in mild left ventricular mass increase, and that commonly used antihypertensive drugs may relatively rapidly and treatment-specifically modify electrocardiographic repolarization parameters. Common variants in cardiac ion channel genes and NOS1AP gene may also modify repolarization-related arrhythmia vulnerability. In the general population, T-wave morphology parameters may be useful in the risk assessment of cardiovascular mortality.Sydämen kammioiden sähköinen palautumisvaihe, repolarisaatio, havaitaan sydänsähkökäyrässä (EKG) T-aaltona. Repolarisaation poikkeavuudet altistavat rytmihäiriöille, joista osa voi olla henkeä uhkaavia. Tutkimme EKG:n repolarisaation yhteyttä sydämen vasemman kammion massaan, verenpainelääkkeisiin ja vaihteluun sydänlihassolujen ionivirtauksiin liittyvissä geeneissä. Tutkimme myös EKG:n repolarisaatiomuuttujien yhteyttä kuolemiin. Aineisto koostui suomalaisista verenpainepotilaista (200 keski-ikäistä miestä) sekä kotimaisesta väestöotoksesta (6000 yli 30-vuotiasta henkilöä, joista 45% miehiä). Koehenkilöille suoritettiin sairaustietojen kysely ja lääkärintarkastus, tehtiin mittauksia ja otettiin verinäytteitä. Henkilöiltä rekisteröitiin myös tavallinen 12-kanavainen lepo-EKG, joka tallennettiin sähköisesti ja analysoitiin tietokoneella. Repolarisaatiomittareina käytettiin useita muuttujia: repolarisaation kestoa (QT-aika), repolarisaation loppuosan kestoa (TPE-aika) sekä neljää T-aallon 3-ulotteista muotoa kuvaavaa muuttujaa (T-aallon morfologiamuuttujat). Tulokset 200 verenpainepotilaan joukossa osoittavat, että jo vähäinen sydämen vasemman kammion massan kasvu liittyy EKG:n epäedullisiin repolarisaatiomuutoksiin. Tutkimuslöydös on uusi. Koska verenpaine on vasemman kammion massan kasvun vahva riskitekijä, havainto korostaa kohonneen verenpaineen tehokkaan hoidon merkitystä. Tulokset samassa aineistossa osoittavat myös, että neljän viikon kuluttua verenpainelääkkeen aloituksesta eri verenpainelääkkeillä on toisistaan poikkeavia repolarisaatiovaikutuksia: losartaanilla ja bisoprololilla on edullisia vaikutuksia QT-aikaan, TPE-aikaan ja T-aallon morfologiamuuttujiin; hydroklooritiatsidilla on epäedullisia vaikutuksia TPE-aikaan; amlodipiinillä ei ole repolarisaatiovaikutuksia. Myös tämä tutkimuslöydös on uusi, ja sillä voi olla merkitystä verenpainelääkityksen aloituksessa. Tulokset 6000 henkilön väestöotoksessa vahvistavat aiempien väestötutkimuksien havaintoja ja osoittavat, että suomalaisilla esiintyy yksittäisten emästen vaihtelua (polymorfismia) sydänlihassolujen ionivirtauksiin liittyvissä geeneissä. Osa polymorfismeista liittyy EKG:n edullisiin, osa puolestaan epäedullisiin repolarisaatiomuutoksiin. Pääosin tutkittujen geenimuutosten vaikutukset EKG:n repolarisaatioon ovat lieviä. Väestöotoksessa havaittiin myös, että kuuden vuoden seurannassa T-aallon morfologiamuuttujilla oli toisin kuin QT-ajalla ja TPE-ajalla itsenäinen yhteys sydän- ja verisuonitautikuolleisuuteen. Tällä löydöksellä voi olla merkitystä kehitettäessä EKG-menetelmiä vakavien rytmihäiriöiden vaaran tunnistamiseksi

    Human essential hypertension : no significant association of polygenic risk scores with antihypertensive drug responses

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    Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) for essential hypertension, calculated from>900 genomic loci, were recently found to explain a significant fraction of hypertension heritability and complications. To investigate whether variation of hypertension PRS also captures variation of antihypertensive drug responsiveness, we calculated two different PRSs for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure: one based on the top 793 independent hypertension-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms and another based on over 1 million genome-wide variants. Using our pharmacogenomic GENRES study comprising four different antihypertensive monotherapies (n similar to 200 for all drugs), we identified a weak, but (after Bonferroni correction) statistically nonsignificant association of higher genome-wide PRSs with weaker response to a diuretic. In addition, we noticed a correlation between high genome-wide PRS and electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy. Finally, using data of the Finnish arm of the LIFE study (n=346), we found that PRSs for systolic blood pressure were slightly higher in patients with drug-resistant hypertension than in those with drug-controlled hypertension (p=0.03, not significant after Bonferroni correction). In conclusion, our results indicate that patients with elevated hypertension PRSs may be predisposed to difficult-to-control hypertension and complications thereof. No general association between a high PRS and less efficient drug responsiveness was noticed.Peer reviewe

    Genome-wide association study of nocturnal blood pressure dipping in hypertensive patients

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    Abstract Background Reduced nocturnal fall (non-dipping) of blood pressure (BP) is a predictor of cardiovascular target organ damage. No genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on BP dipping have been previously reported. Methods To study genetic variation affecting BP dipping, we conducted a GWAS in Genetics of Drug Responsiveness in Essential Hypertension (GENRES) cohort (n = 204) using the mean night-to-day BP ratio from up to four ambulatory BP recordings conducted on placebo. Associations with P < 1 × 10− 5 were further tested in two independent cohorts: Haemodynamics in Primary and Secondary Hypertension (DYNAMIC) (n = 183) and Dietary, Lifestyle and Genetic determinants of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (DILGOM) (n = 180). We also tested the genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) for association with left ventricular hypertrophy in GENRES. Results In GENRES GWAS, rs4905794 near BCL11B achieved genome-wide significance (β = − 4.8%, P = 9.6 × 10− 9 for systolic and β = − 4.3%, P = 2.2 × 10− 6 for diastolic night-to-day BP ratio). Seven additional SNPs in five loci had P values < 1 × 10− 5. The association of rs4905794 did not significantly replicate, even though in DYNAMIC the effect was in the same direction (β = − 0.8%, P = 0.4 for systolic and β = − 1.6%, P = 0.13 for diastolic night-to-day BP ratio). In GENRES, the associations remained significant even during administration of four different antihypertensive drugs. In separate analysis in GENRES, rs4905794 was associated with echocardiographic left ventricular mass (β = − 7.6 g/m2, P = 0.02). Conclusions rs4905794 near BCL11B showed evidence for association with nocturnal BP dipping. It also associated with left ventricular mass in GENRES. Combined with earlier data, our results provide support to the idea that BCL11B could play a role in cardiovascular pathophysiology

    The human liver lipidome is significantly related to the lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsBackground and aims: The susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to aggregation predicts atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, causes of interindividual variation in LDL lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility remain unclear. We examined whether the lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility of LDL reflect the lipid composition of the human liver. Methods: Liver biopsies and blood samples for isolation of LDL particles were obtained from 40 obese subjects (BMI 45.9 ± 6.1 kg/m2, age 43 ± 8 years). LDL was isolated using sequential ultracentrifugation and lipidomic analyses of liver and LDL samples were determined using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. LDL aggregation susceptibility ex vivo was analyzed by inducing aggregation by human recombinant secretory sphingomyelinase and following aggregate formation. Results: The composition (acyl carbon number and double bond count) of hepatic triglycerides, phosphatidylcholines, and sphingomyelins (SMs) was closely associated with that of LDL particles. Hepatic dihydroceramides and ceramides were positively correlated with concentrations of the corresponding SM species in LDL as well with LDL aggregation. These relationships remained statistically significant after adjustment for age, sex, and body mass index. Conclusions: Lipid composition of LDL reflects that of the human liver in obese patients. Changes in hepatic sphingolipid metabolism may contribute to interindividual variation of LDL lipid composition and susceptibility to aggregation.Peer reviewe

    Prediction of sudden cardiac death with automated high-throughput analysis of heterogeneity in standard resting 12-lead electrocardiograms

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    BACKGROUND Heterogeneity of depolarization and repolarization underlies the development of lethal arrhythmias. OBJECTIVE We investigated whether quantification of spatial depolarization and repolarization heterogeneity identifies individuals at risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD). METHODS Spatial R-, J-, and T-wave heterogeneity (RWH, JWH, and TWH, respectively) was analyzed using automated second central moment analysis of standard digital 12-lead electrocardiograms in 5618 adults (2588, 46% men; mean +/- SEM age 50.9 +/- 0.2 years), who took part in the epidemiological Health 2000 Survey as representative of the entire Finnish adult population. RESULTS During the follow-up period of 7.7 +/- 0.2 years, a total of 72 SCDs occurred (1.3%), with an average yearly incidence rate of 0.17% per year. Increased RWH, JWH, and TWH in left precordial leads (V-4-V-6) were univariately associated with SCD (P = 102 mu V) was associated with a 1.7-fold adjusted relative risk for SCD (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.0-2.9; P = .048) and increased JWH (>= 123 mu V) with a 2.0-fold adjusted relative risk for SCD (95% CI 1.2-3.3; P = .006). When both TWH and JWH were above the threshold, the adjusted relative risk for SCD was 2.9-fold (95% CI 1.5-5.7; P = .002). When RWH (>= 470 mu V), JWH, and TWH were all above the threshold, the adjusted relative risk for SCD was 3.2-fold (95% CI 1.4-7.1; P = .009). CONCLUSION Second central moment analysis of standard resting 12-lead electrocardiographic morphology provides an ultrarapid means for the automated measurement of spatial RWH, JWH, and TWH, enabling analysis of high subject volumes and screening for SCD risk in the general population.Peer reviewe

    Waveform prototype-based feature learning for automatic detection of the early repolarization pattern in ECG signals

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    Objective: Our aim was to develop an automated detection method, for prescreening purposes, of early repolarization (ER) pattern with slur/notch configuration in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using a waveform prototype-based feature vector for supervised classification. Approach: The feature vectors consist of fragments of the ECG signal where the ER pattern is located, instead of abstract descriptive variables of ECG waveforms. The tested classifiers included linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor algorithm, and support vector machine (SVM). Main results: SVM showed the best performance in Friedman tests in our test data including 5676 subjects representing 45408 leads. Accuracies of the different classifiers showed results well over 90%, indicating that the waveform prototype-based feature vector is an effective representation of the differences between ECG signals with and without the ER pattern. The accuracy of inferior ER was 92.74% and 92.21% for lateral ER. The sensitivity achieved was 91.80% and specificity was 92.73%. Significance: The algorithm presented here showed good performance results, indicating that it could be used as a prescreening tool of ER, and it provides an additional identification of critical cases based on the distances to the classifier decision boundary, which are close to the 0.1 mV threshold and are difficult to label.Peer reviewe

    Waveform prototype-based feature learning for automatic detection of the early repolarization pattern in ECG signals

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    Objective: Our aim was to develop an automated detection method, for prescreening purposes, of early repolarization (ER) pattern with slur/notch configuration in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using a waveform prototype-based feature vector for supervised classification. Approach: The feature vectors consist of fragments of the ECG signal where the ER pattern is located, instead of abstract descriptive variables of ECG waveforms. The tested classifiers included linear discriminant analysis, k-nearest neighbor algorithm, and support vector machine (SVM). Main results: SVM showed the best performance in Friedman tests in our test data including 5676 subjects representing 45408 leads. Accuracies of the different classifiers showed results well over 90%, indicating that the waveform prototype-based feature vector is an effective representation of the differences between ECG signals with and without the ER pattern. The accuracy of inferior ER was 92.74% and 92.21% for lateral ER. The sensitivity achieved was 91.80% and specificity was 92.73%. Significance: The algorithm presented here showed good performance results, indicating that it could be used as a prescreening tool of ER, and it provides an additional identification of critical cases based on the distances to the classifier decision boundary, which are close to the 0.1 mV threshold and are difficult to label.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of Lifestyle Factors Helps to Identify Liver Fibrosis Due to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Obesity

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    Only some individuals with obesity develop liver fibrosis due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD-fibrosis). We determined whether detailed assessment of lifestyle factors in addition to physical, biochemical and genetic factors helps in identification of these patients. A total of 100 patients with obesity (mean BMI 40.0 ± 0.6 kg/m2) referred for bariatric surgery at the Helsinki University Hospital underwent a liver biopsy to evaluate liver histology. Physical activity was determined by accelerometer recordings and by the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire, diet by the FINRISK Food Frequency Questionnaire, and other lifestyle factors, such as sleep patterns and smoking, by face-to-face interviews. Physical and biochemical parameters and genetic risk score (GRS based on variants in PNPLA3, TM6SF2, MBOAT7 and HSD17B13) were measured. Of all participants 49% had NAFLD-fibrosis. Independent predictors of NAFLD-fibrosis were low moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, high red meat intake, low carbohydrate intake, smoking, HbA1c, triglycerides and GRS. A model including these factors (areas under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC) 0.90 (95% CI 0.84–0.96)) identified NAFLD-fibrosis significantly more accurately than a model including all but lifestyle factors (AUROC 0.82 (95% CI 0.73–0.91)) or models including lifestyle, physical and biochemical, or genetic factors alone. Assessment of lifestyle parameters in addition to physical, biochemical and genetic factors helps to identify obese patients with NAFLD-fibrosis

    The human liver lipidome is significantly related to the lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles

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    Background and aims: The susceptibility of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) to aggregation predicts atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. However, causes of interindividual variation in LDL lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility remain unclear. We examined whether the lipid composition and aggregation susceptibility of LDL reflect the lipid composition of the human liver.Methods: Liver biopsies and blood samples for isolation of LDL particles were obtained from 40 obese subjects (BMI 45.9 ± 6.1 kg/m2, age 43 ± 8 years). LDL was isolated using sequential ultracentrifugation and lipidomic analyses of liver and LDL samples were determined using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. LDL aggregation susceptibility ex vivo was analyzed by inducing aggregation by human recombinant secretory sphingomyelinase and following aggregate formation.Results: The composition (acyl carbon number and double bond count) of hepatic triglycerides, phosphatidylcholines, and sphingomyelins (SMs) was closely associated with that of LDL particles. Hepatic dihydroceramides and ceramides were positively correlated with concentrations of the corresponding SM species in LDL as well with LDL aggregation. These relationships remained statistically significant after adjustment for age, sex, and body mass index.Conclusions: Lipid composition of LDL reflects that of the human liver in obese patients. Changes in hepatic sphingolipid metabolism may contribute to interindividual variation of LDL lipid composition and susceptibility to aggregation.Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular disease; Ceramides; Cholesterol; Lipidomics; Phosphatidylcholines; Triglycerides.</p

    Käypä hoito -suosituksen fibroosilaskureiden toimivuus lihavien rasvamaksatautipotilaiden edenneen fibroosin selvittelyssä

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    JOHDANTO : Rasvamaksatautipotilaiden edenneen fibroosin tunnistaminen on tärkeää vakavien maksakomplikaatioiden ehkäisyssä. Käypä hoito -suosituksessa käytetään Fibrosis-4- (FIB-4) ja NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS) -fibroosilaskureita kaksiportaisesti. Selvitimme, miten Käypä hoito -algoritmin kaksiportainen seulonta toimii edenneen fibroosin selvittelyssä verrattuna yleisesti suositellun pelkän FIB-4:n käyttöön. MENETELMÄT : Tutkimukseen osallistui 401 lihavaa potilasta, joille tehtiin kliinisen tutkimuksen lisäksi maksabiopsia. Potilaille laskettiin FIB-4- ja NFS-riskipisteet, ja niiden osuvuutta tunnistaa maksabiopsialla varmistettu edennyt fibroosi arvioitiin. TULOKSET : Maksabiopsiassa ilmeni rasvamaksatauti 64 %:lla ja edennyt fibroosi 5 %:lla potilaista. Käypä hoito -algoritmi ohjasi jatkotutkimuksiin 76 potilasta eli merkitsevästi vähemmän kuin pelkkä FIB-4 (129 potilasta, p < 0,001). Algoritmi ja pelkkä FIB-4 tunnistivat edenneen fibroosin yhtä hyvin (18/20 vs 15/20 potilasta, p = 0,41). PÄÄTELMÄT : Käypä hoito -algoritmin mukainen lihavien potilaiden edenneen fibroosin kaksiportainen seulonta vähentää turhia lähetteitä jatkotutkimuksiin verrattuna pelkän FIB-4:n käyttöön.Peer reviewe