13,186 research outputs found

    Catálogo sistemático y estratigráfico de los Pectínidos del Neógeno del NE de España (excepto Baleares)

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    The neagenic Pectinidae from NE Spain are arranged in a systematic-stratigrafic catalogue

    La estratigrafía del Mioceno entre Altafulla y Torredembarra (Provincia de Tarragona)

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    Two stratigraphic sections of the Miocene in the Altafulla-Torredembarra area are described. The great propor- tion of the COsCa characterize both sections

    Estudio palinológico de los sedimentos maastrichtienses del Barranco de la Posa (Prepirineo, Lérida, España)

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    El Maastrichtiense que se extiende entre Tremp y Coll de Nargó está representado por depósitos de carácter lagunar y salobre, con pequeños niveles marinos intercqlados . En la sección estudiada l a intercalación marina corresponde a un banco de Hippurites castroi al que acompañan a l g unos coral es . Los Narmapolles no son muy numerosos ni en especies ni en individuos . Entre los tipos 'que caracterizan la vegetación cabe destacar las formas de Inaperturados, ( Taxodiaceae-Cupressaceae) , Palmae y t ipo Platycarya . Localmente Cycadale~, Cupuliferoipollenites y Subtriporopollenites pueden ser abundantes. La frecuencia de Cycadales + Palmae en el conjunto esporopolínico de La Posa se aproxima al tipo de asociación polínica del Maastrichtiense de Africa pro parte. Sin embargo, Trilobospori tes ( Tuberos isporites) se encuentra en la l ocalidad tipo del Maastrichtiense, en la región boreal. Por el momento , parece que se trata de un conjunto pol ínico del r~aastrichtiense con un carácter parti cular en relación a los i ndicadosLe Maastrichtien affleurant entre Tremp et Coll de Nargó est représenté par dép8ts lagunaires et saum§tres ave e ni veaux marins i ntercalés. A la section étudiée 1 ' intercalation mar ine est determinée par un banc a Hippurites castroi avec quelques coraux . Le nombre des taxa et la quantitée des Normapolles ne sont pas tres élevées . En ce qui concerne les types qui caractérisent la végetation, les polles i na perturés ( TaxodiaceaeCupressaceae) 1 Palmae et l e type de Pl atycarya sont en premier l i eu remarquables. Localement les Cycadales , Cupuliferoipolleni tes et Subtriporopol l enites peuvent se rencontrer en quantitée remarquable . L' a bondance des formes Cycadal es + Palmae se révéle au type d'association pollin i que du ~1aastric h tien en 1' Afrique pro parte . Mai s Trilobospori tes ( Tuberosisporites) se trouve dans la l ocal i tés type de Maastricht 1 dans la région boréale. A notre avis il s'agit d 'un type d'association pollinique du Maastrichtien particulier 1 par rapport aux précédent

    La estratigrafía y la fauna de la sección de Francás (Tarragona)

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    The stratigraphy anld fossils range the Francás section (Tarragona) are given. Atter fauna1 assemblage the section can't be oilder than Tortonian

    Attention focussing and anomaly detection in real-time systems monitoring

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    In real-time monitoring situations, more information is not necessarily better. When faced with complex emergency situations, operators can experience information overload and a compromising of their ability to react quickly and correctly. We describe an approach to focusing operator attention in real-time systems monitoring based on a set of empirical and model-based measures for determining the relative importance of sensor data

    Medicina nuclear: de l'exploració morfometabòlica a la imatge molecular

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    Density-PDFs and Lagrangian Statistics of highly compressible Turbulence

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    We report on probability-density-functions (PDF) of the mass density in numerical simulations of highly compressible hydrodynamic flows and the corresponding structure formation of Lagrangian particles advected by the flows. Numerical simulations were performed with 5123512^3 collocation points and 2 million tracer particles integrated over several dynamical times. We propose a connection between the PDF of the Lagrangian tracer particles and the predicted log-normal distribution of the density fluctuations in isothermal systems

    Legal determinants of external finance revisited : the inverse relationship between investor protection and societal well-being

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    This paper investigates relationships between corporate governance traditions and quality of life as measured by a number of widely reported indicators. It provides an empirical analysis of indicators of societal health in developed economies using a classification based on legal traditions. Arguably the most widely cited work in the corporate governance literature has been the collection of papers by La Porta et al. which has shown, inter alia, statistically significant relationships between legal traditions and various proxies for investor protection. We show statistically significant relationships between legal traditions and various proxies for societal health. Our comparative evidence suggests that the interests of investors may not be congruent with the interests of wider society, and that the criteria for judging the effectiveness of approaches to corporate governance should not be restricted to financial metrics

    Aridisols of Spain

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    6 Pags.- 2 Tabls.This paper reviews the distribution and classification of Spanish Aridisols and discusses some taxonomic problems and major management practices. Little literature is available about Spanish Aridisols. Most of the information contained in this Daper comes from soil maps and from the authors unpublished data. The discussion covers the update of Soil Taxonomy, the unsuitability of Newhall's method for some Spanish Mediterranean areas, and the taxonomic status of the gypsiferous soils. Many of the soils classified as Aridisols (S.S.S., 1975) are now distributed into several Orders because the EC criterion has been dropped at this hierarchic level. Recently, a new method for soil moisture regime calculation has been developed in Spain. This method improves the delineation of the aridic regions. Micromorphology provides a better knowledge of hypsiferous soils, and two kinds of gypsic horizons have been identified. Apart from marginal uses. the management of Spanish Aridisols is based on water supply and/or water saving and on taking advantage of early cropping. The following conclusions can be made: (i) the new model of soil moisture regime calculations can be applied to the presumed aridic areas of Spain and calibrated with soil moisture measurements in the field, (ii) the inclusion of gypsiferous soils into three Orders disagees with their distinct morphology and behavior, (iii) refinement in the gypsic horizon definition is needed to link microscopic features and field criteria, and (iv) both old and new management practices in Aridisols must be reported in detail for improvement, the adaptation of new technologies, and extension of management practices to new areas.Peer reviewe

    A report on SHARP (Spacecraft Health Automated Reasoning Prototype) and the Voyager Neptune encounter

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    The development and application of the Spacecraft Health Automated Reasoning Prototype (SHARP) for the operations of the telecommunications systems and link analysis functions in Voyager mission operations are presented. An overview is provided of the design and functional description of the SHARP system as it was applied to Voyager. Some of the current problems and motivations for automation in real-time mission operations are discussed, as are the specific solutions that SHARP provides. The application of SHARP to Voyager telecommunications had the goal of being a proof-of-capability demonstration of artificial intelligence as applied to the problem of real-time monitoring functions in planetary mission operations. AS part of achieving this central goal, the SHARP application effort was also required to address the issue of the design of an appropriate software system architecture for a ground-based, highly automated spacecraft monitoring system for mission operations, including methods for: (1) embedding a knowledge-based expert system for fault detection, isolation, and recovery within this architecture; (2) acquiring, managing, and fusing the multiple sources of information used by operations personnel; and (3) providing information-rich displays to human operators who need to exercise the capabilities of the automated system. In this regard, SHARP has provided an excellent example of how advanced artificial intelligence techniques can be smoothly integrated with a variety of conventionally programmed software modules, as well as guidance and solutions for many questions about automation in mission operations