22 research outputs found

    Differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells towards notochordal-like cells: the role of tissue source

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    INTRODUCTION: Notochordal cells (NCs) are linked to a healthy intervertebral disc (IVD), and they are considered an exciting target for cell-based therapy. However, NCs are scarcely available as they are lost early in life, and attempts at in vivoexpansion have failed because NCs lose their specific phenotype. The production of Notochordal-like cells (NLCs) from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) is a viable alternative. However, current attempts have been challenged by the low differentiation efficiency into the NC lineage. Therefore, the aim of this study was to build on the tissue-specific epigenetic memory of hiPSCs derived from IVD progenitor cells (TIE2+-cells) to improve hiPSC differentiation towards mature, matrix-producing NLCs. METHODS: hiPSCs were generated from TIE2⁺ cells of three adult donors. As a comparison, donormatched minimally invasive peripheral blood mononuclear (PBM) cell-derived iPSCs were used. Firstly, the iPSCs were differentiated into mesendodermal progenitors by Wnt pathway activation (N2B27 medium + 3µM CHIR99021)¹. Thereafter, the cells were further driven towards the NClineage by transfection with synthetic NOTO mRNA¹ and further matured using a 3D pellet culture in discogenic medium containing 10ng/mL TGF-β1. Read-out parameters included cell morphology, gene and protein expression and matrix deposition. RESULTS: Both TIE2⁺ and PBM cell-derived hiPSC showed successful differentiation towards mesendodermal progenitor cells following Wnt activation on day 2, indicated by the cells moving out of the colonies after CHIR stimulation. Accordingly, a decreased gene expression of pluripotency markers (OCT4, SOX2, NANOG), and upregulation of Wnt-target genes (LEF1, NODAL) and mesendodermal markers (TBXT, FOXA2, TBX6) was observed compared to mTESR1 controls. This was confirmed by immuno-stains for FOXA2 and TBXT. At day 3, we confirmed a 9-fold increase in NOTO mRNA levels after transfection in all donor lines. At day 28, the appearance of vacuolated NLCs was observed in both TIE2⁺ and PBM cell-derived pellet cultures confirming successful commitment towards the NC-lineage. Interestingly, while DMMB-assay detected GAG deposition in both lines, a significant increase in GAG content was seen in the TIE2⁺ cell-derived pellets. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: Tissue-specific TIE2⁺ cell-derived iPSCs may allow for an improved iPSNLC differentiation efficiency, indicated by the increased potency for deposition of GAG-rich matrix. Detailed analysis of the phenotypic markers and matrix deposited at the end of the 28 day maturation is ongoing to further document the phenotype of these iPS-NLCs. Delineating which epigenetic features are retained after reprogramming of these two cell lines, could shed light on the differences in their differentiation capacity. REFERENCES: ¹Colombier et al., 202

    Hyperosmolar expansion medium improves nucleus pulposus cell phenotype

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    Background: Repopulating the degenerated intervertebral disc (IVD) with tissue-specific nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs) has already been shown to promote regeneration in various species. Yet the applicability of NPCs as cell-based therapy has been hampered by the low cell numbers that can be extracted from donor IVDs and their potentially limited regenerative capacity due to their degenerated phenotype. To optimize the expansion conditions, we investigated the effects of increasing culture medium osmolarity during expansion on the phenotype of dog NPCs and their ability to produce a healthy extracellular matrix (ECM) in a 3D culture model. Methods: Dog NPCs were expanded in expansion medium with a standard osmolarity of 300 mOsm/L or adjusted to 400 or 500 mOsm/L in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Following expansion, NPCs were cultured in a 3D culture model in chondrogenic culture medium with a standard osmolarity. Read-out parameters included cell proliferaton rate, morphology, phenotype and healthy ECM production. Results: Increasing the expansion medium osmolarity from 300 to 500 mOsm/L resulted in NPCs with a more rounded morphology and a lower cell proliferation rate accompanied by the expression of several healthy NPC and progenitor markers at gene ( KRT18, ACAN, COL2, CD73, CD90) and protein (ACAN, PAX1, CD24, TEK, CD73) level. The NPCs expanded at 500 mOsm/L were able to retain most of their phenotypic markers and produce healthy ECM during 3D culture independent of the oxygen level used during expansion. Conclusions: Altogether, our findings show that increasing medium osmolarity during expansion results in an NPC population with improved phenotype, which could enhance the potential of cell-based therapies for IVD regeneration

    Hyperosmolar expansion medium improves nucleus pulposus cell phenotype

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    Background:Repopulating the degenerated intervertebral disc (IVD) with tissue-spe-cific nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs) has already been shown to promote regenerationin various species. Yet the applicability of NPCs as cell-based therapy has been ham-pered by the low cell numbers that can be extracted from donor IVDs and theirpotentially limited regenerative capacity due to their degenerated phenotype. Tooptimize the expansion conditions, we investigated the effects of increasing culturemedium osmolarity during expansion on the phenotype of dog NPCs and their abilityto produce a healthy extracellular matrix (ECM) in a 3D culture model.Methods:Dog NPCs were expanded in expansion medium with a standard osmolar-ity of 300 mOsm/L or adjusted to 400 or 500 mOsm/L in both normoxic and hypoxicconditions. Following expansion, NPCs were cultured in a 3D culture model in chon-drogenic culture medium with a standard osmolarity. Read-out parameters includedcell proliferaton rate, morphology, phenotype and healthy ECM production.Results:Increasing the expansion medium osmolarity from 300 to 500 mOsm/Lresulted in NPCs with a more rounded morphology and a lower cell proliferation rateaccompanied by the expression of several healthy NPC and progenitor markers atgene (KRT18, ACAN, COL2, CD73, CD90) and protein (ACAN, PAX1, CD24, TEK,CD73) level. The NPCs expanded at 500 mOsm/L were able to retain most of theirphenotypic markers and produce healthy ECM during 3D culture independent of theoxygen level used during expansion. Conclusions:Altogether, our findings show that increasing medium osmolarity duringexpansion results in an NPC population with improved phenotype, which couldenhance the potential of cell-based therapies for IVD regeneration

    Notochordal cell-based treatment strategies and their potential in intervertebral disc regeneration

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    Chronic low back pain is the number one cause of years lived with disability. In about 40% of patients, chronic lower back pain is related to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. The standard-of-care focuses on symptomatic relief, while surgery is the last resort. Emerging therapeutic strategies target the underlying cause of IVD degeneration and increasingly focus on the relatively overlooked notochordal cells (NCs). NCs are derived from the notochord and once the notochord regresses they remain in the core of the developing IVD, the nucleus pulposus. The large vacuolated NCs rapidly decline after birth and are replaced by the smaller nucleus pulposus cells with maturation, ageing, and degeneration. Here, we provide an update on the journey of NCs and discuss the cell markers and tools that can be used to study their fate and regenerative capacity. We review the therapeutic potential of NCs for the treatment of IVD-related lower back pain and outline important future directions in this area. Promising studies indicate that NCs and their secretome exerts regenerative effects, via increased proliferation, extracellular matrix production, and anti-inflammatory effects. Reports on NC-like cells derived from embryonic- or induced pluripotent-stem cells claim to have successfully generated NC-like cells but did not compare them with native NCs for phenotypic markers or in terms of their regenerative capacity. Altogether, this is an emerging and active field of research with exciting possibilities. NC-based studies demonstrate that cues from developmental biology can pave the path for future clinical therapies focused on regenerating the diseased IVD

    Hyperosmolar expansion medium improves nucleus pulposus cell phenotype

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    Background: Repopulating the degenerated intervertebral disc (IVD) with tissue-specific nucleus pulposus cells (NPCs) has already been shown to promote regeneration in various species. Yet the applicability of NPCs as cell-based therapy has been hampered by the low cell numbers that can be extracted from donor IVDs and their potentially limited regenerative capacity due to their degenerated phenotype. To optimize the expansion conditions, we investigated the effects of increasing culture medium osmolarity during expansion on the phenotype of dog NPCs and their ability to produce a healthy extracellular matrix (ECM) in a 3D culture model. Methods: Dog NPCs were expanded in expansion medium with a standard osmolarity of 300 mOsm/L or adjusted to 400 or 500 mOsm/L in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Following expansion, NPCs were cultured in a 3D culture model in chondrogenic culture medium with a standard osmolarity. Read-out parameters included cell proliferaton rate, morphology, phenotype and healthy ECM production. Results: Increasing the expansion medium osmolarity from 300 to 500 mOsm/L resulted in NPCs with a more rounded morphology and a lower cell proliferation rate accompanied by the expression of several healthy NPC and progenitor markers at gene ( KRT18, ACAN, COL2, CD73, CD90) and protein (ACAN, PAX1, CD24, TEK, CD73) level. The NPCs expanded at 500 mOsm/L were able to retain most of their phenotypic markers and produce healthy ECM during 3D culture independent of the oxygen level used during expansion. Conclusions: Altogether, our findings show that increasing medium osmolarity during expansion results in an NPC population with improved phenotype, which could enhance the potential of cell-based therapies for IVD regeneration

    Direct screening for chromatin status on DNA barcodes in yeast delineates the regulome of H3K79 methylation by Dot1

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    Given the frequent misregulation of chromatin in cancer, it is important to understand the cellular mechanisms that regulate chromatin structure. However, systematic screening for epigenetic regulators is challenging and often relies on laborious assays or indirect reporter read-outs. Here we describe a strategy, Epi-ID, to directly assess chromatin status in thousands of mutants. In Epi-ID, chromatin status on DNA barcodes is interrogated by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing, allowing for quantitative comparison of many mutants in parallel. Screening of a barcoded yeast knock-out collection for regulators of histone H3K79 methylation by Dot1 identified all known regulators as well as novel players and processes. These include histone deposition, homologous recombination, and adenosine kinase, which influences the methionine cycle. Gcn5, the acetyltransferase within the SAGA complex, was found to regulate histone methylation and H2B ubiquitination. The concept of Epi-ID is widely applicable and can be readily applied to other chromatin features

    Notochordal Cell-Based Treatment Strategies and Their Potential in Intervertebral Disc Regeneration

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    Chronic low back pain is the number one cause of years lived with disability. In about 40% of patients, chronic lower back pain is related to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. The standard-of-care focuses on symptomatic relief, while surgery is the last resort. Emerging therapeutic strategies target the underlying cause of IVD degeneration and increasingly focus on the relatively overlooked notochordal cells (NCs). NCs are derived from the notochord and once the notochord regresses they remain in the core of the developing IVD, the nucleus pulposus. The large vacuolated NCs rapidly decline after birth and are replaced by the smaller nucleus pulposus cells with maturation, ageing, and degeneration. Here, we provide an update on the journey of NCs and discuss the cell markers and tools that can be used to study their fate and regenerative capacity. We review the therapeutic potential of NCs for the treatment of IVD-related lower back pain and outline important future directions in this area. Promising studies indicate that NCs and their secretome exerts regenerative effects, via increased proliferation, extracellular matrix production, and anti-inflammatory effects. Reports on NC-like cells derived from embryonic- or induced pluripotent-stem cells claim to have successfully generated NC-like cells but did not compare them with native NCs for phenotypic markers or in terms of their regenerative capacity. Altogether, this is an emerging and active field of research with exciting possibilities. NC-based studies demonstrate that cues from developmental biology can pave the path for future clinical therapies focused on regenerating the diseased IVD

    Notochordal Cell-Based Treatment Strategies and Their Potential in Intervertebral Disc Regeneration

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    Chronic low back pain is the number one cause of years lived with disability. In about 40% of patients, chronic lower back pain is related to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. The standard-of-care focuses on symptomatic relief, while surgery is the last resort. Emerging therapeutic strategies target the underlying cause of IVD degeneration and increasingly focus on the relatively overlooked notochordal cells (NCs). NCs are derived from the notochord and once the notochord regresses they remain in the core of the developing IVD, the nucleus pulposus. The large vacuolated NCs rapidly decline after birth and are replaced by the smaller nucleus pulposus cells with maturation, ageing, and degeneration. Here, we provide an update on the journey of NCs and discuss the cell markers and tools that can be used to study their fate and regenerative capacity. We review the therapeutic potential of NCs for the treatment of IVD-related lower back pain and outline important future directions in this area. Promising studies indicate that NCs and their secretome exerts regenerative effects, via increased proliferation, extracellular matrix production, and anti-inflammatory effects. Reports on NC-like cells derived from embryonic- or induced pluripotent-stem cells claim to have successfully generated NC-like cells but did not compare them with native NCs for phenotypic markers or in terms of their regenerative capacity. Altogether, this is an emerging and active field of research with exciting possibilities. NC-based studies demonstrate that cues from developmental biology can pave the path for future clinical therapies focused on regenerating the diseased IVD

    Capturing the chromatin interactome with Epi-Decoder.

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    <p>(A) Scatter plot of ChIP/input values, which can be interpreted as binding scores, of BC_UP versus BC_DN. For some factors, only the BC_UP or BC_DN value was available. In these cases, the missing value was set to −1 in order to still visualize the remaining value. Factors are coloured based on known functions or complexes. Triangles represent histone proteins. The average values of 6 replicates are shown. (B) Enrichment plot for 3 categories: initiation (TFIID-E and GRFs), termination (Cleavage and Polyadenylation and THO complex), and replication (ORC and MCM) factors. Binders were ranked based on the BC_UP/BC_DN ratio. The top part shows the running sum enrichment for each category. Initiation factors were significantly enriched at BC_UP (<i>p</i> = 3.18<sup>−3</sup>) and termination and replication at BC_DN (<i>p</i> = 2.03<sup>−7</sup> and <i>p</i> = 1.06<sup>−5</sup>). The bottom lines indicate the factors represented in the categories. (C) Illustration of the different protein complexes that Epi-Decoder identified at the barcoded <i>KanMX</i> gene at the <i>HO</i> locus. BC_DN, downstream barcode; BC_UP, upstream barcode; ChIP, chromatin immunoprecipitation; GRF, general regulatory factor; IP, immunoprecipitation; MCM, minichromosome maintenance; ORC, origin recognition complex.</p