91 research outputs found

    Convergence of a finite difference scheme to weak solutions of the system of partial differential equation arising in mean field games

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    Mean field type models describing the limiting behavior of stochastic differential games as the number of players tends to +∞\infty, have been recently introduced by J-M. Lasry and P-L. Lions. Under suitable assumptions, they lead to a system of two coupled partial differential equations, a forward Bellman equation and a backward Fokker-Planck equations. Finite difference schemes for the approximation of such systems have been proposed in previous works. Here, we prove the convergence of these schemes towards a weak solution of the system of partial differential equations

    The profile of boundary gradient blow-up for the diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equation

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    We consider the diffusive Hamilton-Jacobi equation ut−Δu=∣∇u∣p,u_t-\Delta u=|\nabla u|^p, with Dirichlet boundary conditions in two space dimensions, which arises in the KPZ model of growing interfaces. For p>2p>2, solutions may develop gradient singularities on the boundary in finite time, and examples of single-point gradient blowup on the boundary are known, but the space-profile in the tangential direction has remained a completely open problem. In the parameter range 2<p≤32<p\le 3, for the case of a flat boundary and an isolated singularity at the origin, we give an answer to this question, obtaining the precise final asymptotic profile, under the form uy(x,y,T)∼dp[y+C∣x∣2(p−1)/(p−2)]−1/(p−1),as (x,y)→(0,0).u_y(x,y,T) \sim d_p\Bigl[y+C|x|^{2(p-1)/(p-2)}\Bigr]^{-1/(p-1)},\quad\hbox{as $(x,y)\to (0,0)$.} Interestingly, this result displays a new phenomenon of strong anisotropy of the profile, quite different to what is observed in other blowup problems for nonlinear parabolic equations, with the exponents 1/(p−1)1/(p-1) in the normal direction yy and 2/(p−2)2/(p-2) in the tangential direction xx. Furthermore, the tangential profile violates the (self-similar) scale invariance of the equation, whereas the normal profile remains self-similar.Comment: Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, to appea

    Uniqueness for unbounded solutions to stationary viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations

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    We consider a class of stationary viscous Hamilton--Jacobi equations as \left\{\begin{array}{l} \la u-{\rm div}(A(x) \nabla u)=H(x,\nabla u)\mbox{in }\Omega, u=0{on}\partial\Omega\end{array} \right. where \la\geq 0, A(x)A(x) is a bounded and uniformly elliptic matrix and H(x,ξ)H(x,\xi) is convex in ξ\xi and grows at most like ∣ξ∣q+f(x)|\xi|^q+f(x), with 1<q<21 < q < 2 and f \in \elle {\frac N{q'}}. Under such growth conditions solutions are in general unbounded, and there is not uniqueness of usual weak solutions. We prove that uniqueness holds in the restricted class of solutions satisfying a suitable energy--type estimate, i.e. (1+|u|)^{\bar q-1} u\in \acca, for a certain (optimal) exponent qˉ\bar q. This completes the recent results in \cite{GMP}, where the existence of at least one solution in this class has been proved

    On the comparison principle for unbounded solutions of elliptic equations with first order terms

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    We prove a comparison principle for unbounded weak sub/super solutions of the equation λu − div(A(x)Du) = H(x, Du) in Ω where A(x) is a bounded coercive matrix with measurable ingredients, λ ≥ 0 and ξ → H(x, ξ) has a super linear growth and is convex at infinity. We improve earlier results where the convexity of H(x, ·) was required to hold globally
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