1,214 research outputs found

    Communicating mathematics through the internet: A case study

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    The Internet is enabling new forms of teaching and learning. Connecting, through the Internet teachers to teachers, students to students, students to teachers, and perhaps most important, bringing the world of information inside the classrooms is reshaping the classroom setting, the role of educators, and students’ perception concerning what they need to know. This study was intended to describe and analyze how students reacted to instruction delivered through the Internet, and their perceptions concerning the potentiality of the Internet to teach and learn mathematics. The setting for this study was the context of a college classroom, where participants were attending a mathematical communication and technology course. All students and the instructor were located physically in a mathematics computer laboratory in which the course content was presented to the students through the Internet. Data was collected from observations in the mathematics computer laboratory, and from semi-structured interviews using electronic-mail and unstructured open-ended interviews. Findings suggest that students had a deeper involvement in class activities due to the Internet links which created a more meaningful experience for them.The Internet is enabling new forms of teaching and learning. Connecting, through the Internet teachers to teachers, students to students, students to teachers, and perhaps most important, bringing the world of information inside the classrooms is reshaping the classroom setting, the role of educators, and students’ perception concerning what they need to know. This study was intended to describe and analyze how students reacted to instruction delivered through the Internet, and their perceptions concerning the potentiality of the Internet to teach and learn mathematics. The setting for this study was the context of a college classroom, where participants were attending a mathematical communication and technology course. All students and the instructor were located physically in a mathematics computer laboratory in which the course content was presented to the students through the Internet. Data was collected from observations in the mathematics computer laboratory, and from semi-structured interviews using electronic-mail and unstructured open-ended interviews. Findings suggest that students had a deeper involvement in class activities due to the Internet links which created a more meaningful experience for them

    Communicating mathematics through the internet: A case study

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    The Internet is enabling new forms of teaching and learning. Connecting, through the Internet teachers to teachers, students to students, students to teachers, and perhaps most important, bringing the world of information inside the classrooms is reshaping the classroom setting, the role of educators, and students’ perception concerning what they need to know. This study was intended to describe and analyze how students reacted to instruction delivered through the Internet, and their perceptions concerning the potentiality of the Internet to teach and learn mathematics. The setting for this study was the context of a college classroom, where participants were attending a mathematical communication and technology course. All students and the instructor were located physically in a mathematics computer laboratory in which the course content was presented to the students through the Internet. Data was collected from observations in the mathematics computer laboratory, and from semi-structured interviews using electronic-mail and unstructured open-ended interviews. Findings suggest that students had a deeper involvement in class activities due to the Internet links which created a more meaningful experience for them.The Internet is enabling new forms of teaching and learning. Connecting, through the Internet teachers to teachers, students to students, students to teachers, and perhaps most important, bringing the world of information inside the classrooms is reshaping the classroom setting, the role of educators, and students’ perception concerning what they need to know. This study was intended to describe and analyze how students reacted to instruction delivered through the Internet, and their perceptions concerning the potentiality of the Internet to teach and learn mathematics. The setting for this study was the context of a college classroom, where participants were attending a mathematical communication and technology course. All students and the instructor were located physically in a mathematics computer laboratory in which the course content was presented to the students through the Internet. Data was collected from observations in the mathematics computer laboratory, and from semi-structured interviews using electronic-mail and unstructured open-ended interviews. Findings suggest that students had a deeper involvement in class activities due to the Internet links which created a more meaningful experience for them

    O pastoreio de percurso no sistema de exploração de ovinos em Trás-os-Montes

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    A partir de um estudo realizado em Trás-os-Montes, entre 1990 e 1993, fez-se a caracterização e análise do sistema tradicional de exploração de ovinos. Posteriormente, até 1998, seguiu-se um trabalho que possibilitou alargar o conhecimento deste sistema. Adoptou-se uma perspectiva sistémica e tomaram-se cinco elementos constituintes: o pastor; o rebanho; o maneio; o espaço; e a comunidade. É a partir das interligações entre estes elementos e da gestão dos condicionalismos entre eles, que se fundamenta o sistema tradicional de exploração. O pastor é, na maioria dos casos, o dono do rebanho e a sua relação com a actividade não é puramente empresarial. Este é, geralmente, um “negócio de família”, onde o “saber fazer” é a alma do negócio. Num sistema de exploração tradicional, os rebanhos estão muitas vezes sujeitos a condições adversas, como, por exemplo, o pastoreio associado a longas caminhadas em trajectos por locais de difícil acesso. Os animais das raças autóctones estão adaptados ao sistema tradicional de exploração e conseguem níveis de produção muito favoráveis face aos condicionalismos inerentes àquele sistema. As condições orográficas e edafoclimáticas de cada região vão influenciar e condicionar as formas de uso e utilização do solo e, portanto, interferir, em certa medida, com a gestão do espaço de pastoreio. Este espaço é utilizado na satisfação racional das necessidades alimentares do rebanho. O maneio alimentar é a técnica de maneio mais marcante; e o pastoreio de percurso é uma das características definidoras do maneio neste sistema. O rebanho aproveita recursos vegetais e pastagens marginais que, na maioria dos casos, não teriam qualquer outro tipo de utilização. O papel do pastoreio de percurso e a definição (ou escolha) dos percursos deve ser analisada no quadro da gestão anual dos recursos alimentares disponíveis, e da sua variação ao longo do ano. Com o pastoreio de percurso, o pastor potencia o aproveitamento dos recursos alimentares naturais e consegue ultrapassar as épocas de escassez alimentar. Mas para tal, o pastor tem que gerir as suas relações (de cooperação e conflito) com a comunidade, as quais determinam em larga medida as relações com o território local, em particular o espaço de pastoreio. A comunidade, que engloba quer estruturas sociais locais quer instituições, vai criando normas, regras, usos e costumes que o pastor tem que adoptar na sua actividade e que podem condicionar, de forma positiva ou negativa, a sua evolução. O sistema tradicional de exploração de ovinos resulta de uma articulação, bem conseguida, entre os interesses do pastor/criador e as condições específicas do meio onde está inserido. Revela ser racional e equilibrado, na forma de utilização de recursos marginais. Revela ser capaz de gerar riqueza sem grandes custos nos factores de produção; e de uma forma vantajosa, sob o ponto de vista ambiental. Qualquer intervenção institucional deveria ter em atenção a interdependência e complementaridade entre os elementos constituintes deste sistema tradicional de exploração

    O pastoreio de percurso no sistema de exploração de ovinos em Trás-os-Montes

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    A partir de um estudo realizado em Trás-os-Montes, entre 1990 e 1993, fez-se a caracterização e análise do sistema tradicional de exploração de ovinos. Posteriormente, até 1998, seguiu-se um trabalho que possibilitou alargar o conhecimento deste sistema. Adoptou-se uma perspectiva sistémica e tomaram-se cinco elementos constituintes: o pastor; o rebanho; o maneio; o espaço; e a comunidade. É a partir das interligações entre estes elementos e da gestão dos condicionalismos entre eles, que se fundamenta o sistema tradicional de exploração

    Nuevas aportaciones a la biografía de varios artistas del siglo XIX

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    New biographical facts about several artists who were professors of the Escuela Superior de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado in the 19th century.Nuevos datos biográficos relativos a varios artistas que fueron profesores de la Escuela Superior de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado en el siglo XIX