994 research outputs found

    Geosocial Graph-Based Community Detection

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    We apply spectral clustering and multislice modularity optimization to a Los Angeles Police Department field interview card data set. To detect communities (i.e., cohesive groups of vertices), we use both geographic and social information about stops involving street gang members in the LAPD district of Hollenbeck. We then compare the algorithmically detected communities with known gang identifications and argue that discrepancies are due to sparsity of social connections in the data as well as complex underlying sociological factors that blur distinctions between communities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures Workshop paper for the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2012: Workshop on Social Media Analysis and Minin

    Feed Concentrates Per Cow Per Herd?

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    From the production standpoint, there may be little difference between these systems. Which method is more profitable depends on your labor situation and the relative costs you pay for labor and concentrates

    Multislice Modularity Optimization in Community Detection and Image Segmentation

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    Because networks can be used to represent many complex systems, they have attracted considerable attention in physics, computer science, sociology, and many other disciplines. One of the most important areas of network science is the algorithmic detection of cohesive groups (i.e., "communities") of nodes. In this paper, we algorithmically detect communities in social networks and image data by optimizing multislice modularity. A key advantage of modularity optimization is that it does not require prior knowledge of the number or sizes of communities, and it is capable of finding network partitions that are composed of communities of different sizes. By optimizing multislice modularity and subsequently calculating diagnostics on the resulting network partitions, it is thereby possible to obtain information about network structure across multiple system scales. We illustrate this method on data from both social networks and images, and we find that optimization of multislice modularity performs well on these two tasks without the need for extensive problem-specific adaptation. However, improving the computational speed of this method remains a challenging open problem.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE International Conference on Data Mining PhD forum conference proceeding

    Self-regulation for and of learning : student insights for online success in a Bachelor of Nursing Program in regional Australia

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    The blended online digital (BOLD) approach to teaching is popular within many universities. Despite this popularity, our understanding of the experiences of students making the transition to online learning is limited, specifically an examination of those elements associated with success. The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of students transitioning from a traditional mode of delivery to a more online approach in an inaugural BOLD Bachelor of Nursing program at a regional multi-campus institution in Victoria, Australia. Fifteen students across two regional campuses participated in one of four focus groups. This qualitative exploration of students’ experience contributes to contemporary insights into how we might begin to develop programs of study that help students develop self-regulation. A modified method of thematic analysis of phenomenological data was employed to analyse the focus group interview data to identify themes that represent the meaning of the transition experience for students. This qualitative exploration of students’ experience contributes to contemporary insights into how we might begin to develop programs of study that help students develop self-regulation

    Airborne sampling of aerosol particles: Comparison between surface sampling at Christmas Island and P-3 sampling during PEM-Tropics B

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    Bulk aerosol sampling of soluble ionic compounds from the NASA Wallops Island P-3 aircraft and a tower on Christmas Island during PEM-Tropics B provides an opportunity to assess the magnitude of particle losses in the University of New Hampshire airborne bulk aerosol sampling system. We find that most aerosol-associated ions decrease strongly with height above the sea surface, making direct comparisons between mixing ratios at 30 m on the tower and the lowest flight level of the P-3 (150 m) open to interpretation. Theoretical considerations suggest that vertical gradients of sea-salt aerosol particles should show exponential decreases with height. Observed gradients of Na+ and Mg2+, combining the tower observations with P-3 samples collected below 1 km, are well described by exponential decreases (r values of 0.88 and 0.87, respectively), though the curve fit underestimates average mixing ratios at the surface by 25%. Cascade impactor samples collected on the tower show that \u3e99% of the Na+ and Mg2+mass is on supermicron particles, 65% is in the 1–6 micron range, and just 20% resides on particles with diameters larger than 9 microns. These results indicate that our airborne aerosol sampling probes must be passing particles up to at least 6 microns with high efficiency. We also observed that nss SO42− and NH4+, which are dominantly on accumulation mode particles, tended to decrease between 150 and 1000 m, but they were often considerably higher at the lowest P-3 sampling altitudes than at the tower. This finding is presently not well understood

    The Transplantation Kinetics of Tumour Cells

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    The data from a dilution assay can be used not only to form an estimate of the TD50 (or log TD50), but also to throw light on the transplantation kinetics of tumours. Transplantation “by single cells” is the simplest sort of kinetics, and some tumours, of which we have given two examples, will transplant by single cells. Other tumours consistently transplant with anomalous kinetics-i.e. non-single-cell. A sensitive statistical test for single-cell behaviour has been developed, and we give three examples of tumours that clearly fail the test. The mechanism by which these anomalous tumours depart from single-cell behaviour is unknown, but we suggest an approximate statistical analysis for their assay

    Adolescents Building Connections (ABC) program evaluation 2022

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    CERC (formally CERG) has evaluated the Quantum Support Services ABC program that provids tools and strategies to help young people understand the impact of their behaviours and encourage positive growth and maintenance of healthy relationships

    Importance of decision support implementation in emergency department vancomycin dosing

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    INTRODUCTION: The emergency department (ED) plays a critical role in the management of life-threatening infection. Prior data suggest that ED vancomycin dosing is frequently inappropriate. The objective is to assess the impact of an electronic medical record (EMR) intervention designed to improve vancomycin dosing accuracy, on vancomycin dosing and clinical outcomes in critically ill ED patients. METHODS: Retrospective before-after cohort study of all patients (n=278) treated with vancomycin in a 60,000-visit Midwestern academic ED (March 2008 and April 2011) and admitted to an intensive care unit. The primary outcome was the proportion of vancomycin doses defined as “appropriate” based on recorded actual body weight. We also evaluated secondary outcomes of mortality and length of stay. RESULTS: The EMR dose calculation tool was associated with an increase in mean vancomycin dose ([14.1±5.0] vs. [16.5±5.7] mg/kg, p<0.001) and a 10.3% absolute improvement in first-dose appropriateness (34.3% vs. 24.0%, p=0.07). After controlling for age, gender, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus infection, and Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score, 28-day in-hospital mortality (odds ratio OR 1.72; 95% CI [0.76–3.88], p=0.12) was not affected. CONCLUSION: A computerized decision-support tool is associated with an increase in mean vancomycin dose in critically ill ED patients, but not with a statistically significant increase in therapeutic vancomycin doses. The impact of decision-support tools should be further explored to optimize compliance with accepted antibiotic guidelines and to potentially affect clinical outcome

    Senior Recital

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