35 research outputs found

    Deconvolution of conformational exchange from Raman spectra of aqueous RNA nucleosides

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    Ribonucleic acids (RNAs) are key to the central dogma of molecular biology. While Raman spectroscopy holds great potential for studying RNA conformational dynamics, current computational Raman prediction and assignment methods are limited in terms of system size and inclusion of conformational exchange. Here, a framework is presented that predicts Raman spectra using mixtures of sub-spectra corresponding to major conformers calculated using classical and ab initio molecular dynamics. Experimental optimization allowed purines and pyrimidines to be characterized as predominantly syn and anti, respectively, and ribose into exchange between equivalent south and north populations. These measurements are in excellent agreement with Raman spectroscopy of ribonucleosides, and previous experimental and computational results. This framework provides a measure of ribonucleoside solution populations and conformational exchange in RNA subunits. It complements other experimental techniques and could be extended to other molecules, such as proteins and carbohydrates, enabling biological insights and providing a new analytical tool

    The relationship between enzyme conformational change, proton transfer, and phosphoryl transfer in β-phosphoglucomutase

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    Molecular details for the timing and role of proton transfer in phosphoryl transfer reactions are poorly understood. Here, we have combined QM models, experimental NMR measurements, and X-ray structures to establish that the transition of an archetypal phosphoryl transfer enzyme, βPGM, from a very closed near-attack conformation to a fully closed transition state analogue (TSA) conformation triggers both partial proton transfer from the general acid–base residue to the leaving group oxygen and partial dissociation of the transferring phosphoryl group from the leaving group oxygen. Proton transfer continues but is not completed throughout the reaction path of the phosphoryl transfer with the enzyme in the TSA conformation. Moreover, using interacting quantum atoms (IQA) and relative energy gradient (REG) analysis approaches, we observed that the change in the position of the proton and the corresponding increased electrostatic repulsion between the proton and the phosphorus atom provide a stimulus for phosphoryl transfer in tandem with a reduction in the negative charge density on the leaving group oxygen atom. The agreement between solution-phase 19F NMR measurements and equivalent QM models of βPGMWT and βPGMD10N TSA complexes confirms the protonation state of G6P in the two variants, validating the employed QM models. Furthermore, QM model predictions of an AlF4 distortion in response to the proton position are confirmed using high resolution X-ray crystal structures, not only providing additional validation to the QM models but also further establishing metal fluorides as highly sensitive experimental predictors of active-site charge density distributions

    Solving the Schrödinger equation:Has everything been tried?

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    The Schrödinger equation is the master equation of quantum chemistry. The founders of quantum mechanics realised how this equation underpins essentially the whole of chemistry. However, they recognised that its exact application was much too complicated to be solvable at the time. More than two generations of researchers were left to work out how to achieve this ambitious goal for molecular systems of ever-increasing size. This book focuses on non-mainstream methods to solve the molecular electronic Schrödinger equation. Each method is based on a set of core ideas and this volume aims to expl

    Quantum Chemical Topology in Drug Design

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