8 research outputs found

    Urban transformation by neighbourghood mobilization. Recovery of the memory of the Turia Garden and balance fro the current time

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    [EN] The conversion of the old riverbed of Turia in Garden four decades ago, in the city of Valencia (Spain) is a notable example of a civil conquest. The habitants turned the riverbed into the major green urban Spanish infrastructure, against the municipal politics who were trying to build a highway. The article focuses on reconciling past and present, from a social and urban way of looking. On the one hand, the chronicle of the process of local mobilization in which more than sixty associations were involved, is brought to life. On the other hand, a balance of the urban, social and cultural repercussion in the city from the present has been established, verifying the achievement of citizens¿ claims; as it is a full-scale urban project, it should only be assessable in the long-term, That¿s why a bibliographical review, an analysis of documentation of public institutions has been carried out. The newspaper library of press of the time has also been consulted; similarly the task has been completed by interviewing the project participants.[ES] En la ciudad de Valencia (España), la conversión del antiguo cauce del río Turia en Jardín hace cuatro décadas, es un destacable ejemplo de una conquista ciudadana. Frente a las políticas municipales que pretendían incorporar una autopista, los habitantes lograron que el cauce se convirtiera en una gran infraestructura verde urbana. El artículo se enfoca conjugando pasado y presente, desde la mirada social y urbana. Por un lado, se aporta la crónica pormenorizada del proceso de movilización vecinal (en el que estuvieron implicadas más de sesenta asociaciones) recuperando la memoria histórica de la construcción social del movimiento desde sus protagonistas. Por otro, al tratarse de una actuación urbana de gran escala con resultados valorables desde el largo plazo, se realiza un balance de la repercusión urbana y socio cultural desde el presente, contrastando si se cumplieron y cómo las pretensiones de la ciudadanía. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica, un análisis de documentación de instituciones públicas, un vaciado de hemeroteca de prensa de la época, y se ha completado con entrevistas a actores participantes.Portales Mañanos, A.; Palomares-Figueres, M.; Sosa Espinosa, A. (2020). Transformación urbana por movilización vecinal. Recuperación del Jardín del Turia y balance desde la actualidad. Biblio 3W. Revista bibliográfica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. 25:1-28. https://doi.org/10.1344/b3w.25.2020.30803S1282

    The Workshop Project: Active Learning Methods in Design And Urban Studies

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    The workshop project is a methodology that promotes active student learning in a practical way. In teaching, this methodology is applicable primarily to subjects' projective character, in our case design, architecture and urbanism. The student work is done in teams of 3 or 4 members encouraging feedback. The teamwork stimulates discussion, establishing close ties among students. Students experience, learn and evolve gradually. In the process acquire skills and abilities that will serve not only the teaching context, but also to unfold and interact in real life and professional field. The classroom becomes a workshop for students learning projects and development work, tutored by the teacher (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Portales Mañanos, A.; Esteve Sendra, MC.; Moreno Cuesta, R. (2012). The Workshop Project: Active Learning Methods in Design And Urban Studies. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.08.238

    Bamboo, from traditional crafts to contemporary design and architecture

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    This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives License (CC BY NC ND). For non-commercial purposes you may distribute and copy the article and include it in a collective work (such as an anthology), provided you do not alter or modify the article, without permission from Elsevier. The original work must always be appropriately credited. Permission is not required for this non-commercial use. For commercial use please continue to request permission via RightsLink.Discover bamboo and its wide variety of uses from food to furniture. Bamboo is a traditionally cultivated plant and used on continents and in different cultures. New technologies combined with traditional techniques awaken both the creator and the user with a spirit of inspiration and innovation by applying bamboo's practical qualities to the challenge of sustainability. In many cases, designers work in collaboration with artisans, creating different products, changing lifestyles and applying new technologies to create a world with sustainable products in an ecologically supportive way as social design.Esteve Sendra, MC.; Moreno Cuesta, R.; Portales Mañanos, A.; Magal Royo, T. (2012). Bamboo, from traditional crafts to contemporary design and architecture. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 51:777-781. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.08.239S7777815

    A second opportunity for the public space in the consolidated urban peripheries: Valencia and the neighborhood parks

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    [ES] Los espacios públicos adquieren gran importancia como lugares de encuentro e integración de los habitantes, como articuladores de la vida social. Entre ellos, los parques de barrio definen un nivel doméstico en el sistema de espacios públicos, y se caracterizan por su elevado grado de uso y su proximidad al lugar de residencia. El estudio de estos espacios en la ciudad de Valencia evidencia que, la mayor parte de ellos, se sitúa en los barrios de periferia consolidada lo que permite avanzar puntos en común en los procesos de consolidación morfológica con otras ciudades españolas. En el momento actual los ciclos de desarrollo urbano justifican la necesidad de dirigir la mirada hacia la ciudad consolidada y el espacio público partiendo de la escala humana. Desde esta óptica, los parques de barrio se conforman como espacios de oportunidad, pues manifiestan en muchos casos obsolescencia funcional y física, que conviene repensar para el indudable beneficio del confort ambiental de los usuarios y, en conjunto, de la ciudad.[EN] Public spaces acquire great importance as places of encounter and integration of the inhabitants, as articulators of social life. Among them, neighborhood parks determine a domestic level in the system of public spaces; and they are characterized by their high degree of use and their proximity to the place of residence. The study of these spaces in the city of Valencia shows that, most of them, are located in the neighborhoods of consolidated urban periphery. That allows to deal successfully with common points in the processes of morphological consolidation with other Spanish cities. At the present time the cycles of urban development need to look forward to the consolidated city and the public space starting from the human scale. From this perspective, neighborhood parks represent areas of opportunity, since they show physical and functional obsolescence in many cases. Then, there is a need for rethinking of them for the obvious benefits of the residents¿ environmental comfort and, by all means, for the benefits of the entire cityColomer Sendra, V.; Portales Mañanos, A.; Urios Mondéjar, D.; Colomer Alcácer, J. (2017). Una segunda oportunidad para el espacio público en las periferias consolidadas: Valencia y los parques de barrio. ZARCH. (8):62-77. doi:10.26754/ojs_zarch/zarch.201782146S6277

    Los Aromos. Un recorrido por la arquitectura de Oscar Tenreiro

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    La exposición inicia y finaliza con Los Aromos, residencia familiar de Oscar TenreiroPalomares-Figueres, M.; Portales Mañanos, A. (2019). Los Aromos. Un recorrido por la arquitectura de Oscar Tenreiro. En TODO LLEGA AL MAR.Pensamiento y obra del arquitecto Oscar Tenreiro. Universitat Politècnica de València. 13-19. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/202198131

    Architecture as propaganda. A look at the history of Spanish Architecture

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    [EN] The recent history of Spain shows how architectural images were powerful and convincing ideological tools: representation is a proper vehicle to disseminate ideas.[ES] Esta revisión de un periodo reciente de la historia de la arquitectura española da cuenta de la elocuencia y poder de las imágenes de arquitectura como promotoras ideológicas y de los alcances de la representación como vehículo de transmisión de ideas.Portales Mañanos, A.; Palomares Figueres, MT. (2012). La arquitectura como propaganda. Una mirada en la historia de la arquitectura española. ARQ. (80):42-53. doi:10.4067/S0717-69962012000100011S42538

    The development of prefabricated envelopes BY GO.DB. Architects Studio for the construction of high-rise residential buildings in Valencia in the 1960s

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    [EN] In Spain, the construction of prefabricated modern architecture in the 1960s was not common and, in Valencia, was mostly associated with GO.DB. studio. Their work was published in national and International journals, such as Informes de la Construcción or Architecture d¿ Aujourd¿hui. They experimented in designing modular elements for prefabricated residential buildings, both for social housing and for high-rise buildings. We have concentrated on the prefabricated façade elements because their proposals were of great design interest and because, implicitly, they represent their first prefabricated modules. These modular enveloping parts arose from extrapolating the hollow concrete boxes created to provide structural solutions for social housing and by reinterpreting modular elements for the building of high-rise prefabricated envelopes. The three-dimensionality and geometry of these components increases the interest in the volumetric treatment that these skins demonstrate. Various industrially manufactured materials were used in their design: asbestos cement, precast concrete and even plastics. This article details the building process, focusing on several significant examples of each type depending on the materials used, which provided them with the special constructional solutions designed to overcome the complexity of high-rise building.Palomares-Figueres, M.; Portales Mañanos, A.; Blasco García, V. (2018). The development of prefabricated envelopes BY GO.DB. Architects Studio for the construction of high-rise residential buildings in Valencia in the 1960s. Construction History. 33(2):109-127. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/20184810912733

    De la arqueología de las piezas únicas al Open design

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    [ES] Con una exposición como excusa, se muestra como el "diseño de autor" y las "piezas únicas" buscan un espacio entre la producción en serie que el siglo XIX revolucionó con la cadena de montaje. Descubrir donde está el límite entre el arte y el diseño, o el diseño y el arte, se desdibuja para dejar paso a "la arqueología de las piezas únicas" o a objetos novedosos que nacieron sin hermanos. Ante este panorama surge una nueva generación de autoemprendedores que diseñan y producen tanto desde la artesanía como desde la alta tecnología. Aparecen nuevas plataformas colaborativas, Maker Spaces o recursos Open Design. A través de esta exposición que muestra el fortuito encuentro entre la creatividad del artista-diseñador industrial Xan, (Juan José Ibáñez Piqueras, 1977) y una fábrica llena de objetos industriales inservibles como punto de partida, surgen curiosas creaciones lumínicas. Se demuestra como el camino entre la producción en serie y la pieza única, cada vez están más cerca.[PT] Com uma exposição como desculpa, se mostra como o "design de autor" e as "peças únicas" procuram um espaço entre a produção em série que no século XIX revolucionou com a corrente de montagem. Descobrir onde está o limite entre a arte e o design, ou o design e a arte, desaparece para deixar passo ¿à arqueologia das peças únicas¿ ou a objetos inovadores que nasceram sem irmãos. Ante este panorama surge uma nova geração de auto-empreendedores que desenham e produzem tanto desde o artesanato como desde a alta tecnologia. Aparecem novas plataformas colaborativas, Maker Spaces ou recursos Open Design. Através desta exposição que mostra o fortuito encontro entre a criatividade do artista-designer industrial Xan, (Juan José Ibáñez Piqueras, 1977) e uma fábrica cheia de objetos industriais inservibles como ponto de partida, surgem curiosas criações lumínicas. Demonstrase como o caminho entre a produção em série e a peça única, a cada vez estão mais perto.[EN] With an exhibition as an excuse, it shows how the "design of author" and the "unique pieces" look for a space between the series production that the nineteenth century revolutionized with the assembly line. Discovering where the boundary between art and design, or design and art, is blurred to give way to ¿the archeology of unique pieces¿ or to novel objects born without brothers. Given this panorama emerges a new generation of self-entrepreneurs who design and produce both from the craft and high technology. New collaborative platforms, Maker Spaces or Open Design resources appear. Through this exhibition that shows the fortuitous encounter between the creativity of the industrial artist-designer Xan (Juan José Ibáñez Piqueras, 1977) and a factory full of useless industrial objects as a starting point, curious light creations arise. It is shown as the road between mass production and the unique piece, are closer and closer.Esteve Sendra, C.; Portales Mañanos, A.; Moreno Cuesta, R.; Martínez Torán, M. (2018). De la arqueología de las piezas únicas al Open design. Actas de Diseño. 25:101-105. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147642S1011052