42 research outputs found

    The quality of life of sarcoidosis patients with ocular changes

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    Sarkoidoza je multisistemska bolest nepoznate etiologije koja se karakteriše prisustvom nekazeifikujućih granuloma u tkivima i organima. Složena patogentska osnova sarkoidoze i često nepredvidiv tok bolesti, uzrokuje značajan poremećaj kvaliteta života obolelih. Posebnu grupu u tom smislu predstavljaju oboleli od sarkoidoze sa promenama na očima, koje uzrokuju značajan pad opšteg i organ specifičnog (vezanog za vid) kvaliteta života. Materijal i metode: Opservacijsko (deskriptivno) kliničko istraživanje (studija preseka) obavljeno je u Klinici za pulmologiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i Domu zdravlja Voždovac. Prospektivnom analizom je obuhvaćen uzorak od 80 bolesnika sa dokazanom sarkoidozom. Svim bolesnicima je uzeta detaljna anamneza sa procenom kliničkih simptoma, kao i kompletan oftalmološki pregled. U odabranoj grupi od 20 bolesnika učinjena je paracenteza i analiza aktivnosti angiotenzin konvertujućeg enzima (ACE) u očnoj vodici. Svi bolesnici su podeljeni u dve grupe (sa i bez očnih promena) i popunjavali su upitnike za procenu kvaliteta života. Dobijeni rezultati su kodirani, uneti u bazu podataka i analizirana je statistička veza podataka dobijenih ispitivanjem. Ciljevi ispitivanja su bili: utvrditi razliku u kvalitetu života bolesnika sa sistemskom sarkoidozom kod kojih postoje i promene na očima u odnosu na one bolesnike bez očnih promena, ispitati korelaciju demografskih i kliničkih faktora na kvalitet života bolesnika sa sistemskom sarkoidozom i sa očnim promenama, ispitati uticaj aktivnosti ACE u očnoj vodici na očne manifestacije sarkoidoze. Rezultati: Bilo je više muškaraca (56,25%) nego žena (43,75%) u obe grupe zajedno. Odnos polova iznosio je 1,28 u korist muškaraca. Žene oboljevaju od očne sarkoidoze češće od muškaraca i ta razlika je statistički značajna. U odnosu na sva pitanja iz upitnika NEI 25 (National Eye Institute- Nacionalni institut za oči) statistički je visoko značajna razlika između odgovora bolesnika sa i bez očnih promena u smislu lošijeg kvaliteta života kod onih sa očnim promenama. U odnosu na sva pitanja iz upitnika KSQ (King’s Sarcoidosis Questionairre- Upitnik Kraljevskog koledža za sarkoidozu) uočena je visoko statistički značajna razlika u kvalitetu života vezanom za vid ali i u opštem kvalitetu života po svim pitanjima između dve grupe ispitanika s tim što su pacijenti s očnim promenama imali značajno niže skorove. Bolesnici sa očnom sarkoidozom su imali povišene vrednosti ACE u očnoj vodici...Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disease of unknown aetiology characterized by the presence of non-caseating granulomas in tissues and organs. The complex pathogenic basis of sarcoidosis and the often unpredictable course of the disease causes a significant disorder of the quality of life of thepatients. A particular group are patients with sarcoidosis with changes in the eyes, which cause a significant decrease in the general and organ specific (related to vision) quality of life. Material and Methods: Observational (descriptive) clinical research (cross-section study) was carried out at the Clinic for pulmonology of the Clinical Center of Serbia and the Health Center Vozdovac. A prospective analysis included a sample of 80 patients with proven sarcoidosis. In all patients a detailed history was taken, with assessment of clinical symptoms, as well as a complete ophthalmological examination. In a specially selectedgroup of 20 patients, paracentesis and analysis of ACE activity in aqueous humor was performed. All patients were divided into two groups (with and without eye changes) and filled out questionnaires for the assessment of quality of life. The obtained results are encoded, entered into the database, and the statistical analysis performed. The objectives of the study were: to determine the difference in the quality of life of patients with systemic sarcoidosis in whom there are changes in eyes compared to those patients without eye changes, to examine the correlation of demographic and clinical factors to the quality of life of patients with systemic sarcoidosis and eye changes, examine the effect angiotensin-converting enzyme activity (ACE) in the aqueous humor on eye manifestations of sarcoidosis. Results: There were more men (56.25%) than women (43.75%) in both groups together. The gender ratio was 1.28 for men. Women suffer from ocular sarcoidosis more often than men, and this difference is statistically significant. Regarding all the questions from the NEI 25 questionnaire, a statistically significant difference was observed between the patients with and without ocular changes in terms of poor quality of life in those with eye changes. Regarding all the questions from the King's Sarcoidosis Questionairre questionnaire (KSQ), a highly statistically significant difference in the quality of life related to vision and overall quality of life was observed on all issues between the two groups of patients and patients with ocular sarcoidosis had significantly lower scores. Patients with eye sarcoidosis had elevated ACE levels in the aquous humor..

    Sleepiness, obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and traffic accidents of commercial vehicle drivers

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    Uvod: Saobraćajni traumatizam predstavlja značajan problem u zemljama Evrope i sveta. Ukupan broj saobraćajnih nezgoda u Srbiji u poslednjih nekoliko godina pokazuje trend pada, ali prisutan je porast teških telesnih povreda i smrtnih ishoda u udesima. Prekomerna pospanost u vožnji je direktno uzročno-posledično povezana sa nastankom saobraćajnih nezgoda. Smatra se da 20-25% nezgoda u Evropi nastaje kao posledica prekomerne pospanosti. Poremećaji disanja u snu, pre svega sindrom opstruktivne apneje u spavanju (OSA) imaju veliki uticaj na pojavu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, pospanosti za volanom kao i na nastanak saobraćajnih udesa. Procenjuje se da oko 13% muškaraca i 6% žena uzrasta 30-70 godina boluje od umerene i teške forme ove bolesti, ali da kod 85% pacijenata oboljenje nije prepoznato. Vozači sa nelečenom ili nedijagnostikovanom OSA imaju dva do sedam puta veći rizik od saobraćajne nezgode. Prevalencija OSA je 26-50% u populaciji profesionalnih vozača. U Srbiji ne postoje epidemiološki podaci o prevalencijii OSA u opštoj populaciji, kao ni o učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti ili sindroma opstruktivne apneje u spavanju u populaciji profesionalnih vozača učesnika saobraćajnih nezgoda. Ciljevi rada: Utvrđivanje učestalosti prekomerne pospanosti i OSA u uzorku profesionalnih vozača autobusa i kamiona. Ispitivanje veze između prekomerne pospanosti i OSA, i veze ova dva stanja sa učestalošću i karakteristikama saobraćajnih nezgoda i rizičnih oblika ponašanja. Sekundarni cilj rada je utvrđivanje da li se kombinovanom primenom odgovarajućih upitnika i kliničkog pregleda može adekvatno proceniti rizik od pojave pospanosti, OSA, saobraćajnog traumatizma i rizičnih oblika ponašanja u vožnji u uzorku profesionalnih vozača. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno u tri faze. U prvoj fazi, 396 vozača profesionalaca je anketirano o uslovima života i rada, prisustvu prekomerne dnevne pospanosti, riziku od OSA i pojavi saobraćajnih nezgoda primenom generičkog upitnika, Epfortove skale pospanosti (ESS) i Berlinskog upitnika (BQ). U drugoj fazi, 240 ispitanika iz prve faze je anketirano i pregledano u prostorijama preduzeća u kojima su zaposleni. Pored ESS i BQ, uveden je upitnik o subjektivnom kvalitetu sna (Pitsburg Indeks kvaliteta sna, PSQI) i STOP-BANG model za procenu OSA rizika. Pregled je obuhvatao internistički pregled i antropometrijska merenja (telesna visina, težina, obim vrata, obim struka i kukova). U trećoj fazi, 100 profesionalnih vozača je retestirano upitnicima i ispitano u stacionarnim uslovima. Urađene su laboratorijske analize krvi i urina, standardni elektrokardiogram i spirometrija, psihološki testovi i pregledi lekara specijalista. Dijagnoza OSA je potvrđena primenom celonoćne kompletne polisomnografije ili kardiorespiratorne poligrafije...Introduction: Traffic safety is a crucial problem in Europe and worldwide. In the last years, the number of traffic accidents in Serbia is decreasing, with an increase in severe body injuries and deaths. Losses in goods and services are estimated to billions of dinars. There is a cause-effect relationship between sleepiness while driving and the rate of traffic accidents. Sleepiness at the wheel is a recognized cause in 20-25% of all traffic accidents in Europe. Sleep related breathing disorders, primarily obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA), have the greatest impact on the occurrence of sleepiness in drivers, and on traffic accidents. It is estimated that 13% of men and 6% of women in 30-70 years age group have moderate to severe OSA, but the disease has not been recognized in 85% of the patients. According to various studies, drivers with undiagnosed or untreated OSA have a two to sevenfold greater risk of traffic accidents. OSA prevalence is 26-50% in the commercial drivers’ population. In Serbia, there are no epidemiologic data on the prevalence of OSA in the general population, or on the frequency of excessive sleepiness or disease in the population of commercial drivers involved in traffic accidents. Aims: To establish the prevalence of excessive sleepiness and OSA in a sample of commercial bus and truck drivers. To analyze the correlation between excessive sleepiness and OSA, as well as the correlation of these two disorders with prevalence and features of traffic accidents and risk behaviour. Secondary aim was to establish if a combined implementation of questionnaires and clinical examination could be used for assessment of risk of excessive sleepiness, OSA, traffic accidents and risk behaviour in the sample of commercial drivers. Materials and methods: Research was conducted in three consecutive phases. In the first phase, 396 commercial drivers were interviewed on features of life and work, presence of excessive daytime sleepiness, OSA risk and involvement in traffic accidents by using a generic questionnaire, Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) and Berlin questionnaire (BQ). In the second phase, 240 drivers from the first phase were interviewed and examined in their work facilities. In addition to ESS and BQ, we introduced a subjective sleep quality questionnaire (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) and STOP –BANG model for OSA risk assessment. Examination included standard clinical examination and anthropometric measurements (body height, weight, neck, waist and hip circumference). In the third phase, 1000 commercial drivers were retested with same questionnaires and hospitalized for further examinations, including laboratory blood and urine analyses, standard electrocardiogram and spirometry, psychological tests and examinations by medical specialists. OSA diagnosis was confirmed by using full overnight polysomnography or cardio-respiratory polygraphy..

    Neuobičajen klinički tijek neurosarkoidoze s razvojem hidrocefalusa

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    Approximately 5% to 15% of patients with systemic sarcoidosis develop neurological complications. However, the actual prevalence of subclinical disease may be higher. Symptoms are not specific, and may resemble those of other neurological diseases. Hydrocephalus occurs in 6% of patients with neurosarcoidosis. Acute hydrocephalus is extremely rare and when it occurs, it is usually difficult to diagnose, thus leading to possible complications. We present a patient who developed acute hydrocephalus due to neurosarcoidosis, for which he had to be operated on; soon after the operation, cranial infection developed that required definitive drainage system and ventriculoperitoneal shunt had to be implanted. In further complicated clinical course, after four years on corticosteroid therapy (corticosteroid dependent sarcoidosis), he had to be urgently operated on because of significant ventricular catheter adhesions, but several days after the operation he died in coma because of progressive brain edema not responding to treatment. As hydrocephalus due to neurosarcoidosis has high morbidity and mortality, early diagnosis and proper treatment are of utmost importance.Oko 5% do 15% bolesnika sa sistemskom sarkoidozom razviju neurološke komplikacije. Međutim, stvarna učestalost subkliničke bolesti može biti veća. Simptomi nisu specifični, a mogu sličiti onima drugih neuroloških bolesti. Hidrocefalus se pojavljuje u 6% bolesnika s neurosarkoidozom. Akutni hidrocefalus je iznimno rijedak, a kada se pojavi obično se teško dijagnosticira, što dovodi do mogućih komplikacija. Prikazujemo bolesnika u kojega se razvio akutni hidrocefalus zbog neurosarkoidoze, zato je morao biti operiran, no ubrzo nakon operacije kranijuma razvija se infekcija koja zahtijeva definitivnu kanalizaciju, ugradnju ventrikularnog šanta. U daljnjem kompliciranom kliničkom tijeku, nakon četiri godine kortikosteroidne terapije (o kortikosteroidima ovisna sarkoidoza), morao je biti hitno operiran zbog značajnih priraslica na ventrikularnom kateteru, ali je nekoliko dana nakon operacije umro u komi zbog progresivnog edema mozga koji nije reagirao na liječenje. Kako hidrocefalus kod neurosarkoidoze ima visok pobol i smrtnost, rano otkrivanje i odgovarajuće liječenje osobito su važni

    Lajm neuroborelioza

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    Lyme borreliosis (LB) is a multisystemic zoonotic disease which in humans can involve the skin, joints, heart and/or nervous system. In this study a total of 11 patients with clinical manifestations have been assessed at the Institute for Occupational Health. Evaluation of the patients was done in order to determine their working capability and further professional orientation. Patients were of different gender, age, education and profession. They fulfilled at least two of the three criteria: tick infestation data (epidemiological criteria), central and/or peripheral neurological symptoms (clinical criteria) and a positive serological finding. Diagnosis was done upon classical clinical criteria: electromyeloneurography (EMNG) analysis, neurological impairments, electroencephalography (EEG), computer tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). IgM and IgG antibodies against B. burgdorferi were determined by commercial ELISA kits. IgM antibodies were recorded in the serum of 4 (44.4%) and IgG in 6 (66.7%) patients. Electro-myeloneurography findings of the upper and lower limbs were positive in 5 (83.3%), electroencephalography in 4 (66.6%) of the 6 observed patients and CT was positive in 4 (36.4%) of the 5 observed patients. The study has established that in patients with neuroborreliosis (NB) the capability to carry out intellectual tasks, as well as responsible duties is impaired due to poor memory. Patients suffering from peripheral neuropathies are not fit to withstand longterm walks, weight lifting and carrying or any other form of physical stress.Lajm borelioza je multisistemsko oboljenje, iz grupe zoonoza koje kod ljudi može zahvatiti kožu, zglobove, srce i/ili nervni sistem. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 11 bolesnika sa kliničkim manifestacijama neuroborelioze koji su ispitivani u Institutu za medicinu rada Srbije u cilju ocene radne sposobnosti i dalje profesionalne orijentacije. Ispitani su bolesnici različite starosti, pola, nivoa obrazovanja i različitih zanimanja koji su ispunili minimalno dva od tri kriterijuma i to: podatak o ubodu krpelja (epidemiološki kriterijum), ispoljavanje centralnih i/ili, perifernih neuroloških simptoma (klinički kriterijum) i pozitivan serološki nalaz. Dijagnoza neuroborelioze je postavljena na osnovu klasičnih kliničkih kriterijuma: neurološ kih ispada, analize elektro-mioneurografije (EMNG), elektroencefalografije (EEG), kompjuterske tomografije (CT) i/ili magnetne rezonance (MRI). Ispitivanje prisustva antitela IgM i IgG klase u krvnom serumu prema B. burgdorferi vršeno je komercijalnim ELISA testom. Antitela IgM klase registrovana su u serumu četiri (44,4%), dok su IgG antitela registrovana kod 6 (66,7%) ispitanih pacijenata. Nalaz elektro-mioneurografije gornjih i donjih ekstremiteta je bio pozitivan kod pet (83,3%), nalaz elektroencefalografije kod četiri (66,6%) od šest ispitanih pacijenata, dok je nalaz CT bio pozitivan kod 4 (36,4%) od pet ispitanih pacijenata. Sprovedenim ispitivanjem je utvrđeno da je kod bolesnika sa razvijenom neuroboreliozom smanjena sposobnost za bilo koju vrstu intelektualnog rada, kao i za poslove koji su povezani sa moralnom i materijalnom odgovornošću zbog problema sa pamćenjem. Kod bolesnika sa perifernim neuropatijama postoji nesposobnost za poslove koji uključuju dugotrajno stajanje i hodanje, dizanje i nošenje tereta, kao i bilo koju vrstu fizičkog rada

    The usefulness of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio for diagnosis and assessment of COPD severity

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    Background: Inflammation, oxidative stress and an imbalance between proteases and protease inhibitors are recognized pathophysiological features of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The aim of this study was to evaluate serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in patients with COPD and to assess their relationship with lung function, symptom severity scores and recent acute exacerbations. Methods: In this observational cohort study, serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in the peripheral blood of COPD patients with stable disease and healthy controls were determined, and their association with lung function (postbronchodilator spirometry, body plethysmography, single breath diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide), symptom severity scores (mMRC and CAT) and exacerbation history were assessed. Results: COPD patients (n = 98) had significantly higher levels of serum MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and a higher MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio than healthy controls (n = 47) (p ≤ 0.001). The areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve for MMP-9, TIMP-1 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio for COPD diagnosis were 0.974, 0.961 and 0.910, respectively (all p < 0.05). MMP-9 and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio were both negatively correlated with FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, VC, and IC (all p < 0.05). For MMP-9, a positive correlation was found with RV/TLC% (p = 0.005), and a positive correlation was found for the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio with RV% and RV/TLC% (p = 0.013 and 0.002, respectively). Patients with COPD GOLD 3 and 4 presented greater MMP-9 levels and a greater MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio compared to GOLD 1 and 2 patients (p ≤ 0.001). No correlation between diffusion capacity for carbon monoxide and number of acute exacerbations in the previous year was found. Conclusions: COPD patients have elevated serum levels of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio. COPD patients have an imbalance between MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in favor of a pro-proteolytic environment, which overall indicates the importance of the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio as a potential biomarker for COPD diagnosis and severity

    Destruction of diagonal and off-diagonal long range order by disorder in two-dimensional hard core boson systems

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    We use quantum Monte Carlo simulations to study the effect of disorder, in the form of a disordered chemical potential, on the phase diagram of the hard core bosonic Hubbard model in two dimensions. We find numerical evidence that in two dimensions, no matter how weak the disorder, it will always destroy the long range density wave order (checkerboard solid) present at half filling and strong nearest neighbor repulsion and replace it with a bose glass phase. We study the properties of this glassy phase including the superfluid density, energy gaps and the full Green's function. We also study the possibility of other localized phases at weak nearest neighbor repulsion, i.e. Anderson localization. We find that such a phase does not truly exist: The disorder must exceed a threshold before the bosons (at weak nn repulsion) are localized. The phase diagram for hard core bosons with disorder cannot be obtained easily from the soft core phase diagram discussed in the literature.Comment: 7 pages, 10 eps figures include

    Ocjena radne sposobnosti pacijenta s Wilsonovom bolesti - prikaz bolesnika

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    Wilson’s disease (WD) is a rare, progressive autosomal recessive disorder characterised by impaired transport and excessive accumulation of copper in the liver, brain, and other tissues. The disease is diagnosed based on clinical manifestations and screening tests results. Work ability assessment of patients with WD is based on the analysis of liver, kidney, neurological, and cognitive impairments, and takes into account patient’s level of education. This article presents a case with a 48-year-old male patient, who was admitted for work ability assessment due to polymorphic symptoms. The patient had been working as a salesman for 28 years. A detailed interview and examination by occupational health and other medical specialists revealed that the patient had been suffering from Wilson’s disease from the age of 13, and had now developed hepatic manifestations (compensated liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension), neurological manifestations (dystonia, dysarthria, muscle weakness, vertigo), and psychiatric manifestations (depression, insomnia, cognitive impairment) of the disease, including problems partially caused by long-lasting treatment with copper chelating agents (neurological and haematological manifestations). There were no ocular manifestations of Wilson’s disease (Kayser-Fleischer rings or sunflower cataract). The patient was assessed as having drastically diminished general work ability, dominantly due to neurological and psychiatric impairments caused by Wilson’s disease.Wilsonova je bolest rijetka, progresivna autosomno recesivna bolest karakterizirana poremećajem transporta bakra i posljedičnim prekomjernim nakupljanjem bakra u jetri, mozgu i drugim tkivima i organima. Dijagnoza bolesti postavlja se na osnovi kliničkih manifestacija bolesti i nalaza laboratorijskih ispitivanja. Ocjena radne sposobnosti pacijenata s Wilsonovom bolesti zasniva se na analizi postojanja oštećenja i stupnja oštećenja hepatičkih, neuroloških, bubrežnih i kognitivnih funkcija, kao i na analizi stupnja obrazovanja pacijenata. Prikazan je slučaj D. M., 48-godišnjeg pacijenta, koji je primljen zbog polimorfnih tegoba na bolničko ispitivanje radi ocjene radne sposobnosti. Pacijent je radio kao prodavač posljednjih 28 godina. Nakon detaljne anamneze i pregleda koje su obavili specijalisti medicine rada i drugi specijalisti utvrđeno je da pacijent boluje od Wilsonove bolesti od 13. godine života i da u ovom trenutku ima izražene hepatične manifestacije (kompenzirana ciroza jetre s portalnom hipertenzijom), neurološke manifestacije (distonija, dizartrija, mišićna slabost, vrtoglavica) i psihijatrijske manifestacije (depresija, nesanica, kognitivno oštećenje) Wilsonove bolesti, kao i da su prisutne tegobe djelomično uzrokovane dugotrajnom upotrebom kelatne terapije (neurološki i hematološki poremećaji). Nisu uočene karakteristične očne promjene Wilsonove bolesti (Kayser-Fleischerov prsten, katarakta u obliku suncokreta). Ocjenom radne sposobnosti utvrđeno je da pacijent ima drastično smanjenu radnu sposobnost pretežno zbog neuroloških i psihičkih poremećaja u sklopu Wilsonove bolesti

    Verifying Sarcoidosis Activity: Chitotriosidase Versus ACE in Sarcoidosis - A Case-Control Study

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    Background: Until now, a proper biomarker(s) to evaluate sarcoidosis activity has not been recognized. The aims of this study were to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the two biomarkers of sarcoidosis activity already in use (serum angiotensin converting enzyme - ACE and serum chitotriosidase) in a population of 430 sarcoidosis patients. The activities of these markers were also analyzed in a group of 264 healthy controls. Methods: Four hundred and thirty biopsy positive sarcoidosis patients were divided into groups with active and inactive disease, and groups with acute or chronic disease. In a subgroup of 55 sarcoidosis patients, activity was also assessed by F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (F-18-FDG-PET) scanning. Both serum chitotriosidase and ACE levels showed non-normal distribution, so nonparametric tests were used in statistical analysis. Results: Serum chitotriosidase activities were almost 6 times higher in patients with active sarcoidosis than in healthy controls and inactive disease. A serum chitotriosidase value of 100 nmol/mL/h had the sensitivity of 82.5% and specificity of 70.0%. A serum ACE activity cutoff value of 32.0 U/L had the sensitivity of 66.0% and the specificity of 54%. A statistically significant correlation was obtained between the focal granulomatous activity detected on F-18-FDG PET/CT and serum chitotriosidase levels, but no such correlation was found with ACE. The levels of serum chitotriosidase activity significantly correlated with the disease duration (P lt 0.0001). Also, serum chitotriosidase significantly correlated with clinical outcome status (COS) categories (rho=0.272, P=0.001). Conclusions: Serum chitotriosidase proved to be a reliable biomarker of sarcoidosis activity and disease chronicity

    Soluble sPD-L1 and serum amyloid A1 as potential biomarkers for lung cancer

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    Background: The objective of this prospective study was to evaluate whether soluble programmed cell death-1/programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) and serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) are potential diagnostic, predictive or prognostic biomarkers in lung cancer. Methods: Lung cancer patients (n=115) with advanced metastatic disease, 101 with non-small cell lung cancer, NSCLC (77 EGFR wild-type NSCLC patients on chemotherapy, 15 EGFR mutation positive adenocarcinoma patients, 9 patients with mPD-L1 Expression >= 50% NSCLC - responders to immunotherapy), and 14 patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) were examined. ELISA method was used to determine sPD-L1 and SAA1 concentrations in patients' plasma. Results: Significantly higher blood concentrations of sPD-L1 and SAA1 were noted in lung cancer patients compared with a healthy control group. In PD-L1 + NSCLC patients, a significantly higher sPD-L1 level was noticed compared to any other lung cancer subgroup, as well as the highest average SAA1 value compared to other subgroups. Conclusions: It seems that sPD-1/PD-L1 might be a potential biomarker, prognostic and/or predictive, particularly in patients treated with immunotherapy. Serum amyloid A1 has potential to act as a good predictor of patients' survival, as well as a biomarker of a more advanced disease, with possibly good capability to predict the course of disease measured at different time points