13 research outputs found

    Immune-mediated hepatitis drives low- level fusion between hepatocytes and adult bone marrow cells

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The role of adult bone marrow-derived cells (BMC) in hepatic regeneration is controversial. Both transdifferentiation of BMC as well as fusion with hepatocytes have been suggested in toxin-based and genetic selection models. METHODS: We have developed a transgenic mouse model of immune-mediated hepatitis to clarify the role of BMC in liver regeneration following injury mediated by T cells. RESULTS: Repeated adoptive transfer of transgenic T cells into bone marrow chimeras resulted in multiple waves of hepatitis. Hepatocytes derived from donor bone marrow were identified using a self-protein that does not interfere with hepatocyte function and proliferation in recipient animals. Some cells contained one recipient nucleus and another independent donor bone marrow-derived nucleus, suggesting that cellular fusion plays some role in liver repair after immune hepatitis. However, despite pronounced infiltration by myeloid cells, the frequency of fusion was extremely low. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a unique, clinically relevant model in which fusion hepatocytes can be purified and characterized by the expression of donor MHC antigen. It demonstrates that although fusion between BMC and hepatocytes occurs under conditions of inflammation that correspond to human disease, its frequency needs to be increased to be of any therapeutic value

    Heart Grafts Tolerized Through Third-Party Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells Can Be Retransplanted to Secondary Hosts With No Immunosuppression

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    Multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs) are an adherent stem cell population that belongs to the mesenchymal-type progenitor cell family. Although MAPCs are emerging as candidate agents for immunomodulation after solid organ transplantation, their value requires further validation in a clinically relevant cell therapy model using an organ donor- and organ recipient-independent, third-party cell product. We report that stable allograft survival can be achieved following third-party MAPC infusion in a rat model of fully allogeneic, heterotopic heart transplantation. Furthermore, long-term accepted heart grafts recovered from MAPC-treated animals can be successfully retransplanted to naĂŻve animals without additional immunosuppression. This prolongation of MAPC-mediated allograft acceptance depends upon a myeloid cell population since depletion of macrophages by clodronate abrogates the tolerogenic MAPC effect. We also show that MAPC-mediated allograft acceptance differs mechanistically from drug-induced tolerance regarding marker gene expression, T regulatory cell induction, retransplantability, and macrophage dependence. MAPC-based immunomodulation represents a promising pathway for clinical immunotherapy that has led us to initiate a phase I clinical trial for testing safety and feasibility of third-party MAPC therapy after liver transplantation

    Alternative splice forms of CYLD mediate ubiquitination of SMAD7 to prevent TGFB signaling and promote colitis.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: The CYLD lysine 63 deubiquitinase gene (CYLD) encodes tumor suppressor protein that is mutated in familial cylindromatosus, and variants have been associated with Crohn disease (CD). Splice forms of CYLD that lack exons 7 and 8 regulate transcription factors and functions of immune cells. We examined the expression of splice forms of CYLD in colon tissues from patients with CD and their effects in mice. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemical analyses of colon tissues from patients with untreated CD and patients without inflammatory bowel diseases (controls). We obtained mice that expressed splice forms of CYLD (sCYLD mice) without or with SMAD7 (sCYLD/SMAD7 mice) from transgenes and CYLD-knockout mice (with or without transgenic expression of SMAD7) and performed endoscopic analyses. Colitis was induced in Rag1(-/-) mice by transfer of CD4(+) CD62L(+) T cells from C57/Bl6 or transgenic mice. T cells were isolated from mice and analyzed by flow cytometry and quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction and intestinal tissues were analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry. CYLD forms were expressed in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, primary T cells, and HEK293T cells, which were analyzed by immunoblot, mobility shift, and immunoprecipitation assays. RESULTS: The colonic lamina propria from patients with CD was infiltrated by T cells and had higher levels of sCYLD (but not full-length CYLD) and SMAD7 than tissues from controls. Incubation of mouse embryonic fibroblasts and T cells with transforming growth factor b increased their production of sCYLD and decreased full-length CYLD. Transgenic expression of sCYLD and SMAD7 in T cells prevented the differentiation of regulatory T cells and T-helper type 17 cells and increased the differentiation of T-helper type 1 cells. The same effects were observed in colon tissues from sCYLD/SMAD7 mice but not in those from CYLD-knockout SMAD7 mice. The sCYLD mice had significant increases in the numbers of T-helper type 1 cells and CD44high CD62Llow memory-effector CD4(+) T cells in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes compared with wild-type mice; sCYLD/SMAD7 mice had even larger increases. The sCYLD/ SMAD7 mice spontaneously developed severe colitis, with infiltration of the colon by dendritic cells, neutrophils, macrophages, and CD4(+) T cells and increased levels of Ifng, Il6, Il12a, Il23a, and Tnf mRNAs. Co-transfer of regulatory T cells from wild-type, but not from sCYLD/SMAD7, mice prevented the induction of colitis in Rag1(-/-) mice by CD4(+) T cells. We found increased levels of poly-ubiquitinated SMAD7 in sCYLD CD4(+)T cells. CYLD formed a nuclear complex with SMAD3, whereas sCYLD recruited SMAD7 to the nucleus, which inhibited the expression of genes regulated by SMAD3 and SMAD4. We found that sCYLD mediated lysine 63-linked ubiquitination of SMAD7. The sCYLD-SMAD7 complex inhibited transforming growth factor beta signaling in CD4(+)T cells. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of the spliced form of CYLD are increased in colon tissues from patients with CD. sCYLD mediates ubiquitination and nuclear translocation of SMAD7 and thereby decreases transforming growth factor beta signaling in T cells. This prevents immune regulatory mechanisms and leads to colitis in mice

    Advancement of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Solid Organ Transplantation (MISOT)

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    There is evolving interest in the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in solid organ transplantation. Pre-clinical transplantation models show efficacy of MSC in prolonging graft survival and a number of clinical studies are planned or underway. At a recent meeting of the MISOT consortium (MSC In Solid Organ Transplantation) the advances of these studies were evaluated and mechanisms underlying the potential effects of MSC discussed. Continued discussion is required for definition of safety and eventually efficacy endpoints for MSC therapy in solid organ transplantation.Nephrolog

    Mesenchymal stem cells in solid organ transplantation (MiSOT) fourth meeting: Lessons learned from first clinical trials

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    The Fourth Expert Meeting of the Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Solid Organ Transplantation (MiSOT) Consortium took place in Barcelona on October 19 and 20, 2012. This meeting focused on the translation of preclinical data into early clinical settings. This position paper highlights the main topics explored on the safety and efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells as a therapeutic agent in solid organ transplantation and emphasizes the issues (proper timing, concomitant immunossupression, source and immunogenicity of mesenchymal stem cells, and oncogenicity) that have been addressed and will be followed up by the MiSOT Consortium in future studies

    Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL

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    International audienceThe Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. The Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL was held in March 2023 to discuss design studies for Mu2e-II, organizing efforts for the next generation muon facility, and identify synergies with other efforts (e.g., muon collider). Topics included high-power targetry, status of R&D for Mu2e-II, development of compressor rings, FFA and concepts for muon experiments (conversion, decays, muonium and other opportunities) at AMF. This document summarizes the workshop discussions with a focus on future R&D tasks needed to realize these concepts

    Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL

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    The Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. The Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL was held in March 2023 to discuss design studies for Mu2e-II, organizing efforts for the next generation muon facility, and identify synergies with other efforts (e.g., muon collider). Topics included high-power targetry, status of R&D for Mu2e-II, development of compressor rings, FFA and concepts for muon experiments (conversion, decays, muonium and other opportunities) at AMF. This document summarizes the workshop discussions with a focus on future R&D tasks needed to realize these concepts