47 research outputs found

    Education for democratic citizenship in Europe

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    U članku se analiziraju primeri dobre prakse u oblasti obrazovanja za demokratiju i građansko društvo (u tekstu: demokratsko građanstvo) u Evropi. Socijalni i politički život Evropljana je sve kompleksniji. Intenzivne političke promene formiraju specifične društvene okolnosti u kojima stari obrasci ponašanja više nisu adekvatni, pa je potrebno usvajati nova znanja kako bi se razumeli novi društveno-politički procesi i uzelo aktivno učešće u njima. Obrazovanje odraslih u ovom kontekstu dobija širi smisao i značenje. Javlja se potreba za novim područjima obrazovanja, poput obrazovanja za demokratsko građanstvo, koje ima za cilj da doprinese razvoju kritičkog mišljenja i građanske odgovornosti kod odraslih i da podstakne na participaciju u rešavanju problema u svom okruženju i šire.The article analyzes the examples of good practice in the field of education for democratic citizenship in Europe. The social and political life of Europeans is increasingly complex. Intensive political changes shape specific social circumstances and the old models of behavior are no longer adequate. Consequently, it is necessary to acquire new knowledge in order to understand new political processes and take active part in them. In this context, the adult education assumes broader sense and meaning. A need for new fields of education arises, such as education for democratic citizenship which has as its goal to contribute to developing of critical thinking and citizen responsibility among adults and to encourage them to participate in solving of the problems in their community and broader environment

    Антидијабетски потенцијал једноставних карбамата: компаративна експериментална и рачунарска студија

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    With the increasing global burden of diabetes mellitus type 2, the search for the new drugs, with better pharmacological profile is continued. As a part of this surge, the synthesis, pharmacological in vitro and computational evaluation of five, simple carbamate derivatives, against carbohydrate digestive enzyme α-glucosidase, is disclosed herein. Results of the experimental and computational assessment indicated that examined carbamates deterred the activity of α-glucosidase with acceptable IC50 values ranging from 65.34 to 79.89 μM compared to a standard drug acarbose (109.71 μM). Similarly, the studied compounds displayed in silico binding affinity for α-glucosidase enzyme with significant binding energies. Preliminary toxicity profiles of studied carbamates against three cancerous cell lines indicated their poor activity, suggesting that significant structural modifications have to be made to improve their anticancer efficiency. Results of the present study indicate that the examined carbamates were able to virtually or experimentally interact with an important target of diabetes mellitus type 2. Additionally, a new pharmacophore model is proposed featuring hydrogen bond donating carbamate –NH group, hydrogen bond accepting carbamate –OCH3 group and hydrophobic stabilization of aromatic moieties.Са порастом појаве дијабетеса типа 2 у свету, јавља се потрага за новим лековима са што ефикаснијим фармаколошким профилом. Као део овог истраживања, приказана је синтеза, фармаколошко in vitro и рачунарско испитивање пет карбамата једноставне структуре, као инхибитора – глукозидазе, ензима који учествује у дигестивном разлагању шећера. Резултати експерименталног испитивања показали су да испитивани карбамати инхибирају активност – глукозидазе са задовољавајућим IC50 вредностима у опсегу од 65,34 до 79,89 μM, а у поређењу са стандардним леком, акарбозом (109,71 μM). Такође, in silico методом добијене су значајне енергије везивања за активно место – глукозидазе. У прелиминарном испитивању цитотксичности према три типа канцерозних ћелија, карбамати су показали лошу активност, сугеришући да су потребне значајне структурне промене за побољшање њиховог антиканцерозног дејства. Уопштено говорећи, резултати ове студије показали су да су испитивани карбамати успешно виртуелно и експериментално интераговали са важном метом код дијабетеса типа 2. Такође је предложен и нови фармакофорни модел за -глукозидазу, који укључује карбаматну –NH групу као донора водоничне везе, затим карбаматну –OCH3 групу као акцептора водоничне везе, а такође и стабилизујуће хидрофобне интеракције ароматичних прстенова

    Bioaccumulation potential of 'Meeker' and 'Willamette' raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) fruits towards macro- and microelements and their nutritional evaluation

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    Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is the most important type of berry fruit in the Republic of Serbia. The bioaccumulation factor (BF) for the elements detected in the fruits of the raspberry cultivars 'Willamette' and 'Meeker' was calculated to determine their bioaccumulation potential. In addition, the nutritional quality of fruits in relation to nutritionally essential elements was evaluated and compared with the recommended daily intake. For determining the concentrations of 19 macro- and microelements in fruits and the soil, the analytical technique of optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma was used. Among the analyzed elements, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Li and Mo were below the limit of detection in the fruits of both raspberry cultivars, whereas Na and Ni were detected only in fruits of the 'Meeker' cultivar. All analyzed elements were detected in the soil. The results of the work indicated the high potential of the studied cultivars to accumulate nutritional elements K and Ca. In both raspberry cultivars, there were no substantial differences in the bioaccumulation of most elements. However, two elements (B and Mn) can be singled out; the BF for B in the 'Willamette' fruit was 3 times lower compared to the BF in the 'Meeker' fruit, whereas, the BF value for Mn in the 'Willamette' fruit was almost 8 times higher compared to the BF value for the 'Meeker' fruit. Furthermore, the cultivars did not tend to accumulate potentially toxic elements such as Ba, Co, Cu and Ni. The nutritional evaluation revealed that the studied raspberry fruits are a good source of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn and Cu. Based on the BF values, differences observed in the accumulation of B, Ba, Na, Ni and Mn may be attributed to the characteristics of the cultivars

    Preliminarno ispitivanje sastava masnih kiselina u semenkama šipurka: primena ultrazvučne ekstrakcije

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    Rosehip seeds represent waste material which is obtained duringthe production of jams, marmalades, juices, teas, etc. Two methods were used forthe extraction of fatty acids from rosehip seeds: ultrasound-assisted extractioncombined with organic solvent extraction (UAE/OSCE) and organic solventconventional extraction (OSCE). Different solvent-to-sample ratio was used. Theidentification and quantitation of fatty acids was done by gas chromatography witha flame ionization detector (GC/FID). Applied methods yielded different types offatty acids, with stearic acid and linoleic acid, as the most abundant ones.Semenke šipurka predstavljaju otpadni materijal, bogat uljem, koji nastaje tokom proizvodnje džemova, marmelada, sokova, čajeva itd. Za ekstrakciju masnih kiselina iz semenki šipurka korišćene su dve metode: ultrazvučna ekstrakcija u kombinaciji sa ekstrakcijom organskim rastvaračem (UZE/KEOR)i konvencionalna ekstrakcija organskim rastvaračem (KEOR). Korišćeni su različiti odnosi zapremine rastvarača i mase uzoraka. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija masnih kiselina izvršena je metodom gasne hromatografije sa plameno-jonizujućim detektorom (GC/FID). Primenjenim ekstrakcionim metodama dobijene su različite masne kiseline, od kojih su stearinska i linolna bile najzastupljenije

    Antiproliferative and antibacterial activity of some glutarimide derivatives

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    Antiproliferative and antibacterial activities of nine glutarimide derivatives (1–9) were reported. Cytotoxicity of compounds was tested toward three human cancer cell lines, HeLa, K562 and MDA-MB-453 by MTT assay. Compound 7 (2-benzyl-2-azaspiro[5.11]heptadecane-1,3,7-trione), containing 12-membered ketone ring, was found to be the most potent toward all tested cell lines (IC50 = 9–27 μM). Preliminary screening of antibacterial activity by a disk diffusion method showed that Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible to the tested compounds than Gram-negative bacteria. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determined by a broth microdilution method confirmed that compounds 1, 2, 4, 6–8 and 9 inhibited the growth of all tested Gram-positive and some of the Gram-negative bacteria. The best antibacterial potential was achieved with compound 9 (ethyl 4-(1-benzyl-2,6-dioxopiperidin-3-yl)butanoate) against Bacillus cereus (MIC 0.625 mg/mL; 1.97 × 10−3 mol/L). Distinction between more and less active/inactive compounds was assessed from the pharmacophoric patterns obtained by molecular interaction fields

    Macroelements versus toxic elements in selected wild edible mushrooms of the Russulacea family from Serbia

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    Three edible mushrooms of the Russulacea family (Lactarius deliciosus, Lactarius sanguifluus and Lactarius semisanguifluus), most frequently consumed in Serbia, were analyzed using the ICP-OES technique to evaluate the content of K, P, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, As, Cd and Pb, both in cap and stipe. Corresponding soils were analyzed, too. Based on the obtained values for the elemental composition of the mushrooms and the soil, bioaccumulation and translocation factors were calculated. All the examined mushrooms species were recognized as bioexclusors of analyzed toxic elements, but bioaccumulators of K, P and Ca. The studied mushrooms are good sources of macroelements. One portion of 300 g of fresh mushrooms had a significant contribution of K and P, exceeding 15 % of the recommended daily intake for the elements. On the contrary, mushrooms had a low potential to bioaccumulate toxic elements, and presented results indicated the regular consumption of wild edible mushrooms is safe for human health. Correlation analysis was applied to determine phosphorus’s influence on the elements’ content in the mushrooms and corresponding soils, demonstrating the most remarkable mushrooms' tendency to accumulate phosphorus.Циљ овог рада било је одређивање садржаја K, P, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, As, Cd и Pb у три јестиве, самоникле печурке (Lactarius deliciosus, Lactarius sanguifluus и Lactarius semisanguifluus) које припадају породици Russulacea. Такође, одређен је и садржај поменутих елемената у земљишту на коме су расле анализиране печурке. На основу добијених резултата, за сваки елемент је израчунат биоакумулациони и транслокациони фактор. Будући да је утврђено да печурке акумулирају одговарајуће макроелементе, резултати су приказани и као унос (%) одговарајућих елемената на основу препоручене дневне дозе, прерачунато на порцију од 300 g свежих печурака. За токсичне елементе израчунат је садржај уноса елемената на основу прихватљивог недељног уноса. Корелациона ана- лиза је коришћена како би се утврдио утицај фосфора на садржај елемената у печур- кама и одговарајућим земљиштима, обзиром да је фосфор показао најзначајнију тен- денцију акумулације

    Evaluation of the Quality of Drinking Water in Rasina District, Serbia: Physicochemical and Bacteriological Viewpoint

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    The water samples from Rasina District (Serbia) were evaluated for principal physical and chemical parameters, as well as for microbiological contaminants. Results were compared to National and World Health Organization (WHO) water quality standards. Several samples contained total organic matter, ammonia, residual chlorine, nitrite, nitrate, iron and manganese above proposed legislation limits. For samples contaminated with faecal bacteria, Streptococcus faecalis, aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliform bacteria and sulfite-reducing clostridia special attention should be payed to drinking water disinfecting methods. The potential health risks of waterborne diseases due to consumption of water from contaminated sources could be implied

    Protection of biological resources - leading challenge in environmental protection

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    The term biodiversity includes the overall diversity of living organisms within the biosphere. In order for natural processes in ecosystems to take place, it is necessary to preserve all components of biodiversity. The cycles of the circulation of matter and the flow of energy are the basis for the maintenance of life on the planet, and take place in ecosystems thanks to the activity of plants, animals and microorganisms. In addition to enabling the maintenance of all life on the planet, biological resources, that is, living organisms, have an exceptional practical value for humans. Therefore, the protection and conservation of biological resources should be included in the implementation of activities related to environmental protection. In this paper, the importance of preserving the diversity of biological resources, as a group of the most important natural resources on the planet, is considered

    Health aspects of significance of food

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    Hrana obuhvata neorganska i organska jedinjenja, koja grade organizam čoveka i obezbeđuju energiju. Da bi se obezbedilo pravilno funkcionisanje organizma, potrebno je unositi sve hranljive sastojke u optimalnim količinama. Naročito je značajno koristiti voće, povrće i žitarice u ishrani, a njihov redovan unos pomaže u prevenciji bolesti digestivnog trakta, hipertenzije, kardiovaskularnih, neurodegenerativnih i infektivnih oboljenja, osteoporoze i karcinoma.Food covers inorganic and organic compounds, which build the human body and provide energy. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the organism, it is necessary to take all the nutrients in optimal quantities. It is especially important to use fruits, vegetables and cereals in the in nutrition, and their regular intake helps prevent diseases of the digestive tract, hypertension, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and infectious diseases, osteoporosis and cancer

    Glutarimidi - biološka aktivnost, opšti postupci za sintezu i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike

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    Glutarimides, 2,6-dioxopiperidines, are compounds that rarely occur in natural sources, but so far isolated ones exert widespread pharmacological activities, which makes them valuable as potential pharmacotherapeutics. Glutarimides act as androgen receptor antagonists, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytics, antibacterials, and tumor suppressing agents. Some synthetic glutarimide derivatives are already in use as immunosuppressive and sedative (e.g., thalidomide) or anxiolytics (buspirone) drugs. The wide applicability of this class of compounds, justify the interest of scientists to explore new pathways for its syntheses. General methods for synthesis of six-membered imide ring are presented in this paper. These methods include: a) reaction of dicarboxylic acids with ammonia or primary amine, b) reactions of cyclization: amido-acids, diamides, dinitriles, nitrilo-acids, amidonitriles, amido-esters, amidoacyl-chlorides or diacyl-chlorides, c) addition of carbon-monoxide on alpha,beta-unsaturated amides, d) oxidation reactions, e) Michael addition of active methylen compounds on methacrylamide or conjugated amides. Some of the described methods are used for closing glutarimide ring in syntheses of pharmacological active compounds sesbanimide and aldose reductase inhibitors (ARI). Analyses of the geometry, as well as, the spectroscopic analyses (NMR and FT-IR) of some glutarimides are presented due to their broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. To elucidate structures of glutarimides, geometrical parameters of newly synthesized tert-pentyl-1-benzyl-4-methyl-glutarimide-3-carboxylate (PBMG) are analyzed and compared with the experimental data from X-ray analysis for glutarimide. Moreover, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surface which is plotted over the optimized geometry to elucidate the reactivity of PBMG molecule is analyzed. The electronic properties of glutarimide derivatives are explained on the example of thalidomide. The Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) and their energies are presented, as well as the energy gap between them.U ovom radu dat je prikaz metoda za sintezu šestočlanih cikličnih imida. Glutarimidi, 2,6-dioksopiperidini, su značajna biološka jedinjenja i deluju kao antagonisti adrenogenih receptora, antiinflamatorni agensi, anksiolitici, antivirotici, antibiotici i agensi koji sprečavaju rast pojedinih vrsta tumora. Prikazana je i njihova spektralna analiza (FT-IR i NMR), zbog potvrde stukture, kao i analiza graničnih molekulskih orbitala koja daje prikaz elektronskih svojstava ovih molekula, što je važno zbog njihove biološke aktivnosti. Da bi se predstavila hemijska reaktivnost glutarimida predstavljen je molekulski elektronski potencijal (MEP) iz prethodno optimizovane geometrije reprezentativnog primera terc-pentil-1- -benzil-4-metil-glutarimid-3-karboksilata (skraćenica PBMG). Elektronska svojstva su objašnjena na primeru talidomida