31 research outputs found

    E Actitrode: The new selective stimulation interface for functional movements in hemiplegics patients

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    We describe the new multi-contact electrode-array for surface electrical stimulation, and the corresponding interface device that allows on-line selection of the conductive fields during the application of the system. This new device has a specific value for therapeutic applications of electrical stimulation since it allows effective generation of desired functional movements. The user-friendly interface also allows patients at home to select the optimal electrode array; thereby, to receive therapies out of the clinical environment. The electrode was tested in three post-stroke hemiplegics patients. The pilot experiments showed that system works sufficiently good for control of fingers during grasp and release functions without the interference of the wrist movement. The use of electrode is also envisioned for many other applications (foot-drop fitness, shoulder subluxation, etc)

    Data Augmentation for Generating Synthetic Electrogastrogram Time Series

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    Objective: To address an emerging need for large amount of diverse datasets for proper training of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and for rigor evaluation of signal processing techniques, we developed and evaluated a new method for generating synthetic electrogastrogram (EGG) time series. Methods: We used EGG data from an open database to set model parameters and statistical tests to evaluate synthesized data. Additionally, we illustrated method customization for generating artificial EGG alterations caused by the simulator sickness. Results: Proposed data augmentation method generates synthetic EGG with specified duration, sampling frequency, recording state (postprandial or fasting state), overall noise and breathing artifact injection, and pauses in the gastric rhythm (arrhythmia occurrence) with statistically significant difference between postprandial and fasting states in >70% cases while not accounting for individual differences. Features obtained from the synthetic EGG signal resembling simulator sickness occurrence displayed expected trends. Conclusion: The code for generation of synthetic EGG time series is freely available and can be further customized to assess signal processing algorithms or to increase diversity in datasets used to train AI algorithms. The proposed approach is customized for EGG data synthesis, but can be easily utilized for other biosignals with similar nature such as electroencephalogram.Comment: three figures and two table

    A new species of Leonhardia Reitter, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Leptodirini) from Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a key to species of the genus

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    A new leptodirine leiodid beetle species belonging to the genus Leonhardia Reitter, 1901, L. solaki sp. nov., from a pit in Bosnia and Herzegovina (western Balkan Peninsula) is described and diagnosed. Important morphological features of the new species are listed and photographed. The new species is endemic to the Dinarides of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A key for identification of species and subspecies of the genus Leonhardia is also provided

    Kvantitativna i kvalitativna procena obrasca hoda kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću

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    Background/Aim. Postural impairments and gait disorders in Parkinson's disease (PD) affect limits of stability, impaire postural adjustment, and evoke poor responses to perturbation. In the later stage of the disease, some patients can suffer from episodic features such as freezing of gait (FOG). Objective gait assessment and monitoring progress of the disease can give clinicians and therapist important information about changes in gait pattern and potential gait deviations, in order to prevent concomitant falls. The aim of this study was to propose a method for identification of freezing episodes and gait disturbances in patients with PD. A wireless inertial sensor system can be used to provide follow-up of the treatment effects or progress of the disease. Methods. The system is simple for mounting a subject, comfortable, simple for installing and recording, reliable and provides high-quality sensor data. A total of 12 patients were recorded and tested. Software calculates various gait parameters that could be estimated. User friendly visual tool provides information about changes in gait characteristics, either in a form of spectrogram or by observing spatiotemporal parameters. Based on these parameters, the algorithm performs classification of strides and identification of FOG types. Results. The described stride classification was merged with an algorithm for stride reconstruction resulting in a useful graphical tool that allows clinicians to inspect and analyze subject's movements. Conclusion. The described gait assessment system can be used for detection and categorization of gait disturbances by applying rule-based classification based on stride length, stride time, and frequency of the shank segment movements. The method provides an valuable graphical interface which is easy to interpret and provides clinicians and therapists with valuable information regarding the temporal changes in gait.Uvod/Cilj. Poremećaji hoda i ravnoteže kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolešću (PD) uključuju i poremećaje stabilnosti, održavanja ravnoteže prilikom hoda i nemogućnost adekvatne reakcije na iznenadne perturbacije. U kasnijim fazama bolesti neki bolesnici razvijaju i epizode motornog bloka, odnosno 'frizing' tokom hoda. Objektivno praćenje i merenje karakteristika hoda i promena obrasca hoda tokom progresije bolesti mogu pomoći kliničarima jer ukazuju na promene koje bi dovele do padova i ugrozile bolesnika. Cilj rada bio je razvoj metode koja bi identifikovala ovakve epizode kod bolesnika sa Parkinsonovom bolesti. Razvijeni bežični sistem sa senzorima mogao bi se koristiti za posmatranje efekata terapije ili progresije bolesti. Metode. U radu je prikazan sistem za objektivnu procenu obrasca hoda. Korišćenjem bežičnog senzorskog sistema koji koristi akcelerometre, žiroskope i senzore sile, moguće je dobiti procenu parametara hoda, ali i identifikovati 'frizing' epizode karakteristične za PD. Uz pomoć ovog sistema snimljeno je 12 bolesnika, te je na osnovu snimljenih signala razvijen novi softverski alat koji omogućava praćenje parametara hoda. Rezultati. Na osnovu dužine koraka, trajanja koraka i frekvencije pokreta, razvijen je algoritam za klasifikaciju tipova koraka i uočavanje promena frekvencija pokreta tokom hoda. Prikaz rezultata ovog sistema je dat kroz primer jednog bolesnika. Zaključak. Opisani sistem za procenu hoda može biti korišćen za kategorizaciju poremećaja hoda kroz posmatranje promena u dužini i trajanju koraka, kao i frekvencija segmenata noge. Razvijeni metod omogućava iliustrativni prikaz i grafički interfejs koji je jednostavan za interpretaciju i omogućava dobijanje informacija koje kliničarima mogu ukazati na trenutne promene u obrascu hoda

    Hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of buckwheat leaf and flower mixture in hyperlipidemic rats

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    As a source of biologically active compounds, buckwheat has beneficial effects in nutrition due to its high content of flavonoids, particularly rutin. Aim of our study was to examine effects of buckwheat on plasma lipid status and phospholipids fatty acids composition, histological and parameters of oxidative stress in Wistar rats fed a high-fat diet. This study showed that buckwheat leaf and flower (BLF) mixture supplementation significantly reduce weight gain, plasma lipid concentrations and atherogenic index in rats fed a high-fat diet. Treatment of the high-fat group of animals with buckwheat significantly increased percentage of n-6 fatty acids as well as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and decreased percentage of saturated fatty acids (SPA) and oleic acid. Buckwheat antioxidant effects diminished negative influence of high-fat diet in hyperlipidemic rats, while pathohistological analysis of liver confirmed changes after high-fat consumption. Our results showed hypolipidemic, antiatherogenic and antioxidative features of buckwheat leaf and flower mixture, and these parts of the plant with the highest rutin content could be beneficial in prevention and curing of hyperlipidemia

    Allium Species in the Balkan Region—Major Metabolites, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties

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    Ever since ancient times, Allium species have played a significant role in the human diet, in traditional medicine for the treatment of many ailments, and in officinal medicine as a supplemental ingredient. The major metabolites of alliums, as well as their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, with an emphasis on the species most represented in the Balkan region, are discussed in this review. Due to its richness in endemic species, the Balkan region is considered the genocenter of alliums. There are 56 recorded Allium species in the Balkans, and 17 of them are endemic. The most common and well-studied Allium species in the Balkans are A. cepa (onion), A. sativum (garlic), A. ampeloprasum (leek), A. schoenoprasum (chives), A. fistulosum (Welsh onion), and A. ursinum (wild garlic or bear’s garlic), which are known for their pungent taste and smell, especially noticeable in garlic and onion, and attributed to various organosulfur compounds. These plants are valued for their macronutrients and are used as desirable vegetables and spices. Additionally, phytochemicals such as organosulfur compounds, phenolics, fatty acids, and saponins are associated with the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of these species, among many other bioactivities. All parts of the plant including the bulb, peel, clove, leaf, pseudostem, root, flower, and seed exhibit antioxidant properties in different in vitro assays. The characteristic phytocompounds that contribute to the antimicrobial activity of alliums include allicin, ajoene, allyl alcohol, and some diallyl sulfides. Nanoparticles synthesized using Allium species are also recognized for their notable antimicrobial properties. © 2023 by the authors

    Drugs with the highest drug expenditure in the Republic of Serbia

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    Introduction: The policy concerning drugs represents a concentrated effort to achieve better health outcomes for all, with a particular focus on people's access to and rational use of medications. On the basis of pharmacoeconomic analyses, it is possible to modify established prescribing habits, it is possible to influence the creation of guidelines, development strategy and long-term health care planning. Aim: The aim of the work was to determine drugs with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia, and to compare the results obtained in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also, to analyze which are the most expensive medications listed in the National Register of Medications and what is the trend of changing them. Material and methods: The drug expenditure was monitored using the ATC/DDD methodology. It implies the classification of medications according to the internationally accepted ATC classification of drugs, while DDD, i.e. defined daily dose, is used as a statistical unit for consumption monitoring. The number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day provides an insight into how many inhabitants (out of 1,000 of them) used the observed medication and were exposed to its effects during one day. Results: The trend of expenditure of these medications was growing exponentially from 2016 to 2018. The most expensive medications per box are from group J - anti-infective drugs for systemic use and L - antineoplastics and immunomodulators, but their expenditure in the Republic of Serbia is very low. The drugs with the highest price per 1 DDD are: enzymes imiglucerase, laronidase and the biological medication basiliximab in all three years, but considering the indications and rare prescribing, the total cost for these drugs is not high. The largest funds in the Republic of Serbia for the mentioned period were spent on drugs such as: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combinations, trastuzumab, pantoprazole, amlodipine and rosuvastatin. Comparing the spending on L group of drugs in 2017 compared to 2016, there was a significant increase. Conclusion: The medications with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia are used very little compared to countries with good pharmacotherapy practice. The most expensive drugs are those that are used for special and rare indications, and large amounts of money are not allocated for them as for some cheaper, but more frequently prescribed drugs

    The surprising discovery of two new subterranean Leptodirini of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from Croatia after more than a century

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    Two new subterranean leiodid taxa of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 from three pits in northern Dalmatia (Croatia), S. coriniensis sp. nov. and S. coriniensis nonveilleri ssp. nov., are described. The morphological traits of the new taxa are enumerated and illustrated. These two taxa are placed in the subgenus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901. The relationships of these two taxa and their close relatives are clarified. Data on the sexual dimorphism of the two new taxa and on the intrasubspecific variability of S. coriniensis nonveilleri ssp. nov. are presented. We also redescribed S. novaki, the type species of both the genus Spelaeobates and the subgenus Spelaeobates and the closest relative of the newly described species. A key for identification of the taxa of the genus Spelaeobates is included. The new taxa are endemic to the Dinaric Alps of Croatia. Spelaeobates (Pretneriella) kraussi Müller, 1903 and S. (P.) pharensis langhofferi Müller, 1931 were found for the first time outside their type locality

    Time-dependent propagators for stochastic models of gene expression: an analytical method

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    The inherent stochasticity of gene expression in the context of regulatory networks profoundly influences the dynamics of the involved species. Mathematically speaking, the propagators which describe the evolution of such networks in time are typically defined as solutions of the corresponding chemical master equation (CME). However, it is not possible in general to obtain exact solutions to the CME in closed form, which is due largely to its high dimensionality. In the present article, we propose an analytical method for the efficient approximation of these propagators. We illustrate our method on the basis of two categories of stochastic models for gene expression that have been discussed in the literature. The requisite procedure consists of three steps: a probability-generating function is introduced which transforms the CME into (a system of) partial differential equations (PDEs); application of the method of characteristics then yields (a system of) ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which can be solved using dynamical systems techniques, giving closed-form expressions for the generating function; finally, propagator probabilities can be reconstructed numerically from these expressions via the Cauchy integral formula. The resulting ‘library’ of propagators lends itself naturally to implementation in a Bayesian parameter inference scheme, and can be generalised systematically to related categories of stochastic models beyond the ones considered here