8 research outputs found


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    Dvije su ključne zadaće javne televizije u liberalnoj demokraciji ā€“ poduprijeti demokratski sustav i vladavinu zakona, Å”to je istodobno i jamstvo njezine neovisnosti i slobode, te osigurati javnosti točno i sveobuhvatno izvjeÅ”tavanje kao i ravnopravan i slobodan javni forum za raspravu o važnim druÅ”tvenim temama. U ovom se radu autorica bavi pitanjem kako struktura Programskog vijeća HRT-a, sukladno zakonom povjerenim zadatcima, izravno utječe na program HTV-a, najveće i najutjecajnije nacionalne televizijske kuće. Prema Zakonu o HRT-u iz 2003. godine, jedanaest članova Programskog vijeća HRT-a, čiji je zadatak zastupati i Å”tititi interes javnosti provođenjem nadzora i unapređenjem programa, bira i razrjeÅ”uje Hrvatski Sabor. Time je ponovno otvoreno pitanje mogućnosti izravnog utjecaja državne politike na rad Hrvatske televizije. Jedan od važnijih zadataka Vijeća jest kreiranje okvira neovisnoga, pluralističkog i uravnoteženog televizijskog programa, a ono podrazumijeva uspostavljanje kompleksne, transparentne strukture dinamičkih odnosa između profesionalnih novinara i urednika, organizacija civilnog druÅ”tva, relevantnih druÅ”tvenih skupina te interesa sveukupne javnosti.There are two key tasks of public television in a liberal democracy: to support the democratic government and the rule of law, which is at the same time a guarantee of its independence and freedom, and provide for the public accurate and comprehensive information and an egalitarian and free public forum for debating major social issues. In this work, the author looks into how the composition of the HRT Programme Council, in line with the tasks stipulated by law, directly influences programming of the HRT, the biggest and the most prestigious Croatian TV house. According to the Law on HRT of 2003, eleven members of the HRT Programme Council, whose task is to promote and protect public interest by monitoring and improving the programmes, is appointed and relieved by the Croatian parliament (Sabor). This has once again evoked the spectre of the direct control of the state over the Croatian television. One of the Councilā€™s priorities is the creation of the framework of an independent, pluralist and balanced TV programme, which requires the establishment of a complex, transparent structure of dynamic relations between the professionals ā€“ journalists and editors, the organizations of the civil society, the relevant social groups and the interests of the entire public

    The influence of auditory perception quality on verbal memory among children with impaired verbal communication

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    ipolarni afektivni poremećaj je izuzetno frekventan, težak i klinički najznačajniji afektivni poremećaj. Antisocijalni poremećaj ličnosti je potencijalno najdestruktivniji poremećaj ličnosti. NaÅ”e interesovanje za istraživanje ovih poremećaja, posebno prisustva antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti kod obolelih od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja bilo je podstaknuto brojnim sličnostima u kliničkoj slici ovih poremećaja. Zajednička karakteristika ovih poremećaja je i slična prevalencija, kao i mortalitet usled suicida. Istraživanjem obolelih od bipoalrnog afektivnog poremećaja sa prisustvom antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti utvrdili smo da klinička slika bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja opterećena antisocijalnim poremećajem ličnosti je ozbiljna, teÅ”ka za tretman sa smanjenim Å”ansama za izlečenje. U naÅ”em istraživanju kod pacijenata koji boluju od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja komplikovanog antisocijalnim poremećajem ličnosti utvrđene su poteÅ”koće u socijalnom funkcionisanju, visok nivo agresivnosti fizičkog i verbalnog tipa, slaba kontrola impulsa. Takođe, kod naÅ”e studijske grupe u kojoj je utvrđeno istovremeno prisustvo ovih poremećaja, značajan broj ispitivanog uzorka predstavljali su mlađi muÅ”karci kod kojih je bipolarni poremećaj prvi put registrovan u adolescentnom ili mlađem odraslom dobu. Demografski faktori poput starosti i pola, kao i evidentiran poremećaj ponaÅ”anja pre 15. godine, odnosno psiholoÅ”ki faktori poput agresivnog ponaÅ”anja utvrđeni su u ovom istraživanju kao statistički značajni prediktori antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti kod pacijenata obolelih od bipolarnog poremećaja. Kod pacijenata obolelih od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja evidentiraju se intenzivniji simptomi primarnog oboljenja kada imaju i dijagnozu antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti, Å”to se često manifestuje antisocijalnim ponaÅ”anjem i nepoÅ”tovanjem zakonskih normi. Za tretman pacijenata sa komorbiditetom ovih poremećaja potrebna je primena integralnog modela terapije, koji uz farmakoterapiju i psihoterapiju, uključuje i izvesnu druÅ”tvenu intervenciju. Predviđena integralna reakcija pre svega bi trebala biti usmerena na anuliranje agresivnosti na koju kako se čini svojim prisustvom antisocijalni poremećaj ličnosti predisponira obolele sa bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem.Bipolar affective disorder is very frequent, heavy and clinically most important affective disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is a potentially most destructive disorder. Our interest in studying these disorders, especially the presence of antisocial personality disorder in patients with bipolar affective disorder, was encouraged by a number of similarities in the clinical picture of these disorders. Common characteristics of these disorders are also similar to the prevalence and mortality due to suicide. Studying the patients with bipolar affective disorder with the presence of antisocial personality disorder, we determined that the clinical picture of bipolar affective disorder with antisocial personality disorder is serious, difficult to treat with reduced chances of being cured. In patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder with complicated antisocial personality disorder we found difficulties in social functioning, a high level of physical and verbal aggression, lack of impulse control. Also, in our study group which considered simultaneous presence of these disorders, a significant number of test samples was represented by young men in whom bipolar disorder was first registered in adolescence or young adulthood. Demographic factors such as age and sex, as well as a registered conduct disorder before the age of 15, or psychological factors such as aggressive behavior, are defined in this study as statistically significant predictors of antisocial personality disorder in patients with bipolar disorder. Patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder have been shown to be additionally burdened with even more distinctive characteristics of the primary disease, and when they have a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, it often has a form of serious violations of social and legal norms. Treating patients with co-morbidity of these disorders requires the application of the integral model of the therapy which, alongside pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, includes a certain social intervention. Intended primarily integral reaction should be directed at annulment of aggression to which antisocial personality disorder seemingly predisposes patients with bipolar affective disorder

    Prikazi i anotacije

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    Lejla Turčilo, Zaradi pa vladaj: Politika-mediji-biznis u globalnom druÅ”tvu i u Bosni i Hercegovini; Ivan Å iber (ur.), Hrvatska i Europa ā€“ strahovi i nade; Gorana Dojčinović (ur.), MiÅ”ljenja i stavovi djece i mladih u Hrvatskoj; Drago Roksandić, U NIN-u i Danasu; Nicholas Carr, Plitko ā€“ Å to internet čini naÅ”em mozg

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS

    The influence of auditory perception quality on verbal memory among children with impaired verbal communication

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    ipolarni afektivni poremećaj je izuzetno frekventan, težak i klinički najznačajniji afektivni poremećaj. Antisocijalni poremećaj ličnosti je potencijalno najdestruktivniji poremećaj ličnosti. NaÅ”e interesovanje za istraživanje ovih poremećaja, posebno prisustva antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti kod obolelih od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja bilo je podstaknuto brojnim sličnostima u kliničkoj slici ovih poremećaja. Zajednička karakteristika ovih poremećaja je i slična prevalencija, kao i mortalitet usled suicida. Istraživanjem obolelih od bipoalrnog afektivnog poremećaja sa prisustvom antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti utvrdili smo da klinička slika bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja opterećena antisocijalnim poremećajem ličnosti je ozbiljna, teÅ”ka za tretman sa smanjenim Å”ansama za izlečenje. U naÅ”em istraživanju kod pacijenata koji boluju od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja komplikovanog antisocijalnim poremećajem ličnosti utvrđene su poteÅ”koće u socijalnom funkcionisanju, visok nivo agresivnosti fizičkog i verbalnog tipa, slaba kontrola impulsa. Takođe, kod naÅ”e studijske grupe u kojoj je utvrđeno istovremeno prisustvo ovih poremećaja, značajan broj ispitivanog uzorka predstavljali su mlađi muÅ”karci kod kojih je bipolarni poremećaj prvi put registrovan u adolescentnom ili mlađem odraslom dobu. Demografski faktori poput starosti i pola, kao i evidentiran poremećaj ponaÅ”anja pre 15. godine, odnosno psiholoÅ”ki faktori poput agresivnog ponaÅ”anja utvrđeni su u ovom istraživanju kao statistički značajni prediktori antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti kod pacijenata obolelih od bipolarnog poremećaja. Kod pacijenata obolelih od bipolarnog afektivnog poremećaja evidentiraju se intenzivniji simptomi primarnog oboljenja kada imaju i dijagnozu antisocijalnog poremećaja ličnosti, Å”to se često manifestuje antisocijalnim ponaÅ”anjem i nepoÅ”tovanjem zakonskih normi. Za tretman pacijenata sa komorbiditetom ovih poremećaja potrebna je primena integralnog modela terapije, koji uz farmakoterapiju i psihoterapiju, uključuje i izvesnu druÅ”tvenu intervenciju. Predviđena integralna reakcija pre svega bi trebala biti usmerena na anuliranje agresivnosti na koju kako se čini svojim prisustvom antisocijalni poremećaj ličnosti predisponira obolele sa bipolarnim afektivnim poremećajem.Bipolar affective disorder is very frequent, heavy and clinically most important affective disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is a potentially most destructive disorder. Our interest in studying these disorders, especially the presence of antisocial personality disorder in patients with bipolar affective disorder, was encouraged by a number of similarities in the clinical picture of these disorders. Common characteristics of these disorders are also similar to the prevalence and mortality due to suicide. Studying the patients with bipolar affective disorder with the presence of antisocial personality disorder, we determined that the clinical picture of bipolar affective disorder with antisocial personality disorder is serious, difficult to treat with reduced chances of being cured. In patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder with complicated antisocial personality disorder we found difficulties in social functioning, a high level of physical and verbal aggression, lack of impulse control. Also, in our study group which considered simultaneous presence of these disorders, a significant number of test samples was represented by young men in whom bipolar disorder was first registered in adolescence or young adulthood. Demographic factors such as age and sex, as well as a registered conduct disorder before the age of 15, or psychological factors such as aggressive behavior, are defined in this study as statistically significant predictors of antisocial personality disorder in patients with bipolar disorder. Patients suffering from bipolar affective disorder have been shown to be additionally burdened with even more distinctive characteristics of the primary disease, and when they have a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder, it often has a form of serious violations of social and legal norms. Treating patients with co-morbidity of these disorders requires the application of the integral model of the therapy which, alongside pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, includes a certain social intervention. Intended primarily integral reaction should be directed at annulment of aggression to which antisocial personality disorder seemingly predisposes patients with bipolar affective disorder

    Stent graft infixation after venous dislodgement in a patient with femoral posttraumatic arteriovenous fistula

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    Introduction. An arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein which may result from traumatic injury or may occur as congenital abnormality. Stent graft repair through arteriovenous fistula could lead to complications. Case report. Endovascular stent graft repair in a 23-year-old patient with posttraumatic superficial femoral arteriovenous fistula was performed to cover a fistula. During the procedure the device migrated through the fistula into the femoral vein. Due to eventual risk of migration to the heart, a prompt decision was made to fix the stent graft with three puncture needles in the common femoral vein region under fluoroscopy guidance. The vascular surgeon was called to perform open surgery. Conclusions. The presented way of treating this rare complication in an extreme and uncommon situation is very efficient, safe and inexpensive