382 research outputs found


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    The luminescent properties of the trivalent praseodymium ion in the trigonal borogermanate matrice PrBGeO5 have been analysed. The energy level schemes are deduced from the absorption and emission spectra and reproduced with 14 crystal field parameters (cfps) according to the local point symmetry occupied by the rare earth element in the matrix.The luminescent properties of the trivalent praseodymium ion in the trigonal borogermanate matrice PrBGeO5 have been analysed. The energy level schemes are deduced from the absorption and emission spectra and reproduced with 14 crystal field parameters (cfps) according to the local point symmetry occupied by the rare earth element in the matrix

    Exemples de résultats de la recherche obtenus sur les populations sauvages de salmonides de Bretagne et de Basse-Normandie et applicables à leur gestion

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    Ces dernières années, un ensemble de méthodes et techniques d'étude a été mis au point ou amélioré à partir de recherches réalisées sur les populations sauvages de salmonides. Dans un premier temps, ces nouvelles techniques peuvent être considérées comme des outils disponibles pour les gestionnaires; ce sont : la mise en place et l'homogénéisation de critères scalimétriques pour la détermination de l'âge des salmonidés migrateurs; la détermination du sexe par sérodiagnostic et à partir de critères morphométriques; l'estimation de la production en smolts de saumon à partir de l'habitat et des caractéristiques des peuplements automnaux. Dans un deuxième temps, l'application de certaines de ces méthodes dans le domaine écologique a permis d'obtenir des éléments essentiels pour la connaissance et/ou la gestion des populations sauvages de salmonides.Turing the fast few years some new techniques for the study of wild populations of salmonids have been developed. The following procedures are intended to provide.1) an improved method for determining age by scale-reading, particularly with migratory salmonids (Atlantic salmon and sea trout). A standard zone for removing scales, the presence of three different zones on each scale (river, run-out, sea) and some criteria for scale interpretation have all been defined. These criteria are mainly concerned with the structure of the scale during the sea-life stage and reproduction. On the other hand, a spawning mark has been determined for both sedentary and migratory salmonids.2) an means of sex determination. Two techniques have been proposed :- the first one is based on the detection by immunoagglutination of the serum vitellogenin of females in active gametogenesis. This method concerns females only; it does not allow a distinction to he made between non spermating males and immature salmonids. It is a very reliable technique which can be used in field conditions, but only by experienced researchers;- the second technique is based on the sexual dimorphism of the relative length of the upper jaw bone. It is very reliable (8 % to 12 % error) and can also be applied in field conditions, but only for large fish (fork length > 40-45 cm).3) a way of estimating Atlantic salmon smolt production. This technique is based on :- the estimation of a 0+ and 1+ salmon population in the whole river from data of density obtained in sectors representative of the different types of habitat ;- the presence of growth bimodality in a 0+ salmon population in autumn, given the following hypothesis : one yearold smolts belong to the upper mode ;- the estimation of mortality for the whole winter season.This technique has been used in the River Oir and compared with a smolt-trapping experiment conducted for two years. A comparison of the results shows that :- the one year-old smolts belong to the upper mode of bimodality;- when based on data on habitat characteristics, this technique can be used in field conditions to evaluate the smolts with sufficient accuracy.All three techniques are immediately available as useful methods for fisheries management. At a second stage, they can also serve in ecological research to advance knowledge on which to base further study and improved management of wild salmonid populations

    A stable fish reporter cell line to study estrogen receptor transactivation by environmental (xeno)estrogens.

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    International audienceCross-species differences between human and fish estrogen receptor (ER) binding by environmental chemicals have been reported. To study ER transactivation in a fish cellular context, we stably co-transfected the PLHC-1 fish hepatoma cell line with a rainbow trout estrogen receptor (rtER) and the luciferase reporter gene driven by an estrogen response element (ERE). This new cell model, called PELN-rtER (for PLHC-1-ERE-Luciferase-Neomycin), responded to 17beta-estradiol (E2) in a both concentration- and temperature-dependent manner, as well as to environmental ER ligands from different chemical classes: natural and synthetic estrogens, zearalenone metabolites, genistein, alkyphenoles and benzophenone derivatives. The comparison with other in vitro models, i.e. human reporter cell lines (HELN-rtER, MELN) and vitellogenin induction in primary cultures of rainbow trout hepatocytes, showed an overall higher sensitivity of the human cells for a majority of ligands, except for benzophenone derivatives which were active at similar or lower concentrations in fish cells, suggesting species-specificity for these substances. Correlation analyses suggest that the fish cell line is closer to the trout hepatocyte than to the human cell context, and could serve as a relevant mechanistic tool to study ER activation in fish hepatic cellular context

    Impact of comorbidity indexes on non-relapse mortality.

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    Comorbidity indexes (CI) have been reported to predict non-relapse mortality (NRM) and overall survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) (Charlson's comorbidity index (CCI), hematopoietic cell transplantation CI (HCT-CI) and the pre-transplantation assessment of mortality (PAM) score). Which of these indexes best predict survival is unknown yet. We retrospectively studied 286 patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT. HCT-CI and PAM scores required grading according to pre-transplant pulmonary function tests (PFTs), which were lacking for some patients. We thus designed a reduced HCT-CI and an adjusted PAM, without results of PFTs. Using CCI, 25% of patients had indexes of 1 or more; median reduced HCT-CI score was 1; median adjusted PAM score was 24. The discriminative properties of the three CIs were rather low in our population. Comparison of patients and transplant characteristics between our and Seattle group's cohorts, however, revealed significant differences in more children, in more cord blood HSCT and in HSCT for Fanconi anemia in St Louis. Finally, multivariate analysis of scoring items revealed that age, matched unrelated or mismatched donor and hepatic disease were associated with NRM in our cohort. Translating use for patient's counseling or decision to proceed to transplant of these CIs will need prospective studies in a large independent cohort

    High resolution infrared absorption spectra, crystal field, and relaxation processes in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+

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    High resolution low-temperature absorption spectra of 0.2% Pr^3+ doped CsCdBr_3 were measured in the spectral region 2000--7000 cm-1. Positions and widths of the crystal field levels within the 3H5, 3H4, 3F2, and 3F3 multiplets of the Pr^3+ main center have been determined. Hyperfine structure of several spectral lines has been found. Crystal field calculations were carried out in the framework of the semiphenomenological exchange charge model (ECM). Parameters of the ECM were determined by fitting to the measured total splittings of the 3H4 and 3H6 multiplets and to the observed in this work hyperfine splittings of the crystal field levels. One- and two-phonon relaxation rates were calculated using the phonon Green's functions of the perfect (CsCdBr_3) and locally perturbed (impurity dimer centers in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+) crystal lattice. Comparison with the measured linewidths confirmed an essential redistribution of the phonon density of states in CsCdBr_3 crystals doped with rare-earth ions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables, 3 figure

    The Role of Regulated mRNA Stability in Establishing Bicoid Morphogen Gradient in Drosophila Embryonic Development

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    The Bicoid morphogen is amongst the earliest triggers of differential spatial pattern of gene expression and subsequent cell fate determination in the embryonic development of Drosophila. This maternally deposited morphogen is thought to diffuse in the embryo, establishing a concentration gradient which is sensed by downstream genes. In most model based analyses of this process, the translation of the bicoid mRNA is thought to take place at a fixed rate from the anterior pole of the embryo and a supply of the resulting protein at a constant rate is assumed. Is this process of morphogen generation a passive one as assumed in the modelling literature so far, or would available data support an alternate hypothesis that the stability of the mRNA is regulated by active processes? We introduce a model in which the stability of the maternal mRNA is regulated by being held constant for a length of time, followed by rapid degradation. With this more realistic model of the source, we have analysed three computational models of spatial morphogen propagation along the anterior-posterior axis: (a) passive diffusion modelled as a deterministic differential equation, (b) diffusion enhanced by a cytoplasmic flow term; and (c) diffusion modelled by stochastic simulation of the corresponding chemical reactions. Parameter estimation on these models by matching to publicly available data on spatio-temporal Bicoid profiles suggests strong support for regulated stability over either a constant supply rate or one where the maternal mRNA is permitted to degrade in a passive manner

    Correlations of structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of undoped and doped CaCu3Ti4O12

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    The present work reports synthesis, as well as a detailed and careful characterization of structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of differently tempered undoped and doped CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics. For this purpose, neutron and x-ray powder diffraction, SQUID measurements, and dielectric spectroscopy have been performed. Mn-, Fe-, and Ni-doped CCTO ceramics were investigated in great detail to document the influence of low-level doping with 3d metals on the antiferromagnetic structure and dielectric properties. In the light of possible magnetoelectric coupling in these doped ceramics, the dielectric measurements were also carried out in external magnetic fields up to 7 T, showing a minor but significant dependence of the dielectric constant on the applied magnetic field. Undoped CCTO is well-known for its colossal dielectric constant in a broad frequency and temperature range. With the present extended characterization of doped as well as undoped CCTO, we want to address the question why doping with only 1% Mn or 0.5% Fe decreases the room-temperature dielectric constant of CCTO by a factor of ~100 with a concomitant reduction of the conductivity, whereas 0.5% Ni doping changes the dielectric properties only slightly. In addition, diffraction experiments and magnetic investigations were undertaken to check for possible correlations of the magnitude of the colossal dielectric constants with structural details or with magnetic properties like the magnetic ordering, the Curie-Weiss temperatures, or the paramagnetic moment. It is revealed, that while the magnetic ordering temperature and the effective moment of all investigated CCTO ceramics are rather similar, there is a dramatic influence of doping and tempering time on the Curie-Weiss constant.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental Setups for Single Event Effect Studies

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    Experimental setups are being prepared to test and to qualify electronic devices regarding their tolerance to Single Event Effect (SEE). A multiple test setup and a new beam line developed especially for SEE studies at the São Paulo 8 UD Pelletron accelerator were prepared. This accelerator produces proton beams and heavy ion beams up to 107Ag. A Super conducting Linear accelerator, which is under construction, may fulfill all of the European Space Agency requirements to qualify electronic components for SEE