79 research outputs found

    Deformation of face-centered cubic polycrystal and stress tensor components in grains

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    The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to indicate the contribution of stress tensorcomponents to internal stresses in deformed polycrystalline austenitic steel. TEM images of steel deformation demonstrate bend extinction contours the parameters of which allow detecting the stress tensor components (bending and torsional stresses of a crystal lattice). The diagrams are constructed for the contribution of stress tensor components to internal stresses in grains having different types of bending. The regularities are obtained for the stress distribution due to bending-torsion of a crystal latticein the deformed face centered cubic crystal system. The experiment shows that the contribution of bending and torsion stress components to the internal stresses is different during the increase of deformation. The torsion stress component always grows with the increase of deformation, while the bending stress component either grows or lowers. The growth in the torsion stress component is typical for grains with compound bending

    Orientation of nickel-based alloy after thermal treatment

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    The paper presents transmission electron microscopy investigations of Ni-Al-Co alloy with γ′- and γ -phases obtained by directional crystallization. The main alloying elements are Cr, Ta, and Re in the amount of no more than 3.5 аt % each. W and Mo are present in a smaller amount. The alloy structure is investigated in two states: (1) original (after directional crystallization and long-term homogenezation which includes a series of annealing ranging from 1285 to 1340°С) and (2) original state subjected to subsequent annealing within 900–1000°С temperature range during 105–1143 h. The experiments show that the annealing process causes the fracture of the ideal quasi-cuboid structure of the γ′-phase and modifies its preferable orientation. The increase in the annealing temperature modifies the morphology of the γ′-phase that, in turn, changes the grain orientation in the alloy

    Research of diesel fuels dewaxing process via mathematical model

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    The aim of the work is to carry out the research of diesel fuels dewaxing process. The study is based on fundamental mathematical model of the process, which takes into account poisoning of the metal centers and acid sites due to coking. Formed mathematical model was implemented for monitoring calculation with the aim of improving the efficiency of dewaxing catalyst loaded to the industrial reactor. Three operational modes were recorded for dewaxing unit. Optimization calculation of temperature at summer mode revealed that temperature in the dewaxing reactor could be decreased to 325°C without fuel quality loss

    Digital fears experienced by young people in the age of technoscience

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    With the advance of technoscience, digital technologies have started to reshape the traditional array of social fears experienced by younger generations by triggering the appearance of new, digital fears. In this article, we undertake a sociological analysis to investigate the concept of digital fears both theoretically and empirically. Our survey conducted among Russian young people aged 18-30 in 2020 (N = 1050, Sverdlovsk region, Russian Federation) showed that fear is a distinctive characteristic of the social well-being of this generation. Moreover, fear tends to become more pronounced both quantitatively (i.e., the frequency of emergence) and qualitatively (i.e. the emergence of new types). The identified digital fears of young people allowed us to draw their typology. Depending on the specifics of digital threat, the following types were distinguished: those associated with impact and control, crime and security, communication and activity, technology and innovation, and social inequality. We show that the expanding range of social fears leads to the formation of catastrophic thinking in young people, thereby affecting the level of social well-being and distorting the image of the future

    Grain shape and size and structural and phase conditions modified by aluminum ion implantation in UFG titanium

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    The paper presents the transmission electron microscopy investigations of the granular state and the structural and phase conditions of commercially pure ultra-fine grain (UFG) titanium VT1-0 alloyed with aluminum ions. The UFG-titanium is obtained by the multiple uniaxial compaction with intermediate annealing. The ion implantation is carried out on Mevva-V.Ru ion source at ion-implantation dosages of 1·10{17}, 5·10{17} and 1·10{18} ion/cm{2}. The functions are constructed for the grain size distribution in longitudinal and cross sections; the average grain size and the grain anisotropy factor are determined in this paper. It is shown that the grain shape and size of titanium specimens are modified due to the ion implantation. With the increase of the ion-implantation dosage the anisotropy factor decreases three times. At 1·10{18} ion/cm{2} ion-implantation dosage the longitudinal grain size comes to 0.7 [mu]m. The phase composition of the alloy is detected after the ion implantation and its modification induced by the implantation dosage. The quantitative characteristics and locations of secondary [beta]-Ti, TiAl[3], Ti[3] Al, TiC and TiO[2] phases are ascertained during the investigations. It is shown that TiAl[3] and Ti[3] Al are ordered phases formed during the ion implantation on [alpha]-Ti grain boundaries. The volume ratios of these phases are detected and determined by the ion-implantation dosage. The volume ratios of [alpha]-Ti and secondary TiC and TiO[2] phases do not depend on the implantation dosage and range between 0.3-0.9 vol.%


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    The article analyzes and describes the names of jewelry that make up the lexical-semantic group of "jewelry made of metal", which are an invariable accessory and an important element of traditional Yakut clothing. The study presents the cultural and historical characteristics of the complex of metal jewelry, the seminal structure of the lexical units of the names of jewelry in the Yakut language is determined, types, subgroups, lexical and semantic associations as part of the named lexical and semantic group are identified. The interaction of the elements of the Turkic, Mongolian, Russian languages and their phonetic variants can be traced in the lexical-semantic group “metal jewelry of clothes” of the Yakut language. Yakut jewelry according to the nature of use is divided into removable and sewn.El artículo analiza y describe los nombres de las joyas que conforman el grupo léxico-semántico de "joyas hechas de metal", que son un accesorio invariable y un elemento importante de la ropa tradicional Yakut. El estudio presenta las características culturales e históricas del complejo de joyería de metal, se determina la estructura seminal de las unidades léxicas de los nombres de joyería en el idioma Yakut, tipos, subgrupos, asociaciones léxicas y semánticas como parte de los nombres léxico y semántico. grupo están identificados. La interacción de los elementos de los idiomas turco, mongol y ruso y sus variantes fonéticas se puede rastrear en el grupo léxico-semántico "joyas de metal de la ropa" del idioma Yakut. Las joyas de Yakut según la naturaleza de uso se dividen en extraíbles y cosidas.В статье анализируются и описываются наименования украшений, составляющие лексико-семантическую группу (далее ЛСГ) «украшения одежды из металла», которые являются неизменной принадлежностью и важным элементом традиционной якутской одежды. В исследовании представлена культурно-историческая характеристика комплекса украшений одежды из металла, определена семная структура лексических единиц наименований украшений одежды в якутском языке, определены типы, подгруппы, лексико-семантические объединения в составе названной ЛСГ. В ЛСГ «металлические украшения одежды» якутского языка прослеживается взаимодействие элементов тюркских, монгольских, русского языков и их фонетических вариантов. Якутские украшения по характеру использования делятся на съемные и нашивные

    Structure and phase composition of deformed heat-affected zone of the weld steel St3

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    The paper presents the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations of the structural and phase conditions of the heat-affected zone of welded joint modified by plastic deformation. Tensile tests are carried out on INSTRON-1185 testing system at room temperature and 370 MPa loading. TEMinvestigations are carried out nearby the joint between the deposited and base metal, namely the type St3 steel. It is shown that the degree of plastic deformation has an effect on the material morphology, phase composition, defect structure and its parameters. It is shown that plastic deformation has no qualitative effect on the material structure, however it modifies its quantitative parameters. With the increase of the deformation degree, the perlite component becomes incomplete and transforms at first, to a fractured perlite and then to ferrite, thereby decreasing the volume ratio of perlite. The polarization of the dislocation structure is observed that, nevertheless, does not lead to the internal stresses that induce the specimen fracture

    The effect of foliar feeding on physiological condition of apple trees and chemical content of fruits

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    Chemical content of leaves and fruits of the low growing apple trees on the rootstocks SК4 and М9 in the result of application of foliar feeding with water solutions of various mineral fertilizers was studied. Special ballastless multi-nutrient fertilizers in solid and liquid forms containing a wide range of chelated microelements were used. The effect of foliar feeding on the content in plants and fruits of macro- and microelements at the fruit maturity stage was estimated with the help of the method of leaf analysis. Significant stable increase of the content of nitrogen and potassium was observed in the leaves of apple trees on the rootstocks SК4 and М9. The content of potassium and calcium in apples became higher. With the help of statistical analysis it is shown that there exists close correlation between the content of elements in leaves and fruits: (N) r = 0.79; (K) r = 0.77; (Ca) r = 0.94; (Cu) r = 0.75; (Mn) r = 0.89; (Zn) r = 0.75; (B) r = 0.70. In the result of our physiological and biochemical tests positive effect of mineral feeding on the functional condition of apple trees during summer season when being subjected to intensive hydrothermal stress factors was established. The foliar feeding effect appeared as changing of the ratio of water fractions in the apple tree leaves at the background of increasing atmospheric drought, which in some years in July and August reached the criteria of "hazardous weather". Sufficient level of water content in the cells of apple trees on the rootstocks SК4 and М9 in case of foliar application of fertilizers was ensured as a result of bound water increasing. Statistic analysis of the experimental data showed significant changes in the ratio of bound and free water fractions. In August, in the environment of strong impact of negative abiotic factors, at higher level of water content in the tissues it was found that the content of pigments in leaves was much higher than in the reference version. The functional changes confirm that application of mineral nutrients contributes to activation of the adaptation mechanism. When foliar feeding is used the content of biologically active substances in apples is the highest: content of vitamin C increases by 13.6 - 15.2%, vitamin Р - by 8.7 - 24.6%. <br /

    Interaction of higher and post-university education as a factor of the formation and development of the professionalism of young specialists

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to analyze interaction of university and postgraduate education as a factor in formation and development of qualification of the young specialists. Students of higher educational institutions and young employees aged 18 - 30 years at the industrial enterprises of the Urals serve as the object for empirical analysis. In order to achieve this goal, a set of complementary methods was used: theoretical and empirical (study and generalization of practical experience; questionnaires; qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results), as well as statistical data analysis. The article presents the results of modern students’ monitoring analysis displaying the issues of primary professional development, as well as the survey of young employees at the modern industrial enterprises, reflecting the problems of their professional advancement and prospects for professional and career growth. The conclusion is made about the need for interaction between higher and postgraduate education not only to ensure formation and development of professionalism of the young employees, but also the economic sustainability of enterprises.Popova, N.; Narkhov, D.; Narkhova, E.; Dobrynin, I. (2019). Interaction of higher and post-university education as a factor of the formation and development of the professionalism of young specialists. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1163-1169. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9212OCS1163116